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Rated: E · Article · Other · #1167760
An Idea can change the world...
The views expressed in the statements below is that of one man. They are not the views of any organization that he is assiocated wtih. Thank You for your time.

Nowadays all Americans are looking to get rich faster and quicker than the next person. There is competition that is unoticed to the naked eye. You have to have a better house than your neighbors, if they have a better car you want a newer faster, more miles to the gallon car. And you can see the debt if you ask your fellow neighbor, how much do you pay for your debts?
Now I was told when getting a credit card that I should use it for emercanies only. As I was younger that was easy to live by. Now that I have the free will to go where I want to go, it is a harder descion to make. I have a five hundred dollar credit limit and the XBOX 360 is out, should I go out there and pick it up the next day or should I actually save my money?
But what people fail to relize is that there is other infulentual people out there that speak to you. Whether you hear them or not they are there. Working at a fast food place you can see how people treat their money. They ethier throw it away or try to spend it wisely. I had read some where that if you respect money, then money should respect you back. Just by puttig the smaller bills up front you see you have less money then what you actually have. Thus you tell yourself I don't have the money today, so I will pick it up another day.
I come from a county that is well below the poverty level. Most people are high school drop outs on wel-fare, sell drugs, never leave, or screw up and end up in jail. So trying to find a job is hard and the nearest town is twenty-five miles away. So trying to get the money to go the twenty-five miles for an interview, and you are not for sure if you're going to get the job or not. To me it would be a waste of money, and yes I have done that many of times, I went to the next town for an interview and never got the job, I have been kicked out of three homes in less then a year. They all have been family that have done that to me. So I lived on the streets for four to five months, before I joined the Military. Now that is off the subject that we are dealing with here.
The issue is MONEY. How can a dead president cause so much trouble? People would kill to have a million dollars. That is why we have the lottery, the drawing to win a car, or BINGO. Anything that is free we as Americans will take it. Money is a very powerful thing, wars have started, marriages ended because of money, robbery, shootings, and the list can continue for days.
And we do these things again to prove that we can own them, and show them off. No one really needs a 250,000 dollar car, or a twenty room house, when we have people that are homeless, and need food, shelter, and clothes. But America is not focused on what needs to be done in America to better improve our selfs, no we want to help other countries with their problems and their homless people first. It was said once that the problem starts at home and should begin to be solved at home. The government needs to withdraw from the other countries and let them be alone. Maybe that will solve some problems we have for America, and then crack down on the board-control, then help the Americans.
One, pass a bill that makes it where companies cannot move over seas, or higher immagrants without paper-work. Two, better the wages for the citizens of America. And there are more things that we need to do.
Another subject, no entertainer needs to be paid three million dollars to shoot a movie, or to sing, or to catch a ball. Do these entertainers keep you free, safe from harm? Do they make sure that your streets are safe or that your house fire is put out? Are they dying for a cause that most people do not understand why we are in right now? No, yet they get paid to hit a ball, say a few lines, and play a gituar. While the police, fire-fighters, and the military are out there risking they're lives everyday, so you can put your head down, and say your prayers.
So the point I guess I'm trying to stress here, is we need to put our views into effect, write a letter or even a book on how America needs to change before we get worse than we already are. In the end it doesn't matter how much money you have, it matters what you did with it. God will not ask you how big your house is, he will ask how many people did you house in it? He won't ask you how big or fast you car is, he'll ask how many people did you give a ride? So ask yourself, how many people have you helped today?
If you want things to get better for America, start helping America. Give people a chance to do things instead of kicking them down. Tupac said that he will not change the world but he said that he will spark the brain that will change the world. So one Idea can change the world. Maybe your idea's can change the world or help better America.

© Copyright 2006 dave hart (scobee339 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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