Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1168135--HAPPINESS-
by ronin4
Rated: E · Other · Emotional · #1168135
My opinion on happiness.
How differently life can turn out from person to person. I am sure that this comes as a shock since everyone is different.

There are some people who concentrate only on school, then on their career, and then to become successful and powerful. They think that once this is achieved they will be able to have everything they want. My question is : Are they happy?

There are other people who didn't concentrate on school and career, but they have worked hard and have also become successful. Maybe not as successful, but still at the top of their game. My question is: Are they happy?

There are others who have lost everything by choice or by misfortune. My question is: Are they happy? The answer to this question might surprise you. Then there are a select few that have found the happiness that everyone and I mean everyone desires.

Happiness is not determined by how much money you have, by how successful you are, by how big your house is, or by all the possessions that you have. True happiness lies in the heart. The ability to fully give your heart to someone. The ability to give all your trust, all your hopes, all your dreams, all your faults, all your strengths, and most importantly all of your love.

A lot of people will go their whole lives and never attain this. They will think they have, but that is quite possibly a shallow view of their life. They say : " I have money, a house, cars, adoring children, and a loving wife". I have everything I will ever need.

I think they have not looked inside themselves to really know what they want or need. They have spent over half of their lives accumulating their success, money and possessions. After going through all of the stress and heartache, missing their kids games or plays because they have to work late, or having to cancel date night with their wife because they have a deadline to meet. Yet they are happy.

I do not see it.

They have spent so much time attaining their goal, that their goal was never reached. How can I say this?? They have money - which they have blown on meaningless things. They have all kinds of nice cars - who cares they can only drive one at a time. They have adoring children - whom they missed growing up. They have a wonderful beautiful wife - they also have or have had many mistresses.

I am not trying to stereotype, because their are some who have found true happiness. I am not trying to judge, because who am I? I am only one among billions, but I have found that happiness. I am so happy that I can barely contain it.


She is all that I need. I may not have a lot of money, or a big house, or 20 cars in the garage, but I have her.

To be able to wake in the morning and see her peacefully sleeping - fulfills my day. Even though I don't have a lot and sometimes it's a struggle to make ends meet. I know everything will be all right as long as I have her.

When she said : " I DO", I attained success, I had a purpose ( to spend every day making her feel loved and happy), I became affluent in love. I have devoted my life to her and fortunately for me she has devoted hers to me. Sometimes I wake in the middle of the night and just listen to her breathe or to watch her sleep. I can tell what mood she is in by the way she walks.

There are so many things I love and adore about her. I love the way she smells - like a flower garden in the beginning of spring. I love the sound of her voice - a soft tenor with a touch of honey. I love how her eyes sparkle - whether she is happy or angry, or seriously passionate. I love the set of her lips, her tiny hands, her baby smooth skin, the shapes and curves of her body, and also her intellect. I love her understanding - whether its something I am trying to convey through words or her understanding and forgiveness for things I have done wrong. I love that she is a wonderful mother to our three children, I love her passion for life, her faults, her smile, her temper, and most importantly her unconditional love.

My heart is whole. My soul is complete. My goals attained.

Money, power, success, and nice things mean nothing to me as long as I have her by my side. Sometimes I get as giddy as a school girl when I think about her. I feel so overwhelmed, so over-blessed, and so grateful to have her. I am so happy that she loves me. She makes my heart melt. She is my light in the dark. My hope when I'm down, my strength when I'm weak. I feel her with every breath I take. Plain and simply I LOVE HER.
The question is am I happy?? I think I have thoroughly answered yes to this question . Perhaps the question I should have posed - Is she happy??
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