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This is a fictional, short story about a woman that finds she really is appreciated. |
The Key By Anna Corsair Sitting on my bed, confused, I wonder what happened the night before. I hadn't gone anywhere, even though it was a Friday night. I hadn't even had a date with my wonderful husband in a year. At least since our last anniversary. "I don’t have time to think about this right now." I replied softly to myself. I placed the key that I held tightly in my right hand, into my jewelry box. I was disrupted by the dulcet tones of my 3 young children waking up for another day. Forcing the thought of the key out of my suddenly active mind, I went down to stop the squabble between Adam and Marie. Then to start breakfast. I quickly told Adam to leave his 3 year old sister alone. Ignoring his normal, 6 year old protests, I hastily made a bottle for my youngest. Emily was 3 months old, and demanding her release from her crib. A typical day in the life of a stay-at-home Mom. I thought fondly that I would not have it any other way. Smiling I began the daunting task of getting all children ready for the trip to the store. Coming back from the store was just as much the fiasco as it was inside the store. The key was still pressed firmly to the forefront of my mind. The children had called for every bit of candy, and snack imaginable. It was finally time for naps, after a stop at their favorite fast food for lunch, of course. Adam went to his room to play quietly. Marie to her room for some sleep, and Emily had fallen asleep in the car. I laid her in her crib, softly, and went into my room. I shut the door quietly and walked across the room. I took the key out of my battered old jewelry box, and turned it in my hand. I didn’t like the thought that someone was in my house, at night, just to put a key in my hand. I also couldn’t understand why I didn’t wake up. Pushing that thought from my mind, seeing as how no real harm had been done, I concentrated on what the key would open. It was a strange key. I have never seen its equal. It had an antique look to it. But it was also new. "No clues there," I whispered to myself, a little frustrated, but intrigued none the less. I looked around my room. I looked for footprints on the floor. I saw none but my husband, Lee’s footprints on the old carpeting. I thought to myself, “He must have left those when he left for work this morning.” It had to wait, it was time for the afternoon festivities to start. Placing the key in my pocket, I allowed the two oldest to go outside and play in the back yard. I waited inside for Emily to get up from her nap. I let my mind wander to the metal key again. My imagination worked over time. Maybe whomever put the key in my hand the night before had scraped the floor to cover their tracks. I went back to my room to check it out. It wasn’t much help, since I had vacuumed the day before, then walked on it this morning. I had to find a note or something. If it were Lee who left it in my hand, he would leave a note. I checked the dresser, side table, our bathroom. Everywhere. Nothing. Finally I checked the kids to make sure they were ok. My mind settled down when I saw them having a leafy fight. I yelled for Adam to take it easy with his little sister. I made my way back toward my bedroom. I stopped for a second at Emily’s bedroom doorway to find her sleeping peacefully. “Good that gives me a little time to myself to concentrate on this key.” I thought as I quietly made my way back to my room. I laid down on my bed, sideways. I looked at my beautiful new pillow cases. I had gotten them as a gift last Christmas from my Mother-in-law. Suddenly, I saw it. The clue I had been searching for. Under Lee’s pillow was a small corner of a piece of paper. I pulled it out. I read it. It had few words. “I love you, always, and in all ways.” A simple message. Even one that I already knew. It was nice to hear it again. I knew that Lee had left it for me. I took it further, that maybe HE had left me the key. Yes, he was the only one with access to our room in the middle of the night. That would also explain why I didn’t wake up. “That sly man. I love him dearly, but he is a sly one.” I said out loud. “Would that be me? Or some other man you would have hanging around your beautiful self.” I jumped about a foot off the bed. “I was waiting for the kids to get done playing outside, and wondering what you wanted to do for dinner.” He said softly. “Oh, I don’t know. To be honest, I haven’t thought about it all day.” I replied. “Well, Mom said she would watch the kids. I thought I could treat you to dinner and a movie.” “Sure, why not. Let me get them ready.” I said, distractedly. He said, “You get yourself together, let me take care of the kids, and get them ready.” I kissed him passionately. “Have I told you how wonderful you are?” “Not today.” He laughed. I hurried off to the closet. I needed to find my nicest jeans, and sweater. About an hour later, I sauntered down the hall. I felt happy. All thoughts of the key floating away in exchange for a night alone with Lee. I reached the end of the hallway, greeted my mother-in-law, and said good-bye to the kids. I kissed each one in turn. Then, having held off to the last moment after the kids left, I chanced a glance at my tall, handsome, brown haired, and wonderful husband. He was smiling. I walked my short frame over to meet with his tall one. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and said, “I missed you.” “I missed you too.” He helped me with my coat. We went to our favorite restaurant. After we had given our order to the waitress, I looked across the table at him. “So what is all this about? We only ask your mom to baby-sit the kids so we can go on a real date a few times a year. Our anniversary, and our birthday’s.” I stopped. I just remembered. I stared disbelieving at my husband. “I forgot it's my birthday.” My jaw dropped. “You're right my lady.” He winked at me. “So you left the key, and the note this morning for me to find.” I concluded. “I always knew you were smarter than you looked.” He teasingly said. I gave him a playful look. Then remembered I had left the key in my jewelry box, in our bedroom. “What’s wrong babe?” With a grin playing at the tips of his mouth, he tried to look concerned. I didn’t notice it. “I forgot the key at the house.” I cried. “In that case,” he said quietly, “You will want to open this first.” He handed me a tiny ring box. I looked at him, and took the box. I opened it. There it was, the key. “I took it while you were getting ready.” “I wondered why you offered to take care of the kids.” “So what does the key go to?” I asked after a short pause. “This,” He said, and promptly pulled out a bigger jewelry box. I gasped. I opened it with the key. I ran my fingers over the velvet. And found another key. This time on a necklace. “So what does this one open?” I asked. “It’s the key to my heart.” And that, my dear friends, was the sweetest night of my life. |