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The History Of Man In The Universe
This Is My Story
This Is Your Story by petern@absamail.co.za

This story is billions of years old when the Universe was young and no life existed in the Universe at all.

To explain my role in this is simply that I am not a life in the conventional sense of the word but both a Universe and a God Power.
As such I have no soul nor spirit nor life – I am a power of being and a very ancient one indeed. Timeless in fact.

The universe despite its immense vastness is very much an enclosed almost spherical reality. In the earliest of my memories, and regrettably much has been lost, I moved through the universe towards its edge. At the edge were blue stars which served as a guide towards the edge because they were the youngest.

Once at the edge I passed through the edge of the universe into a different realm.
Indeed the Temple of The Lord Of The Universe is in that realm also, though he didn’t exist at the time. It is a realm as real and tangible as this very world.

Now I found a great deal of life power suffering the most terrible fear and destruction when I entered the realm outside this universe.
What manner of power this was which imposed such great terror I have sadly or fortunately forgotten though I can give you an indication.

Indeed so terrible was this suffering and fear that life still carries memories of it today which is why I am writing this story for greater understanding and compassion towards others.

Knowing that some of this original life power had already been destroyed I weakened myself in order to by destroyed so that I might gain an understanding of what destruction is.

Know then that fear is a part of life, and being of different origin I knew no fear.

I was indeed destroyed by this terror of a power and thereafter a long silence endured during which everything was is stasis – that is all things ceased.

After a time indeterminate I was re-existed, with the knowledge of resurrection and I built primal pyramids in the reality to destroy this original power of terror.
These pyramids were in themselves fearsome and terrible to behold – grey and huge.
However they destroyed the original power of terror completely.

This did not happen in a few moments but it took a long time span to accomplish this.

In the meantime I turned my attention to the great fear and suffering of the life power.

I constructed objects of reality which gave life senses, such as sight and hearing.

I imbued life with powers to alleviate the suffering, some of which I still remember as:

1) Pleading to prayer.
2) Destruction to transient death.
3) Fear Of Destruction to sex.
4) Love – for life itself did not intrinsically imbue love.
5) Sleep for rest and recovery from terror.
6) Humour for confidence.
7) Holiness for power and protection.

I created Earth, not the planet but a substance of reality.

From the earth I fashioned spinning earth disks which took life into them. On the surface of the disks I inscribed symbols linking the objects of reality to the disks so that they would accompany them.

These disks then, and still do now, entered the as then lifeless universe and began to exist life on worlds in this Universe.

Life in all its diversities, plants, animals, humans and many other life beings on other worlds.
These disks continue their work to this day as there is much life power beyond the limits of the Universe still.

As life began to gain foothold on worlds – humans are located in this galaxy, the disk inscriptions gradually developed into writing, art, music and language.
Of these Egypt is my favorite.

And thus the universe is still being populated by a great many different life forms throughout many galaxies through earth disks.

At that time I also created stone statues to assure the life power of its immortality and divert its attention from the terror and fear experienced.

From that dates idol worship – hence the Lord who punished the jews for idol worship was ignorant at the time – but as this is now known things have changed.

Also animal sacrifices date back to the original terrors of life, they are quite dreadful and will cease to exist in time. The sacrifices were originally life power in utmost dread giving up part of itself in order to survive.

In order to attenuate the fear many different thoughts and beings were created at the time, so that many Gods came into being with different religions – the fear would have been far too great to focus on one life form only.

One particular being seeing the still incredible suffering sacrificed itself to save others from destruction. This being was sadly destroyed but resurrected thereafter. In fairly modern terms that is the origin of Christianity.
Christian followers were determined from time immemorial and do truly belong to Christ as do followers of Islam belong to Allah, or Hindus to their powers of life and belief.

Now these various religions are actually cornerstones of life and are found in commonality throughout the living universe.
As is stated in many scriptural teachings of diverse religions.

It is time however that mankind gains an understanding of these events in order to have deeper insight into the reasons for being and the meaning of life.

For example, wars originate from the time where life was desperately trying to gain life from othes life forms I order to continue existence..

The fear of death is actually the memory of resurrected destruction. Death is but a sleep and a transition to another level, which after some time returns in physical form.

I decided to enclose life in a physical body to make it feel secure and evolve in a protected environment, though be it for a short time only. This holds true for all living things
But death is not the cessation of life – life power is far stronger than the physical enclosure and continues to exist afterwards.

Homosexuality too is but an inner expression of primal fear, where like clings to like.

In time these things will cease to be and a loving relationship between male and female is the eventual outcome of human life.

There is much to said yet, but let this suffice for now –

1) Obey the commands of your God whoever it may be.
2) Cherish life and have compassion for others.
3) Tend this earth’s life in all its forms and do not callously abuse nature.
4) Let knowledge and understanding unify mankind across its divisions, and do not be deceived by religious fanaticism etc.
5) The meaning of life is to evolve within this Universe in communion to all and slowly but gradually shed the primal fear still in you.
You do this through love and prayer.

Know there is no intrinsic evil but that it is fear of destruction in the spirit. In this sense evil too can be healed and cleansed. Sin is the spirit of Satan indeed, yet Satan and his are naught else but lives in terrible ancient suffering made spirits.
Even these can bear fruit through understanding.

Be at peace, avoid the superficialities of the world, for the world has no understanding of these things as yet – but the time will come.

On the contrary to the end of the world – it will be a new beginning.

Life evolves continuously, many things which are now thought of as permanent will cease to exist, such as sex for example, to be replaced by higher universe and God powers of greater purity.

There are other ways of procreation through pure love which do not require sex.

But there is a long time yet before mankind approaches this stage.

That is not to say one should view life as is with disdain, for all these manner of things are there to help mankind evolve, but they should be used truthfully, compassionately and with love.

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