Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1164527-Protect-Giver
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1164527
upon hiring a body guard a lover is discovered.
I watched the broken pencil clatter to the floor. How long had we been here? An hour? Two hours? I bent over, picked up the broken halves of the pencil, and started tapping them together. I was about to start tapping the huge desk infront of me when a the office door flew open.
The noise startled me, causing my hand to jerk forward. The front end of the pencil jammed into the desk. I winced in pain, as the broken part of the pencil stabbed into the palm of my hand. The pencil clattered to the floor again, as I jumped out of my seat, knocking it over, to glare at the person who had just entered.
I stopped dead in my tracks, as I realized who it was. "FF..Falon?" I said, feeling my body go numb.
Falon just knodded his head. He looked as surprised to see me, as I did him. "What are you doing here?" he asked. He helled his breath, waiting for an answere.
I scowled, as I recalled the day Falon has disappeared. It had been three years since I had seen him last. Where had he been all this time?
Falon gulped. I could tell he was uncomfortable. Good he deserved to be. He had some huge explaining to do.
A jumped as a hand touched my shoulder. I had been so proccupied with staring at Falon, that I hadn't see my mother get up.
"I will give you two some time alone." she said, and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.
Falon turned his head to watch her leave. As soon as the office door was closed, his turned back around to look at me. He swallowed hard, as his eyes made contact with mine. He could tell I was angry.
I chewed on my lower lip for a few second, trying to descide how to start the conversation. I took a deep breath. Although, I was pissed, I was still nervous. I had loved this person with all of my heart, and he had just disappeared off the face of the Earth.
I started to say something, but he beat me to the punch.
"I know that your probably shocked with seeing me here."
I rolled my eyes. "Im not shocked. Do I look shocked?" I said sarcastically.
I watched, as pain filled his eyes. He obviously, wasn't used to seeing this side of me. When we had been together, we never once, had so much as an arguement.
He looked down at the floor, and said, "I promise I will explain. Now isn't the time. I am your body guard now, so lets get going. I will explain on the way to the safe house." With that he turned around, opened the door, and beckoned for me to follow.
I bit my tounge, as I followed him out the door. I knew better than to try and coax something out of him. He always did things on his own time, no sooner, no later.
My mom joined us, as we passed her in the hallway.
When we got outside, he pointed to a silver car to our left. "We'll go in my car. We can't risk being followed." he said, sitting in the drivers seat. As he started the car, 'Barbie Girl' began to pump through his speakers. He snorted, closing his eyes. He shook his head a few times, then reached over to flip the radio off.
I turned my head to look out the window. It was taking all the strength I had to keep from laughing. I remembered how much fun Falon and I used to have. We would turn on any song that we found fun, no matter what it was, and we would dance all the way through it.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My bangs were cut shaggy, and hung to my shoulders. The back part of my hair was cut really short, so that I could spike it out. My hair was dyed black, but I had one blue streak in the front. I had blue eyes, lined with eyeliner. I had a light gloss on my lips, that made them look fuller than they really were.
I smiled, remembering all the times Falon and I had put make-up on, and went to places that we knew would draw attention. We loved pissing people off.
I sighed. Those were the old days. Anger started to surge through my body. I flew around in my seat and yelled, "HOW CAN YOU JUST ACT SO CALM? DO YOU KNOW WHAT I WENT THROUGH AFTER YOU DISAPPEARED?"
I kicked the dashboard, and scooted further down in my seat. This was fucking radiculous. I wanted to get as far away from him as possible.
Falon slowed the car down, driving to the right. He came to a complete stop on the shoulder, and turned to look at me.
I turned my head away from him. I pretended that I wasn't interested in anything he had to say. I was interested though. God, was I interested. I was dieing inside to know why he had just disappeared over night. Why he hadn't called, or left a message, or something. "Grrr.."
Why did this have to happen now? I had almost been killed today, and when I go to hire a bodyguard, who else should I get, but my M.I.A ex-gay lover, Falon.
"Giver, don't play that immature little game. I know your dieing for me to tell you what I"ve been doing for the last three years. So, look at me so that I can tell you."
I winced. He always had a way with words. I looke at him, but didn't say a word. I just quirked an eyebrow, and waited for his explanation.
By this time, my breath was ragged . It's like, I couldn't get enough air in my lungs. My arms were shaky. I felt like I was going to be sick.
"You know how my dad was an undercover police officer?"
I knodded my head.
"Well, one of his deals went sour. The guys he was after found out that he was a cop. Dad had to pack everything we owned, and get the hell in a dodge. If we hadn't of got out of town that night, I probably wouldn't be her right now."
I let this sink in for a minute. I scowled again. "Why didn't you just get ahold of me later?"
He shook his head. "I couldn't contact anyone. It was to dangerous, and I didn't want to get you involved."
"So how did the whole bodyguard thing come in? Aren't they still after you?"
He shook his head. "No my dad changed out identities. I am now known as Dexter Mince." He wrinkled his nose. "I hate that name. It sounds like some kind of candy." He shivered. "Where the hell did he get that name from anywayz..I'll never know."
I giggled at that. I couldn't help it. I know I was supposed to be mad at him, but I was finding it very difficult. When I stopped giggling, I looked at him again. "So, if your safe now, why didn't you try to get ahold of me?"
He ran his hands through his hair. I tried, but when I went to your house, the people living there said that you didn't live there anymore, and that yall had never met, so they didn't know your new address.
Scratching a place on his cheek he said, "I know that things will never be the same as they were before, and you probably don't trust me right now, but I am telling the truth. I would never lie to you. I would like to try and patch things up. I never expected to see you again, so when I saw you in that office..." He shook his head. "It took all I had, to not rush over and attack you."
I felt tears coming on. I sat back in my seat. I scratched my kneck before saying, "I want to patch things up to, but..this is all happening so fast. I..never thought I'd see you again. I..."
I pursed my lips. I was going to cry, tears were already stinging my eyes. I looked at him with longing. "Im afraid that you will disappear again."
He leaned forward, and kissed me fast on the lips, before sitting back up.
I flinched. I could feel my heart speed up in my chest. I wanted to jerk him back towards me for another kiss, but I didn't. I just sat there, wide eyed, staring at him.
He smiled at me, and said, "You haven't changed one little bit." Then, he turned around, and started the car.
I looked at my mom who was laughing under her breath. "What?" I asked.
She shrugged, and said, "You two were always so close, and even now, three years later, being adults, you still argue like your married, and are just as quick to kiss, and make up.
I looked over at Falon. A slight blush had crept up his cheeks. I turned back to grin at my mother, then turned around to enjoy the ride to where ever Falon was taking us.

An hour later, Falon parked infront of a two story apartment complex. "This is where you'll both be staying from now on. Or, atleast until they catch the guys who tried to kill you."
I watched, as Falon started to chew his bottom lip. I could tell he was angry. He was very good at hiding his feelings though. The only way I had ever been able to tell if he was angry, was when he would chew his lip.
I smiled. I knew he still cared for me. My happiness was smashed as a thought struck me. What if Falon was lieing to me? I know he said that he never would, and he never had before, but he was a different person now.
Falon saw the doubt in my eyes. "Come on." he said, "It's getting late, im sure you two would like to get some sleep."
I snorted. Sleep was the last thing on my mind right now.
We followed Falon into the complex, and up to our apartment.
© Copyright 2006 Salenia (danae at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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