Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1163692-Untitled
by N.C.
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1163692
Average short story on your not-so-average demented teen.
Panting, I ran and ran not knowing where I was headed. I felt the blood seep through my shirt, "What have I done?!" That thought repeated over and over. "Hey Summer!" "Huh? Oh…uhh…hi." When my head cleared I saw Li standing before me, grinning. I felt my head sweat, sensed my gray eyes shine with fear. My light brown hair was damp with sweat and the blood on my shirt hardened. Feeling queasy, I let out a faded smile. Li still standing started telling me about her new boyfriend, not noticing the red stain on my shirt. I played along, but my hands shaking with fear gave Li a clue as to something was wrong. But, Li never asked nor noticed, and continued talking. I cut her off short and continued on my way. "If I leave, everyone will know I had something to do with this." HONK! Stunned I ran across the street, cursing the driver under my breath.
As I sat on the park bench, I realized I needed to tell someone, anyone. I felt like I had a boulder sitting on my shoulder. "But, who?" There I saw Kathy. "That's it! Kathy, I barely talk to her and what harm can she cause me? Tearing I ran to Kathy, however stopped midway. "What the hell am I doing?! Have I lost my mind? I need to talk to someone I can trust…someone like…Li."
I walked back home, the house was empty and dark. "Ambulance must've taken him already." I grabbed the phone, I was calmer, I thought I was free; I was never to be caught. I chuckled and started dialing Li's number. "Hi Li, it's Summer, come to my place now." In a deep tone I squeezed in "It's urgent." Pacing back and forth, I started laughing. "I always look so innocent, but no one would even think I could do this!" As Li knocked I went and opened the door, greeting Li with a smirk. I guess Li felt quite confused, because she was hesitant to step in the house. As we sat, I spotted it. The deep red blood stain on the carpet. Tension started building up inside of me. Li saw my stunned glare and turned to see what happened. Fortunately, I sped there and said "What's wrong?" Li shook her head and turned back.
"Li," my voice now stammering, "I need to tell you something." "Yea, sure," Li said in her cheery voice. I stared pacing fear and tension kept mounting, I couldn't help it, I had to, just had to reveal this. "I KILLED MY FATHER!"
I started my story. "My mom had died from a mood disorder, last year. That's the reason we moved here, in Windburg County. My dad felt it would be a good change, but he always thought about himself, never about me! This move was so he would profit! I never said anything because I felt I could start off clean, no bad records, no suspensions, and..." "Suspension?! And you? You're kidding right?" "No, I'm not. In previous schools, if someone said the smallest mean hatred filled word to me, I would break down. I would go from innocent to deadly." Silence, the room still dark was silent; I now had Li's full attention.
I continued. "So, we moved. I was happy, but never got over the death, neither did my dad, or at least that's what I thought. We both became more distant than we ever were. My dad got into the habit of drinking, always yelling, and hitting me for no reason. I kept tolerating it. I tolerated it for 3 years and 4 months, damn it! Today afternoon he came back drunk. I don't know why, but those 3 years he abused me both physically and verbally. I guess it was the booze, but yesterday he seemed different…he," I burst into tears, but forced myself to go on. "Yesterday, he was about to hit me or curse me, not sure what he was about to do, but a lady knocked on the door. My father stumbled his way there and opened the door. The lady came in, they knew each other. My dad brought her along from the bar. I instantly realized why. He tried to replace or shame my mother!
"Anger overwhelmed me. I could feel my blood boiling, my face felt hot and I…I snapped. I started by stabbing the lady a few times with a kitchen knife lying on the counter. My dad tried to stop me, but my vicious mood gave me strength, and I finished her off. I couldn't help but to go on. I started beating the crap out of my dad. Towards the end he was all bloodied up and was lying on the floor in a puddle of dark red blood next to his bloody..." Beep! "You have reached the Dale residence please leave a message." No message.
I turned around and saw Li's pale face struck with fear and shock. Li sat there motionless, as if she had no soul. I started going toward her, but as I did she motioned away. "Li? Say something." She started by stuttering, "O…oh…god." "How? Why? You look so innocent. I cant even imagine you…killing anyone!" I gave her a blank stare. She saw the hollowness, she saw how I transformed from the sweet Summer she knew to the cold-hearted Summer before her. Li gasped. "You have a mental problem Summer!" "Yes, Li I'm sorry I didn't tell you before." Li still astonished, jumped up from the sofa and tried to run out.
"STOP," I bellowed. Cutting her half way, I grabbed her by the shoulders. Stiffening I saw the fear in those emerald green eyes. Li didn't even try to pry out of my grasp, probably knowing what I am capable of doing. In a sly and evil tone I threatened her saying "If I were you, I wouldn't tell anyone. I'd hate to see your parents face when I tell them what happened to their sweet, loving daughter because of a little mistake she made." Snickering to myself I looked up, Li's face filled with astonishment. She looked confused, maybe about the fact that the police hadn't showed up yet to question me. Thinking about that I loosened the grip on Li, Li noticed I was loosening my grip, taking the opportunity she released herself and bolted right out the door.
Before going to sleep, I realized the police not coming and questioning me was a bad thing. "What if...he's still alive? Oh no! It can't be, I made sure he was dead, but if he isn't I'm gonna get caught." Sweating at this point, I slowly fell asleep. While I slept the incident reoccurred in my dream. I saw how brutally I stabbed that lady. She lay on the floor gasping for her last few breaths, it was shame she left the world so early. As she fell dead, her eyes rolled up and stayed there, her mouth opened and blood spurting out from her lower abdomen. If the ambulance came earlier the poor lady could've lived. Then the gruesome death of my father replayed over and over. How I thrashed him from head to toe. I guess it was better that he died; otherwise he would have to suffer with pain. One side of his head was bleeding and his nose leaking blood and his mouth doing the same. Lower on his chest, scratch marks lay and blood oozing out from within. Then I moved on, to his lower legs. I twisted his feet into a troubling sight. His foot twisted so it was absolutely backwards and the other curling around it with sounds of his bones cracking. He wasn't dying, so to relief him from anymore pain I twisted his neck all the way till he took his last breath and dropped dead.
I woke up my clothes damp from sweating; I sat in bed straight up. What was the matter with me, I had no idea, but I felt my guilty conscious kicking in. I had to fight it, for my survival and safety. I rocked myself back to sleep; in the room it felt dark, cold and lonely. It looked the same, but it felt different, as if it wasn't my room, but a stranger's room. The alarm rang alerted me that it was a new day. Before actually changing my clothes someone banged on the door. Running downstairs, I quickly opened the door. The police were there.
The police gave me one glance, a long glance almost like they were analyzing my personality or something. I stood there waiting for them to start questioning, but they just stood there. Confused I turned back to go inside, but the cop stopped me. Then, it seemed like I was trapped in those dark rooms with only one lamp on, like those action movies. Trembling with fright, I quickly let them in and sat down, thinking about how I will answer their questions. But they never asked a question, they looked all around the house and left. I felt puzzled, yet relived. The fact that they came without saying a word bothered me. All I thought about was why they came. Taking deep breaths I continued my daily morning routine.
During my usual walk a thought hit me. "The police must've been looking for something, but what?" Continuing, I finally realized how stupid I had been. "They were looking for clues! They must've wanted to find something for a clue towards who killed those two buffoons." Stopping at a dead end I turned, then it hit me, I remembered that blood stain lying on the carpet. It was a clue! Hitting myself on the head, I can't believe I forgot to clean it…or at least hide it. Calling myself an idiot I walked back home. There, not to my surprise the police were raiding it. Taking deep breaths I continued, there the two same officers were standing. As I walked in the officers gave me a cold hearted stare. Shuddering I went in, they were all over the place. They were checking every bit and corner of the house.
I laughed inside; they wouldn't find anything against me. I hadn't left any clues. Feeling sly I worked my way upstairs. I sat on my bed looking out the door at those cops who thought they could find even the tiniest piece of evidence. Relaxed I picked up the phone, called up Li to talk. She picked up, but as soon as I said hi, she hung up. I started getting angry, but calmed myself down, "I don't want to do anything I would regret."
Hungry I went back down. Now those cops were waiting, for? I had no idea. Grabbing a bag of chips I saw a person, slender, light brown hair shining in the late morning sun. When she got into eyes view, I saw who it was. It was Li, rushing her way towards the police.
I went towards the door, Li stopped. Officers pushed me back; at this point I knew what Li was going to do. I felt my blood bubbling in heat and anger, like when water was boiling. I felt my veins popping out in anger; I felt an evil shadow take over me. I felt like a demon or worse the devil himself. My eyes staring at Li with all the hatred left in me, made Li start to quiver. "Good," I thought to myself, "she should be scared, after all today's her last day, say goodbye Li."
Li came in. Once she did, she seemed as if she felt safe. That I suppose was the reason for her outburst. Li seemed scared, maybe it because of the police around her and her guilt. Li always felt she should do good for the country; she had to become the ideal citizen. The head of police I'm guessing said in a deep serious tone, "What is this clue you speak of over the phone?"
Li still shaking walked up the stairs to my bedroom opened the closet and brought out the shirt I wore the day of the incident. Gasping, I remembered it all, "She did notice…she knew something was wrong, she had seen the shirt, she knew…she had always known, she just wanted to ignore it…she wanted to forget. But I told her, everything, she couldn't forget…her guilty conscious! I should've known!" Bewildered, I stared getting angrier each time I thought about it.
"NO!" I overcame the fright, and shock. I rammed the head officer, and threatened to kill him the same way I got rid of that idiotic man, I had ever called my father. The all raised their guns, the head guy, said to drop it. All of them responded, by dropping the weapons. I took the head's gun and started running for the door. As I ran a sharp pain overtook my body.
It was the pain of a bullet going through my body. I turned and stared at Li, who was now holding the gun straight above her. She whispered, "I'm sorry, but for the sake of this town…you have to go." I kept staring, my breaths getting shorter each second. I felt myself straining for breaths. As I started dropping to floor, the room started spinning. I saw all the officers stare. I gasped for a few more breaths; I knew it was the end of me. Li was crying she sniffled in the background. My colorless eyes began to close. Now a new journey lay before me. I gasped; I took my final breath and dropped. Before me lay the journey in hell.
© Copyright 2006 N.C. (itsnaadiatime at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1163692-Untitled