Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1163684-The-rest-of-my-short-story
Rated: 13+ · Other · Young Adult · #1163684
this is the rest of my short story. TITLE NEEDED
this is the rest of my short story. the title is still unknown. I hope you like it and please be nice.

It was a dark and stormy night when Norah was watching an old black and white movie. It was late at night, and the only light in the room was the monochromatic glow from the screen. The rain pitter pattered on the ceiling and every now and then a bright clasp of lighting would light up the room. But nothing, not even her favorite movie in the whole world, could cheer Norah up.
The glamorous couple in the movie were dancing the night away at an elegant English ball. Norah pulled the covers over her head, because she didn’t want to be reminded of what had happened only this afternoon.
“Life Stinks” Norah said, sinking her face into her pillow, trying to hold back tears.
A bolt of lighting struck, and for a split second, The room was lit up. Norah turned on her back. She put her hands on her abdomen and stared at the pitch black ceiling above her. Then, as much as she didn’t want to, she began to recall what happened earlier today.
Norah never had any siblings. She wanted one for the longest time. Every birthday, as she looked into the flames of her candles, and her parents would say “Make a wish princess.” she would always wish for the same thing. “I wish for a little brother or sister.”
Well, four months ago, God, the Tooth fairy, or whoever brings birthday wishes made fifteen years of dreaming and wishes a reality.
Sydney came onto the front door step, and into Norah’s heart.
Norah loved Sydney to death. She played with her, changed her, baby sat her without a slightest regret. Most teenagers would rather hang out with their friends and go to parties instead of babysitting their little siblings. But not Norah.
Today, things were different. Norah’s mom was busy working on some paperwork and her father was out shopping. She was left to watch the baby. Norah put Sydney on her little Playskool gym mat toy, and she popped in the Cinderella DVD.
Norah laid down on the couch. She wrapped herself in the blanket that her Granny had knitted for her last year and got lost in the movie.
Right after the Bibbity Boppity Boo song, Norah’s mom shouted “Honey Put Sydney down for a nap!”
Norah did as her mother said, she picked up the gym toy, and put Sydney on a quilt in front of the TV.
Then, she laid down again, curled up underneath the blanket, and watched the movie.
Soon as she know it, she fell asleep. She woke up to a tearful voice saying “Norah! Norah! Wake up!”
Norah slowly opened her eyes. To her surprise, her mother was sitting on the edge of the couch. Her eyes were as red as a tomato, and she held a wet Kleenex in her hand.
“Norah. Sydney died.” she said quietly. “I came in to feed her, and she was dead. She died from SIDS. Because someone put her on her belly. You’re not suppose to do that.”
What! Norah thought. Then, a huge pile of mixed emotions came out. Sadness, guilt, anger at herself for her stupid ness. I mean, I killed my sister! If I wouldn’t have been so dumb she would be still alive. Who knew that you’re not suppose to put them on their bellies! Why don’t they teach you that in school? They need to stop teaching us crud we’re never going to use like Algebra and start teaching us things that can save lives! I thought.
“Mom I am horrible!” I said. “I killed her!”
Then the tears came out.
“I am the stupidest person alive! I should just go shoot myself and get the pain over with.”
“Honey No” said my mom firmly. “I don’t need two of you dead. Look It was a mistake. I loved Sydney a lot, and I know you did too. But she wasn’t ours. The little time she had with us was probably the best thing that ever happened to her. We made her life, Sydney. And that’s what’s important.”
Norah stared at the TV. The scene where Cinderella was dancing with the prince was playing. Norah looked at the TV screen and realized she will never be able to watch this movie again.
Norah took a deep breath. The movie she was watching had long been finished. Suddenly, she suddenly began to hear voices. She heard the words of her mother, and Sydney’s giggles. It kept getting louder, and louder. It hurt Norah like you wouldn’t imagine. Norah leaned over and threw up in the floral print trashcan next to her bed. She began sweating. She yanked off her robe and stripped down to a thin cami and some old shorts.
Then, another bolt of lighting struck, it lit up the room and she fell down in her bed. She began shaking. As she shook, she heard Sydney giggle. It kept getting louder and louder, and she shook harder and harder. She threw up again all over her bed, but she didn’t care.
It got worse, and worse. Then, she decided to take action. She ripped the hideous leaf curtains off of her windows, and broke the glass with her desk chair. Then, without looking back, she ran off into the night.
© Copyright 2006 Chelsea & Agnes are way busy (bassclairnet71 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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