Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1169218-The-Fall-of-Hades-Zeus-Shooting-Star
by Serynn
Rated: E · Short Story · Mythology · #1169218
Ambition takes it course, and Hades is banned from Mount Olympus.
The Fall of Hades;
Zeus’ Shooting Star

It was commonly known that all of Mount Olympus and all of Earth was ruled supremely, by one all-powerful God; Zeus. That his reign was unchallenged, for who would challenge the man who released the Cyclops and defeated the Titans?
Before knowledge, and enlightenment the common people were blessed with ignorance. Their lives were filled each day with the necessary chores to sustain their lives, and the sacred rituals they practiced to appease the Gods for all they had done for them. No wars had scarred their lands, and discontent among the masses was a thing unheard of. Life as they knew it was fulfilling, and as it should be. Their love for Zeus was unfailing, and their praise, lavish.
Hades, the most intelligent, and enlightened of the Gods couldn’t understand why Zeus, a thunderbolt wielding brute should get all the praise. Why Zeus should be chief amongst the Gods. It was in this way that jealousy and envy were introduced into the world.
Hades then thought up a scheme to overthrow Zeus, and claim his position of supreme ruler over Mount Olympus and the Earth as his own. He set about garnering support from the other Gods, to lend their skills to his eager rebellion.
Hades approached Poseidon, the god of the sea first, in hopes that Poseidon would be able to lend him the power of the waves, and the aid of all the sea creatures.
“Poseidon!” Hades called over the rumbling of the waves. “Poseidon, I have need of your talents. Will you hear my proposal?”
“I will lend an ear Hades, but have haste; for the sea does not run itself.” Poseidon replied.
“I will make this brief, for I seek haste as well. I come with a proposition for you; one that will satisfy us both.”
“Press on, you have snared my interest” Poseidon replied.
“I seek to overthrow this thug who pretends to govern us. I plan, with your help, to overthrow this soothsayer of false prophecies and take his place. Your part in this ingenious plot of mine will be rewarded with not just control of the seas and its creatures, but all bodies of water, and all weather changes as well.” Hades explained.
“What you propose is ambition in evil’s form. It is not only impossible to overthrow the strongest of the God’s, but it is also heresy and what you scheme Hades, is betrayal most vile. I will play no part in this villains tale, and I hope in time you will see reason and not let your ambitions blind you to logic.” retorted Poseidon. And with that, he returned to the depths to continue his administrations.
This response was echoed from his companion gods, and his desperation led him to Aphrodite, the goddess of Love and Beauty, who’s cunning almost rivalled his own.
“Sweet, beautiful Aphrodite, will you lend a delicate ear to a plan that will be beneficial to us both?” cooed Hades.
“What is it that you seek of me, Hades? I hear tell of a plot brewing; is this what you have come to me with?” Aphrodite responded.
“Is it your wish to participate in such plot? Or do you abhor the very idea like the rest of the weak minded ones?”
“Pray, tell me of your scheming, and I shall judge on my own my course of action.”
“My plot is one of incredible genius, and cunning as you can very well relate. I seek to overthrow our ‘master’, to make of him a mockery like he does the rest of us. Doesn’t it make your blood boil the way he makes the poor mortal bow before him? How only to him do they prostrate themselves to feed his ego? It sickens me, and I feel now is the time to rid the world, and all of Mount Olympus of this atrocity.” explained Hades, vehement in his convictions.
“And what, might I ask is my part in this plot? And how shall I benefit?” inquired Aphrodite, sceptically.
“This betrayal will require subtlety on your part, for Hera must not find out until the outcome. You will seduce Zeus with whatever means necessary. You will seduce him; put aside your pride for once. It is well known that Zeus has wanted you for his wife for some time, and now is fruitful for you to play upon that! You will enchant him as to make your charms irresistible, and bend him to our will.”
“Hmm, most ambitious Hades. And how will I prosper from this arrangement?”
“I will take you as my wife, beautiful Aphrodite. And that who has created the world, will rule it by my side. You are the true creator, and the only one worthy of this position.” urged Hades.
“Then why would you be needed at all Hades? If I am the true creator, why should I bother ruling beside you, when I have more claim over the throne of Mount Olympus then yourself?” Aphrodite asked, her words scathing.
“The mortals, they will never follow you.” spat Hades. “They need someone with my power, my drive, and my intelligence. You are just a pawn in my plot, and if it isn’t you that I use, you can easily be replaced.”
Hades hoped that his lie had fooled her, for she was his last hope. As much as he wished he could, he couldn’t carry out this plot alone. Zeus already suspected him of something foreboding, and he needed to act swiftly to be successful.
It was awhile before Aphrodite gave her reply, but when next she spoke, it sounded to Hades as if an angels choir had replaced her voice.
“I will play this part in your scheme, Hades. But I refute this placement as your bride. All I ask is that if found out, I am in no way implicated, and the blame falls on yourself.” Aphrodite, having done some scheming on her own, had no intention to play the part Hades had assigned her after what he said to her earlier. His words, spoken in haste and without prior thought stung, and dissuaded her otherwise amused interest.
“Yes, yes very well. These terms are more then fine with me, in fact I’m a little disconcerted I didn’t think them up myself.” Hades said, little thought spared to the implications of his hasty decision.

Triumphant to see his plan set in motion, Hades wasn’t thinking clearly the day (as the mortal would judge it) the other Gods, wise to his plans to overthrow Zeus, imprisoned him so his judgement could be carried out. Zeus, having heard of the plot from Aphrodite, and having it confirmed by the rest of the Gods, stood before Hades with all the righteousness he possessed.
“Hades, justice stands before you. You have been convicted of treason, and betrayal against the Gods. How do you plead?” Zeus’ voice resonated throughout Mount Olympus, and his voice could be heard down on Earth.
Hades, from inside his conjured prison cell, glared at Zeus with all the malice and hatred he could garner.
“The only charge I am guilty of, is not being able to stand by and watch your pitiful ministrations to the mortal soul. You placate them, and in turn demand satisfaction in the form of praise. You keep them ignorant, not allowing them the gift of knowledge or enlightenment. They only think their lives are fulfilled because that’s all you allow them to think! You are not fit to govern Mount Olympus, and Earth should have never been part of your domain. You have failed the mortal race, and I shall teach them to scorn your very existence.”
“Vile snake,” Zeus replied. “You are not fit for Mount Olympus. You Hades, were merely tolerated in this place because there was no where else for you to be safely kept. But from these accusations you place upon me, you are no longer tolerated in this exulted place amongst the Gods. You are, by unanimous decision, banished from Mount Olympus, and are cursed to live amongst the banished souls, and will be from here on out the ‘God’ of the underworld.”
And with the word of Zeus spoken, Hephaestus, God of Fire summoned the mightiest ball of fire he could make, and encased Hades in the middle. And with the combined might of all of the Gods, they threw Hades and the fire out of Mount Olympus and down to the gates of Hell, where he was kept forevermore.
The mortals, having heard only Zeus’ account of the trial, didn’t know what to make of this burning, falling star. Without any other knowledge of how the solar system worked, and the cause of such things, it was commonly told after this sight that fallen souls often took the form of ’shooting stars’ on their path to the underworld gates.
Because of Hades’ fall from Mount Olympus, the mortal soul was both blessed and cursed by the traits of ambition, envy, jealousy, and greed. Hades also given no restrictions on the influence he had over the mortals, ‘gifted’ them with the power of Knowledge and Enlightenment, but being corrupted with ambition and greed, the people were introduced to discontent. This discontent led to wars, and upheavals. Times of oppression from kings, and the turning of the human soul from pure, to tainted.
All the Gods could do during these times was to sit and curse Hades for all he had done to the mortal. He had wreaked havoc on their souls and their lives, and Zeus regretted his decision to banish Hades from Mount Olympus, but it was too late to call him back. Hades was banned indefinitely, and would never pass through the golden gates again, because amidst ambition even the brightest stars will fall.
© Copyright 2006 Serynn (robynne at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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