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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1166474
A trial story. It's about Mary and how he came to meet Louis.
It’s been five years since then, when I took my first step in this prestigious university. And also five years since I first met Louis in this same school, in this same stairs. I never thought that the first day in this university would bring colors to my life.

I was lucky to pass a scholarship before I graduated in high school. I have chosen ICU, International Commerce University, a prestigious well-known university around the world. I was nervous at first since I know that the students in ICU are the sons and daughters of rich businessmen around the world.

“Goodbye Dad!” I shouted as the train started to run. My dad waved his hands. Don’t worry Dad, I promise; I’ll give it my best shot. I thought while watching my dad’s image getting farther. I settled down and took my hat off. I watched the sceneries outside the window. It was nice, the trees, flowers and the clean river running parallel to the train. After a while I took a nap. And when I woke up, I just arrived in the station.

I carried my bags and went directly to the school’s dormitory where I would be staying for 4 years, hopefully, if I would be able to maintain my grades. My room was big and was fully furnished from the door to the windows to the living room, kitchen and bathroom. WOW I thought to myself, when I entered my room for the first time. I settled down and prepared for the first day in school.

My alarm clock didn’t ring the following day. When I wake up, I realized that it was already 5 minutes more to 8:00 I ran as fast as I could towards the school and I came across a staircase. It was rather hard for me to climb up with six thick heavy books in front of me. But then I had no choice. I climb as fast as I could, thinking how I could explain to my teacher why I’m late in the first day of class. Suddenly, someone bumped me, my books fell down and luckily I managed to hold on the stair grills. I picked up my books and turned around to look at the person who bumped me. I was a bit disappointed though, since he didn’t help me with my books and the worst thing is that he didn’t even utter an apology.

Luckily, I was able to come in time for our first class. “You’re a special student, aren’t you?” the girl beside me asked. “Ah… Yes!!” I replied nervously thinking how powerful their family might be.

“I’m Sarah” the girl smiled. By that smile I know a beautiful friendship is about to bloom.

“I’m Mary” I replied.

Sarah and I went to a restaurant close to our school. We had a chit chat and I’ve known that she was an illegitimate daughter of a rich businessman. I felt pity for her but then I was amazed on how Sarah managed to cope up with it.
A moment later, the restaurant’s door opened and a man with a nice stance came in. He looked firm, strict and cold. I looked at him and realized that I’ve seen him somewhere. I wondered for a short while, Oh well, like I care I thought when I gave up tracing where I met that guy.

“Mary! do you know that guy?” Sarah asked, whispering.

“No” I answered and took a spoonful of food.

“He’s the heir of the Winter Wing Company!” Sarah exclaimed while maintaining the volume of her voice.

“Winter wing?” I asked.

“It’s the famous company in the business world!!! It was known for its unbeatable income every after its fiscal year! I’ve heard that their income doubles during the end of its period.” Sarah whispered.

“Really? Well I’m not interested

A week has passed and I’m proud to say that I’m doing great with my studies. One Monday when I was passing through the corridor, I came to pass by that the same guy I saw at the restaurant, behind him were two men wearing shades and black colored formal clothing. He really is a VIP. I thought.

I headed straight to the locker room. I opened my locker and saw a letter about my application to the film club. I was accepted. I was requested to come to their office the next day.

Sarah applied for the glee club and like me, she was also accepted. After classes Sarah and I parted. She went to the glee club office while I went to the film club’s.

“Okay people! From this day onwards you will be officially recognized as a member of the film club.” A guy on the platform announced.

I looked around the room and saw pictures of important people regarding the evolution of the camera, photography and filming. I’ve also seen some new versions of cameras and other filming materials at the corner of the room. Wow!!! I thought to myself upon seeing those materials.

The meeting was adjourned and I went to the school’s roof top. It was nearly dusk and in my view I saw the whole city. The air was fresh. The scenery is incredible. I took a deep breath when suddenly I saw an image of a man going down the stairs; I took a look to make sure I am not dreaming. But then, in the end I didn’t find someone. A moment later I went back to the dormitory.

The next day, another film club meeting was called. The film club recently accepted a project. It would be in a form of TV commercial for Goglee shampoo. The club officers decided that a model shall be chosen among the new members. "The chosen model shall have the 40% share of whatever income we can get in this project" the PIO announced. Gee, that's quite big!

"AND NOW, let us vote for our model" the officer uttered. The election was fast and the votes were unanimous. The model for the project was Hanah, a third year student of the university. Hanah, as far as I know, was the school's representative to an international pageant last year. She gained popularity since then.How lucky... I thought to myself while watching Hanah's hair bounced and shined. The members were dismissed except for Hanah, of course, since she needs to have a short orientation about the project.

Then again, I went back to my favorite place, the roof top. I climb up till the last step, unfortunately, by the time I reached the place, water droplets started to fall. I frowned What a bad weather! I thought. I was about go down the stairs, when then I saw, that man again. He climbed up the stairs, I gave way though, since I know I am inferior to him. He passed by me silently as if I didn't exist. What is he thinking? Staying at the roof top at this weather condition? Is he crazy? I thought when he pursued. I didn't care much at all, since I know it would be trouble to put my nose on to other people's business.

The next morning, I had my physical education class. We were having a discussion about the dance tango; after the discussion, our teacher taught us the basic steps.

"Okay class stand up and hold your partners!" our teacher ordered. I raised my hands, and the teacher noticed.

"Yes Miss Kelpz? How may I help you?" our teacher asked.

"Ma'am, I believe my partner Mr. Kent is not around." I told her, upon realizing my partner was not around.

Our teacher looked around for other students who have no partner. Then when she found none...

"Just wait here for a while Miss Kelpz." the teacher said.

I waited for her near the table at the back of the classroom near the door. She went back together with a guy. Well, he's no ordinary guy, since he's the same guy as the one I saw at the restaurant and at the roof top. What the..!! I exclaimed in my thought as I saw him again for the third time.

"Miss Kelpz, this is Mr. Louis Frenoir, he's my best student when it comes to dancing. He'll be your dancing partner for today" our teacher stated smiling at me. I didn't have a choice but to accept it.

"Okay!... now for the basics..." Mrs. Ornel, our teacher, taught us the basic steps of tango.

My body stunned when we began our lesson. Louis' right hand clasps mine and the other was placed at my back. My nervousness was covered since tango is supposed to be stiff.

"No daylight guys! No daylight!" Our teacher announced.

No daylight?! I thought. No daylight means our bodies need to stick together. I don't have a choice though, I need to do this. And so it was, the music started to play and we started to dance. Louis was a professional dancer, so I have a hard time coping up with him. His face was emotionless and cold. I was scared by how he looks and how he glared at me when he caught me staring at him. Those eyes were really scary... The music finally comes to an end.

"Th..a...n...k yo..u Mr. Louis Frenoir!" I barely uttered and bowed in front of him. He just looked at me and went out of the room.How rude! I thought.

The rest of the day went well. After my class, another film's club meeting was called. This time, it would be about each member's assignment regarding the recent project.

"Ok. I have here the assignments for each one" the PIO annouced holding a piece of paper in his right hand. I listened carefully until my name was called.

"Mary Kelpz, I've heard you're good at graphical effects and stuff. I've assigned you to the special effects commitee." Gosh... what a troublesome job! I thought since I know how difficult it is to do special effects.

The next day, I was introduced to the other members of the special effects committee. There were five members including me, of course. I don't want to boast though, but I was instantly appointed as the assistant head of the committee. Maybe I do have some glamour...I thought to myself. Not sooner or later, we were again assembled at the meeting room. There the over all director of the project was introduced. And guess what...

"Before we begin this project, I would like to introduce our club's over-all director Mr. Louis Frenoir" The PIO announced and beside him stood Louis.
It's a small world after all...I thought while looking at the familiar face. Louis glanced and caught me staring at him. I looked down. Gosh, what a troublesome guy.

The meeting was finally over. I dashed up to the roof top. AHHH! What a nice sunset! I took a few steps closer to the edge of the building. The scenery was really nice... A few minutes later, I've decided to return to the dorm.

I switched on the television and changed channels. I stopped at channel 6. It was the business news. The news talked about Winter Wings. Winter Wings? Now where did I hear those words? I wondered while watching the newscaster on TV. Suddenly, a familiar man was featured in the television.

THAT’S!!!!....LOUIS GUY!!!... Why is he on TV?... NOW I remember! Sarah did tell me about that guy being the heir of the Winter Wings Company whatsoever... how lucky...I thought.

"il est mon honneur et plaisir de présenter le nouveau produit de notre nouvelle compagnie..." the man in the television said.
French?... I see... so that's why I never heard of him speak!... I thought. I turned off the television and went to sleep.

The next day, we had a long exam in my major subject. Luckily, I did manage to answer some questions.

"Mary, let's have lunch together." Sarah said.

"Okay, but first I need to go to my locker." I replied.

Sarah accompanied me to the locker room. I opened my locker and took out something to study and then we finally went to 'Délicieux' a restaurant beside our school.

"I can't believe it Mary! My answer to number 7 was supposed to be 'strategic' and then on the last minute I changed it to 'operational'!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Don't worry Sarah, you'll surely pass the exam." I assured her, while reading a novel 'tales of two cities' by Charles Dickens.

"You know Mary, I already had a lead in finding out who is my real father" Sarah uttered seriously.

"Really? Then who could it be?" I asked Sarah.

"The detective told me that sooner or later someone will tell me everything. And I told the detective that it was supposed to be his job. And he told me that he can't handle it anymore because someone is manipulating behind the scenes" Sarah said.

"Don't worry Sarah, you'll soon find out no matter what" I told her.

Lunch time was over and we went back for our afternoon classes. After classes, I went again to the roof top, my favorite place in school. And then immediately went back to the dorm. Suddenly, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Miss Kelpz? Where are you now?"

"I'm at the school's dorm"

"What is your room number"

"I'm on room 14"

"I'll be right there" and the phone hung.

"Hello? Who’s this?" I asked. But it was too late.

Who could it be? I thought to myself.

A few minutes later, the door bell rang. I hurriedly opened the door. It was Nana, the special effects committee secretary.

"Miss Kelpz, good afternoon." Nana greeted me with her sweet smile.

"Oh... good afternoon." I replied.

"Miss Kelpz, Mr. Hord called for an emergency meeting" Nana informed.

"When?" I asked.

"Right now." She replied.

"WHAT! Right now?!" I exclaimed upon hearing her calm reply.

"That's why, Mr. Yurb asked me to come and pick you up."

"Alright then, give me a sec. I'll change first." I told her and let her wait for me in the living room while I change my clothes.

Out side of the school dorm Nana's red sports car was parked. She opened the car and started the engine.

"Come on in!" she called.

Nana and I arrived at the place; it was in Winter Hotel, a hotel owned by the Winter Wings Company.

Wow! I thought while my eyes wondered around the lobby as we went in. Nana talked to the desk clerk and went back to where she left me.

"Follow me Miss Kelpz" Nana said.

I followed her. Soon, we arrived at the conference room. There sat the committee heads and their respective secretaries.

"Where's Mr. Yurb?" I whispered to Nana.

"He's currently in Hawaii. That's why he told me to pick you up since you're the assistant committee head." Nana explained.

WHAT?? Am I supposed to do this stuff?... I'm not really good in this....I cried in my thoughts. Nana guided me to my chair it was next to hers. Mr. Hord arrived just on time.

"Good evening everyone. Now we will discuss our agenda for tonight." Mr. Hord the overall Public Information Officer started.

The main focus of the meeting was the club's recent project. Mr. Hord told us that the deadline was moved. Instead of having it on the 15th next month, it would be in the end of the current month. Gosh! We barely have 20 days! I thought as I counted the remaining days till the deadline.

"That's why, we must do this double time. I need everyone and every committee's cooperation." Mr. Hord announced. A while longer, Mr. Hord noticed me.

"And Miss Kelpz..." He called.
"Mr. Yurb told me that he will not be able to come back till next month so you will be taking his place as of now."

"Yes sir." I retorted. Gosh!.

The meeting was adjourned and finally everyone dispersed. Nana sent me back to the dorm.

"Thank you very Much for today Miss Melz" I thanked her.

"Your welcome Miss Kelpz" she replied.

The next day, the film's club was very busy doing the project. The special effects members were in their quarter. I checked on them and went out of the room. Everyone's doing a great job. I thought as I roamed around the area. The work still continued till 9 o'clock pm. I went back to the dorm about 9:30 pm. Good thing the school's dormitory didn't set up a curfew. I thought.

The second to the last day of the month finally came. The photography and filming committee were already done with their job. The other committees were already finished with their assignments. Unfortunately, the special effects committee remained undone since they have to do the finishing touches and put in special effects to the output. The committee members worked hard. It was 9 pm when one of the members approached me.

"Miss Kelpz, I'm really sorry but I need to go now, my mother asked me to go home early" Kathy, my subordinate, said.

"Alright! Everyone who needs to go home early, you may go home now. “I announced.

"Are you sure about this Miss Kelpz?" Nana asked with her big brown eyes full of surprise.

"Yes Miss Melz and if you want you may also go home. Just leave the rest to me." I assured her and smiled.

Everybody dispersed. Well, I need to do all of this. I told myself. I continued everybody's work. Half and hour later someone went inside the room. It was Mr. Hord.

"Miss Kelpz? Where is everyone?" Mr. Hord asked when he realized the room was almost empty.

"I told them to go home" I told him.

"Well, then. Miss Kelpz, I'll also take my leave." Mr. Hord annouced and smiled at me goodbye. When he was about to go out he remembered something.

"And oh. By the way, the director told me that he wants to see the final output. He told me he would be waiting in the Winter Hotel's president's office. If you need a car you can use the club's van if you like. I'll leave the keys here." Mr. Hord left the car keys on the table and immediately took his leave.

It took me about half a minute to realize what he just uttered.” WHAT!!!" I exclaimed and my voice echoed inside the room. The director? How am I supposed to talk with that guy? I thought.

It took me 2 straight hours to finish the output. I took the car keys and went out. The moon's face was full. I went to the club's van and started the engine. The street was empty. I can barely see any cars. It just took me 10 minutes to arrive in the hotel. I parked the car and went directly to the hotel's president's office.

"What can I help you maam?" The desk clerk outside the president's office asked me.

"I'm here for Mr. Louis Frenoir. I'm from ICU's film club's assistant head of the special effects committee. I'm here to give him the final output." I told the clerk lady.

She picked up the telephone and said something.

"You may go in now maam" the clerk told me and smiled.

I stood in front of the president's office door and took a deep breath. OK.. This is it...NOW WHAT???!!!! I thought with out noticing that my knees were trembling.

I knocked the door and opened it slowly. The room was neat and big. It was surrounded by ceiling to floor glass windows. Straight ahead was the president's table. Beside it stood the president exposing his back while he's watching the whole city through the gigantic window.

I courageously walked towards the table. Louis turned back and stared at me.

"aah..Bon.....s.oir Mon..s..ie..ur... F.r.e..n.o.i.r..!." I barely uttered; big droplets of sweat rolled down on my face. My hands were pale and cold. Did I get it right? oh... how I wished I listened to my French class professor when I was in high school. Now I know the importance of his subject! I thought.

I didn't notice that my knees were really shaking hard; it was as if my soul wanted to abandon my body and run away. And when I looked at his emotionless cold pair of eyes I fell down on my knees in front of the table and suddenly my vision went black. I collapsed.

Where am I?... I thought when I opened my eyes.Where am I?... Then again I asked in my thoughts. I managed to sit.
Suddenly, I remembered. OH MY GOSH!!!...What a shame!!!! I thought.

"You're finally awake. You've done a great job." a man, sipping his coffee and sitting on a sofa adjacent to mine, spoke.

What a guy! I tried my best to speak French for him and now he can speak fluent English?!! I thought.

"Yo...u.. can speak english?" I asked courageously looking back at him and waiting for an explanation.

Louis paused drinking for a while when he saw me waiting for an explanation. Unexpectedly, he smiled. I really don't know what happened. It might be a dream or may be a miracle but then I realized it was for real when later on I heard him laughing out loud.

What the? Did I say something funny?! I thought. I was really pissed off. I stood up and was about to leave when suddenly he held my hands and pull me back to the sofa.

"I'm sorry Miss Kelpz. I didn't mean to make you misunderstand." Louis said.

"My business is done. I must take my leave now Mr. Frenoir" I said firmly.

"Where are you going Miss Kelpz?" He asked.

"Back to the school dorm of course!" I answered back.

"You can't go back in there. It is already an hour pass the curfew." Louis uttered.

"For your information Mr. Frenoir, the schools dormitory didn't have any curfew, so I can go back there whenever I want!" I answered back and a bit pissed off with him. I turned my back.

"Miss Kelpz, I do believe you didn't read the rules and regulations of the school dorm."

What a guy! How'd he know I didn't read the rules?!. I turned back. Louis continued to drink his coffee while staring straight at me with his now warm and tender eyes. I didn't know why but it was as if at that moment my blood was moving fast around my body.

"Okay... I give up... Now what am I suppose to do?" I uttered and sited at the sofa.

"You can stay here for a while and wait till morning." Louis offered smiling. My heart beat fast upon seeing his warm smile. I stunned for a while.

"Are you alright?" Louis asked worriedly and put his hands on my forehead. It was warm. Maybe because of the coffee... I thought sarcastically. I stayed in his office for a while.

What a busy guy! I exclaimed in my thoughts when I was watching him signing papers from left to right. I felt bored and dizzy. I took a nap and the next thing I knew the sun was up high in the sky.

"WHAT TIME IS IT?!!!" I shouted upon seeing the sunshine through the window.

"8:00 AM" Louis answered.

"Oh no! I'll be late for my math class!" I exclaimed. I hurriedly put on my shoes and tied up my hair.

"Don't worry Miss Kelpz. It's Sunday" Louis uttered and a big grin was drawn on his face. It was as if he was laughing inside. What the!!!

"You can laugh out loud if you want!" I shouted pissed off with his big grin.

"Calm down Miss Kelpz." Louis said and smiled.

I stood up for a while and took a sit on the sofa. I was really pissed off. A moment later, Louis stood up and walked towards me. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up.

"Wait!" I uttered.

"Come on Miss Kelpz." He said while dragging me outside of his office towards the elevator. He then pushed the button with number 14 in it.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just wait till we get there." Louis answered with a bit of excitement on his voice. "


We finally arrived at the 14th floor. He held my hand again and grabbed me towards a door. A gust of wind slapped against my face. We were in an open space of the building. I really didn’t know how it happened though; it isn’t supposed to be the roof top since we’re not on the upper most part of the roof.

“How..?” I was surprised upon seeing such a nice view of the city.

I can see the whole city, not too far or too near. I can clearly see the busy place below and the peaceful mountain straight ahead. The air was clean. The polluted air didn’t dare to go up to the floor’s level.

“It’s nice, isn’t it?” Louis asked while watching the mountains across. His hair danced together with the wind. He seems so happy, and that he smiled.

“Miss Kelpz” He called still holding a view of the mountains.


“I’m sorry.” I was really confused at first, but then it was as if a memory came back to me.

“It’s alright. Just forget about it. I was absent minded back then.” I replied.

“But you know what?” Louis loosed his view of the mountains and faced me.

“What?” I asked.

He smiled and said “I’ve never seen a girl who collapsed and got scared of me.” He gave out a low laugh.

At that moment I really find him delightful. His ever flawless face, his sweet smile, his kind eyes, his broad shoulders, his firm stance, he’s so perfect. I was so mesmerized about what I’ve discovered that I didn’t notice I was staring him for so long.

“Miss Kelpz?” He wondered, his eyes went round and was looking straight to mine. What am I thinking?!

“Ah! I’m sorry Mr. Frenoir I didn’t mean to sleep… no… I mean… What did you say?” What am I saying?!!! Goodness… I thought. I shook again. My knees went numb.

“Are you sure you’re alright Miss Kelpz?” Louis asked, concerned.

“Yes Mr. Frenoir!” I retorted and managed to calm myself again.

“You don’t have to call me by that. We’re not doing business here. Just call me Louis.” He said smiling.

“I… I just can’t do it Mr. Frenoir. Besides you’re a couple of years older than I am. And … and… you’re superior, and I’m not and… and…” I stopped when his smile vanished. He looked down depressed and walked towards the door.

Oh no! Did I hurt him perhaps?! I thought.

“A..ALRIGHT!.... I’LL CALL YOU ‘LOUIS’ THEN!” I shouted. He turned back and smiled.

“I shall call you Mary then?” He asked.

“Alright… If and only if we’re not doing any business.” I said my conditions.

“Alright then Mary, Are you hungry?” He asked. And I nodded. I can’t deny I’m hungry; I have eaten nothing since yesterdayI

We went to a restaurant inside the hotel; there I realized how superior Louis is. What a guy! I saw the employees bowing down as he passed through them.

I looked at the menu and hardly gulped. What kind of restaurant is this? I can’t even afford anything! I thought.

“Don’t worry, it’s my treat.” He smiled secretly. It was as if he didn’t want to let his employees see him smiling.

“Alright then!” I exclaimed.

I made an ordered and he did too. We ate peacefully. In front of me was Louis, gracefully cutting his meat and chewing it. He was wearing his usual cold and firm face. It was then I realized how clear his boundary between business and personal matters is.

The day passed. I don’t get if it was merely a dream or rather a wish I made inside me. But then, it was really for real. I woke up the next day rushing again for my first class. Then again it was as if history repeated itself, I climb up hurriedly in the staircase and bumped in to someone. This time, he helped me. But then again, he was wearing his cold and firm face. I looked over his shoulder and saw then again two men in black and wearing sunglasses. It was then I fully understood why he didn’t smile.

Days came and I was very busy with my studies, yet I still have time whenever Louis wanted to talk casually, secretly. Our friendship bloomed even through our hectic schedules. We didn’t have any special relationship though, we were only friends. And that was what I thought when one day I saw something I misunderstood.

“Sarah, will you come with me after classes, I would like to buy a book at the bookstore.” I asked Sarah.

“I’m sorry Mary; I have an appointment after classes.” She replied.

“It’s alright” I told her and smiled.

Classes were dismissed and I hurried to the bookstore. I bought a book entitled ‘Tales of Genji’ by Lady Murasaki, an Asian novel from Japan.

After paying for the book I decided to have some tea in a Tea House just across the bookstore. I opened the door. Instantly, tears were rolling over my face.

I saw Sarah and Louis talking to each other at the corner of the room. I turned back and ran as fast as I could out of nowhere.

The clouds went dark; it was as if joining me with my sorrows. Yet despite of the rain I continued to run. Why?! What am I doing?! Why am I running?! Why?! I thought to myself as I continued to run.

I finally found a place to settle, it was on the school’s roof top. The sky continued to cry with me. I felt a pang inside. Yet I don’t know why.

I went back to the school dorm all soaked. I took a shower and changed my clothes. I didn’t feel like eating and that I decided to go to bed. But then no matter how hard I tried to close my eyes, the mere thought of what I’ve witnessed bothered me a lot. In the end, my tears then again started to fall. I cried the whole night until I fell asleep.

My body felt heavy the next morning. It was as if the whole world was on me, I can’t even manage to stand up. I look at the clock and it was quarter to 8:00. I forced myself to stand up and go to school.What’s the matter with me? I thought.

“Mary, are you alright?” Sarah asked with her concerned voice. Shut up you traitor! I thought inside of me and I glared at her as a reply.

Our class went well, although my body did not. Even how hard I tried to listen, I really feel dizzy and heated up inside. Mr. Hord called the film’s club members to celebrate for the success of the project, yet I didn’t come not because of Louis but because I can’t come.

I hurriedly went to back to the dorm. I managed to open my room’s door and walked a few steps towards the bedroom but then suddenly my knees soften and my vision blocked out. I fainted. The next thing I knew, I was laying on my bed with Sarah and unexpectedly, Louis inside the room.

“Are you alright Mary?” Sarah asked worriedly, her eyes shed tears. What an actress! I thought to myself, still feeling the pang inside.

I ignore her and turned away. It was when I saw Louis standing up at the corner staring at me, concerned.Stop staring at me you… you!!!! I exclaimed in my thoughts. I glared back at him.

“Sarah, leave us alone for awhile.” Louis requested Sarah with his rather serious voice.

“Alright” Sarah retorted and immediately went out of the room.

Did I just hear him calling Sarah by her first name?! I thought as if crying inside.

“Mary, what’s wrong?” Louis asked, his voice were firm and his eyes where as if looking for an explanation. I ignored him and turned back.

“I was not sure of it though, but I think I saw you opened the door of the Tea House yesterday and suddenly went out running.” Louis started. I didn’t bother to answer
and stayed silent.

“I think I don’t need to explain it to you Mary, but I think you misunderstood.” Louis said.

What am I thinking?! He’s right, why do I need an explanation from him?!… I thought when I realized I have no right to react on it.

“Or perhaps you do need an explanation Mary.” Louis stated upon hearing no reply.

I felt guilty inside. It was as if I did something wrong, but then, apart of me wanted to hear an explanation.

“You know Mary, Sarah and I…” Louis began when suddenly I interrupted.

“STOP IT!!!” I shouted covering my ears. No! No! Don’t say it please! No! I don’t want to hear it! I cried inside.

I crouch, still covering my ears, closed my eyes, and cried.

Suddenly, Louis gently held my hands and uncovered my ears. I opened my eyes. I saw him looking at me with his kind concerned eyes. And then he smiled and said.

“Sarah and I are siblings, Mary.”

I didn’t know how to react. It was as if I felt a relief inside, but then I feel ashamed on how I misunderstood everything.

“I’m sorry” were the only words I managed to utter.

After that incident, my friendship with Sarah went strong. And as for Louis though, well, it was a bit unclear since I didn’t know what our relationship really is.

The three of us went out a lot. Well, secretly though, since Louis didn’t want the public to know his going out with girls. Why? Well you know he didn’t really like rumors to spread, so just to be safe. We had great memories together and I really wished it lasted longer.

It was the last week of the first semester and we had our finals. I was so excited that the week will finally end since Louis, Sarah and I planned to go somewhere in the upcoming break. But then one day, I heard a bad news from Sarah.

“Mary” Sarah called with her low, depressed voice.

“Yes?” I smiled.

“Mary, brother collapsed yesterday.” Sarah barely uttered.

“WHAT?!” I exclaimed.

“But then he managed to be alright.” Sarah assured.

“Aw… you frightened me Sarah!” I was relieved.

“And he told me that he wanted to see you at the roof top tomorrow afternoon after class” She told me with her then again sad voice.

I was about to ask her why when suddenly the examiner entered the room and we began the last batch of test for the semester.

Sarah answered the test paper swiftly and went out of the room, while I was still answering.

I tried to find Sarah around the campus, but then I didn’t find her. I tried calling her phone, yet no one answered. Where could she be? I thought.

When I didn’t manage to find Sarah, I decided to go back to the school dorm. I took a shower and went off to bed. Finally! The last day for the semester

It was the last day for the first semester. I woke up early and went to school. It was about 8:00 AM when I noticed Sarah wasn’t around. I feel uncomfortable though. It was as if something bad would happen. Classes came to an end. I immediately cleaned my locker and dashed up to the roof top where Louis was supposed to meet me.

I was trembling when I took the stair’s first step. Something tells me that I should not go, but then I wanted to know.

I saw Louis standing still watching the sun between the mountains. I stood beside him and saw his depressed face. He looked at me. His eyes were as if crying inside.

“Sarah and I will be leaving tonight.” He announced.

“W…h….y?” I asked.

“You don’t need to know.” He replied.

“Is it a family matter?” I asked.

“No it’s not. It’s different. I don’t want to lie to you Mary, but I don’t want you to know.” He said with a rather depressed voice.

I looked down, depressed.

Suddenly, Louis embraced me. I felt his heart beat and the warmth of his body. I was about to say something when then he interrupted.

“Just remember this Mary…” He whispered.

“Je’taime…” He said.

“Je’taime Mary, Je’taime…” He repeated.

I didn’t understand at that time what the word means, but then it was something really warm inside.

I watched him walked away.

That was the last time I saw Louis. And I've never heard of him since then...

Mary, who was sitting on the stair step, closed her journal and put it inside her bag.

She stood up and was about to walk away when suddenly she felt someone hugged her from the back. It was really warm but rather familiar.

Mary cried and fell on her knees. She already knew.

Suddenly, two familiar men in black wearing sun glasses approached her.

“Miss Kelpz?” One of the men asked.

“Yes?” Mary retorted.

“This is for you and please come with us” The man gave Mary an envelope.

Mary quietly followed the man into a black limousine.

There she sat still, trying to pull herself back together.

Sooner they arrived at the place.

It was a small hill beside a lake and beneath a tree.

The two men escorted Mary towards the hill and immediately went away, giving Mary a time alone.

Mary burst out with tears and fell on her knees in front of the small hill. Sooner, she opened the envelope and read the letter.

My most beloved Mary,

I’m really sorry, when I bumped at you the first time we met. I know you told me it was alright and that I just forget about it. But then, I’m really sorry. I didn’t know why though, but then maybe you did notice it that after that incident we came to meet each other more often. I didn’t know why, but I really find you beautiful when you tried to speak to me in French. And you really did give me a fright back then when you suddenly collapsed. I’m sorry when I laughed out loud when you find out I can speak in English. It was just because, you were really cute. And guess what, that was the first time someone made me laughed.

I always saw you at the roof top after class, that’s why I thought you really like the beautiful views and that I decided to take you at the hotel’s finest view of the city. I felt nervous at the same time comfortable when you’re around. It was as if I’m home and I found peace with you by my side. My heart beats fast whenever I saw you accidentally or intentionally. I felt excited as well as ashamed. I really can’t explain it, no matter how many books I tried to read to understand these feelings. And I didn’t really understand why I was happy inside when I saw jealousy in your eyes when you saw Sarah and me together. I was happy that maybe, maybe you… loved me too.

I’m sorry that I left you so sudden .I’m sorry Mary; I didn’t have the strength to tell you that I had a brain cancer. The day when I collapsed was when I knew that the cancer was on its final stage. I was forced to have an operation outside the country. My father decided to take Sarah with me and accepted her as her daughter. I’m really sorry Mary. When we met at the roof top for the last time, I told myself that that maybe my last chance to tell you ‘Je’taime’ …I love you…

I love you Mary, always. You were my past. You are my present. And you will be my future. I was as stiff as a rock before I met you. And I thank God that someone at last made this rock experience the beauty and colors of love. It might be that I am already dead by the time you read this letter but then, Mary, I shall continue to cherish our memories and I will always love you for the rest of eternity.

Till the day we meet again,

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