Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1163840-Magick-of-the-Trio
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1163840
Jade, Aqua, and Lavender are Highschoolers and unbeknowst, trained witches.
Jade was a confusing girl with different thoughts upon different subjects. People viewed her as an outsider, a teenager who spoke too much when she should speak less. But Jade would never do this; she had a mind and she used it most of the time. She spoke before she thought and did before she could understand what the consequences would turn out to be. Jade Morgenoffer did not care; no one could make her care either.

Jade's lily green eyes starred intensely at the Chemistry questions on the board, the words mixing in a ray of confusion. She brushed a loose string of emerald green hair back into her sloppy ponytail and ran her hand onto her khaki, cargo styled pant. A styled traited for the fact that she attended an Academy and were permitted to wear uniforms.

Of course Jade never follows the rules and the administrators gave up on threatening the greenette with suspension. She clicked her heavy boots on the floor and shook her head quickly. All of this in a way to attempt to gather up the answers. Her black tanktop string fell over and she lazily pushed it back up for the fourth time.

When was this class going to be over, she sighed. Jade looked down at the assignment and wrinked her nose in disgust. She picked up the pencil again and doodled absent mindedly onto the top. Pretty flowers, hearts, and even pictures of people getting shot in the head suddenly fell up what supposedly was to be answers about elements.

Would Ms. Michael give me points on creativity?


Aqua furiously wrote across the paper, the words flowing out of her pen with neatness but yet great speed. A piece of sky blue hair fell onto the notebook and she flipped it back over her shoulder. She pushed her glasses up her delicate nose and sat back; satisified at her completion. Aqua Petersmith turned her attention from the paper and looked around the classrooom.

Almost all of the students were working intensely exept for the greenhead girl, Aqua wasn't sure what her name was. She watched as the girl made several movements to waste time. She didn't understand why people didn't take school as serious as she did.

Sure, they classified her stereotype as being a nerd. But being a nerd was better than being.. she shook her head at the thought. Her afterschool agenda was one she like to not think about it during the actual school hours.

Lavender held back a storm of giggles as she watched the blue haired girl work, she acted as if it was her life job to complete the assignment. Lavender rolled her lilac colored eyes slightly upwards, turning back to her assignment, she marked down a couple of intelligent guesses.

She was a cool-headed teenager with the most preppy like tendency. She could laugh at any joke, being it lame or not. Lavender Spellington got a long with most people and through all these good attributes, had incredibly noticable flaws. One of the being judging people before she get to know them.

She twirled with a piece of silk, purple hair that rested aganist her porcelain, pale skin. The pink head band fell forward toward her forehead, pushing her wavy hair back into her face.

"Ooh.. I know the answer to that one." She said outloud, attracting the attention of the nearby students.


After School

Jade jumped from her seat as soon as the bell rung indicating the completion of the third day of school. She happily threw several notesbook (Which was of course empty of notes and assignments but full of anime drawings) into her bookbag. "I'm out of here, I'm free," She sighed happily to herself, throwing the bookbag over her right shoulder. She snatched the paper up from the desk and slammed it onto the teacher's stack of papers. It wobbled slightly.

"Enjoy grading this, Ms. Michael." She replied, false enjoyment in her voice. Jade laughed at the annoyed look that fell across the older's woman face.

The hallway was restless. Students were yelling loudly within their own circle of friends and others were pushing each other out of the way trying to get outside. "Well, I'll be damned." Jade whispered as someone pushed her toward the locker. "Take it easy.."

Aqua carried her heavy backpack, full of several texts and library books on her back. "Hey.. don't I know you from somewhere?" She heard the green haired girl from class ask her. Aqua looked around to make sure that the girl was speaking to her. "I don't think so." Aqua replied in a timid voice.

"Yeah, I do!" Jade yelled, "Aren't your family part of the Convenant of Magick?" Jade ignored the warning look from Aqua. "Yeah.. the Petersmiths of the Ice Clan."

"Please.." Aqua begin, "I don't want anyone to know of my family involvement with witchcraft." Jade gave her a puzzle expression.

"Why?" Jade asked, "Witchcraft is one of the only best things left in the lame forsaken world." Jade leaned aganist the locker, and slammed her boots together causing several people near her to jump from the loud noise. She ignored the angry looks.

Aqua shook her head to reply, "I just.. I just.. don't, okay?" She starred down at the ground, half frightened of what the girl would say or do. Would she insult me for not wanting to be a witch? Aqua didn't know. Most people of the Covenant look down upon those who were part of the witchery family and did not want to be a magick. They were often shun out from the rest and disowned by their families.

The green haired girl shrugged her shoulders in response, "Whatever.. Your opinion, your life." Jade pushed up from the locker. She didn't care much that Aqua seem to not want to be a witch. Hell, who was stopping her from not being what she wanted. Usually a person who became a Magick or witch devoted their lives to that. They more than likely won't have the best social life or the outstanding job. Although magic, in Jade's opinion, was better than making friends and the great, so called career. Her parents were both well into the Magick and were within the Guardians of the Covenant. A group of people who did almost nothing in their lives but developing and changing, producing and starting the world of Magick. "I'm Jade by the way."

Jade stuck out her hand, her nails painted a bright green, very much so aganist the many rules. Aqua gasped in surprise at that but then took in the girl's outerwear. She wasn't wearing the uniforms. Aqua glanced down at her own attire. A knee length white and red plaid skirt with the matching white sweater and plaid reddish colored tie. On her feet were uncomfortable shoes that were assigned to be worn.

"I'm.. I'm Aqua." She said, getting over her shocked and shaking the girl's hands. A sparkle of blue and green lights emerged from the grasping of hands, lightening up their whole arms for as quick as they held. They looked around to make sure no one seen them. The teenagers of the Convenant weren't allowed to reveal themselves to their peers until they are ready. In Jade's case, most already knew for she bragged a lot. But still you weren't allowed to practice magic freely in the regular human enviorment. It could equal immediately eviction from the Covenant, Jade did not want that to happen to her. It was the only rule she ever followed in her entire life.

"What was that.." Jade asked, her eyebrows sticking straight into the air. "Magical outburst I guess.."

"Excuse me," The two turned toward a girl with medium colored purple hair. Her hair clashed strangely with the red and white uniform.

"Did you two just use magic in public?" Lavender asked, impatiently a hand on her hip. "Section A, Line 895, No Magic shall be used within the normees enviorment."

Jade rolled her eyes and let a sneer come across her face, "Section B, Line 394, preppy purple haired chicks should not bother those with a higher learning capability than their own."

Aqua stepped back not wanting to get within a fight.

"What.." Lavender begin, "Everrr..." She drawled out. "Anyways, I'm Lavender Spellington. I was wondering are you Jade, my parents work with yours within the Guardians."

With that notion it seemed to brought upon a new light for Jade. She didn't have to act superior to her own kind, this girl wasn't a normee. Jade shook off her bitch-sona and begin talking to Lavender. "Your mother is Violet, right?"

Lavender shook her head in acknowledgement, "Yeah. Our mothers work together in the Department of Magical Welfare upon the Guardian teams. Your mom is Emerald?"

"Yeh." Jade answered shortly, then she remembered the blue haired girl she had met. "This is Aqua, her parents are part of the Ice Clan."

Lavender smiled, "Cool.. always good to know of Magicks around here."

"There's a meeting at the Cove tonight," Jade answered. "I can teleport us there."

"You can teleport?" Aqua answered, admiration in her voice. Even though she wasn't into much magic, teleportation was a big deal among their community. It took a lot of heart and concretration to do it. Even some of the main Guardians did not know hot to teleport.

"Of course." Jade answered sort of hot-headedly.

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