Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1168758-Longinus
Rated: E · Fiction · Psychology · #1168758
An interpretation of the Nazi legend of the Spear of Longinus.
The hot light of a lantern lit the floor as a young dark haired male of Germanic decent wearing a worn brown leather jacket, a dusty Indiana Jones style hat, a light brown shirt, and a worn pair of leather shoes entered a mysterious cave in southern Austria. His hair was oiled back and he walked in a prideful yet self disciplined manner. In one hand he firmly clutched a map with a solitary marking that read “The Chamber.”
Coldly his steps echoed as he descended into the black depths of the abyss. The cave’s ceiling hung low topping out at only about six feet in most places, more than enough room for the young male to walk comfortably. The young man cursed loudly as he tried to avoid the many puddles littering its floor.
“Scheiza!” he exclaimed as he fell face first into a puddle. Angrily he got up and kicked violently at the ground, in such a way as to quickly wind him self. Breathing hard he searched for a place on which to sit for a quick rest. After a few moments he discovered an odd cushion shaped rock and sat upon it.
CLICK! A metallic noise rang from beneath the odd stone. Startled the young man leapt up in such a way as to bash his head upon the caves low ceiling sending him into a daze. Staggering he dropped his lantern in a pool of water, leaving him in total darkness. Then it came, the ground shook violently and he fell into darkness.


“Ugh…” he moaned as he awoke several hours later holding his head, eyes still closed. Opening his eyes light flooded his dilated pupils causing his head to ache more, “Where the hell on Satan’s tainted Earth am I?”
'I must have fallen when the ground shook, he thought to himself, but how does that explain where I am?' He looked up and saw a dark hole rising upwards, with no light protruding past its opening.
Confused he began walking taking notice of his new surroundings. The walls seemed to be carved from marble, yet strangely the light seemed to be emanating directly from them. He then took notice of brightly painted pictographs lining the walls; they seemed to be of some significance. Slowly he walked down the path noting the images. The first image he came across was one of Christ on the cross with three figures two female and one male at his feet on their knees in what appeared to be prayer. About fifty feet away lay a second image, this one of Jewish soldiers throwing stones at Christ’s figure. Not twenty feet from that resided a third, showing a golden spear puncturing Christ’s hanging body. A little farther down there was one final image, this one depicting the spear held up within a mountain but there was something else within it as well. He couldn’t make the figures out, but they seemed to be red and brown with what appeared to be horns but he’d never seen anything of that kind before. Confused he walked further pondering.
“Could that spear be the Ark of the Covenant?” he asked himself aloud. Then it came to him the epiphany that would change everything. “I’m in the tomb of the Holy Spear, the spear said to possess the power to conquer the world.” He shivered at the thought of that, what kind of person could desire such power.
Shaken he scrambled down the passage as fast as he could searching for any sort of exit. The hall began to get darker the farther he progressed. It became eerie, almost horrifying. His heart began to pound loudly in his chest and he took off running into the darkness.
Suddenly a choking cold came over him causing him to gasp and stumble. It felt like pure evil, like something straight from the bowels of hell. A cold sweat came over him and he stood up defiantly. “I will not be intimidated!” he yelled out.
'Good my child, rang a snakelike voice in his head, fear me not I am here to guide you.'
“Who-uh-uh-wh-who are y-y-you?”
'I am your desire, I am that which divides you but in the darkness binds you, I am your sins, your lust, your greed, your blind ambition, but to put it in simpler terms I am whatever you want me to be.'
“Why are you h-h-here?”
'You brought me here; I have always been within you, just a part of you. '
Getting used to the cold voice he began to talk in more of an authoritive manner, “How are you part of me?”
'I have already explained that I am the darkness residing in the depths of your soul.'
“I’m not evil; I hold no darkness within me; my intentions are pure!”
'Blind sheep you follow the pack without question and then you wonder why all the voices. Face it you’re not as pure as you’d like to believe yourself.'
”My plans are only to help mother Germany. I have no sinister underlying plan all I want is to make my people proud once more.”
'But you are of Austrian birth.'
“That matters not! Austria was part of the motherland; it too is a part of Germany as am I and my fellow Austrian brethren.”
'You speak of the land as if it gave rise to your soul, yet you consider yourself among the pure. HA! I see now why Germany is so weak.'
“Germany is not weak! The government quit on us we did not lose that war!”
'Weak minded fool! Accept defeat!'
'Then you will undoubtedly perish you uneducated flunky.'
Glowering the young man walked on, “I am not weak. I am not weak…” He kept repeating it as if to assure himself of or possibly to make it true but either way when he came to a heading he finally screamed out, “ALL I HAVE DONE IS FOR THE MOTHERLAND!”
'All, huh? Then what is this to your precious motherland?'
“The spear, I need the spear within this cave.”
'Why do you need a measly spear when all about on the surface there are weapons that far surpass the spears’ capabilities?'
“It’s not for fighting. In no way is it just a measly spear.”
'How so?'
“It is said to have supernatural powers given to it by the blood of Christ.”
'Hiss! Do not mention that wretch’s name!'
“Why not?”
'Never mind just continue.'
“It has been said, that the spear used in the crucifixion to assure Christ’s,” another hiss rang out as that word exited his lips, “death holds the power to conquer the world. If Germany only had that spear we could show the United States, no the entire world that Germany is still a world power!”
'Why give a country so much power? Why not take it all for yourself and rule all the lands with iron hands?'
“Because that’s not right, no one man should hold that kind of power. They’d become too easily corrupted, they could destroy the world instead of helping it.”
'But you said you only had pure intentions. The man stopped for a second seeming to ponder the thought. You know you could do it, I can feel it tugging at your very core. No one could stop you, no one could tell you what to do.'
“I don’t deserve that kind of power, I can’t use it…”
'Don’t you remember how they treated you on the streets of Vienna? They looked upon your art as if it were garbage! They took your architecture and trashed it! They said you weren’t good enough for them, you could destroy them. You know you want to right the wrongs of the past.'
A grin spread across his lips and he laughed to himself, “I could do that, I could make those fools pay! I could destroy them for rejecting me! I can make them burn in the fiery pits of hell!”
'Yes! Yes! That is exactly what you should do. Use the spear for revenge, manifest your hatred use it to your advantage. The world is your play toy abuse it!'
“Leave me, this is mine, all mine,” a maniacal laugh bellowed from his lips, “They’ll all see, yes my destiny to rule over them all!”
No longer daunted by the shroud of darkness he had entered he marched on solidly with a sense of pride, duty, honor and vengeance. The only sounds now were of his footsteps, it seemed all else had died even the air. Then about half a mile farther into the cave a new light became apparent. It was golden and crisp, steady and pure, and as he neared it seemingly it sang to him, like the song of a siren. The closer he drew the brighter it got until he was blinded by its brilliance at the border between the light and dark.
Haughtily he stepped through, covering his eyes with his forearm. In an instant his surroundings changed again. All he could see was a golden room seemingly constructed of pure light allowing there to be no shadows, not even his own. In the center of the room was an object residing in a stone.
Curious the man walked closer and closer to it until he realized it was a gaudy looking rusted spear, nothing more. Taken aback by the poor condition of the ancient weapon he began to shout. “GOD! Is this the extent of your power? A fragile spear that could not pierce the air in which it resides?”
He grabbed at the spear angrily and tried to remove it from its resting place. It didn’t budge. Angered he began to kick the spear in an attempt to break it free. Again the spear refused to budge. Glowering he looked upon his darkened hands as if to ask why he was too weak to remove the weapon, then it came to him, God didn’t want him to have such power.
“You’re jealous aren’t you? You want this power for yourself! Well you can’t have it, with this spear I will be GOD!” Screaming he jumped upon the spear tugging and pulling with all his might.
Suddenly the earth began to shake as if the lord himself were moving it and the once light-like borders began to crack and crumble in upon their selves. Soon the floor began to fall away, into nothingness, eternal darkness. Barely taking note of this the man took hold of the spear, “You cannot take this away from me; I’ve worked to hard for it!” Moments later the floor caved in under him and he blacked out, feeling the spear exit his grasps and fall forever into the depths below.
'All is not lost, the voice from before rang in his unconscious mind, you have still gained knowledge from the Spear of Longinus. Use the military to your advantage.'
Images began to show in his mind, first of him in front a large gathering of the National Socialist German Workers Party delivering what seemed to be a very powerful speech. Next was an image of him leading a revolt in the streets of Germany. Then came one of him leading the German army into a cataclysmic battle, from which his army came out almost unscathed. Then the words “Hail Hitler!” rang in his ears and all was black, all was silent.


With a jerk a young man leapt out of his hospital bed flailing fanatically. “Where am I?” he demanded.
“You’re in the hospital you were found unconscious outside some hours ago,” replied a nearby nurse.
The man looked around in a confused fashion seeming to take note of the medical supplies. Then coldly he walked out of the hospital.
“I have better things to do than remain idle in your beds.”
© Copyright 2006 Roy Mustang - Flame Alchemist (bajifishtar at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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