Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1168983-The-Diary-Of-A-Lonesome-Vampire
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Gothic · #1168983
This is the story of a girl who has more power and wit than any vampire of her time.
“May 15, 1706

The saying is true. When everything looks as if it’s going well, something will happen to ruin it all. I don’t really understand this sudden event. How and why did it have to happen? My life was set and it looked so great. Now all that is gone and I’m left here to do God knows what. What will happen tomorrow? What will happen in a week from now? I guess, one thing I do know, is that I will have to move on and try to fix what got broken. I just don’t know how…I don’t know how…”

Sophie Belmont was fast silently dreaming in her large and extravagant boudoir. She was surrounded by creamy white pearls, fabric and roses all very well prepared for the events happening the day after. She was to marry Lord William Richard the third and leave her beautiful home in France for the land of England. The Belmont and Richard families have been making business in trade for generations and always managed to get along fairly well. Sophie’s marriage to Lord William was to reassure the families’ loyalty to one another and to strengthen the relationship between them. Sophie didn’t mind her marriage was a business settlement. She didn’t believe that love should be part of a marriage because she knew too well that love and lust evaporate. Like perfume, it lingers on but never ceases to stay.

She emitted a tiny sound in her sleep, dreaming of the preparations for the ceremony and how her future with William will be. She dreamed of beautiful and cheerful things completely unaware of everything going on in the world surrounding her. She was satisfied knowing she will be married tomorrow to a great man and starting a life as a Lady of England. The thought excited her a great deal. So she continued to dream while the cool summer breeze flowed in the room causing her sheer window drapes to dance under the moonlight.

Meanwhile many miles away, a single dim light was seen glowing through a window at the Monaghan Estate. Lord William was writing a letter in his cozy study addressed to his future father in law, ensuring him of all of the agreements they have made the weeks before. William wasn’t sure if this was going to work out so well. His bride was to move with him and learn the English way of life. He knew France was full of life and parties with extreme etiquette and style. He was unsure if Sophie was going to accommodate well to the plainer ways of the English lifestyle. He was also worried the ladies would shame her for not being more reserved. William shook that thought out of his head and finished his letter. After sealing it, he took the candle with him and headed for his bedroom.

The long and darkened hallway always made him uneasy, especially late at night when all was quiet. He started walking just a little bit faster trying hard not to look paranoid. Then he thought to himself, he’s a strong man and he was about to get married. He can’t be scared. So he took a deep breath and strutted a few steps before running toward his bedroom door.

“Bloody superstitions.” he panted and closed the door behind him.

As a child his mother had always spoken to him about spirits and creatures of the night. She told him about vampires and how they elegantly sneak into one’s home and attack when least expected. Ever since, William was scared of things crawling and lurking in the night.

He placed the candle by his bedside table and started to undress. As he got off his coat he suddenly felt chilly wind blowing through the windows. He rapidly went to close the large windows and started undressing again.

After he had his pajamas on he blew the candlelight and that’s when it happened. A large black blur jumped on him and seemed to do something to him but he wasn’t sure what. After a few moments he felt a warm liquid running down his back.

He heard his attacker shuffle around. He opened his eyes to see what going on but he only saw blurs. He tried hard to move but the shuffling stopped and he fell unconscious.


The next day Sophie was still sleeping when her mother followed by her three sisters burst into the room. The maids quickly entered after them and started the morning’s ritual. Two went to open the curtains while the rest were cleaning clothes up from the floor and preparing Sophie’s gown.

“Get up young lady, we don’t have much time!” bellowed her mother.

Sophie, annoyed, buried her face into the pillows and groaned. Her mother was always so fussy with such things. She made a big deal out of everything and today was no exception. Her sisters weren't any better. They were younger than she was and all of them just like her mother. She was the only “sane one” as she liked to tell herself. Or at least the one who is more down to earth. Her actual sanity will only be judged by whoever stumbles across her story.

“Now!” yelled her mother again an Sophie finally managed to get herself up from the warm and comfortable bed. The maids immediately started working on her, either on her hair or wardrobe. Her wedding was to be at noon sharp and she had much to prepare. Her gown was so beautiful. It was made out the most beautiful and ravish silks with lace and pearls decorating the little ends and seams. Her hair was naturally black so they had a wig made out for her with light blonde hair, almost white adorned with white roses. After a few hours she became the most beautiful blushing bride in the whole of France. There she waited in her dressing room for the call.

The call for the ceremony was to be ten minutes before it started and now it was three to noon. What was going on? thought Sophie and her question was answered almost immediately.

A red faced and rather plump man ran into the dressing room, panting and coughing madly into his handkerchief as if to try and catch his lungs if he happens to cough them up. He could barely breathe yet alone speak. He must’ve ran quite the distance, thought Sophie. They sat him down and gave him water and after a minute he spoke.

“The Wedding’s been canceled Sophie.”

“What?” she said astonished.

“L-Lord W-William, Mademoiselle…” he breathed.

“Tell me what is going on! What’s wrong with Lord William?”

“Mademoiselle, I’m sorry to say but Lord William is…is dead.”

Sophie could do nothing but stare in astonishment. She couldn’t believe her ears and yet the news numbed her completely. She wasn’t sure what to do. Should she cry, scream or stay reserved? She didn’t know. So there she stood, petrified and scared.

“Oh my Lord, what, how, when did this happen?” asked Mrs. Belmont rapidly, not knowing what to ask first.

“Mother…” said one of the girls noticing Sophie’s reaction but Mrs. Belmont ignored her.

“Well???” asked Mrs. Belmont.

“Madame, I’m only the messenger but what I do know is that he was murdered last night. One of the maids found him early this morning right before he was set to come here for the ceremony.” Said the old man

“Oh dear! This is terrible. What will happen now?”

“He will be buried and his younger brother will have to take over the estate.”

“Please send my condolences to his family, we hope to be there at his funeral. Right Sophie?” Pause. “Sophie?”

“C-could you all leave, I need to be alone.” Sophie finally managed to say.

“Oh, o-ok” said Mrs. Belmont and they all left.

Sophie stood there by the window and watched the first raindrops fall, letting a few escape from her eyes herself.
© Copyright 2006 C'est Madeleine (punkcris at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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