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Rated: 18+ · Draft · Sci-fi · #1166793
Trial novel. I haven't given it a title yet.
It was a snowy stormy night when a young lady aimlessly roaming around a deserted street. She wore a blood-stained tattered garment with bruises and wound cuts around her neck and joints. A gust of wind blew harshly against her snow-like skin and straight long black hair. Quivering from the cold weather in the middle of the night, the woman collapsed and fell down in a slow-motion-like manner on the white snow covered street. Before her deep blue-tainted eyes were closed, she saw a manlike figure walking towards her direction. ‘Help me!’ she thought, yet never had the chance to utter those words. When she gained some consciousness, she felt a warm caress around her body and noticed that she was carried by someone. Her eyes were half opened when she saw a blurry image of a man’s face. She wanted to thank the man for saving her life, yet no words came out of her pale frozen lips. Her eyes closed involuntarily and she lost consciousness once again.

Loud impatient consecutive knocks were heard from the door of an okiya in Kyoto. A slender bodied woman on her nagajuban hurriedly opened the angry door. She was astonished when she saw a samurai carrying an unconscious woman in the middle of the night. The samurai put the lady down slowly on top of a tatami.

“Don’t just stand there Inoue. Give her a room and some fresh clothes” the samurai demanded.

“Yes.” Inoue, the landlady as well as the head geiko, retorted. A bunch of maiko came and carried the girl to a room.

“You can make her your apprentice if you want or make her your maid, as long as you let her stay here and give her food to eat.”

“Kioshi….I never thought you could utter so many words just for the yujo you brought a while ago” Inoue sarcastically remarked.

“It has nothing to do with you” the samurai replied calmly giving Inoue a very dangerous glare.

The stormy night had passed; the morning breeze wrapped the whole okiya with its cold embrace. Inside a room, a young lady woke up from her deep sleep. Her eyes wondered around the room, it was quite different compared to the place she came from. She was roaming around the room when suddenly the door slid open and a lady wearing a kimono came in, bringing in food and medicine.

“So, you’re finally awake my dear…”.Inoue, put down the food and medicine she brought, started to treat the young lady’s wound.

“What is your name?” she asked with a gentle smile on her face.

The young lady didn’t respond, her eyes were blankly staring straight to Inoue’s eyes. It was as if she didn’t understand a thing. Inoue asked again for the second time, still there was no reply.

“Say, I don’t really know why you won’t answer but can you at least tell me your name?” Inoue asked with a little dismay drawn on her face.

The young lady’s innocent blank eyes were still staring at her. It was a moment later when Inoue spoke again.

“Alright, I give up.” Inoue sigh with hopelessness.

“Since you won’t tell me your name, I shall give you a name. Hmm.. let’s see…”

Inoue looked closely to the young lady’s eyes. It was deep crystal blue. When Inoue gazed on the young lady’s hair, it was long, straight and black. The lady’s skin was as white as the snow. Inoue full of enthusiasm stood up and shouted to the top of her voice

“MASAMI!!! I shall name you MASAMI!!.” Inoue got the young lady’s hands and pulled her up.

“Stand up Masami! You shall be my subordinate from now on! You shall become a legendary geiko with your eternal beauty that shall never be forgotten by those who have seen!!!” Inoue’s voice full of eagerness and excitement roared the whole okiya.

Right after treating Masami’s wounds, Inoue presented Masami to the other members of the house. Young beautiful geikos and maikos, together with the maids, gathered in the common room upon Inoue’s order.

“Listen everyone!” Inoue ordered.

“This is Masami. She will be staying with us from now on. I hope all of you will give her a warm welcome.” Inoue declared.

“Hai!” The crowd replied sweetly.

After the presentation, Inoue immediately gave Masami some lessons.

“Masami-chan, ‘open the door, open the door’” Inoue said while making actions of opening a door.

“I’m sorry Masami-chan, I need to teach you how to speak first before you join the others in their formal training” Inoue said.

It was already night time when Inoue finally dismissed Masami. After dinner, Inoue and the rest of the household members went to their respective rooms, including Masami. The night was still and darkness hovered over the place.

Chapter 2 “The Second Encounter”

The sound of swords clashing echoed on a snow-covered street in front of Hamaguri, one of the imperial gates, in Kyoto. The smell of fresh blood hovered over the place. The street was tainted red, and crowded by a heap of man bathing with their own blood. Behind the scene was a young man holding a bloodthirsty sword on his right hand. He had a miaruni mitsu aoi scar on the left side of his chest. His long black pony-tailed hair dances together with the wind on a cold winter night. He ceased his murderous sword and went inside the Imperial Palace.

“Keiki-sama, the rebellion of the Choshu clan was successfully defeated. The Hamaguri imperial gate is now safe.” The young samurai reported.

“Very well then Kioshi.” The man named Keiki replied.

“I shall take my leave then Keiki-sama” The young samurai bowed down with respect and took his leave.

When the midnight struck, someone knocked the old door of the okiya. Upon hearing it, Masami, who was combing her hair at that time, hurriedly went out of her room to answer the main door. She readily prepared her thick wooden stick which she brought just in case it would be needed to defend herself. When the door was opened, a young man armed with a sword stood on the doorstep. The young man went inside without even uttering any word. With great surprise, Masami swung the wooden stick aiming the young man. The young man, as expected, dodged the attack which caused Masami to lose her balance. She was falling forward when the young man suddenly caught her, his arms wrapped around Masami’s waist. Their faces were only an inch apart. It was as if the sands of time stopped, no one moved. The only sound that can be heard was the sound of their breathing.

Masami’s heart was pounding rapidly when she saw the young man’s hair gently fell down on his kind looking face. She saw the young man’s eyes full of sorrow and regrets. She continued staring with those eyes, when suddenly the lights were turned on. It was Inoue, she was about to remark on what she just saw when the young man gently loose his grip on Masami and stood up calmly and firmly.

“Inoue, I need a room to stay for tonight.” The samurai requested with a cold looks on his face.

“Okay, I’ll have it prepared. Masami, go prepare a room please” Inoue ordered.
Masami who seems to understand Inoue’s request, bowed down and went to prepare a room. After Masami’s figure completely disappeared in the corridors, Inoue and the young samurai talked.

“What brought you here Kioshi? Paying a visit to your yujo?” Inoue joked without any bad intentions. There was a small grin on her face trying to piss off the young samurai.

“Stop it Inoue.” the samurai said with a very dangerous glare.

“What happened, Kioshi? Your clothes are stained with blood.” Inoue, ignoring Kioshi’s glare, asked upon seeing Kioshi’s nobakama stained with blood.

“I had an encounter with the Choshu clan” Kioshi answered.

Masami appeared from the dark corridors, she looked at Inoue and bowed down; the room was ready. Inoue smiled and said “Take Kioshi there Masami”.
Masami bowed again a sign which signifies that she understood. Masami looked at the young samurai and led the way.

Chapter 3 “The Dream”

A long black-haired young lady and an amber brown-haired young lad were running towards the heart of a forest. The moon’s face was full and the night sky was clear. The stars were visible above the couple. The young lady stumbled and the young lad tried to help her.
“Just leave me Wilhelm…you must save yourself!” the young lady shouted out, ignoring the help offered by the young lad.
“I just can’t leave you here Rhiannon! Those guards are going to kill you!” The young lad exclaimed.
“I can’t run anymore Wilhelm, my wounds are fresh and the bruises hinders me from moving” the lady said with a soft voice. Tears rolled down from her cheeks.
“THERE THEY ARE!!!” A big man, together with the villagers holding torches, shouted.
“Come on Rhiannon!... we must escape!” The young lad tried to pull up the lady who was still sitting from the ground.
“It’s no use Wilhelm… just leave me here.” The young lady said hopelessly. The young lad decided to carry the lady without any hesitation.
“Just leave me Wilhelm, I’ll only be a burden to you.” The lady cried. The young man didn’t speak any words until they reached the heart of the forest where the oldest tree stands. The young lad gently put down the lady beside the tree. He drew a twelve pointed star on the tree and then performed a ritual and uttered some strange litanies.

“WILHELM!!!” Masami shouted.

The night was deep and the wind outside of the okiya was icy cold when Masami left her room and went outside the house for some air.

The dawn was breaking and Masami was still awake. She went out of the room and decided to go to the kitchen to help the maids prepare food for their breakfast.
“Masami, we saw this inside your garments last night.” A maid handed Masami a necklace with an hour-glass pendant. Upon receiving the necklace Masami went back to her room immediately. She stared on it the whole time. “Wilhelm” she murmured and tears started to roll off her soft white cheeks.

The dinning room was filled with beautiful maikos and geikos. They ate gracefully and with manners. After breakfast, Inoue called for Masami.
“Masami-chan, let’s continue with our lessons okay?”
Masami nodded. Inoue continued to teach Masami how to speak and write which she has been doing ever since she named the girl.

It was afternoon when Masami finished her lessons with Inoue and went back to her room. She continuously stared at the necklace which a maid handed her. A moment later her eyes gently closed, she didn’t realize that she has fallen into a deep sleep.

A garden surrounded by flowers, there were trees everywhere and a river runs by beside a very old tree in the heart of a forest. A young boy was guiding a blind folded girl towards the old tree. “Where are you taking me Wilhelm?” the young girl asked. The young boy didn’t answer, a moment later he finally untie the blind fold of the young girl.
The young girl was amazed by the great view of the place. She was overjoyed to see such spot that she can hardly speak a word for it.

“Rhiannon, close your eyes please..” the young boy requested. “What is it again Wilhelm? I’m tired of closing my eyes…” the young girl asked with a mixed of dismay and excitement. “Just please close your eyes, I have another surprise for you”. The young boy again requested. The young girl closed her eyes. The young boy placed a necklace around her neck. The girl opened her eyes; she felt the necklace around her neck. It has an hour-glass pendant.
“Let it be a sign of my eternal love for you Rhiannon. That even time cannot stop me from loving you, that even if you’ll live in different time than mine…. I shall love you… even if my time will stop, my feelings for you will continue to live on for the rest of eternity…” the boy said with a sincere tone. He looked at the girl’s eyes, and it was crying. He suddenly closed his eyes and a kiss was delivered… A heart warming eternal kiss which sealed there love for each other….

Kioshi who was passing by the corridor heard a cry. He opened the door and saw it was Masami crying over a table grasping a necklace. Kioshi closed the door and went on his way, wondering.

Chapter 4 “The Rematch and the Green Flames”

The night was tearing droplets of snow, the sword of a young samurai flooded blood and a mountain of corpse was on the street. A swift wipe cleaned the murderous sword and a gentle swing retreat it. On his way to the okiya, a long haired girl came out running towards the tiger’s direction. The samurai spied her until she came to a stop in front of an old tree.

“Wilhelm…” the young lady whispered with tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Wilhelm, why…why…why…” she cried and fell down on her knees.

“Masami.” A cold deep voice behind the tree spoke.

“Who’s there!” she shouted. A young man appeared. “Kioshi!” Masami exclaimed.

“Masami, you can speak?” Kioshi asked with his cold calm voice.

The place was tranquilized for a moment; the wind blew gently against the couple beneath an old sakura tree. Masami was looking straight to Kioshi who was in return looking directly to her for an explanation.

“It’s none of your business!” Masami shouted and ran.

Like lightning, Kioshi appeared in front of Masami with his sword drawn towards her together with a passionless glare. Masami in return gave a dangerous, fierce stare straight to the samurai’s eyes. No one dared to move, nor blink nor spoke. Their burning emotions of hatred and misunderstanding were melting the cold icy atmosphere. Neither one of them wanted to give up, nor apologize.

The silent battle of emotions was stopped when both of them heard a sound of sword fight. Kioshi instantly grasp Masami’s hand and hid her behind a big white stone nearby.

A man appeared and his sword was dripping off fresh blood.

“Tokugawa Kioshi! Who would have thought I will meet you in this place again? Nostalgic, isn’t it?” the man spoke, while touching his scarred right eye.

“Zaikoo!” Kioshi’s angered voice broke out.

“Hahaha!!! I shall never lost to you again Kioshi!” Zaikoo voiced with confidence.

Both drawn their swords and get ready for their battle. Fast gestures were executed by both parties. Their movements were invisible to the eyes. The lighting moves were halted when droplets of blood tainted the snowy ground.

On the right side was Zaikoo standing confidently with a big grin on his face, opposite to him was Kioshi whose left arm spilled blood.

“How was that Kioshi? Hahaha!!!” Zaikoo laughed.

“Shut up Zaikoo! I will never forget what you’ve done!” Kioshi uttered with an extremely furious voice.

“Oh well well well… ahahahah!!! You were not over it yet?... ahahha!!!” Zaikoo laughed provoking Kioshi

“I will never forgive you Zaikoo! Never!” Kioshi shouted and desperately attacked Zaikoo who fortunately dodged it. Zaikoo counter attacked and successfully hit Kioshi on his right leg. The ground was even more tainted with blood.

“Why are you so furious about it Kioshi? Why are you so furious about your heroic, noble, true, incomparable, unrequited love for Mitsuki? Ahahaha!!!” Zaikoo provoked.

“DON’T EVER mention her name Zaikoo! You never and will never ever have the right to mention her name!” Kioshi shouted with angrier voice and fiercer glare.

“OH! Is that so?... Remember this Kioshi, Mitsuki is and was MINE. And you have no right to forbid me to speak of her name.” Zaikoo said with an evil grin on his face trying to piss Kioshi off.

“You knew she loves you! You knew she did! Yet what have you done! You betrayed her love, you bastard!” Kioshi shouted.

“Well, thanks to her I did not die the last time we fought. She was quite a useful woman though. Even though she slept with me several times, she never failed to give me pleasures and even in the end, she was a useful human shield. She was truly a noble woman, yet her foolish emotions of love gave her death… Ahahhahah!!! Well I do miss those nights; she was the most amazing yujo I’ve slept with…Unlucky for you Kioshi, you never tasted her even a bit…. Ahahahaha!!!!” Zaikoo laughed louder and louder really amused by what he had spoken.

Kioshi was swallowed by his emotions, his bloodthirsty murderous sword trembled, and his eyes were burning with the lust to kill. He raised his sword aiming for Zaikoo. Now, even more droplets of blood tainted the snowy ground. The fight was long and no one dared to surrender.

An intense swung of sword ended the battle. Kioshi was severely hit on his right shoulder, his blood flooded the snow.

“I shall never forget your face Kioshi. Now bid your prayers and say goodbye to the world….ahahhah!!! You must thank me Kioshi, for I shall deliver you to the place where your beloved yujo is right now… aahahaha..” Zaikoo amused and was full of excitement and enthusiasm for at last he could now defeat his mortal enemy.

Upon raising his sword to kill Kioshi, who was kneeling down and severely wounded, a young lady appeared in front.

“Run… run before I could kill you…” the young lady’s cold voice was heard.

“Ahahah!! Are you threatening me young lady?!” Zaikoo exclaimed.

The lady gave Zaikoo a fierce dangerous glare more intense than those of the fearless manslayers

Zaikoo involuntarily trembled upon looking at those brutal blue eyes of the young lady, and took a step backward.

“I shall kill you next time Kioshi!!!” Zaikoo threatened and walked away as fast as he could.

After Zaikoo disappeared from the site the young lady turned backwards facing the severely wounded samurai.

“Stand up and let’s go back to the okiya so that your wounds will be treated.” The young lady said passionlessly.

She was beginning to walk towards the okiya when suddenly the samurai fell down.

The samurai’s unconscious body was pale and blood still comes out of his wounds. The young lady was about to leave him dead on the snow when suddenly she felt a guilt inside remembering how the young samurai hid her behind the stone for safety.

She went back to the half-dead samurai and breathed deep. She knelt down and touched the wounds; a whitish green flame came out and hovered over the wounds and healed it.

The samurai came back to his senses again and was astonished to see the green flames around his body, healing his wounds.

“Masami!” he exclaimed with a low weak voice when he saw the young lady. A moment later his wounds were fully healed, he has gained back his strengths.

Masami, exhausted, fell down unconsciously to the snow. The samurai, still confused and speechless about what he had witnessed, carried the young lady and went back to the okiya.

Chapter 5 “The Agents”

“Paging Agent Duhaydalunggan, paging Agent Duhaydalunggan please report to the president’s office right now. I repeat paging Agent Duhaydalunggan please report to the president’s office right now. Thank you”

It was a fair day in the Philippines, in the year 2220. A peaceful day indeed! Philippines, the guardian of time, and the most developed and highly respectable country for almost 200 years!

Buildings tall and short were floating and scattered all over the place. Cars are flying from left to right and vise versa. Electricity gave life to the city. Capsules were considered as the most essential food of the living. Computers were considered as the most essential thing. Communication was fast and clear. Eagle emblems were embedded in every individual living in the country. A red blue flag with sun and stars was raised up the highest.

Inside a tall black and white building, a young man wearing a white uniform accented with black bowed down to his superior.

“Agent Juan Duhaydalunggan, I have received a report indicating that a mysterious matter has crossed the boundaries of time. The unusual thing is that the illegal matter is still unknown.” The man, who was wearing a black uniform accented with white, and a golden circular medal labeled “president” pinned on his left, spoke.

“Why is that so sir? How come a phenomenon like this occur?” the agent asked.

“Well as you can see Agent Duhaydalunggan, Our computers may detect animals and humans when they intrude time yet there are some phenomena that even technology nor science can’t explain. These phenomena remain as mysteries to the scientific world. Phenomena that only faith can answer. ” The president seriously said.

“And Now Agent Duhaydalunggan, I order you to investigate this matter and do your job swiftly.” The president commanded.

“Yes sir!” the agent replied and took his leave.

A dark violet black liquid-like portal was opened beside the oldest living tree of the country. The agent took a step in and was eaten by the darkness…

“Sister Esperanza, a dangerous evil magical power was spotted beneath an old tree in Salem, Massachusetts in 1600’s. Please handle this mission, Agent Esperanza. I’ll be counting on you” A superior nun ordered.

It was a warm sunny day on Italy, in the year 2020. The Jeanne d’arc Order was established to terminate possible forces which can alter and change the book of “Revelations”. A secret organization of highly trained respectable nuns and were given the chance to travel through time.

“I understood ma’am” a young nun, wearing her black uniform with a crucifix necklace, retorted.

A dark violet liquid-like portal appeared beside an oldest tree of the country. The young agent took a step in and was swallowed by the darkness. The portal closed…

Beside the oldest tree in the heart of the forest in Salem, Massachusetts, a dark violet liquid-like portal appeared. A young man with black short military haircut appeared. He looked around the tree, on the grounds and on top of it; he got tired, rested for a while and eventually fell asleep beneath the tree.

The time travel came to an end, the young nun appeared beside the oldest tree on the center of the forest in Salem, Massachusetts.

She wore a necklace with a big cross pendant; “Sister Esperanza Velasquez” was engraved behind it. Esperanza was about to take a step when suddenly she stumbled. She was astonished when she saw a man resting beneath the tree.

“FREEZE!!!” Esperanza shouted aiming a gun towards the man. The man did not wake up regardless how much Esperanza repeated.

Exasperated, Esperanza kicked the man as hard as she could. The man rolled and tumbled down and eventually woke up dizzily; his senses came about when he saw a gun aiming at him and he froze.

“YOU!!!” The man and Esperanza chorused.
“AGAIN!!!” a duet shout of surprise echoed around the places and the birds went chaos upon hearing it.

“What are you doing here?!” Esperanza asked.

“Hey that’s my line!” The man, with a name plate labeled “Agent Juan Duhaydalunggan”, written in Alibata, pinned on the left side of his uniform, exclaimed.

The two of them stared each other and a moment later they burst out with laughter.

“This is rather familiar, isn’t it? Esperanza asked while trying to stop laughing.

“You’re quite right there Sister. It seems that we always have an encounter whenever and wherever we are. And the funny thing is, I never knew your name and you never knew mine!” Juan exclaimed with amusement on his face.

“Yes! Yes!... Ahhahaha!!! And I remember the first time I tried to ask you your name, the time portal appeared and you were sucked in then… and … and… ahahha!!! Your pants went off because you forgot to zip it!!! Ahahha!!! That was a nice polka dot shorts back then. Ahahha!!!” Esperanza burst out with laughter.

“Ahahah!! Yes… I do remember that…. I was in a hurry back then because I was chased by the dinosaurs when I was about to answer the call of nature that's why i forgot to zip my pants…. Ahahah!!!.... and that was when I saw your pink pajamas when you were running and suddenly stumbled over a rock… ahahha!!... I never thought a nun would wear pajamas under her uniform…. Ahahahaha!!!” Juan laughed out loud.

“AHAHAHAH!!!!!!!” a chorused laughter echoed all through out the forest that caused havoc to the animals.

Chapter 6 “Confusions”

“Why?! Why are you leaving Wilhelm? Why?” a young lady cried.
“I’m going to the seminary soon Rhiannon, I wanted to help people that are in need. Please understand.” An amber-brown haired lad said softly with gentle eyes seeking understanding from the lady.
“No! I don’t want to! I don’t want to understand!...” the lady cried covering her ears.
“I might sound selfish Wilhelm, but I don’t want you to go. I want you to be always at my side” the lady said softly and tears came rolling off her cheeks.
A warm embrace was given. The young lad held the lady tighter that not even a light could pass through.
“Don’t worry Rhiannon, you’ll soon know why…” the young lad whispered….

The night was angered and the wind went wild. Inside the okiya, a young beautiful girl was sleeping and tears suddenly fell down her unconscious face.

“Why?...” Masami murmured to herself while dizzily getting up her bed. She rubbed her eyes and noticed that it was wet; tears flooded her snow-like skin. She wiped them off and took a deep breath when suddenly, the door slammed open, it was Inoue.

“Masami-chan, are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh! I’m glad your alright.” Inoue said worriedly.

“I’m okay now Inoue-sama, thanks for the worry” Masami answered with a smile on her face.

Inoue was stunned upon the reply. She stared Masami for a while and tears of joy suddenly came out flooding her eyes.

“Those sweet words! Oh! The fruits of my hard work!!! At last!!!” Inoue was delighted and hugged Masami.

“Ahh… Inoue-sama, I… I…can’t… breathe…” Masami barely uttered.

“I’m sorry dear… I was just… I was just… so..so… HAPPY!!!” Inoue cried out with joy.

“I’m alright now Inoue-sama, you don’t need to worry.” Masami then again assured Inoue.

“Alright then, take your rest. Let’s chat tomorrow, okay?” Inoue then went out of the room.

On that the same night, a young samurai was sitting inside his room, reflecting and calming himself from the twist of events. He closed his eyes and suddenly remembered the first time he saw Masami…

It was a cold memorable night when he was walking down a deserted street without knowing where to go. He was saddened and crazed by the death of his beloved, that at that moment he decided to cut his gut off and to commit a suicide, when suddenly a lady wearing a red stained tattered dress laying down the snowy streets caught his attention. He walked towards the lady. With his great surprise it looked like Mitsuki. The long ever black hair, the snow-like skin, the gentle face, reminds him of his ever beloved Mitsuki… But he knew it can’t be Mitsuki, since he was with Mitsuki till her last breath…

The young samurai opened his eyes gently and touched his right shoulder. It has no trace of wound, no scar nor was blood visible. It was as good as new.

“Who are you Masami?” Kioshi murmured to himself. Suddenly he heard a scream nearby…

The young samurai, upon hearing the sudden scream, stood up quickly and responded; it came from a small house nearby. He ran towards the house and slammed open the door.
A brown haired-man, with a dangerous glare emitted by his blood- red eyes, stood still; he was holding a long charcoal colored wooden broom stick in his right hand. His left hand was painted with blood; he just killed the old widow.
The samurai courageously pulled out his sword. The man looked at the young samurai and was delighted by his bravery; he ran as fast as light towards the samurai.
The samurai didn’t even noticed that the man was, now, only an inch away, he tried to stab the man, yet before he did, the man placed his left hand on the samurai’s triple hollyhock crest scar. The man grinned and a moment later red flames hovered over the scar causing the samurai to break down in pain. The man suddenly vanished into thin air….

Chapter 7 “The Triple hollyhock crest scar”

With his last strength the samurai went out of the house, trying to find the mysterious man. The scar on his left chest continued to bleed not only from the outside but also from the inside. It was as if the red flames triggered the pain of his past love. The young samurai collapsed on the snowy ground…

It was a stormy snowy night. The sky was rather dark; the angered wind blew harshly against the leafless trees and village houses. Beneath the oldest sakura tree of the place, a couple of samurai were talking and fighting over a long black haired young lady, wearing a kimono with her obi tied in front, standing closest to the tree.

“Well, well Kioshi you’ve come at last…thank you Mitsuki” One of the samurai said with a provoking smile on his face.
“It was my pleasure Zaikoo-san” the young lady uttered and bowed indicating her respect.
“Mitsuki…you?!...you…” Kioshi, surprised about the revelation.

The young lady replied an unconcerned glare.
“Ahahaha!! I just love your astonished face Kioshi… Ahahah!!!” Zaikoo laughed amusingly.
“You!” Kioshi shouted and drawn his sword.
“This is the day that I lived for Kioshi! I shall finish you off including the Tokugawa shogunate.” Zaikoo uttered.
The fight began; both were equal in strength and agility. Their swords collide breathe forth its cry. The hurling wind accompanied the two samurai as they fought with all their might. Droplets of blood halted the clash. Zaikoo’s right eye was cut off and a flood of blood came out of it. Kioshi’s sword was stained red. Before Zaikoo could stood up, Kioshi raised his bloodthirsty sword up high.
“DIE!!!” he shouted out and threw an intense finishing move.
“STOP!!!” the young lady screamed covering the severely injured Zaikoo.
It rained red; the ever white snow was swallowed by it. The young lady was cut; her left shoulder and arms went off, exposing her heart that was hardly beating.
“Run… Run Zaikoo… save yourself…run my love…” The lady uttered with her remaining energy. Zaikoo cowardly run off.
“Mitsuki… you told me you love me…but… why?... why?... why did you betray me?...” Kioshi fell off his knees beside the dying lady.
“Kioshi, I thought you knew already Kioshi…” Mitsuki uttered coldly.
“Why?! Why did you sacrifice yourself for that man and why did you betray me Mitsuki?...why??!! WHY?!!” Kioshi shouted out together with his feelings of anger and confusion.
“…Because… I love him Kioshi…” the young lady barely answered.
“How about me Mitsuki! You told me you love me! Have you forgotten?! Mitsuki!!...How about me?!!..” Kioshi exclaimed.
“I……never…..did… love you Kioshi… I never did…” The young lady confessed with her last breath. Her eyes finally closed, her face paled due to the loss of blood. She died happily thinking how she became useful for the man she always loved.

“MITSUKI!!!” Kioshi shouted out loud with tears falling off his face, the cry of a man suffering from the pang of an unrequited love.

After Inoue went out, Masami tried to sleep. Yet no matter how much she tried, her eyes won’t close and she just continued to stare blankly into the ceilings of her room. It was then she decided to have a walk outside.

She slowly opened the door of her room and quietly walked by the dark corridors. When she arrived at the common room, it was dark and empty. She opened the main door and went out. The snowy breeze caressed her body; she walked further while her eyes wondered around the place.

A heap of snow with blood spots on it caught the young lady’s eyes. She walked towards the pile of snow; she saw a hand sticking out from it, as if someone was buried.

She dug the person out, with her great surprise it was Kioshi, nearly crossing the river of death.

Masami drag Kioshi towards a small stock house nearby. She saw a ragged blanket at the corner of the room; she spread it and dragged the almost dead samurai on it.

“Hey! Kioshi! Wake up!” Masami called out with her ever cold voice.

There was no reply. The man was still unconscious, his eyes were closed, his lips were pale and his heart beat was getting slower.

“Kioshi… Kioshi.... Kioshi wake up!...” Masami called out, now with a worried voice.

There was no reply still.

It was when Masami looked for the samurai’s wound. She scanned his body, and discovered that it was from the samurai’s left chest. A triple hollyhock scar was bleeding endlessly; she touched the wound, green flames appeared and hover over the scar. A moment later, the wound was all healed up.

The man unconsciously moaned and squeezed his scar; pain was drawn on his face, as if he was suffering from the inside. Masami’s tears rolled off her cheeks when she heard the moaning of the samurai.

She leaned closer and closer to Kioshi until her body touches his, and bestowed him a gentle heart warming kiss. Masami tried to heal any internal wounds that may cause the pain, yet she hadn’t found one, she got tired and halted. She embraced the samurai tightly and tears burst out from her eyes.

“I’m sorry, I can’t heal your heartaches” Masami softly whispered to the unconscious samurai.

She fell asleep, her arms wrapped around the samurai.

The day was breaking, Kioshi dizzily opened his eyes. He saw Masami beside him, wrapping her arms around his body. He looked closer to Masami’s face and saw that her eyes were swollen, as if she cried the whole night.

Kioshi’s heart pounded when Masami unconsciously moved closer to him, her ever warm body touches his. He was restless, and uneasy.

He stood up carefully, so that Masami won’t wake up.

A moment later, Masami woke up and was worried when she didn’t see Kioshi beside her. Her eyes wondered around and a figure on the corner caught her attention, it was Kioshi staring back at her.

Masami’s worried face dramatically changed into a passionless one.

“Your finally awake, I’ll be going back then.” Masami uttered with her, then again, cold unconcerned voice. She opened the door and went out.

The samurai, on the other hand, stayed for awhile looking blankly into space.

Thinking deeply and trying to reconcile his feelings.

“Your plan went well, Master” a soft emotionless voice said.

“Just a little more…” an evil voice uttered.

It's still a draft though and I'm still trying to work on it.
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