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Rated: 13+ · Essay · Emotional · #1170361
my key stage 4 assessment, i would like to know what you think and how i could improve it
The fall of Love

“Get in there son” said Jamie , with a look of jealousy, after his mate Phil had finished telling him about how his date went last night, with Fiona the women both of them had fancied ever since she started working behind the bar at their local pub: which had been almost a year. She had soft blonde hair with smooth skin and a great figure, and she also very gifted in the brain department, even though she was working in a pub. Since she started almost a year ago both of them had been dreaming about what it would be like to date her, but nothing had ever happened, but now it had. But only Phil had fulfilled his dreams. Phil was a brainy lad about middle aged, he looked younger than he was though because he was extremely vain and he was always looking in the mirror at himself and spent about an hour every morning getting ready and putting his creams on his face to get rid of wrinkles and would always put gel in his hair to make him look younger. Jamie was a lot different to Phil, but even though they where totally different they had always been best mate since 6th grade. Jamie was also middle aged but didn’t make as much of an effort to make him self look his best all of the time, he would often go out unsaved and in rubbish un-named cloths, as Phil always had to have on the best branded stuff and would not put something on, unless it was a top make.
Phil would always ring Jamie up everyday to tell him how the last night was better than the night before with Fiona and how he was started to fall for her. Everyday Jamie (on the phone) would pretend to be happy for Phil and was always supporting him. But off the phone he was secretly jealous of Phil, not of how he looked or of his personality but of the women he was falling for. Jamie would often tell Phil about made up stories of how he met girls and of how dates went, just so he didn’t bring suspicion upon himself, about fancying Fiona. He was always obsessing about her, he would find out when she worked at the pub so that he could go and see her at the pub, but he wouldn’t talk to her he would just stare at her and pretend to be just enjoying a beer when she looked up. He looked for her name in the yellow pages and would ring her, and when she answered he would pretend to be a telemarketer just seeing if she wanted to buy something, just so he could talk to her. He would often think about telling Phil about it but he would then bottle it when talking to him and would come up with another made up date, and the longer it went on the harder it got to tell him.
Everyday went passed with Phil ringing him and Jamie making up stories about dates. It got too much for Jamie and he just had to get out of the city. But his jealousy grew to strong for him to just leave it, so he had to do something. The motto he had was ‘if I can’t have her, than no-one can’, he started too built up a vengeance against both of them. He was going psycho, but he couldn’t stop it, it was as if he was someone else. He managed to get hold of a handgun, off a hold friend of his that owed him a favour. And he started to draw up his plans of his escape out of the country, and he was planning on going to Scotland after he had killed them both and hiding out until it died down and then would escape to America.
“Ring, Ring” went the phone in the early hours of the next morning. Jamie answered, it was Phil. Once again ready to tell Jamie about how last night went and what he had done with Fiona. He went on to tell Jamie everything about the night and how he was planning on taking her back to his place later tonight. This gave Jamie the perfect opportunity for his revenge. Jamie had a spare key to Phil’s apartment from when he used to live with him, a few years ago and just hadn’t given him the key back.
The night came it was coming up to 8 o’clock. And Jamie decided to start. He went in his car to Phil’s house, and sneaked himself in with none of the neighbours seeing him. He stayed hidden in Phil’s house for almost an hour, before Phil and Fiona turned up. Phil and Fiona walked through the front door and before they could even sit down, Jamie had jumped out and had the gun pointed at Phil’s head. A face of fear crept over both Phil’s and Fiona’s faces. The fear struck Fiona more than Phil because Phil new what Jamie was like and didn’t think he would have the balls to shoot anyone. Jamie told both of them to sit on the bed. He started to tell both of them about how he felt and his feelings for Fiona. He went on to tell them about his revenge and what he was going to do to them and how he was going to flee the country. He started to tie them both up before turning them both away from him to face the wall. As he was just about to shoot them both, Fiona started to talk; she went on to say about how she was only with Phil to get closer to Jamie and how she also had feelings for Jamie. She went on to say all the things she liked about Jamie and all the things she didn’t like about Phil. She said that if he untied them both she would make passionate love to Jamie and they would go off together and leave Phil. Jamie started to feel better about himself and started to think that what she was saying was actually true, so he started to untie both of them and as Fiona and Jamie started kissing, Fiona gave Phil a little wink. Phil went straight towards his phone and rang for 999, he then decided to hide instead of leaving both of them up to what they was doing, because he didn’t want to leave Fiona alone with Jamie, because he now didn’t know what he was capable of. The police turned up within 5 minutes, and as soon as Jamie heard the sirens he jumped up and grabbed his gun. He looked at Fiona lying there naked and called her a liar and started to call her a load of name and he went back into his psycho mode, Fiona started to say that what she said was true and that it was all Phil’s fault, Phil saw this and with the gun pointing straight at Fiona’s head he jumped out and went to jump at Jamie. But Jamie was too quick and managed just to pull the trigger, before Phil had pounced on him and knocked the gun out of his hands. The pair where fighting on the ground for a minute, with the police sirens still getting closer, Jamie had to act quick and he managed to get Phil on the floor so he couldn’t move. Jamie started to reach for his gun which was just far away enough for him to have to stretch for it. Phil could see him in the corner of his eye and seeing Fiona with a hole in her head not breathing, started to shout as loud as he could, this brought the police in who just got there in time to shoot Jamie and prevent him from killing Phil.
The physical part of Phil survived, but the mental part never repaired, he had lost his ‘best friend’ and the women he was falling for in the same night. It wasn’t the best day he had ever had and it definitely wasn’t as good as the night before.
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