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Rated: 13+ · Other · Reference · #1168218
Guided Meditation explores the archetypes of Tolkien's Fellowship
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There is a riddle in the dark
seeking to be answered --
What is the deepest essence of the source of all?
Having just encountered each other, will we yet agree what it is?
What shall we name it?

It, for now, is that unknown satisfaction
in inner vision fulfilled. It is the land stretching out before us
without a map, only a calling. Yet we are joined together
to know the fulfillment of this unknown.
Each one's calling, though purely unique, is somehow joined to it.

In the deepest essence of who I am
is the perfect pattern -- a Paragon

We journey now, in these measured moments
Moving together, with measured breath ---
the journey of a mythic life, a shared imagined place, a middle ground --
a Midgard, a Middle Earth, a sacred nexus of all understanding
and vibrational proof of everlasting love, eternal Life.

All knowledge All wisdom
To know the creative source of this inquiry; This goal:
creation must seek its creator with individuated inquiry.

Know this all for yourself: In the deepest essence of who I am
exists a perfect pattern -- the Paragon.
This is all that is required of you in these brief moments --
to seek with inquiry and allow an unexpected guide
to swiftly stride into our gathering to counsel and protect.

This unexpected company arrives from somewhere within
your own guide mirroring the heroic guide
What hand both offers in gentle compassion
and defends with the might of magically forged steel blade?
Let me build a hall of heroes from one and your many.

Strider, a Man, watching from the shadows, joins us now.
The natural smoke of candlelight and burning incense
obscure features any of us might use to identify a friend from a foe.
So, instead, let us feel and know by instinct.

To know the creative source of this inquiry; This goal:
creation must seek its creator with individuated inquiry.

There is an ease in his step and movement;
although he is tall, and vestments weathered,
the offered hand is gracious and relaxed in trust.

I check within my own heartbeat --- steady as a lamp flame.
Although I cannot see all the inherent intricacies of the Divine
The mysteries can make themselves known by reflecting upon myself.
“I know myself,” I think to myself, and I know this Guide is meant to lead.
His jeweled ring and grey eyes shine with a light not unlike my own.

I am reminded: In the deepest essence of who I am, and of others,
is the perfect pattern -- a Paragon

The perfect pattern may not yet be something I see in myself.
That is what this time of learning on earth is
In perceptive moments, I feel the pattern within.
Most often, being young, I see the pattern of perfection out in the world
and I see the pattern in those I trust;

that inner guide coming forth in fellowship.

Trying to ask questions about this guide result in mirrored response;
He would rather we question ourselves.
But, here's an example:
"May we know how long you've lived among Men, Strider?"
He answers with a chuckle:
"It matters little. I've lived both among Men and Elves as brothers -- I am of the long-lived line -- so many Men may have lived and passed in their knowing me. Yet, you are young ones, and I think there are few Men that have lived and know you."

So, in trying to find common ground,
we can riddle each other, or instead find what connects us...even without full understanding.
Why not talk of ancient mariners, followers of the seasons and life?
We can talk on the qualities in the peoples of Middle Earth.
Thus, a Fellowship forms, among whom a trusted Wizard counsels.

Of this realm, this is what we know:
The land is under the shadow of war
No race has a solution, and some have chosen seclusion
Elves claim lineage directly from Valdar; a POWER THAT PASSES UNDERSTANDING
(star-studded by Fine Crafting and Healing and Eternal Light)
Half-Elf Master Elrond, Lord of the waters which run through his forest valley
Has stood in this place before with this knowing about the one ring of Power:
"The ring must be destroyed."
For elves have lived far in the past

Hobbits seemingly hidden from view, live a life WELL SUPPLIED
Dwarves, similarly, one of RICH ENDOWMENT
Wizards live a misunderstood life, almost alien, yet it is generally known to be one of FELLOWSHIP with DIVERSE BEINGS and LEARNING IN ACCORD WITH NATURE (Rather than Industry)
The Race of Men, accustomed to being heir to fragile lives have stepped forward in one remarkable way: DEDICATION to PROTECTING EACH OTHER and KEEPING WATCH for all that is good and right.

Standing in this presence, this power
which binds us all together, I do see expansive beauty as we
journey the vales and valleys in Middle Earth locations --
the Shire, Lothlorien, Rivendell and Rohan, Eriador, Bree and in Chetwood ere Greenwood the Great, of men, kings of Arnor to Gondor, Belfalas to Lune, Imladris, Angmar...and in magnificence we can delight that it came from the hand of one now famous Professor.

Rather shall we question ourselves and our history, our stories?
Am I Siegfried, Brunhild? Have I quested across oceans
in the spirit of Viking ancestors?
Have I been Visted by Odin, the wanderer, or protected by Thor in my heathen village...

In the deepest essence of who I am
is the perfect pattern -- a Paragon

To know the creative source of this inquiry; This goal:
creation must seek its creator with individuated inquiry.

© Copyright 2006 Walkinbird 3 Jan 1892 (walkinbird at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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