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Rated: E · Editorial · Philosophy · #1169208
My view of what's wrong with the world and how to fix it
Sometimes when I look at life and see all this pain and suffering, it makes me wonder, did whatever deity that created the universe realize what they were doing when they gave man such intelligence and power. We have all been blessed with the Earth and life itself, yet in spite of how short life is (or for some, because of that) we commit what the descendants of the Inca describe as “crimes against man and crimes against nature”.
Basically, we continue to commit terrible crimes against our fellow humans and we pollute and destroy the Earth we have been so privileged to receive. I hope you will forgive the cliché, but mankind is on a downward path to destruction. Nothing demonstrates this more than the events of the twentieth century. Countless wars, including two world-wide ones, man-made devices and innovations that should have been used for the good of humanity, instead used to bring only destruction. But we also have the ability to stop this. We don't need some superhero because the same intelligence can also be used to save us.
The only problem is, as long as the individual is afraid to stand up to the group, things won't change. Unless the common person stands up for what he believes in, the world will continue on it's current path. I'm not saying you have to rebel against government. It can be something as small as sticking up for someone getting bullied, or comforting your kids or spouse when they've had a bad day. These may seem like insignificant things, but if that person then does the something good for someone else, then in a classic “Pay It Forward” way, the world would be a far better place.
But it's not just limited to one-on-one scenarios. Many people, in fields such as healthcare, change the lives of thousands of people just by doing their work. In medical and technological R&D, the human intelligence can change lives. A final point is that the best way to fix the world is if people did what they knew was right instead of what their peers tell them to.
To answer the question I asked in the beginning, I'm sure that, no matter what deity you believe in, they knew what they were doing, because, like I said before the same intelligence that destroys can also save us.
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