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Castes and Subcultures proposal - Needs feedback. |
Society: Separate Subcultures, castes, groups, classes (however they end up categorized): 1) Slaves 2) Citizen-Slaves 3) Maintenance (citizen-slaves) 4) Citizens – Workers 5) Healers 6) Government 7) Royalty 8) Queens 9) Parents – males 10) Brains 11) Warriors 12) Children Culture: Beliefs: Gender: Race: Government, Rulers: Outlet for relief from Hellish Existence: Different paths to freedom? 1) Slaves: Work outside in elements; Considered expendable; Short lifespans. Culture: Beliefs: Belief in Primitive Gods; Gender: Male. Race: Primordial; Brutish; Slow; Physically superior; Name of Race: MUSCLES; Government, Rulers: NA Outlet for relief from Hellish Existence: Sex Different paths to freedom? – Roman coliseum like combat for citizen-slave status; different format, method and means unique to this planet however 2) Citizen-slaves: Slaves that lives Indoors. Males - Lesser in Number. Females – Houseservants that reproduce MUSCLES. Culture: Beliefs: Belief in Primitive Gods; Gender: Both Race: MUSCLES; Government, Rulers: NA Outlet for relief from Hellish Existence: Sex Different paths to freedom? – Release by Owners. 3) MAINTENANCE (citizen-slaves) Higher-up Slaves that Live Indoors but go outdoors some to supervise regular slaves in building and maintenance. Work for Architects and Engineers. Run the risk for them of going outside. Culture: Beliefs: One level up from primitive Gods Gender: Male Race: OVERSEERS Government Structure: Like a labor union; based on seniority and merit in performance. Outlet for relief from Hellish Existence: Sex; Social Hour every day. Different paths to freedom?: Excel my extra merit to Citizen - Worker. 4) CITIZENS – WORKERS Free; citizens; live indoors; work regularly at different jobs; receive small income (form not determined yet) based on job; work extremely long, hard hours with little relief under barbaric working conditions; little free time; Culture: Beliefs: Believe in planetary based Gods yet to be determined – like Greek or Roman Gods. Gender: Male and Female. Race: CHIPODS. Government, Rulers: Bosses – Pyramid Hierarchy Outlet for relief from Hellish Existence: Sex; Games; Athletics; Drugs (unique form for planet - unique effect); Different paths to freedom? Career Upward Mobility. 5) Healers No anesthesia; Bleeding level of technology: dangerous healing techniques due to ignorance; technology not advanced; deal with plagues and rampant diseases – treat with quarantines; handle dead bodies; break off limbs as Chipods regrow them. MUSCLES AND OVERSEERS have human-like nervous apparatus. MUSCLES AND OVERSEERS suffer great physical pain at hands of healers. Culture: Beliefs: Healing God; Specific to Healing. Gender: Female. Race: CHIPOD; Government, Rulers: Adminitrators Outlet for relief from Hellish Existence: Pharmaceuticals; Financial Gain. Educational Opportunities. Different paths to freedom? Financial Upward Mobility. -> Queen. 6) Government Councils; Administrators; Rule-makers; Lawmakers. Culture: Beliefs: Atheists Gender: Male. Race: CHIPODS Government, Rulers: Appointed by Royalty. Outlet for relief from Hellish Existence: Taxing Workers. Slave Combat-to-Death Spectatorship; Gambling; Prostitutes; Drugs – Pure and High Quality; Higher Level of Income; Better Life Style; Easier Jobs; Sex. Different paths to freedom? Political Manipulation of Royalty’s Favor 7) Royalty Born by Direct Lineage; From Chipod Queens litter; Rank and Title earned through combat among selves and through alliances with other Royalty. Susceptible to diseases from Chipod Queen invariant Genetic Stock – always mates with same top level Knight. Culture: Beliefs: Believe they are incarnations of Worker Gods. Gender: Both. Race: CHIPOD. Government, Rulers: King, Queen, Prince, Princess, etc. Outlet for relief from Hellish Existence: Have luxurious Lifestyle; Rich; Everything available in society is theirs – expound on later. Sex. Different paths to freedom? Make and break alliances with each other; combat; coups; using Knights to conduct wars. 8) Queens Reproductive females; Spawn litters of 1-100 Chipods with greater number being directly proportional to lower the caste of the spawn. Eg. – Approximately 80-100 workers per Worker Queen Spawn compared to 1-2 Chipods per Head Queen. Extremely Painful Childbirth. Culture: Beliefs: Believe in Fertility Goddess. Gender: Female Race: CHIPOD Government, Rulers: Pyramid Hierarchy – based on position as in Catholic church – Worker Queens; Healer Queens; Government Queens; Head Queen. Outlet for relief from Hellish Existence: Sex Different paths to freedom? – Upward mobility in ranks of Queenhood. 9) Parents Males; Paternal Society rather than maternal; CHIPODS raised with masculine values rather than femine; teach combat skills, work skills, not expressing emotions, bearing pain, etc. Culture: Beliefs: Paternity God Gender: Male Race: OVERSEERS Government, Rulers: NA Outlet for relief from Hellish Existence: Fatherhood Different paths to freedom? NA 10) Brains THINKERS; Brains of society; Confined to restricted quarters – not allowed to move; have genetically lost means of mobility; smarter than rest of the race; engineers, architects, etc. Culture: Beliefs: Study philosophy; Natural view of world rather than religious. Gender: Unisex. No gender. Race: THINKERS. Government, Rulers: NA Outlet for relief from Hellish Existence: Scholastic Notoriety; Absynthe-Like Drug. Different paths to freedom? NA 11) Warriors Knights: Military and Police; Most brutal; Security Class; Culture: Beliefs: War Gods. Gender: Male. Race: CHIPOD Government, Rulers: Royalty Outlet for relief from Hellish Existence: Battle; Rewards of Battle; Plunder; Mating with Warrior Queen; Gambling; Ale-like Drug; Partying. Different paths to freedom? None. 12) Children Children; strictly disciplined; not valued highly; put to work young; given treatment according to caste. Culture: Beliefs: That of class. Gender: Both. Race: CHIPOD. Government, Rulers: NA Outlet for relief from Hellish Existence: Play Different paths to freedom? Growing up. NOTES: Reproduction: MUSCLES are like humans; Women bear and raise children; considered animalistic by CHIPODS; CHIPODS: Like ants; males mate with queens that bear multiple hordes of CHIPODS. OVERSEERS: Male. Pure genetic DNA strain except for occasional mutation. Reproduce through fission – like amoeba. Parent OVERSEER spawns a worm-like analog which spins a cocoon-like analog and metamorphizes into an adult OVERSEER. Analogs to silkworms. OVERSEERS act on pure genetic instinct in raising CHIPODS. BRAIN reproduction: Mutual exchange of DNA. Exchange through amnibiotic fluids without engaging in sex act. Do it for survival of the species rather than pleasure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answers to very good questions asked of me in a review pertaining to this post: The slaves live entirely outdoors-Wouldn't one winter/summer erradicate the entire population of slaves, leaving the rest of the castes vulnerable? Are the young sheltered? To what age? It seems like this conception has a great potential for confusion, with so many different castes and races. An adjustment needs to be made. The Slaves are all MUSCLES. The MUSCLES are either the males who work outdoors after reaching the equivalent of the human age of 16 and the females who will be mothers entirely. Only that is where the analogy with humans stops. Although they resemble humans in physical makeup, their mentality and instinct is much more like animals. In particular, a good analogy would be rabbits. The MUSCLE mothers have large litters of children with very great frequency. They raise the litters to either working age in case of the boys or mothering age in case of the girls quickly. Because the men are killed off by the elements so that there are many fewer of them, there are way too many female mates for the men and those females are left without a means of support – MUSCLES are monogamous according to the rules of their very primitive religion. This overflow of females forms a class of domestic houseslaves for government and ruling classes. Because the grown male children replace the adult MUSCLES as fast as they are killed off by the environment, the survival of the race is preserved. In addition, there is need for only two types of OVERSEERS – Slave Masters and Parents. And they are both of different genetic stock. There is no need of any kind of Supervisor OVERSEER in the general work society. The Slave Masters will be protected from the elements as much as possible by Flick “Umbrella Shelters” constructed of Flick for Slave Masters by Slaves. Taking this kind of risk with their life is an inherited instinct in Slave Masters. Are there other physical differences that will help readers identify to which race characters belong? CHIPODS are insectlike and as described in Race post. Will have green skin. MUSCLES have very strong built muscular semi-naked bronzed hairless Doc Savage like look. Very humanlike in appearance with undetermined differences as of now. PARENT OVERSEERS will be fat mammalian creatures with curly body hair for nurturing babies and teats for breastfeeding. Will also be very intelligent within their instinctual limitations while being backwards outside of it. Will have green skin and marsupial characteristics. SLAVE MASTER OVERSEERS will be green lizard-like creatures. Will have tails capable of giving powerful lethal whipping blows. Will be able to spout fire. Will have sharp black claws and sharp pointed venomous fangs. All to scare MUSCLES and keep them in line. . Will characters have names and be individuals or will they have less individuality than that? They will definitely have names and individuals – with different dialects for names for each caste. Is individuality a privilege of caste? Or is individuality ignored by upper castes-meaning that they suppose the lower castes to have none? Every caste member including even MUSCLES have individuality of some sort. MUSCLES have individuality as in rabbits of Watership Down. OVERSEERS have individuality of Gammas of Brave New World or one of those levels and CHIPODS have individuality of humans. . |