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Rated: GC · Other · History · #1172191
this is a short beginning of a historical fiction that I want to create eventually
Chapter 1 Easy pickings

1668 A.D.- A merry group of crew and passengers alike filled the deck of the Sea Gem as she glided along in the partial foggy moonlit night in the ocean not far from Haiti. The sound of feet dancing on the deck and singing filled the air. She was a fairly good sized Dutch Fluyt, she had an almost u shaped hull design with high after castle* and fore castle*. Pipes and fiddles played joyful songs and people swung about in laughter and harmony. One of the crewmembers on deck watch looked out into the black misty sea through a glass, he scanned the horizon and swung past the shape of a boat. Looking back he focused on it. He lowered his glass and hollered to the Captain who pushed through the high spirited crowd, taking out his glass he looked closely and saw the vessel was approaching on the broad starboard bow. He strained his eye to get a glimpse of the colors she was flying. Another crewmember came up and stood next to him.
“We got company eh? The more the merrier” he exclaimed.
Without taking down his glass the Captain kept trying to identify the boat. Suddenly his heart sank as her foremast came into site. A flag flew in the wind as black as the night, and in and out he caught glimpses of white specs on the flag.

The pirate ship was named the Bandit, she was a fair size bigger than the Gem, a big single deck frigate sporting 36 guns. Her bow was bluff and her stern was slightly rounded. She carried twenty four, eighteen pounder cannons on her lower gun deck, ten, nine pounders on her main deck and two nine pounder cannon pointed astern along with various swivel guns mounted along rail. The quarter master cabin followed by the first mates cabin and finally the master cabin were on the after castle above the main deck and just in back of the quarterdeck.
“looks like we got ourselves a lonesome Dutch fluyt.” Said a voice from the captain onboard the approaching ship Bandit. There were small whispers and talk from the other outlaws standing around him. Nicolas Sharp was in his mid twenties, one of the younger buccaneering captains. Sharp had a well perplexed face with darker eyes, he had dark hair that flowed around his head and met up in a tail that ran down to the length of his shoulders along with a mustache and goatee that followed the bottom of his nose down to his chin. Nicolas had fairly maintained clothes while the others were dressed in clothes that were at one time good from the last raid but fell victim to the spray and filth of the men wearing them.
“I‘m bettin she‘s got some gold and riches in her hold.” One of them said, rubbing his hands together.
“ Aye, so it would seem Izblen.” Sharp replied to his first mate.
“Run out the port battery, we won‘t fire unless necessary.” Sharp exclaimed turning to the helm. The pirates dispersed in an eager manner.
On board the Sea Gem, the captain swallowed hard, and lowering his glass he bowed his head and turned to the crewmember.
“Come about to port, she’s a pirate vessel, yet we must not cause panic, try to get everyone situated, alert the other crew, with the right wind we should be able to outrun them.” The captain said under his breath in a very shaky voice. Just as the crewmember turned to carry out his orders, a scream from another in the foremast echoed over the deck.
“Pirates!, broad starboard bow.”
The music died quickly and people stopped dancing, worried voices escalated amongst the crowd. Some looked over and saw the frigate cutting the water, heading for them.
“Everyone, get back astern, men that are able get to the halyards where coming about.” The first mate said shouting orders. The Gem lurched and groaned as she swung to port. The sails lofted in the wind then caught the other side as the stays hauled them into position. By now the pirate ship was closing in fast. The faces of the blood thirsty pirates were now visible. At the last moment the Bandit swung to starboard and slid next to them, hooks showered onto the rigging of the Sea Gem. People ran about in panic now. Some passengers in shear terror jumped over board while others tried desperately to throw the hooks off. The Bandit came along side the Gem and banged slightly against it. Sharps crew started flowing onto the Gem, the men onboard the Gem took up anything they had, a few of the Gem’s crew had swords and duels broke out. Others had pistols, shots rang out with wisps of smoke. Some passengers fought back and resisted but in the end the pirates with the lust for violence and rage overcame what little force that fought back onboard the Gem. In less then 15 min the Gem fell to the Bandit and her pack of outlaws. Sharp swung onto the deck of the Sea Gem which by now was a bloody mess, swords and miscellaneous weapons laid strewn about, blood leaked from the bodies and throats of crew and the little resistance of passengers gathering in small pools here and there. Some rigging was slashed by the violent thrusts of swords. Scuff marks peppered the planks. The few that had given up where cornered in a group, crew and passengers alike. The captain of the Gem lay wounded and looked up into Sharp‘s eyes. Sharp slowly drew his sword and with one quick jab to the Gems captain, killed him instantly. He then turned his attention to the captured walking slowly towards them. The Bandits crew that were rowdy died down a bit as the captain approached. Sharp looked at the captives and started walking past them. Some looked away, others where crying, some held their daughters and sons close with eyes of desperation and mercy. Sharp then swung back to the middle of the quarterdeck and spoke.
“She‘s ours.” He said holding up his hands. The men shouted raising hands and weapons into the air.
“We’ll look through er timber in her and divide evenly, erthing is to be brought to the center of the deck. The remaining captives are to be stripped of anything valuable and set out on the boats, good huntin gents.” The captain lowered his arms and watched as his crew went about sorting the orders. The boats where readied, children, women, and men were searched for anything with value then gathered in the boats and set overboard. Izblen came and stood beside the captain.
“We’ve four wounded on our side and they be small cuts to the legs and ribs.” Izblen remarked.
“Seek to the wounded, have the doctor take care of them immediately.” Sharp commanded to Izblen.
“Aye aye sir.” Izblen said walking off and gathering a few of the crew to carry out the order. Sharp’s crew threw the dead bodies of the Gem’s crew and few passengers overboard like they were nothing. Men now emerged from the hatches with all sorts of riches. Everything from necklaces to gold coins, to rich linens. One of them shouted that they had found sugar cane amongst the barrels of fresh fruit and other goods. Izblen helped to finish up the last of the captains orders he had received then headed down one of the hatches himself. The inside was miraculously clean. All the hammocks lay in neat order from the beams, and personal belongings were set next to each of them. He saw as the crew went pillaging about collecting what valuables they could. A few of the men were discussing the extra ropes in the forward compartments along with fresh canvas that could be used for spare supply. Izblen went searching for medical supplies and other utilities.
Sharp turned and headed into the captains cabin in the after castle . They were a bit smaller than on the Bandit but were in no less better condition. He gathered up a few charts and other things that would prove useful to him then had other crew pillage the rest for valuables. Sharp stowed what he had found in his Quarters, then headed back down onto the Gem. An entire pile of gold and silver lay amongst the wealth found inside the Gem. Barrels started appearing out of the hold, crew on the deck lined them up and prepared them for loading. After a while the entire crew started gathering on deck after their searches had exhausted the supply below. Sharp and a few others helped to divide the gold and silver and each man came up to take one other piece of valuable that was set in a different pile. After all was divided the captain took the share that was given to him and asked to have it hauled to his cabin. Then the rest of the supplies including a spare anchor were loaded onto the Bandit.
“Gents, we seem to have gotten all that proves it’s worth out of this ship. What say you we do with it.”
“I say we sell it.” One crew member said, a few others murmered an agreement.
“The hell with the value of it, I say we burn it.” Another one said, this seemed the better of the two favors.
“All in favor of a bon fire raise ye hand.” Sharp exclaimed. Many hands went up in favor.
“A fire it is, gentleman you have earned this, may many more times like this be abundant, I bid you ado” Said Sharp. He then turned and headed back onto the Bandit and down into her bowls making his way towards the sick bay.
“How are they Izic?” Sharp asked a rather scruffy middle aged man who was ships doctor, he was leaning over one of the hammocks.
“They will survive capn, minor wounds but probably will be out of action for a few days.” Izic replied turning back. Sharp went over to one of the men and peered into his eyes. The crewmember upon looking at Sharp spoke up.
“Aye sharp tis a scratch and no more, I shall be ready for action in no time.” He said.
“Aye rest mate for now, you will be compensated for the time till then.” Sharp replied with a half smile. The others wounded hearing the captain sighed and relaxed better in the medical hammocks. Sharp walked back toward amidships past the rows of guns and hammocks. Crew were walking about stowing the guns and heading in and out of the hatches. Sharp talked with various crewmembers and visited the cook in the kitchen as he was preparing space for some of the new supplies they had taken on.
“Aye Jaques you can feed the crew and I some real food now so I would say.” Sharp exclaimed leaning against one of the beams with a grin.
“I don‘t think I could say it any better myself capn.” Jaques replied with a short chuckle and turning back to his work. Sharp then finally retired to his cabin leaving the duty of stowing the new supplies and getting underway up to the men who ran about celebrating and filling their sea starved souls with excitement. Sharp sat back in his chair, he was glad that they had come across the fluyt, not a better time to catch a ship then on her home voyage loaded with cargo. After a while of thinking he turned towards the windows facing out to the Stern. The fog was laid in heavy and the water seemed to stop right at the fogs edge. The night air seemed to wallow in slowly from the open windows and caress his face. Sighing, he turned away and walked back to his table. The sails where hoisted and the Bandit’s bow began parting the water as it lumbered and disappeared into the fog, leaving the remains of bodies, broken timbers, and the blazing hulk of the Gem. Meanwhile onboard the Bandit, the crew was rowdy, as the double pint of rum ration was issued do to the new supply. The men on watch where only aloud one pint until they where off duty. Jaques took the night off with the crew and ate the fresh vegetables and salted meats that were rationed out of the barrels.
There was a rap on Sharp’s door. He rose out of his chair and opened it, finding his cook standing there with a fresh plate of vegetables and meat, along with a pint of rum.
“Ah you’re a good lad Jaques.” Sharp exclaimed taking the dinner.
“Your welcome captain, ner I seen the crew in such high spirits, may we celebrate victory.” The cook said turning and closing the door. Sharp sat down and enjoyed a filling meal, one he hadn’t had in a long time. After dinner he roused the crew to the main deck and stood above them on the quarterdeck. He went over the plans of what to do next. Sharp and his crew had decided that Tortuga was the next best option, to organize supplies and spend earnings. The Bandit tacked, changing course and following the trade winds east, she started making way for the island of Tortuga.

Chapter 2 Tortuga with a surprise

The next day, the fog broke bringing an amazing sun rise that seemed to singe the edges of the sea with an orange glaze. The Bandit cut the water fiercely as it flew through the sparkling sea. Sharp awoke, and rose slowly. He dressed himself in an outfit that was stolen from the Gem. It was a ruby red, with gold and silver lines that outlined the jacket in fashionable form. Small gold pieces hung from each button, the white undershirt came out the sleeves in ruffles, and fit nicely under the jacket. Sharp opened his door and headed past the officers quarters and out onto the quarter deck. Izblen sat at the helm talking with the bandit’s gunner, his name was Rustaffe, a bulky guy with a protruding face that seemed to sling down into his neck.
“Mornin capin, the sunrise couldn’t be better says I.” Rustaffe exclaimed.
“I indeed.” Sharp replied looking out onto the rolling sea. He looked down upon the deck and saw some of his crew touching up on woodwork, others were scrubbing the decks and gunnels, cleaning what they could. Jaques noticed the captain was up and fixed him some breakfast bringing Sharp some fresh eggs and a mug of ale.
“Thank you my good man.” Sharp said taking the plate and cup. Jaques raised his hand to his head then went back down into the ship.
“If the wind be in our favor, Tortuga shall not be more then two and half hours off the bow.” Izblen commented checking the compass and adjusting the helm. Sharp nodded and felt the refreshing sea breeze as it glided by the back of his head and around his face. The breeze carried a trace of the smell of the ship which seemed to swarm in his nostrils. The sails seemed to be enjoying the breeze as they stayed steady, pushing the ship along it’s course. The rigging creaked with the small lurches of the Bandit.
* * *
After about two and a half hours, the look out on the foremast spotted a spec of land cutting off the horizon. There it was, the island of Tortuga.
“Ah, there she be, Tortuga.” Izblen said.
As the Bandit approached, they sailed past various other vessels heading out of the harbor. A small town was set in away from the white sandy beaches. The town was on the south side of the island. The Bandit furled sail as she slowly came to a stop, the anchor was dropped and the boats were made ready to go ashore. Sharp was preparing one of the boats when there was a shout of commotion below deck. Sharp dropped the rope he was untying and walked over to see what was wrong. He saw some one strange quickly coming up the hatch, Sharp drew his cutlass and stopped the person at the top of the hatch, the tip of his blade was right at the persons throat. He realized that the person was a girl. Behind her several crew reached up and grabbed her, trying to take her back down.
“Stop!” shouted Sharp in a stern growly voice. The crew members halted, and let go of the girl. Sharp put his cutlass away and took the girl by the collar bringing her onto the main deck. He was at first confused as to how the girl had gotten aboard. He figured she was from the Gem and perhaps a few of the crew had taken her below with out him knowing. He released his grip on her slowly, and stepped back to look at her, she didn’t try running but tears were streaming down her face. The others on the main deck stopped what they where doing and gathered around. Sharp looked into the young girls face, she had to be no more than 18 years of age. She had deep blue eyes and tufts of light blonde hair that came out of her bonnet in places. Her face was blush and beautiful with perfect features.
“Who is responsible for this young girls presence aboard ship.” Sharp said rather demandingly. Several crew emerged from the hatches.
“It was our doing capn, she’s the only one we took. No other crew member had part in this. It was our doing alone and it was with out your consent and for that I beg your pardon.” One of them said speaking for both. The captain took his eyes back to the girl.
“Are you not from the Gem?” Sharp exclaimed in a rather lighter voice.
“I…I am, I was on my way back home.” The girl replied in a voice that was stuttering with fear and sadness. Sharp stepped up to her staring deeply into her face. She began to shake looking away from his eyes. Sharp then stepped past her and turned around.
“All of you that are relieved from ship watch are to continue making ready to go ashore. What you do with your share is up to you, anything you sell other than your share is to be brought back and divided evenly.”
“As for you.” He said to the girl, “Follow me.” He walked the girl back up to his cabin. He sat her in a chair opposite his table then took his seat in his gold plated chair. He saw she was sick with fear, she sat there with her head lowered. One thing that separated Sharp from other merciless captains is that he had a lenient side towards his female captives.
“Me lass, do you have a name?” He asked in a soft voice.
“A..An..Anna.” She said barely talking still looking down.
“Anna…well Anna, forgive me that I hadn’t welcomed you aboard my ship when you arrived. Had I known that a few of my crew had taken you, I would have taken action against it.” Sharp said. Anna didn’t stir but, her shaking seemed to die down.
“I can assure you that I have no intentions of killing you, nor shall I let my men. Who where you with on the Gem?” Sharp asked.
“I was in the hands of a wealthy merchantman who I was left to after my parents were lost in a shipwreck. I was young when my parents died, and happened to be at home with the merchantman and his wife, thats when the news came. He and his wife were friends of the family. I was with the merchantman and his wife onboard the Sea Gem, going back home when your ship attacked. I was down stairs hiding until I smelt smoke and when I emerged from my hiding place I saw a few of the crew setting fire to the Sea Gem and then they saw me. I tried to run but had nowhere to go and they caught me. They told me if I said one word or tried to fight they wouldn’t hesitate to kill me. With that, they brought me aboard, and the rest of the crew didn’t really seem to care.” Anna finished. After Anna was finished speaking Sharp got up. He reached over grabbing a few biscuits, and an apple that he had. He offered them to Anna who at first was hesitant, then with hunger took them and began to eat rather rapidly.
“I would like to tell you that we be settin you free here, but as I must say this is no place for a girl like you. You’ll be nothing but a prostitute on the streets, and vulnerable to rape.” Sharp told her. “How ever you are welcome to stay with me, I will make sure the crew harms you not. In return, I have a favor of you. It would be of some courtesy that you wash my clothes and look after my cabin. I also hope to gain the trust that you will not take action of any kind. Like I said in return I would protect you until further notice and make sure that the crew lays but not one hand on you.” Sharp said looking out through the starboard windows at the near by beach.
“I…I..shall.” Anna replied hesitating at first but realizing the situation.
“Well good then, welcome aboard the Bandit, now I am going ashore, your more then welcome to stay in my quarters until I get back. I’ll inform the ship’s watch of you and go on my way.” Sharp said nodding and heading out the door. Sharp alerted the watchmen and went aboard the small landing craft. Several crew lowered him and his oarsman into the harbor and they slowly made way for the beach. Anna sat in her chair still, paralyzed with confusion as to why the Captain seemed to have a gentle heart, and yet kill people at will. She was still very weary and scared. She began to shudder again as she looked around the cabin. Besides the gold trinkets and piles of coins that were arranged around the cabin, it was filled with death. A few pistols sat in their mounts on the wall followed by several cutlasses, one was stained with a tinted red. Most likely the innocent blood of merchants, or perhaps the cutlass ended the lives of attackers or military men of all origins. A retired black flag with a skull in the center and two swords through it hung on one side of the wall. A tear of anger, fear and sadness began to drip down her cheek.
Meanwhile Sharp arrived on the beach of Tortuga, the white sand was like powder beneath his boots as he trotted ashore. It was refreshing to be back on land once again. The scene was pretty much the same as the last landing with drunks laying about, and people selling various items in the street. Fights broke out often, and the ladies seemed to almost beg for your money with their whorish clothes. Sharp spotted a few of his men bargaining with various men at stands selling and trading the plunder from the Gem. Others took their share and used it towards the ladies that flocked the streets. Sharp headed for the local pub. He opened the door and was almost knocked backwards by a drunk stumbling out of the bar. Sharp grabbed him and stared into his eyes, the drunk instantly began begging for Sharp to forgive him. In return Sharp let go of him with a shove and walked into the pub. Sharp walked with out a doubt of confidence as he approached the counter. People stepped out of his way and others quieted down as he walked passed. He was a well known figure amongst the thieves and rouges that inhabited the island. He once slit a persons throat that called him a cabin boy, and upon pulling the guys tongue through the gash in his throat he told the rest in the pub that anyone else who wants to seek their death may they speak up. Everyone fled the bar.
“What can a man of my kind get at a place like this.” Sharp said laying down a few shillings.
“Ah capin Sharp, I give you nothing but the best.” The bartender said handing him a fresh mug of ale. After finishing up in the pub, Sharp walked back out into the streets. He stood around talking with acquaintances and friends alike. When the sun began to set, he gathered up his oarsmen and was rowed back out to the Bandit. Sharp clamored up over the side and walked back into his quarters to find Anna asleep. In courtesy he covered her with an extra blanket on his bed. Then he went back out and told the Watchmen that they would get their chance to go ashore the next day once the returning crew had sobered up. When the sunlight was nothing but a mere glow on the western horizon, the crew lit a few lamps out on the main deck and the rest of the lamps down below. Sharp stood at the rail, and saw several of the boats returning, as he could see the dim spots of light rising up and down as they approached. Other ships where anchored out in the harbor and were also giving off spots of light that seemed to shine off the water and reflect in jagged lines. He heard the chatter and laughter that seemed to flow from boat to boat and gather in the night air. Sharp gathered the crew later that night and discussed the issue about Anna. The crew agreed not to touch her or it would be he to lose his next share in the next raid. After he spoke a streak of lightning caught his eye as it veered down to the horizon, lighting up a patch of clouds. There was a small rumble of thunder that followed. Sharp gave the orders to prepare the ship for a storm.
With in the cabin, Anna could barely make out Sharp as he spoke to his men. She was still lying in the corner with a the blanket sharp gave her. The clock in his cabin, read 11 30 pm. There was the sound of a door opening, Anna shut her eyes pretending to be asleep. Sharp walked down the corridor past Izblen’s quarters and headed into his. As he walked in he found Anna still asleep. He stopped and looked at her face that glowed in the light of the small lamp that flickered on the table. Anna could almost feel his eyes staring at her. Sharp turned his eyes from her, disrobing his coat and the fine pants that were taken from the Gem. There was another flash of lightning that flickered in the port window. Sharp blew out the lamp, and climbed into bed. Anna opened her eyes again in which they were greeted with the darkness of the cabin. She heard a few rumbles of thunder along with more flashes of light that highlighted the cabin then just as quickly as it had come it was dark again. There was a small repeated number of taps as rain began to fall on the deck outside, the taps became more frequent then turned into a consistent harmony. She felt comfortable on her make shift bed but didn’t feel like sleeping and thought she’d never get to sleep, but just as she was thinking of the thought, her eyelids began to feel heavy. The rain outside soothed her somewhat and slowly closing her eyes, she fell fast asleep.

Anna awoke slowly the next morning, she read the clock, it was 8 30. She looked up and was startled to see Sharp standing over her.
“Care to join me for breakfast?” Sharp inquired holding out a hand. Some how Anna trusted his gesture and reached up taking hold of his. She saw that he had scones, fruit and various other things laid out on the table.
“We set sail today, in the afternoon is what I am planning on.” Sharp said taking a bite out of a scone.
“Where is it you plan on heading if you don’t mind me inquiring.” Anna replied rather confidently now.
“Where ever our fortunes carry us, South down the coast of South America is our intentions.” Sharp replied. Anna nodded and took an apple. The sunlight protruded in through the cabins windows. Droplets of water were still on the windows from the previous nights rain. The sun seemed to be distorted as it shined in through the glass. After Sharp was finished eating he left the table, heading out to the quarterdeck, his boots were squeaky on the wet planks. Anna finished and cleared the plates that were on the table. By late afternoon, the rest of the boats had arrived with the men that were on shore leave. They weighed anchor and the Bandit set sail. She slowly lingered out of the harbor and out into the ever rolling sea.
Days began to pass to weeks as the Bandit sailed south, there were no signs of sail on the horizon. Sharp did what he could to keep the moral of his men going, this was all routine for them, the weeks with out excitement. Anna was getting used to ship life aboard a pirates vessel and held true to sharp’s agreement, protection in exchange for keeping his cabin fit. The one thing she hated most was the lack of hygiene onboard although sharp did allow her to bath in the an old tub that was filled with sea water. captain Sharp had let her set it up in his cabin as to allow privacy.

Chapter 3 A strange light

One night Izblen was out on deck with the night watch. The sky was overcast since the day began, and it seemed to affect the distance that one could see. He scanned the sea with his glass, passing the aft port he spotted a light, he swung back and tried to fixate just what it was, he thought he made out a dim outline of a ship. Failing to identify exactly what it was he decided to rouse Sharp. Sharp was awoken by a tapping, he looked up and found Izblen standing there next to him.
“Sir we’ve got something strange on our port side.” He said breathing rather heavily. Sharp immediately got out of bed throwing on a jacket and slipping into a pair of pants. He headed for the door. Anna more comfortably on a few layers of blankets looked up, and saw Sharp and Izblen head out of the cabin. Sharp came out and turning he walked to the quarter deck shortly followed by Izblen, there were other men gathered on the rail.
“It‘s got to be a ship” One of the crew said softly. Sharp extended his glass and pointed it at the dimly lit light hovering in the distance. He tried to make it out but only saw the one light and perhaps the outline of a ship. The light then faded and seemed to lure off to the right disappearing. Sharp lowered his glass confused. They stood there silent for a minute not knowing what to do. The light appeared again and this time they made out a ship that was running parallel with them. The ship then fired off a few short rounds. Sharp yelled to take cover and the crew hit the deck but nothing struck the Bandit nor anywhere around it. Sharp got up and instantly started yelling out commands
“Rustaffe have your men run out the port battery, Izblen rouse the men all hands alert.” Sharp said with a stern and quick tongue as he walked back down the deck. One of the crew rang the bell calling for all hands. There was commotion below as people leaped out of their hammocks and began to prepare the Bandit for battle. Anna heard the commotion and the sounds of footsteps above. Gun ports swung up along the side of the Bandit and the barrels of Cannon’s emerged out of the square holes. Sharp told Rustaffe the estimated bearings of the muzzle flashes. Rustaffe walked down the line of cannons repeating the bearings and the angle of the cannons. Rustaffe shouted the order to fire. The Bandit’s port side let out a roar as the 17 guns lit off in tandem. Anna plugged her ears from the shouts of the cannons. The guns recoiled into their breach ropes, and the men quickly went to work reloading them. Sharp again was dumbfounded of the slowness of the apposing ship’s reloading time, he eventually saw more muzzle flashes and this time a good number of them compared to the last time. One caught the bandits rail, destroying a small portion of it. The Bandit returned fire. Sharp looked out of his glass. This time he barely made out the silhouette of the opposing ship. From the incoming cannon fire she seemed to have a smaller number of guns compared to the Bandit. Anna scrambled to the corner of Sharp’s cabin. Sharp heard the Bandit’s guns echo as he watched the muzzle flashes light up the starless night, the light seemed to glow in the gathering smoke.
He gave Rustaffe new bearings and ordered Izblen to hold the rudder in the present heading. More cannon fire flew in from the other ship. The Bandit’s gun once again interrupted the silence. This time Sharp saw the cannon fire hit it’s mark. The returning fire became less and less accurate, Sharp looked and strained to see if they were changing course. One more rain of cannon fire came from the ship then it fell silent. The Bandit still fired back, pounding the other ship. Sharp gave orders to cease fire. The order was passed down amongst the crew who passed the cease fire down the line. The glow began to grow spreading along the ship. Meanwhile Anna let go of her ears, she was breathing heavily and began to calm herself down. Sharp ordered for the Bandit to make way to the ship. The sails were adjusted and the Bandit made way towards the opposing vessel. After a short while the Bandit sailed up passed the disabled ship then set back and swung around to come back down closer on it. As they approached, Sharp made out more and more of the ship. He noticed her colors were Spanish and it turned out to be a small military brig, the men onboard were shouting a surrender, and showing their hands. She seemed to be listing to her starboard side. Sharp gave out orders to prepare for hand to hand combat if necessary. The Bandit came along side the injured brig. Sharp and a boarding crew jumped onto the deck of the brig. People ran about down below trying to get the injured men up to a dryer spot of the ship. The captain approached Sharp. He saw Sharp’s eyes and stopped in his tracks. Sharp ordered for him to step closer.
“Were taking on water, she’ll be submerged in less then an hour.” The captain said in a nervous voice. Sharp reached out and grabbed the captain.
“Well you better hurry up and talk. Where is your destination, are you hunting down pirates?” Sharp said bringing him right to his face.
“No..No sir we are merely escorting a-” The captain went silent.
“Escorting? Escorting what? a ship, where is this ship.” Sharp said shaking him. The captain was still silent.
“If you do not tell me the whereabouts of the ship your escorting, I will personally kill you and every single one of your men slowly and painfully do you understand my terms?” Sharp shouted. The captain gave in and told Sharp about the merchant vessel that was in the brig’s wake and not even a two hour trek behind them. It’s name was the Fair Lady. They separated in the night and the brig was waiting around for their arrival. He had previously told the captain of the Fair Lady that if they were separated he would fire off a few blanks to let them know where they were. The captain of the brig saw the Bandit floating off it’s starboard side, the captain thinking it was the merchant vessel went through a few blanks to let them know where the brig was. With his questions answered, Sharp threw him back and he fell to the deck. Sharp fetched the brigs papers, her name was the Royal Crown and he found papers that showed she was a registered Spanish navel ship. Sharp thought about the fortunes which followed the brig. He decided to let the brig and it’s crew go, their faith was in the few boats they had aboard. Sharp and his crew maneuvered the Bandit passed the badly mangled hulk of the Royal Crown, heading in the direction from which the merchant vessel was following. Sharp headed back down onto the gun deck. People went about stowing the guns away and cleaning up the mess of the short but intense battle. Izblen reported that there were no casualties, the only incident was a man standing to close to the cannon, and when the cannon recoiled it smashed into his leg shattering his femur. Sharp reported back to his cabin. Anna was sitting there still in the corner.
“What happened?” She said looking up. Sharp told her about the incident and sat down at the table looking over a few charts.
“Is it over with?” She asked him.
“Is what over?” He replied still looking over the chart.
“The fighting.” She said.
“For the moment, there’s another vessel we are hunting for as I speak.” He replied not even stirring. Anna had that feeling again wondering how he could commit such evil and not have a second thought about it.

Onboard the Fair Lady, the mate looked out onto the horizon off the bow. Everyone on deck seemed fairly quiet. The Fair Lady was a small galleon. One crewmember had thought he’d seen dots of light flickering on the horizon and heard repeated beats, like that of cannon fire.
“I have not seen anything else for a about an hour and a half now.” The crew member said to the first mate. The mate took down his glass and tampered with the thought in his mind, could that be the Royal Crown letting them know where it was, perhaps they had gotten into trouble, the thought repeated through the mates mind.
Sharp was alerted when lights were spotted directly off the bowsprit. He was pretty sure this was the vessel they were looking for. Sharp didn’t want to spook it so he devised a deviant plan. They were going to lure the ship in by setting up fake lights that made the Bandit appear smaller and when it got close enough, they would trap it, cutting off it’s path of escape.
The mate on the Fair Lady spotted lights coming towards them, he alerted the captain who came out.
“It’s probably the Royal Crown.” The captain replied.
“What if it isn’t, perhaps she’s in trouble.“ The crewmember who spotted the cannon fire said.
“Nonsense.” The captain replied.
“But-” He was interrupted by the captain.
“I am the captain of this boat, and our orders are to maintain course towards the Royal Crown, on your way.” The captain said looking at the approaching lights. The crewmember mumbled and walked aft. Sharp watched as the Fair Lady came closer and closer to the Bandit. He waited until the last possible moment then executed his plan.
“Izblen, maintain full course towards the Fair Lady.” Sharp said bringing in his glass. Izblen nodded and continued towards her. Sharp alerted the others and the crew began to prepare for boarding once more.
“Were going to scare them and force an immediate surrender.” Sharp exclaimed to the others on the deck. He commanded Rustaffe to let out a volley of cannon fire on the port side to intimidate them, the gun crew put out the port battery once more, while another raised the jolly roger.
Meanwhile onboard the Fair Lady the captain jumped back as the cannon fire spewed out of the Bandit. He brought up his spy glass and saw the ship was much bigger than it had presented itself as, it was flying a black flag with a sword through a skull. The mate of the fair lady rushed up.
“Captain, shall we turn and run, what’s the order?” The mate said franticly. The captain fell silent and told the mate to tell the crew that it’s best if they surrender. The Bandit slowly came along side the Fair Lady. Sharp and a few of his men jumped aboard with swords and pistols in hand. The captain of the Fair Lady stood near the main mast, his crew was scattered about along the back of the boat waiting to see what would happen.
“It is wise of you to surrender your ship captain, in return I hold my bargain your crew shall not be harmed.” Sharp said in a stern voice. He nodded for Izblen to take a portion of the crew to steal any goods out of the holds.
Anna emerged from Sharps quarters, she walked towards the railing. Other crew members of the Bandit stood eagerly along the side, excited about the new prize they had found. She managed to get far enough down the rail where she looked over. Sharp stood onboard the Fair Lady talking with the captain while others pillaged her holds. The crew was rowdy as they plundered her. After they were done, Sharp told the Captain about the misfortune of the Royal Crown and that they might have time to rescue what was left of the survivors. With that Sharp turned and began to board the Bandit.
“Wait one bloody second.” A person said emerging from the crew of the Fair Lady. Sharp stopped and turned around.
“My captain has done nothing but deny my rights aboard this damned merchant vessel, if with all respect I would like to join your crew.” The man said standing in front of the others. It was the person who originally had spotted the cannon fire. Sharp turned to the gathered crowd on the Bandit’s railing. There were murmurs from Sharp’s men which agreed that one more man wouldn’t harm them.
“Welcome aboard.” Sharp said to the crewmember he then turned to Izblen. “Izblen make sure you give this man the rules aboard this ship” Sharp exclaimed. Sharp then walked up onto the Bandits deck. The crewmember abandoned the Fair Lady and stepped aboard. When all was settled the two ships departed and the Bandit headed out again hunting for more prey.

Chapter 4 A story and Sail in sight

The next few days aboard the Bandit were slow, the sun was hot and the wind all but a whisper. Sharp was sitting on the starboard rail towards the helm sharpening his dagger. Anna emerged from the after castle and stepped out onto the sun heated deck. She squinted in the sudden bright light. There were voices above and she looked up. The masts stood tall against the cloudless blue sky, the sails luffted in the light occasional breezes. Several crew members were up in the masts repairing sail and completing various tasks. She looked back down and across the deck. Other crew members were scrubbing the decks and cleaning some of the nine pounders* and swivel guns*. She looked aft and saw Sharp leaning back, sharpening his knife. Anna studied his weathered face and couldn’t help but notice his good looks beneath, she then caught herself in the midst of her thought and shook it away as she walked up to him.
“Kind of hard to get anywhere in these breaths of wind wouldn’t you say?” Anna exclaimed. Sharp noticing the shadow blocking the light and the voice of Anna, brought the dagger away from the sharpening stone and looked up.
“I couldn’t agree more with that statement.” Sharp replied staring back into her blue eyes. Anna then stepped beside him and sat herself down on the deck leaning against the side of the Bandit. Sharp turned his attention back to sharpening his dagger.
Anna not trying to stare at Sharp had other questions running through her head, where was he from, what turned him to be a cut throat pirate, and most of all, where does his hospitality come from.
“So what’s your story?” Anna asked with a bit of anxiety but the longing to know succeeded it. Sharp stopped sharpening his knife, a hesitated look came over his face and he then continued sharpening.
“What do you mean?” Sharp replied with a question not looking back from the knife.
“Well when I was captured I gave you most of my story, where I came from who I am. I want to know about you.” Anna said looking at Sharp with a serious face. Sharp then sheathed his dagger and set the stone aside, he rubbed his hands together then looked up across the deck and onto the rolling horizon. Anna could see that he was in deep thought. He squinted his eyebrows and pressed his lips.
“I suppose……” Sharp stopped and coughed a bit. Anna saw that he was having trouble trying to figure out how to tell his story.
“It all started when I was a young lad not more then 12 years old.” Sharp said and began telling his story.
Sharp grew up in an English harbor town in the Caribbean. He always watched the boats come and go with trade and supply. Sharp was an only child and lived with his parents in a small farm house a ways in from the town which was down along the shore, they had virtually no money and made a hard living. He remembered having a happy life as an early child. His mom raised him most of the time since his dad was always working down with the ships unloading and loading cargo. He loved playing by the water and dreamed of a life at sea. Years later when he was 16 his parents were murdered, so he set out for a life at sea onboard a merchant vessel. The vessel was then attacked by a Spanish privateer and he was captured and taken to prison. But luck for Sharp was not all lost, he escaped one night with a small group of outlaws and stole a small vessel and sailed out of the harbor from then on he became a pirate. He joined the brethren of the coast and became well known. Sharp then joined with other pirates and become wealthy off of plundering merchant ships. He finally had a 32 gun frigate built for himself and ever since then he has plundered and prospered along the Spanish main and surrounding territories. Sharp finished and looked at Anna. Anna suddenly found that her questions were mostly answered. She almost found a new way to understand him. Sharp made out a semi smile, and Anna smiled back. Not long after a voice rang out from the look out.
“Sail ho on the horizon, dead ahead capn.” The watchman said. Sharp instantly took his eyes away from Anna and getting up, he walked down onto the main deck past the men doing their work. He approached the bow and took out his glass scanning the horizon. Sharp barely made out a spec that took the shape of a sail. He lowered the glass slowly. Sharp jumbled the thought of the unknown ship in front of them, was it a navy ship perhaps it was another prize waiting to be taken. He would have to wait and see. Sharp then walked back and up to the quarter deck, by this time the men on deck were talking and pointing at the small object way off.
“Izblen to the quarterdeck if you will please.” Sharp ordered. Izblen came up next to him.
“Yes capn?” Izblen replied.
“Alert the off duty crew I want all hands on deck.” Sharp said in a stern voice.
“Aye sir.” Izblen replied. He then rung the bell and shouted for all hands on deck. There was commotion amongst the crew as the ship was called to attention. The men then gathered before the quarterdeck.
“There is sail in sight dead ahead gentleman.” Sharp exclaimed. The crew talked amongst themselves, an excitement grew in the air.
“How ever we do not know her type, size, or what color she flies. We will keep a good eye for her movements.” Sharp said scanning his crew.
“Aye a good eye we shall keep, but only one be good for me.” said one of them popping out a glass eye. The crew laughed with higher spirits.
“Dismissed.” Sharp said. The crew split off, some went below deck while others went back to their work. Sharp once more walked up to the bow and looked again at the mystery ship ahead. He heard footsteps walking up behind him then they ceased.
“What do you suppose the ship is?” Anna’s voice asked.
“It’s as much of a mystery to me as to you my dear.” Sharp said turning around and once more staring into her beautiful eyes. Suddenly they both looked at each other in an almost romantic fashion, they started to get closer towards each other but Sharp turned and walked past her. Anna still looked ahead as if he were still standing there, she then lowered her head and turned back the other way.
Nightfall settled in and the air became more comfortable. Sharp sat at the table in his quarters. The lamp on the table flickered about the cabin along with several others casting a gentle glow. Sharp looked over his ships log and made an entry of the sail that was in front of them. Suddenly there was a knock at his door.
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