Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1167254-The-Inconvenient-Baby
by alyss
Rated: · Novella · Romance/Love · #1167254
She finds her lover in the arms of another woman when she is about to tell him her news.
         Sapphire was on her way home to Robert to tell him her news. Whether it would be good or bad depended on his reaction. She had faithfully taken the birth control pills her doctor had given her, but had gotten pregnant anyway. She had just left him after testing positively as pregnant. She wasn't going to think about what she was going to do until she talked to Robert. For all she knew, he would be pleased that they were going to be parents. She had known that their relationship was just a love affair. Robert had made it plain that he had no wish to be tied down at the start. He did have the right, however, to know he was going to be a father so that he could decide how he wanted to be involved in the baby's life. He needed to know that whatever his decision she was having this baby. He didn't have to know that she loved him so much, that if he decided that he wanted their affair to end, she wanted this one thing that was part of him. She entered the building where their penthouse was located and took the elevator up to the top floor. The elevator opened into their penthouse. As she left the elevator, she heard a noise in their bedroom. Figuring that Robert was there changing to a more comfortable outfit, she walked in and started to kick off her heels. Looking up, she saw Robert with a young blonde in his arms both of them partially undressed. Stopping in shock, she took in the picture they made. She felt the pain flooding her body and held on to the back of a chair until she was able to get control of her emotions. When she released the chair, she looked up at Robert feeling an ugly smile widen her mouth.

         "Well, Robert, is this your way of telling me that our affair is over? You really didn't have to let me catch you en flagrante delicto for me to be gone. All you had to do was tell me. That would have been much classier than this. Luckily, I haven't unpacked from our weekend together. I'll just get my bag and find a place to stay. Three is such a crowd. I will send someone to pack the rest of my things when I know you won't be here, and they will leave the key here. I'm sure that eventually we can be friends, Robert, but I will need a little time and distance for that to happen. Goodbye and good luck, love."

         Sapphire turned quickly and headed for the elevator to go to the parking garage where her car was parked. She would drive to a little known inn that she had stayed at for a while that Robert wouldn't know about. She thought she heard him call her name as the door closed, but she was in too much pain to stop. She hurried to her car, turned the key and squealed out of the parking garage onto the main road. Her mind finally emerged from the fog it was in and she discoved that she had left the city behind and was well on the way to Parkaway Inn. It was located in a hard to reach area outside of Miami and would be a welcome respite while she decided what to do next. She would need to completely remove herself from the Miami scene. She would never be able to stand watching Robert and his latest squeeze flaunting their affair. At least she had the baby, Thank God. She had been left an annuity from her father that ensured that she wouldn't have to work unless she needed to. She would find a nice little town to settle in where she could raise her baby in peace. After the scene she had just left, she was sure that a baby was the last thing that Robert would need or want.

         Robert pushed Sophia away from him and ran to the elevator. Then he realized how he was dressed. He had been about to take a shower when he had been ambushed by the young blonde. She had been letting him know for a month now that she was more than available for a fling with him. He had been letting her know that he was perfectly happy with his private life just the way it was. Apparently, she had decided to use the more direct approach and inveigled the security guard to let her in. She was in his arms before he knew what hit him. Just as he was about to disentangle himself and send her on her way, Sapphire had walked in. He would never forget the glassy look in her eyes when she took in the scene or the brittle tone of her voice when she took her leave. He looked down at Sophia like he could kill her and she shrank from him. She hastily got dressed again and ran out of the penthouse. Robert frustratedly ran his fingers through his hair, but couldn't go anywhere until he was fully clothed again. He thought about the places she might have gone to making a mental list. He would visit every one of them until he found her and convince her to return to him. In desperation, he rushed out of the penthouse.

         Robert returned home wearily from work. He had looked everywhere he could think of and hadn't been able to find Sapphire. He had visited the photgraphic studio that she had half interest in. Ivan, the young photographer she was in a partnership with, looked at him in disgust.

         "Before you even ask, Robert, her lawyer has been here to show me the power of attorney she has signed for him to take care of her part of the business. She is leaving town for a while. I figure your the reason. The lawyer informed me she may sell her half to me, and if that is what she decides, she will make it easy for me to be able to do so. My wife will be ecstatic. She has wanted me to have my own business for quite a while now. I would rather have had the opportunity under better circumstances. Her lawyer told me enough to know that you are the reason she has left town. Don't expect me to welcome you with open arms."

         You're right, Ivan, She saw something that she misinterpreted, and I have to find her and explain it to her. Do you have any idea where she might be?"

         "No, Robert, I have no idea. She has cut all communications with everyone except her lawyer and dropped out of sight. All I can tell you is that the lawyer says she is fine physically."

         Robert winced at that qualifier. The inference was that she was not fine emotionally or mentally and that was his fault. He left the shop and headed back to the penthouse. When he opened the door, he could tell that there was something different about the place. He walked through the rooms trying to identify the difference. He walked into the bedroom and all of the drawers and closets were wide open. He hurried over to the walk in closet and investigated. All of sapphire's clothing had been removed. He checked the drawers. All of her intimate apparel was gone, too. Well, that answered one question. She wouldn't be back. He felt a deep anger well up. If she couldn't ask him for an explanation before taking off then he didn't need her. He would cut her out of his life, and find someone else to take care of his needs. He decided tonite was a good time to start. He hurried to take a shower and dress. He would be going to one of his favorite night clubs and do some trolling. He would see what he could pick up and bring home.

         A month later, Robert had to admit to himself that Sapphire was more than a fling. He couldn't get interested in anyone else. He had no interest in going out. He stayed in his penthouse and brooded staring at knick knacks they had bought together during their vacations together. All he thought about was the times they were together. He had come to the realization that he had been in love with Sapphire. She had not been his flavor of the month that he would tire of. He could live with her forever and never tire of her. It had taken this disaster to make him realize that she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and have his children. It was too late, dammit. He couldn't find her and no one was talking to him. He was thinking about hiring a detective when the mail arrived. The door bell rang and he answered it. The postman handed him a package with Sapphire's name on it. He opened it up and looked at what it contained in shock. They were prenatal vitamins mailed to this address from a local pharmacy. She was pregnant with his baby. Well, that decided him. He would hire a detective to find her and his baby if it took every bit of money he had. There was no way he was going to give up on having Sapphire back into his life and his baby. No damn way!

(indent)Sapphire had found a little cottage on the ocean not far from Parkaway Inn. She had rented it but was assured that if she was interested it was for sale. She had settled in. Her lawyer had hired a packing company to pick up her things from the penthouse. He accompanied them to point out what would be going. She left all of the mementos of Robert at the penthouse. She didn't want to bring him into her new life. There was already minimal furniture in the cottage. She would live here for a while and decide if this was the right place for her. There was always time to redecorate, and she still had a few months before the baby would be born. Right now, she needed to rest and relax. The last few weeks had been a heavy strain on her and she was very tired. It wasn't good for the baby. She would need to start looking for a new doctor to follow her pregnancy since she had no intention of returning th Miami. All she wanted to do right now was go to bed and have a long sleep. She slid under the covers of the bed and drifted off to sleep.

         Sapphire spent her time waiting for the baby in refurbishing the cottage and setting up the nursery. She ate what she wanted within reason and catered to her cravings. She took a lot of naps because she tired more often. She had found a new doctor that she liked and was getting her prenatal care. She missed Robert every day but comforted herself that she would have his child. She had been deeply in love with him when she had agreed to live with him as his mistress. She would still be there if she hadn't discovered that she was pregnant. She had known how Robert would react to this news because she had heard him having a conversation with his lawyer about children. He had told him that he was very careful about safe sex with his paramours, because he would need to marry the mother of his child and it wouldn't be with any of his lovers. So she had known the score. So she stayed at the cottage and dreamed about the time they had together with regret and longing developing a deep bond with the child to come.
© Copyright 2006 alyss (alyss at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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