Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1171853-The-Haunted-House-Giant
by Dylan
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1171853
This story is about a boy named Jerry and his scary experience with his own Haunted House
It was Halloween eve, and all the children were so excited. Tomorrow at this time they would be Trick or Treating and getting tons of candy. It all seemed like a good night. Until Jerry went to put the finishing touches on his Haunted House.

Every year, Jerry, a boy of 15, made a Haunted House from materials he bought during his summer job the year before. He started the Haunted House 2 weeks before Halloween. He couldn’t wait for his friends to come the next night to help scare all the little kids. He was going to be the ghostly host, and his friends dressed as random scary figures, like headless men and vampires. Anyway, Jerry went out around 10 o’clock on this night to finish the painting of the house. The outside was done. He just had to paint the small entry hall. He went in and turned on the lantern. It seemed dimmer than usual, but he didn’t think anything of it. He painted for a good hour, then he really noticed the light getting dimmer. He could barely see the wall in front of him. He tried to turn it off and back on. It went off…but not back on. He still didn’t think anything strange was going on. It probably ran out of batteries. So he felt his way out and went back to his house. He came back 10 minutes later with new batteries. He replaced the batteries in the lantern and turned it on. Nothing. He started to get scared. He heard footsteps coming from the next room. He tried to open the door but it wouldn’t budge. He heard a loud scream.

Jerry didn’t know what happened. After the loud scream he closed his eyes tight. Then when he opened them, he was in his bedroom and it was pitch black outside. He thought to himself “Good. It was only a dream.” But things didn’t seem right. He closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. He got up, and then stopped. He looked out the window. It was bright and sunny. It was dark less than a minute ago. He walked out of his room. It seemed normal. He looked into his parents’ room, no one was there. He searched the house. He was home alone. He looked outside at his normally busy neighborhood. There was no one. He went outside to check on his Haunted House. It wasn’t there. He began to freak out. What was going on? He called all his friends and all the phone numbers he could find. No one answered. He decided he should find out the date and time. It was 8 A.M. on October 31st. The problem was he couldn’t find the year anywhere. He broke into his neighbor’s house and looked at the calendar. There was a huge battleaxe stuck into the wall where the year was. He figured it was some kind of trick.

He decided to take his parent’s car. He broke into every office he could find in town. Every calendar had a huge battleaxe stuck on the calendar where the year was. He started getting scared. On his way back home, he noticed the Haunted House was back in his yard. It’s impossible. There’s no one left in town! Then he remembered the night before. The broken lantern. The door that wouldn’t budge. The scream. It didn’t make sense. He went into the Haunted House. The door worked fine and the lantern turned on and off like it was brand new. This didn’t make sense. He heard the scream again and closed his eyes tight. When he opened them, he was still in the Haunted House. Only he wasn’t alone.

Standing there in front of him, at least 7 feet tall, was a giant with a battleaxe like the ones in the calendars. It was holding a huge sack that stretched along the entire house and out to the back of the Haunted House. It then went underground. It didn’t look like it would end anywhere near the surface. The giant swung at Jerry with his battleaxe. Jerry dodged the axe and ran to the door. Once again, it wouldn’t budge. The giant screamed and put its sack on the ground. It reached into the sack and grabbed a body. It was hard to see with the blood, but it was Jerry’s neighbor. Stabbed through the heart with a battleaxe, like the calendars. He screamed at the sight. The giant threw the body at Jerry. It hit him right in the head. He fell back against the door. Even with that force, the weak door didn’t move. Jerry kept screaming at the sight of his neighbor’s bloody, dead body on his stomach. The giant kept throwing random bloody bodies at Jerry. He got disoriented, so he only recognized a few. His friends from school. Local workers he has seen before. Even his brothers and parents. He soon fainted. The weight was too heavy on him. The last thing he heard was the giant’s evil laugh.

He woke up without a clue as to what was happening. He noticed he was in his room. He sat up in bed. His head felt very heavy. He rubbed his head. He had an ice pack on his head. He had a terrible headache and stomachache. He couldn’t feel his feet and he couldn’t move his legs. He looked around. No one was there. He screamed, remembering what he thought was his dream. His parents soon came rushing in. He was so happy to see them. But he had just seen their dead bodies. It all seemed so real. How could this be happening? He explained his dream to his parents, leaving out the part of him breaking into houses and offices and stealing his parents’ car, thinking he’d get in trouble. His parents were silent through the whole story. They then looked at each other. No one spoke for what felt like hours. No sounds, not even the usual laughter of the kids outside playing in the street. Then his parents got up and walked to his closet. They stepped in it and closed the door. Jerry’s headache got worse. It didn’t make any sense. His parents said nothing about the story, then they hid in the closet. He tried to talk and ask his parents what was going on, but he didn’t have the energy to even move his mouth. He heard loud footsteps. They came closer and closer…

After a few seconds, the giant appeared in his room with the huge sack. His parents then jumped out of the closet and tackled Jerry, holding him down on his bed. The giant then took out a dead body, unrecognizable from the blood, and took out the axe. He threw the body out the window and stood over Jerry with the bloody axe. He tried to scream, but couldn’t make a sound. The giant slowly raised the axe and it fell onto Jerry, his eyes closed. He thought to himself “Good one, close your eyes. You’ll go back to being the only one left in the world again”. When he opened his eyes, he oddly found himself in a hotel lobby. Not a scratch on him from the axe. He talked to the receptionist. She said, “What do you mean what are you doing here? You’ve been here for a while waiting for the bus to the activity”. As he asked what the activity was, the bus pulled up. The receptionist wouldn’t answer any of his questions. She kept telling him to get on the bus. So he got on and took a seat. The bus filled up and drove off. After a good half hour of driving, the bus driver screamed and hit the break. Everyone stood up and saw a giant shadowy figure in the road. No one knew what it was. Except Jerry. He told everyone that it’s a giant that’s come to kill everyone. They all screamed and tried to run off the bus. But the driver stopped them. He reminded them that the giant would kill them all. Just then there was a crash on the roof and another shadowy figure, this one about 6 feet tall, fell through the roof and into the aisle. He had a chain saw. He chased everyone off the bus and into the woods. They soon came to a wall of shadowy figures. This is the end. They all knew it. There was no way to escape. They were soon surrounded. Jerry recognized the sack behind a clump of trees. One of the figures grabbed it. Then, it spoke. “This is my bag of a billion dead souls. Every time I kill a person, their body goes in here. You all are the only ones not in my bag. I plan to complete my collection.” He then stepped towards them and raised his axe. He swung at the ground. He created a small earthquake that attacked about 10 people. They flew at the shadowy figures, who stabbed them with an axe while they flew through the air. They put them in the bag, with all the other bloody bodies of all the other humans on earth. The giant used the same earthquake on the other 10 or 11 people, including Jerry. Him and the others were stabbed and put in the bag.

The giant laughed. “My human collection is complete. Finally! Now to go to the other planets and kill every living thing in the universe!


Or is it?
© Copyright 2006 Dylan (dcm510 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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