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Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1162905
A short chapter story.
Chapter one: The last wizard
A lonely young boy walked through the empty woods. The austere surroundings were all that was left. It was all that was left of a once great empire. But all must come to an end, even life of great people. Many died that fateful night, men, women, even little children. Hardly anyone was left, anyone but himself. He kicked at the ground with force. The magical world was coming to an end as he thought. He reflected on his miserable life. Why couldn't he die? He wasn't special, he wasn't powerful, and he wasn't even wanted. Why did he survive? He continued to walk miserably through the destroyed woods.

Could he save everyone's lives? No he couldn't, he couldn't perform a decent magic spell to save his life. But on that one night he did it, he preformed an acceptable spell shield. He remembered how his father, his last family, praised him in his last words. He will do his best. He will save everyone he can.

He exited the woods with a new hope. A new confidence. A new
perspective of himself. One he could live with. He decided he is heading for the city of Mordell, the city of elves.

His path was covered with ash and dried leaves. This meant there was still a long way to go. Mordell's roads were cobbled with green shrubbery on the sides of the road. He knew this because he went with his father there when he was a mere lad, no older than twelve. He collapsed onto a tree trunk, the scent of death became too much too bear. The forest was filled with rotting corpses, it wasn't the stink that bothered him, and it was the memories which came back to him as he walked by. He fingered a white gold locket he kept around his neck always. The locket contained a photo of his late mother; she had died giving birth to him.

He sat there waiting for any sound or sight that might give him hope. Any trace of life. He, so far, was disappointed. Suddenly out of nowhere a dagger came hurling towards him. It was seconds away. He closed his eyes waiting for the moment; he escaped one death to be lead to another. The dagger hit something. He opened his eyes in response. He saw the dagger hit the tree bark. It missed by a mere inch. He heard a faint footstep. He concentrated and hoped it work; he took out a bottle and opened it. He then chanted, "Nunos Venum Rever Yestir Dento Devaris."

He waited for a moment focusing all his thought on the spell. Purple sparks flew into the bottle. The water in the translucent crystal bottle started changing colour, clouds of foam swirled in the liquid. The purple liquid started bubbling and then when it fully collected all its energy it shot towards the source of the noise. He heard a scream of pain. He got on his feet and walked towards the source cautiously. He saw a young man just about his own age. He had shoulder length jet black hair a scar on his left cheek, and light purple eyes. He could tell by the shape of his ears he wasn't human. He looked at the crest marked upon his chest.

He was an elf of Mordell

Chapter two: The soldier of darkness

He started walking backwards, planning to make for the next exit. The Elves of Mordell were skilled warriors. They have never been defeated in battle. The elf opened his eyes and quickly got to his feet. He was shaking with anger. “Why…you…little rascal? Wait till I get my hands on you, then you will see the wrath of a true elf.” The young elf said. Walking towards him, a dagger held securely in his hand.
“Listen, I meant no harm, I only did it out of self defence, part of me knew it wouldn’t work anyway.” He said trying to calm the angry elf.
“Why wouldn’t it? Are you a human apprentice?” said the elf, raising an eyebrow.
“I never performed a proper spell in my life. No I am not an apprentice. Nobody would have me, I was too unreliable.” He said.
“Humph, tell me, boy of the mage robes, did you blast them too?” the elf asked.
“No, boy of the sharp blade, I did not. May I know your name, oh most skilled of dagger smiths?” he replied. They usually talked like this when talking to a person from a different magical class.
“My name, oh bearer or the wand, is Elidor, what may I ask is yours?” said Elidor.
“My name, master of the blade, is Lars.” Said Lars.
“What are you doing in these lonely woods of death?” said Elidor.
“I survived among thousands of victims.” said Lars.
“I see,” said Elidor, he drew a deep breath before continuing, “I was sent to rescue any survivors from the tragic fire yesterday.”
“So, did you find anyone else?” said Lars hope filling his blood.
“Unfortunately, you are the only survivor so far.” said Elidor.
“Oh, I see.” said Lars with a look of disappointment.
“I have searched of corner of these woods, there are no woodland creatures in sight, nor are there any wizards.” said Elidor.
“Well, I guess life is never fair.” said Lars.
“You are right there.” said Elidor.
“Did the elves and dwarves settle their differences yet?” said Lars.
“Nay, I am afraid not. Even in the face of war the king of the dwarves refuses to settle the conflict between the elves and themselves.” said Elidor.
“What about mankind and the drakines?” said Lars.
“That,” said Elidor with a grin spread on his face, “was settled.”
“Really?” said Lars.
“Yes, our king had a meeting with them and managed to persuade them to join forces to win the war.” said Elidor.
“I was wondering, who is the war against?” said Lars.
“Not who, what.” said Elidor.
“What do you mean?” said Lars.
“It is not flesh and bone we are against.” said Elidor.
“What is it then?” said Lars.
“The Awakening.” said Elidor.

The Awakening had only just begun.

Chapter three: The paths of ash

Lars gazed at the campfire. That was the only source of light in the dark woods. He expected to hear owls hooting or wind rustling, but no sound disturbed the everlasting silence which possessed the woods. He heard a noise; it sounded something like metal scraping on a rock. He had been half right. Elidor was sitting on a tree sharpening his daggers, one by one. He got to his feet and walked towards the right of the occupied tree. He heard a thump on the ground behind him. “Going somewhere?” said Elidor, tapping Lars gently on the shoulder.
“I’m just going to draw some water for the well.” said Lars.
“Okay, be careful. And take this with you.” said Elidor.
“What is it?” said Lars.
“It is Ferelmir.” said Elidor.
“What, may I ask, is a Ferelmir?” said Lars.
“It is a flower which sends a signal to the nearest person when its holder is in danger.” said Elidor.
“Uh, okay I guess.” said Lars gently taking the delicate flower.

The flower was black, with dark purple edges. It was unusual, but somewhat beautiful. Lars made his way through the branches. Once or twice the branches scratched his skin. He heard soft footsteps not too far behind. He smelt a strong smell. The source of this smell was known as cologne. That meant…
“Who are you?” a hoarse voice said behind him.
“I-I’m-” Lars began then he was pushed sideways, which made him fall onto the hard ground.
‘I know who you are.” said the strange man.
“Huh?” Lars said.
“An intruder.” he said smugly.
“Hey, Bolrath! Leave the kid alone.” said another man.
“Don’t call him a kid you are no older yourself.” Bolrath barked.
“I am mentally.” the other person said.
“Listen, where are you going?” Bolrath asked while the other man was lighting a fire.
“Mordell.” Lars replied flatly.

The fire made their faces clear. The man named Bolrath had long black hair, a thin black moustache, and a beard of the same colour. He had green eyes and dark skin. He wore a purple cape and steel armour. The armour was flawless made by dwarves and magic was added to the armour by elves. This armour was old, but powerful nonetheless. The other man was a young lad. He had brown silky hair, blue eyes and a medium complexion. He also wore steel armour, equally powerful, but made by elves and wizards. He had a silver blade with a blue handle. “I’ll go with him.” said the young lad.
“Are you mad? What about me? I’m going to be worried sick about you, Daniel.” said Bolrath.
“I’m going in that direction anyway.” said Daniel. “I might as well accompany him.”
“I suppose. You two, be careful!” called Bolrath after them.

Lars exited the man camp with a lot of new questions to ask. A reason to move on. And a new friend. They entered the camp Lars and Elidor set up. Elidor looked at Daniel head to toe then nodded at Lars. “Tomorrow we’ll walk on the path of ash to Mordell.” said Elidor.

Tomorrow Mordell awaits them.

Chapter four: The image of danger

They awoke at the break of dawn the next day to start early. Daniel, who turned out to be an excellent mathematician, calculated that if they walked at a steady speed and take a break every three hours they would reach Mordell in a day. Elidor and Daniel got along well enough, but Elidor remained suspicious. As soon as Lars woke up he heard them quarrelling about who would lead them out of the forest. Daniel wanted to lead them since he could get them in easily. Elidor was offended. He was shouting at him for not noticing he was an elf. Daniel then asked him how he’s going to get Lars in. That settled it, Daniel was leading them.

Daniel ran his fingers through his silky hair. Then Daniel took out a silver flute, he played a lovely tune. It almost lulled them both to sleep. A beautiful white mare trotted towards them. Daniel stopped playing the flute and walked over to her. He kissed her nose and started petting her. “Hey, Lars, come here.” he called. Lars walked towards him.
“I want you to ride her. You’ve been through a lot of trouble and you must be exhausted.” said Daniel.
“I am but-” Lars began.
“But what?” Daniel enquired.
“I don’t know how to ride a horse.” Lars admitted with embarrassment.
“Hey, Elidor was it? Can you ride a horse?” Daniel called.
“Yes.” Elidor replied walking towards them.
“Can you ride with Lars?” Daniel asked.
“Yes.” he called.
“Good, so let’s go now, shall we?” said Daniel.

And then they set out for Mordell. The journeyed in the blazing heat the whole day, but there was a slight breeze. Daniel was the only one who didn’t complain, even if he had every right too. He was by far the most patient out of all of them. At the end of the day they settled in a small green area. The path of ash ended here. Daniel told them to rest while he scouted for food and a way to Mordell from here. Why Daniel wanted to go to Mordell remained a mystery. Lars decided to ask him while Elidor is asleep. Daniel agreed to do night watch while they slept. So as soon as Elidor began to snore Lars made his move. “Daniel.” Lars called.
“Lars? You mustn’t be awake. We have a long day ahead of us. You have to get some sleep.” he replied.
“I was wondering…why do you want to go to Mordell?”
“That is a secret.”
“Come on. I’ll tell you why I want to go there.”
“Let me guess, to warn everyone of the attacks.” he said, expectantly.
“How did you know?”
“None of your concern.”

His eyes were serious and showed an amount of bravery, if he was going to Mordell, he meant business. Lars was desperate to find out now. He wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to attack Mordell. He searched his mind for the incantation for the mind spell. He remembered it immediately. “Vermis Nectum Sever.” he chanted.

He was going to find someone. Someone dear to him. The person was a girl. An elf girl…she is a young girl. Around the age of fifteen. She was in danger of…of…The Awakening. Lars opened his eyes. The last thing he saw made him shiver. He saw it. He saw what he feared the most.

He saw The Awakening.

Chapter five: The Awakening’s daughter

The next morning Lars woke up and saw Daniel saddling the horse. He was whistling a somewhat sad tune. He was upset, it seemed. He patted the mare sadly and returned to wake Elidor up. Elidor got up and started packing up. Daniel was ignoring Lars. He somehow knew Lars had dug into his mind for answers. He watched Elidor putting his dagger into a sheath; it was a leather sheath with a leaf embedded onto it.

Meanwhile in the elven marketplace a hooded figure was walking quickly. The person bumped into one of the officers patrolling the area. The officer shook his head and muttered something that sounded like Kids Today. He pulled up his belt and then removed the hood. A young girl with a somewhat sweet face looked up at him. Her blonde hair was everywhere, her aquamarine eyes held fear. She had faint streaks of blue in her hair. Her beauty was washed off with fear. “Ezra, what is wrong? There is no need to be scared.” the officer said.
“O-officer, I was going out to meet someone. I am not sure if I am allowed to.” she said.
“If you are out to meet that scum I won’t let you pass.”
“No buts, Ezra, he is scum and that is all he will ever be.”
“But, Officer, I love him.”
“Then stop loving him.”

She walked away from the officer with disappointment. She had always loved him, and now she had to pay for it. She walked into an empty shop and fell on her knees. She started sobbing silently. The old shopkeeper walked to her. She had always been nice to Ezra. She sat next to her and patted her on the back. “Is anything the matter dear?” she said kindly.
“No, nothing at all, I just want to see him so badly.”
“I see. Go from the back.”
“Thank you.”

She got on her feet and hugged the old lady. She ran out the door and headed for the main street.

As they neared the main street they heard footsteps. Lars looked up and saw a young girl running towards them. Lars was dazzled by her beauty. She ran and hugged Daniel to everyone’s surprise. Daniel smiled and started stroking her hair. He looked at Elidor and shrugged. The girl stopped hugging him. “I missed you.” she said.
“Me too, these are my companions, Elidor and Lars.” he said.
“Hi.” both Lars and Elidor said.
“Daniel, do you have to go with all the other soldiers?” she asked.
“I might.”

She started crying. Lars wondered why she cared so much. Daniel was strong. He can take care of himself. Suddenly an officer came and separated the girl from Daniel. Daniel looked away. The officer took the girl away. Daniel sighed. “Come on lets get in.” he said.

They got into the crowded city quickly. Everyone was giving Daniel dirty looks. Elidor wasn’t looking at them. He was pretending he didn’t know Daniel. Daniel was looking down trying not to care. Lars understood now. He loved that girl and she is an elf so he is consider of lower class.

Daniel looked up again, his courage coursing through his veins. He would take any abuse, for Ezra’s sake. He started greeting anyone who came across their path. They ignored him to his disappointment. He then thought about Ezra.
Don’t worry Ezra, I’ll save you.
I would do anything for you.
Because I love you with all my heart.
I’ll save you from the Awakening. Even if you are its child.

Chapter six: Fire sparks.

In a lonely house a boy stood leaning on the wall behind him. Chewing on a toothpick reluctantly; he had nothing better to do. He just had to wait there until he comes back. The king of spirits, the Awakening. He then will side with the heroes, helping them destroy the Awakening for good. Of course this wasn’t part of the deal. He wasn’t supposed to sit around in an abandoned house. He felt it coming closer and closer. His eyes flew wide open.

It is here.

Lars lay awake on the comfortable bed. His room had a welcoming fire and a mug of hot chocolate sitting on the bedside table. There were to other beds and mugs which belonged to Daniel and Elidor. Elidor was off scouting and Daniel was sitting on the window sill whistling the same tune as before. It was the break of dawn and neither of them could sleep. They knew it was here. It wasn’t safe anymore, the Awakening has finally come. All windows were barred, markets boarded up and door were locked. The officers were patrolling the streets. They too were scared. They wanted to protect their city, but at the same time they wanted to run home at the speed of light.

Today at twelve o’ clock every young man is to report to the palace, travellers and locals. Women were seen crying over their work, men were seen wishing their sons the best of luck, and travellers were trying to leave as soon as possible. Daniel looked at me and smiled. He took out a rock and started throwing it in the air then catching it again. “So I suppose we’ll be forced to participate in the war.” he said.
“Yea I suppose.” Lars answered.
“I was going to participate anyway. If you survive the girls will be all over you. Other than coming back a hero. You aren’t too plain yourself.” he said.
“What do you mean?” Lars asked.

Lars looked at the mirror hanging on the wall. He had ginger hair, green eyes and freckles. He didn’t know what Daniel was talking about. He was as plain as plain can be. He didn’t get it.

Suddenly he heard a sound. It sounded like screams. Daniel looked out the window and charged for the door. Lars looked outside. He saw a house on fire outside. He saw a small figure; charging into the house. He recognised him as Daniel.

He waited, and waited. Five minutes later still no people outside the building. Half an Hour passed with the same result.

After an hour no one came out.

Chapter seven: Light hearts, dark souls.

Lars stared at the flaming ruins. It was collapsing and his companion is in the building. But nobody is in there till now. It occurred to him.

It was a trap.

He ran down stairs and charged for the burning house. He saw officers surrounding the area. He continued to run for the house. Until one of the officers stopped him from going any further. He looked at him and told him to go away. Lars started giving them a lecture about leaving their posts. He threatened to report this to the king. They left reluctantly.

He went into the building and saw no one was there. He saw markings on the floor. They were strange. He continued his search. Going to the second floor landing was less promising. He began to lose hope. Again he was useless when someone needed him.

Daniel’s crest was on the second floor landing. Blood was all over the place. It was weird. Nothing was left of Daniel. The flame spread like butter on toast. He started dreading coming here in the first place.

Suddenly he heard a noise. Something had collapsed. He ran up to the third floor. Nothing was there. The entrance was blocked when he returned. There was no way out. He was trapped, and nobody can help him. Someone kept on calling out to for help. But no one was there. Ghosts of people who lived in the past were wailing and screaming in pain.

Lars just wanted to get out. There was no exit, the fire was spreading and wood was collapsing all around him. So much for the last wizard.

He closed his eyes and waited. He waited till he would catch fire. Daniel was his example. Light hearts, dark souls. He knows what that means now. So he took that example and waited.

And he stood there waiting.

Chapter eight: The twist of fate.

He stood there waiting for his fate. And then suddenly out of no where someone jumped on him. “Duck.” the person said. A flame nearly burnt them. That only had one answer. Fire demons. “You always seem to get in trouble don’t you?”
“Daniel?” said Lars.
“Who do you think it is? Sage Salem?” said Daniel.
“Sage Salem is alive?” said Lars.
“No, silly, lets get out of here.” Daniel replied. “And thanks for coming in for me.”

Daniel led him up the stairs. The flames seemed to be chasing them as they went. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. Daniel had saved him. Even when Lars was supposed to do the saving. He came to the conclusion Daniel was like that.

Meanwhile in the elven palace of Mordell a conference was being held in the study. The elven elder seated in the middle, the king on the right his guards standing around him. Elidor standing somewhere between them, his face held a great amount of silent interest. On the other side of the study sat the king who ruled over the human race. He had a serious expression. His best soldiers standing around him, honoured by them being chosen. Bolrath, his right hand man sitting beside him, he seemed like he is looking forward to something.

The study remained silent. They were waiting for something, or someone. The doors opened. The king stood up in response, smiling warmly. A man started making his way to bow to the king. He had a handsome face, he was of good body build, with blue eyes and Sandy hair. “Ah, Sir Cecil, welcome!” the king said warmly.
“Thank you, my lord, to what do I owe the pleasure?” said Cecil.
“The king of the men has just offered me a great deal of help.” he replied sitting down and motioning for Cecil to do so. Cecil sat down nodding his head towards Bolrath.

The other king, who was sitting opposite to Cecil, started giving the men orders in hushed tones. After he had finished and before he started discussing the plans they have he gave Cecil a look of praise. “Your son is my best soldier.” he said to Cecil.
“My son?” said Cecil.
“Yes, your late wife came back pregnant.”
“My wife? Rosaline and I never got married. She went back to tell her parents that we were going to marry.”
“Oh really? Well she died giving birth to the poor boy. Her mother knowing you were the father sent him here. We didn’t hear from him for a while. Bolrath was on one of his travels and he saw the boy walking up the road to Goblinvale. So he brought him to Murthuril to become his prentice.”
“I never heard of such a thing!”
“It is true,” the elder interrupted, “The boy is here at this moment. In this castle. He is approaching the study.”
“What?” Cecil said.

The doors opened once more this time two people entered. Two young lads, one with ginger hair, the other with silky brown hair. One’s face held fear, the other anger. The ginger one stayed at the door. Too scared to come any closer he turned to staring at his shoes. The other made his way to the human king. “Daniel!” The king said standing up.”
“Don’t you Daniel me!” said Daniel.
“Do you know who you are talking to, young boy?” Bolrath barked.
“Yes I do, in fact, I know exactly who this is” Daniel replied.
“Then why are you talking with a bad tongue?” Bolrath demanded.
“Because he is possessed by the Awakening, I sense it.”
“Good guess.” the king said, smirking evilly.

Then he thrust for the elder with a knife at hand.

Chapter nine: Blood and Bones.

Elidor jumped forward and shielded the elder, holding his daggers firmly in his hand. The king, not knowing what to do since Elidor was being impediment, made for the door. Daniel stopped him, and pushed him back. “I am afraid, my lord, this is the end of you. More importantly, it is the end of the Awakening.” he said.
“Not if I stand in your way.” Bolrath said, stepping in front of the king, pointing his sword at Daniel, and motioning for Daniel to do the same.
“Bolrath? Why must you be so difficult? He is now evil. There is no knowing what the Awakening can do with the human army at his feet. Don’t you understand we are all in danger?” said Daniel.
“I understand but I must carry out my oath. I will protect the king. Good or evil, to the death.” said Bolrath.
“I understand,” Daniel said sadly, “And I hope that you will understand how I feel about fighting some one so close to me,” he continued, “Some one who has been like a father to me.”
“You were no son to me!” Bolrath barked.

And then the fight began. Bolrath taking more advantage with his quick attacks. Whilst Daniel leading the fight with guard and attacks all in due time. His plan worked well. Bolrath had weaknesses when it came to strategy. The fight was too fast to follow. But the end seemed to go in slow motion. Bolrath plunging his sword through Daniel’s armour, Daniel falling onto the floor, and a scream followed by an evil laugh. Daniel’s hard armour hit the floor with a loud thud; it seemed to echo in Cecil’s mind. That was him, his son. And now he was gone. Only the world’s most powerful healing magic could help him now.

He walked towards him. Looking at the elder intently, he kneeled beside Daniel. Checked his pulse. Filled with anger, he drew his sword. The silver sound, as it was named. It has been in his family for generations. He will now use it for what should be done. He stood up, frowning sadly, and pointed it at Bolrath. “You killed him. You worthless scumbag.” said Cecil.
“Yes and it was for a good reason.” Bolrath replied.
“There is never a good reason to take another’s life.” said Cecil.

Cecil pierced his sword through the thin shield Bolrath carried. He carried it using his sword, and chucked it in the corner. Before he could stab Bolrath some one screamed, “Stop, please, I beg of you.”

Cecil turned around and saw Daniel struggling to stand up. An innocent yet fearless look in his blue eyes, shining like sunset reflecting on the ocean blue. He stood up shakily. Looking as if he will fall in a mere minute, as he stood Cecil felt a ray of warmth. He dropped his sword and helped Daniel up. Bolrath then picked up Cecil’s sword tardily. Making sure he made no noise, and stabbed Cecil, missing by a few inches, and hitting his right arm.

And Cecil fell to the ground.

Chapter ten: The Rose of War

Daniel, shocked by all that was going on, stood speechless as the elven soldiers ran towards the one they called ‘Cecil’. He arm bleeding without any sign of stopping soon. The elven king ran to be on Cecil’s side. White mages ran into the study quick as lightning to take Cecil to the Regenatorial wing. Black mages ran in too, but for other reasons. They started casting spells against the King of men and his army. He looked at Lars who was standing, still as statue, exchanging a look of anxiety with Elidor. The elder, old yet full of life, walked towards Daniel and put his hand on his shoulder.

Daniel looked at the elder with utmost confusion and worry. The elder, sensing Daniel’s confusion and worry, whispered something in Daniel’s ear, making him fell reassured about what is going on. Daniel, looking at his wound, started to fill up with anger and pain. Looking at Bolrath with disappointment, he left, taking Lars and The silver sound with him.

Up in the west wing, a woman in white wandered through the corridors, a veil covering her face. Black hair fell down her back like a waterfall of black water. Her dark hands fingering a handkerchief, waiting for her father’s return. This young woman was called Xena. She was the princess of Mordell, a cross breed of the Nagon and the Gored tribes. Her mother being a Nagoni was forbidden to marry her father, but she didn’t listen to the law, and was murdered a few days after Xena’s birth. Her father, heartbroken, concealed himself behind the curtains of war.

She had longed for her prophecy to come true since she was a mere child. Walking through the corridors, she began to sing.
Dragons fly above the mountains
Wishing their masters well
They died in the night
Fighting in flight
Against the greatest peril
Singing in the light
Sage Salem, with all his might,
Saved us all from its terrifying gaze
And the rest of our days
Was beautiful and merry and bright
But now it has returned
Sage Salem suffering its first slaughter
Died in the night
Fighting with his boy at his side
That boy will save us
Along with four more
An elf, a paladin, and two mages
And so we will be saved
Once more

She stopped singing, hearing footsteps, she made for the nearest exit. Hiding behind the door, she looked into the corridor. Two people were approaching. One girl and one boy. She new them well. They were the mage twins, Xian and Xenia. Xian was a black mage and Xenia was a white mage. They were looking for someone. They stopped walking. Three other people entered. An elf knight, whom she knew well, she referred to him as ‘Sir Elidor’. With him there was another knight and a ginger haired boy. Sir Elidor was discussing something with the other knight. Probably war plans. Xena walked out into the corridor. Making sure her arrival was known. Elidor, Xian, and Xenia bowed instantly, the ginger haired boy followed suit. The other knight made no movement or response, he was overcome by a sudden silence. He ran his hands through his silky hair, something about him reminded her of Sir Cecil, Captain of the Royal Army of Mordell.

He was the man, the man of the myth.
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