Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1167738-War
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Family · #1167738
There are other wars, wars that lie in the heart and not on a great field somewhere...

While our inner pain shows like battle scars
Our war was long and we fought hard
The pain remembered and the hurt still stands
We fight to mend the rifts, ignoring them as they expand

We sought to bring peace to torrent hearts
We died inside reborn, then fell in parts
Our lives were together, the separation was found
Our love for each other stood its ground

And in the mist of war our battle cries were loud
Yet silent as the pain no one heard a sound
We brought on more while we adjusted in vain
I never saw the light, darkness took the gain

Freedom was a mystery and never seen
The secrecy and humility was foreseen
Our best smiles reserved for the greatest tears
And the deafening screams were our most awful fears

In battle the lives lost were our inner child
Yet in war, while facing pain we only smiled
The war wasn’t what most would expect
It was a fight over abandonment a battle of neglect

Our mother was the commander on the enemies side
Siblings in war as each others allies
We fought to escape all her abuse
Fought to be loved by her, we were used

Like veterans in war, the problems persist
The oldest will never understand why the mom would resist
The middle sees such a monster in her reflection
And the youngest fights a need for affection

Our lives in turmoil, but we will survive
We lost the battle but we won the fight…

Jessicca Hoffmann 10-5-06
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