Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1172495-Down
by Lena
Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #1172495
Changes. Downward Changes. Please tell me weither or not I should continue.
There was nothing I could do. Or was there? T he thought plagued my mind like a leech. It was something that probably bothered anyone that had just witness something as horrific as a murder. The blood. The sticky red liquid that splashed onto my skin as the victim breathed its last breath. I had been right there, and yet, I remained unscathed. But why? It had been clear that the murderer didn’t have a goal in mind, so there was no reason for them not to go for me too. It’s not as if someone would have caught them if they said a second longer.
It seemed as if when the killer’s eye’s encountered mine that he froze, if only for a second. Then he fled leaving me with the corpse of my best friend, and newly established boyfriend. And yet I couldn’t cry. I felt that if I cried that would mean that he was really gone. If James was gone then I just couldn’t live, giving up on life just wasn’t an option either. I made a promise to someone very dear and I intend to keep it.
What am I to do now? He’s too big for me to lift him myself and its beginning to stink. I can’t just leave him here and there’s no one nearby. Damn short cut.
“What was that?” Someone out in the woods at night, yet again we were. Or is the killer coming back to finish off the job. No, no matter how careful a person is, they could not walk that swiftly. Maybe a fox or wolf, but not human being. My knees finally gave and the leaves only slightly cushioned the fall. Is this how people are driven to insanity?
Suddenly the creature that had been creating the noise from before revealed himself. It was a fox but it was unusual in the way it looked and held itself. The fox’s fur blended much with the night and would have missed it if it had not been so close. It was dignified, something that most forest animals that I had seen showed so plainly.
It frightened me, frankly.
There was a silence and then a faint light that radiated from the canine. In the blink of an eye, a young man took its place. My head grew heavy, and then…

“She’s conscious,” said the young man from before. Everything was still hazy but I could see those two piercing blue eyes. Someone else came up and stared as if examining me. It was a woman, I think.
“You said you found her in the woods, was anyone with her?” she said.
“Well no, but we did find a young mans body it would seem that it was the source of the noise from earlier. And the murderer fled soon after”
“Hmm, I’ll have to question her once she fully comes to. I assure you’ll take care of her.,” she said. He nodded his head as to confirm.
“You’ve been out for quite a while, four days, I think.”
“FOUR DAYS!?” I snapped out my hazy transition. “Yeah. If I hadn’t of found you something hungry would have. Then after you fainted—”
“But it was your fault I fainted.”
“Only partially, at the rate you were going, it was just a matter of time.”
“So where am I? This isn’t the woods.” I couldn’t hold back the questions any longer
“No it isn’t, but I think it’s best for my sister to explain everything. She’ll be back shortly and I think she would do a better job explaining than I could.”
“Then could you at least tell me your name?”
“Sorry, it’s Mathias but I prefer you call me Matt.” He paused, “And yours?”
He started to snicker, at what I was not too sure.
“Your society gives you guys the weirdest names.” He was downright hysterical by the time he finished.
“My name isn’t something you can laugh at, Mathias isn’t exactly normal.” His eyes are more deceiving then than you would think, he was just plain rude. “What do you mean by ‘my’ culture?”
“Emera says that the difference lies in our eyes. Here look.” He brought his face closer to mine, which made me blush, “For some reason the only outward way of to tell between is the slight difference in color. You see most of the eyes of the people you’ve lived with are dark no matter the actual color, while as you can see the color in mine is bright.” James eyes were blue as well, but I must admit that they didn’t stare at me as these ones did. Bright was only the beginning, they had a depth that no one I seen before seemed to have.
“Why is it like that?”
“Don’t know exactly, something to do with genetics. If one of ours and one of theirs get married than their offspring will be a ‘dark eye’, or so they are called, and the ‘light eye’ parent will no longer be able to use their power. Something like that.”
What is he saying? Genetics? Offspring? Powers? This is all too surreal, and to top it all of he never told me were I am.
“Emera’s going to be here soon, she’ll do a better job than I can.”
“Why can’t you? You’re from this ‘society’, right?
“Well yeah. Most of our people are not told of your kind. Emera is a scientist, only those are told, and are sworn to secrecy. I only know this because had a friend that fell in love with a ‘dark eye’ and he’s living with them. I visit him once in a while, which is actually were I was coming from when I found you.”
“Speaking of which, was I hallucinating or did you turn into a fox right before my eyes.”
“Oh that, Well yeah. You see every one born with light eyes has a power, of sorts. Mine is to shape shift. You should—”
Emera crashed through the door. “Mathias, you have to hurry, their coming.”
“Should we go to the hide out, sis?”
“Where are we going?” He placed his index finger over his lips to silence me.
“I’ll stay behind and distract the siege. Take Marinina, I’ll catch up later.”
As soon as Matt grabbed my hand to leave, I began to hear an ear piercing screech and doubled over, holding my head. My head, throbbing in pain, could not seem to take anything that was going on. All other sound was white noise. I think Matt lifted me up and cradled me in his arms, taking me to where ever Emera had instructed.

“Marinina, wake up already, don’t you think you’ve slept enough for one week?”
“Whaaaaaaaaaat.” I yawned, “Why did you call me Marinina, I told you my name.”
“Emera has gone to check the records; your real name is Marinina. They probably said that you were dead like mine did.”
“Why were we being attack?”
“We’re not supposed to be alive. Emera says that fifteen years ago there was a fire in the nursery of the hospital. Many infants died that day but there were a few that even among the ashes remained clear. Those children that lived were though to be the devils offspring and banished with our mothers. Our fathers were slaughtered sadly. There are other ones like us in theory but you’re the first one I’ve actually found. You must keep quite of your real name no matter where you are.”
“And you didn’t tell me this before, why?”
“Well because Emera said that until we were sure that you were one like me.”
“Emera this, Emera that. Do you ever think for yourself?”
It’s just that Emera is the one who rescued me and I trust her.”
“I don’t know her as good as you do but how do you know her intentions? She doesn’t seem anyone special.”
“SHE IS SPECIAL! She saved my life, and well, I’ve grown close to her. She’s like a sister to me.” He yelled, turning to go outside. I just can’t figure him out, groan, MEN. Well at least now I can look around. This place is like a hut, thatched roof, crude wood flooring, and no windows. The only furniture was a couple of chairs and two beds. There was also a hole in the floor near the doorway.
Letting my cat-like curiosity get the better of me, I pranced over to it. There was a string on one end that once pulled revealed a room covered in computer equipment. It was then I heard the doorknob turn and then the solid slab of wood met my face and sent me flying across the room.
“Marinina! MARININA,” Matt shouted, “She’s gone. Emera’s-dead-the-villagers killed-her. What-are-we-going-to-do-now-what-are-we-gonna-do.”
“Slow down, you’re going way too fast.” His tears soaked my shoulder. I tried to comfort Matt but I just could not feel what he was. I had only known her for a matter of minutes but I couldn’t help but have a bad feeling from her. Sigh, nothing I can do about it now.
“Hey Marinina, promise me something,” His voice was weak, “Promise me that no matter what happens to me, you wouldn’t die.”
I was at a lose for words, I just hadn’t expected that at all. Despite that I nodded, and continued to stroke the childish young man’s hair.
© Copyright 2006 Lena (eternallove at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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