Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1172754-Superboy-meets-Dracula
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1172754
A kid in a Dracula suit asks Jamie to go trick-or-treating, not realizing he's Superboy!
Superboy meets Dracula

The final bell had rung, indicating the end of another school day at J.F. Kennedy Middle School in Metropolis. The quiet hallway was suddenly transformed into a busy area, filled with students who were hustling to get out of the school as soon as possible. That final bell was very important to them, because it meant freedom for the three-hundred kids who went to school there.

Wesley swung his backpack over his shoulder as he started to stroll towards the exit, when he noticed that another boy had quietly caught up to him from behind.

“Hey, Wes!” Jamie said to him, as he positioned himself next to his adopted brother. “Can you take my backpack home with you?”

“Why?” Wesley wondered. “Aren’t you going to ride in the school bus, along with the rest of us?”

“No… I want to fly home today!” Jamie cheered.

Wesley stopped and turned to face his little brother. Jamie’s remark had caught him by surprise, because he normally stayed with Wes and rode the bus home after school.

“How come? Why aren’t you riding the bus home today?”

“I want to see if I can spot any trick-or-treaters this afternoon. Could you please take my backpack home with you?” Jamie asked him sadly.

“Don’t even think about going trick-or-treating as Superboy!” Wesley warned him sternly. “I know what you’re thinking!”

“Awwww… Come on, Wes…” Jamie pleaded with him in reply.

Wesley let a deep sigh, as he accepted Jamie’s backpack from him.

“Alright… Don’t forget that you have your clown costume at home! You’re supposed to go trick-or-treating in that, and not in your Superboy uniform!”

“I know that!” Jamie chuckled. “Well, I gotta go change… Thanks, Wes!”

“See you later, little bro…” Wes mumbled, as he turned to walk out the main entrance of the building.

Jamie went the opposite direction and went to the small bathroom, located behind Mister Bonesworth’s office. He was the only student who knew about that room; and that was because Mister Bonesworth only allowed Jamie to use that room, so he could change into his Superboy outfit, without being seen by the students.

Jamie had walked in the hidden bathroom, wearing gym shorts, a t-shirt with a long-sleeve sweater over it, and tennis shoes. Five seconds later, a short, muscular boy walks out of the room and quietly heads towards the secret back door, which leads to the schoolyard outside. The boy was wearing a blue suit with red trunks, red boots, and a long, red cape which was draped over his broad shoulders. Jamie had transformed into the familiar super hero character of Superboy, the Boy of Steel!

As soon as the hero was outside, he extended his arms before as he leaped into the air. He went soaring across the sky, thanks to his marvelous super powers! Jamie loved being Superboy, and it showed. A wide grin appeared on the boy’s face, while he was flying overhead. The wind was blowing in his face and his cape was billowing behind him as he streaked across the sky at a low attitude.

Superboy was approaching his neighborhood when he spotted the school bus that Wesley and the other classmates were riding in, on their way home. It was Halloween, and all the kids were anxious to get home, so they could change into their costumes. This was the big night for them, and they were looking forward to enjoying and gathering large amounts of free candy, which they would happily collect from their neighbors during the next few hours.

While the Boy of Steel was flying over the park, he spotted a figure down below, who was walking towards a wide street where several large homes were located. The figure was dressed in black and white, and he was wearing a long, wide cape which was completely black. The figure had caught Superboy’s eye, so he decided to dive, hoping that he could land in front of him and commend the kid on his colorful, eye-catching costume.

Superboy dove down and landed on the grass, just a few yards behind the boy with the black cape. He realized that the boy hadn’t seen him yet, so he decided to carefully call out to him, without trying to scare him.

“Wow… I like your cape!” he said out loud. “Your costume is very nice!”

The boy with the black cape stopped and turned around to face the young super hero. Suddenly, the boys gasped while they stood there, facing each other, and staring at one another in amazement.

The young Dracula wore black slacks and black dress shoes, with a white, button shirt with long white sleeves. He had a beau tie and the long, black cape, which was draped over his shoulders. The boy was wearing fake teeth and his hair was as white as snow.

“Well, I like your cape, too!” Dracula responded.

The two boys examined each other from head to toe.

“Your costume is very cool! I could have sworn you were the real Dracula, when I spotted you from a short distance away!” Superboy chuckled.

Dracula looked over the young hero, and he came to the same conclusion, although he didn’t believe that he was actually staring at the real thing.

“Well, speak for yourself! You could be mistaken for the real Superboy!” the Count replied with a grin. “How about you walk along with me? Together, we’ll catch twice as much candy!”

Superboy hesitated for a moment. He remembered Wesley’s words, and he realized that the boy, who was dressed up as Count Dracula, didn’t notice that Superboy wasn’t dressed up for Halloween at all!

“Uhmm…” Superboy mumbled. “This isn’t my costume… I…”

“Oh, come on!” Dracula shouted, as he walked across to the street towards the front door of a large, two-story house. “Your costume is great! Get over here, Superboy! Let’s get some candy!”

Superboy sighed for a moment. He understood that he needed to let Dracula know that he was really who he said he was, and not just some kid wearing a Superboy costume. He felt a little uncomfortable about going trick-or-treating, when he wasn’t really dressed up for Halloween at all! Of course, nobody knew the difference, but him. But, his conscience was bothering him, although he wanted to play along until the time was right to reveal his true identity. He didn’t want to ruin it for Dracula just yet, and he definitely didn’t want to give away who he was, when other people were looking on.

Superboy reluctantly walked up to the door and positioned himself just beside Dracula. The young Count opened up the empty, paper bag, which he held with both of his hands in front of his chest, before he pressed the door bell on the wall.

An elderly couple opened the door and smiles, while they examined the two caped boys who were standing before them.

“Trick or treat!” Superboy and Dracula said in unison, as the Count held up the empty, paper bag with boy hands.

“Oh, Art… look at those two!” the lady chuckled, while she stared at the two costumed kids. “They look so real!”

The lady wore jeans and a sweater. She wore glasses and she had tennis shoes on her feet. The man wore slacks and a button shirt, with a blazer covering part of the front of his shirt. He had sandals on his feet, and he also had a pair of glasses on.

“Well, what have we here?” the man said to his wife. “Look, Dorine… Count Dracula and Superboy stopped by our house to pay us a visit!”

The man held a large, orange, plastic bowl with both hands. The bowl was filled to the rim with small candies, chocolates, lollipops and other shapes of sweets which were all wrapped in sealed plastic.

“Here you go…” the lady said, as she grabbed a handful of candies and poured all of it in Dracula’s paper bag. Then, she grabbed another hand full, and turned to face Superboy, when she stopped and realized that the super hero didn’t have a bag in his hands.

“Don’t you have a bag for the candies?” the lady asked him.

“We… We’re sharing…” Superboy shrugged, as he stared at Dracula.

“Oh… Very well…” the lady replied calmly, as she poured a second handful of candy into Dracula’s paper bag.

“Well, I must commend you two on your costumes” the elderly man said to the boys. “You look like the real Dracula and the real Superboy!”

“Thanks, mister…” Dracula said, as he hurriedly turned around so he could walk towards the next house. “Have a good evening!”

Superboy walked behind him and waited before they were far enough away from the house, so that the elderly couple couldn’t hear them.

“Thank you…” Superboy said to the couple, before he turned around. “Have a good evening…”

“Hey, Dracula… Wait up!” Superboy shouted at the Count. He ran up to Dracula from behind and joined him.

“Isn’t this great?” Dracula cheered, as he turned around and showed Superboy the bag with candy. “Together, we can collect twice as much candy!”

“Uhh… Well… Look, I can’t go trick-or-treating with you anymore… Or, at least, not dressed up like this…” the Boy of Steel said to him, in a sad tone of voice.

“Why not?” the young Count wondered.

“Well…” Superboy began to say. He bowed his head and sighed for a moment.

“What’s the matter?” the Count said impatiently.

Superboy stopped and waited for Dracula to look him in the eye.

“I can’t go trick-or-treating with you like this, because I’m not wearing my Halloween costume” the Boy of Steel explained.

Dracula stared at him in shock.

“Huh? You could have fooled me!” he responded in disbelief.

“Well… I did…” Superboy responded softly, as he rolled his eyes.

Dracula just stared at him with a confused look on his face.

“What are you talking about?” Count Dracula wondered.

“I just want to be honest with you…” Superboy replied. “I’m sorry… But, I’m not dressed up for Halloween at all! I’m not some kid who’s dressed up in a Superboy costume. I really am Superboy!”

“What?” Dracula replied in disbelief.

“Watch this…” Superboy said. He extended both arms above his head, while his entire body slowly began to rise up, off the ground! The blue, caped boy was floating in mid air, hovering about six feet above the ground!

“Holy smoke!” Dracula exclaimed; when it dawned on him that the boy in the Superboy costume was the real thing.

Superboy straightened out his body, so that he was hovering in a horizontal position while still floating six feet above the grass. He then flew around in a wide circle, showing off his flying skills to the unsuspecting Dracula.

“Come down, Superboy!” Dracula shouted at the flying boy. “Don’t fly away! Come down here!”

Superboy stopped in mid air, and rotated his body so that his legs were pointing to the ground, before he descended. He landed with both red boots touching down on the grass, and he was just a few feet before Dracula.

“I’m sorry for not being completely honest with you…” the Boy of Steel said, as he apologized to the boy in the vampire costume, for the second time.

“Please, don’t go away!” Dracula pleaded with him. “Stay with me! We can get a lot of candy, if we do this together!”

“Well, let me go home first and change into my Halloween costume, okay?” Superboy asked him. “I’ll be back in five minutes!”

Dracula just nodded while he stared at the boy.

“I’ll be waiting for you right here! Don’t leave me hanging, or else!” he warned Superboy.

“I won’t leave you here by yourself. By the way… What’s your real name?” Superboy asked him.

“Just call me Count Dracula…” the boy in the black cape replied. “My real name is a secret. I don’t reveal my real identity to anyone! So, how about you?”

Superboy just grinned. Somehow, he had to think about his brother, Wesley, who was much better at protecting his secret identity than he was.

“You can call me Superboy. My real name is also a secret!”

For a brief moment, Superboy was afraid that Dracula was going to reject him, but luckily, the young Count just smiled.

“I understand…” he responded. “Now, go and change into your costume and come back! We’re wasting time here!”

“Okay… I’ll be back in five minutes!” Superboy replied. The boy of Steel then leaped in the air and flew back to his house at top speed, while Dracula sat down at a wooden bench, which was placed at the street corner. The boy pulled out a few chocolate bars and started removing the plastic wrapping from his sweets. He patiently waited for Superboy to return, so he decided to enjoy some of his candy while he sat there.

Dracula smiled when he looked deep into the bottom of the brown, paper bag, as he spotted the large chocolate candy bar. He reached in with his right hand so he could pull the long, brown candy bar out from the confines of the small, brown paper bag.

“Ahh, yes…” he grinned with delight. “Dracula loves chocolate…”

He was about to tear the plastic wrapper off the candy bar, when he felt a powerful gust of wind in his face. Suddenly, he realized that somebody was standing right before him, because the mysterious figure was blocking the light from the sun. When he looked up, he gasped when he saw that a clown was standing directly in front of him!

“Hi, Count Dracula!” the clown said cheerfully. “Have you had any garlic to eat today?”

The boy in the clown-suit wore long, black, pointed shoes with bells on the ends. He wore red-and-white striped socks, and white baggy pants. His long, white shirt had big, round, red buttons sewn on it, neatly lined up from his waist to his shirt collar. The clown had long sleeves and he wore white gloves on his hands. Finally, he had a big, red, round ball covering his nose. His face was painted white and had black markings on it. His lips were outlined in red paint; and his hair was lime-green and curly.

“Su… Su… Superboy?” Dracula wondered, as he slowly stood up so he could look the clown in the eye.

“Shhh!” the clown whispered, as he held his index finger in front of his thick, red lips. “Nobody’s supposed to know that this clown is really Superboy in disguise!”

“Ahh…” Dracula laughed. “I guess I’m the only one who knows your secret identity!”

“Yeah… well, don’t tell anyone, okay?” the clown replied. “Now, I’m ready to go get some candy!”

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get going!” Dracula cheered.

The two boys started walking to the next house, eagerly anticipating the large quantity of candy they were about to collect from the residents. This was going to be their best Halloween ever!

Happy Halloween!
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