Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1173038-Black-Fog
Rated: E · Short Story · Ghost · #1173038
Within the black fog is a creature right from your nightmares.

*~~Black Fog~~*

There was a sudden chill that ran down my body. A growl like echo sounded very close to me. I looked around but it was completely dark, I don’t think even a cat with the best eyes would see in this darkness. It seemed thick, as if really thick fog was covering everything. The growl came again, and I sensed danger. I just knew that it was evil and something horrible was going to happen. I just hoped it wasn’t going to happen to me.
Another growl roared in my ears, I felt so week and defenseless that I started to run. With my luck I’ll probably be running towards it!
Then the next thing I heard was.…

The Nutcracker???

It was my alarm on my cell phone and how thankful I was! I quickly grabbed it, like something will hurt me if I don’t, and turned it off. I rubbed my eyes and felt so scared, like the dream was real, that I couldn’t stop shivering. I looked at my clock, 7:15 am, rubbed my eyes again, and went downstairs.
By then I stopped shaking, and went on with my regular routine in the morning before school. I kissed my mom bye, and went off to the bus stop three blocks away.

I met up with some friends and talked about our weekend.
“Uhg, you have no idea how much I hate cleaning my room! It’ll get messy again, and I could never find my things when it’s clean! Strange as that sounds, it’s true!” said Meghan. “Hmm… anyway, how was your weekend?”

“It was alright, I mean…” Then that familiar sound echoed in my ears. I froze, and started to move my eyes slowly; trying to find what was making that noise. There it was again… and I started to get chills.

“Karen, what’s wrong?” Meghan asked, looking at me very confused.

“C-Can’t you hear it?” I asked very softly.

“Hear what? Are you starting to go crazy on me? Come on tell me, what’s up?” obviously she didn’t hear it.

“N-N-Nothing… nothing at all…” I sensed huge danger, like my dream, except this isn’t a dream, and I know it’s going to happen.

The bus arrived late, and I had to share a seat with a person I didn’t know. But I didn’t care; at least the growls are gone. I got out my iPod and started to listen to music as I looked out the window. I started to hear static, and checked the ear plugs. They were fine, but the static got worse. So I just turned it off it put it back into my bag.

And just when I thought I would have nothing to worry about, it came again. That same low evil growl, I looked around and it seems no one else hears it. I didn’t know what scared me most, the evil growl, or the fact that I could only hear it.

Outside was as still as the view from a moving school bus can be. Then the worst came, black fog crept up the road and filled the ground with darkness. I pushed the person next to me out of the seat, and ran to the escape door, opened it and jumped out. And at that moment I knew Meghan thought I was out of my mind.

Luckily the bus stopped before I jumped, but I was still petrified of the black fog below me. I started to run towards my house, before the black fog covered everything in sight. It was up to my waist now, and it felt like it was holding me back, like I was running in water. I tripped on the curb of the sidewalk and landed face flat on the hard ground. I felt the fog consume me, so I quickly got up; afraid it might kill me, and ran as fast as I can.
It got higher within seconds, and I started to jog. It got high enough to make my eye sight become blurry. But I still went on.

The morning that I once thought was normal, went black and the constant growl came to me again. I stopped and asked “What?!” I turned side to side, back to back, looking for the cause of my nightmares. “Show yourself!” Acting brave, trying to ‘confront my fears to conquer them’, but really wanting to never having sight of it.

The black fog moved to make a passage way, and I guessed that it would lead me, or it, to their destination. I started to walk very slowly. After a while I was thinking about walking back home, until I saw a huge wolf-like creature run towards me that made me scream. The thing stopped a few yards away and snarled, showing its bloody-red teeth. Saliva mixed with blood came drooling down its mouth. Its claws were out, sharp and deathly. The fur was a jet black, ruffled mess. The creature’s eyes were like silver moons, reflecting my pale, frightened face. It pounced on me like a furious cat catching a helpless fly. I closed my eyes, and screamed until it brought my death.


Tell me what you think!
( This was partly from an actual dream I had. It was dark and I heard a growl, sensed danger, and woke up frightened. Ah, the wonders of inspiration! )
I know I switch between past and present...I'm horrible at that kind of stuff. Help welcome *Bigsmile*

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