Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1162878-Tommy
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Environment · #1162878
Melting pot or deep fryer?
Hi boys and girls. I am going to tell you a story about a man named Tommy. Make your self comfy, fetch your favorite beverage, and away we go!

Tommy is a white man living in the quiet confines of rural Pennsylvania. He's well adjusted , employed and loves his mother. In-fact, calls her most everyday. Tommy isn't a mommas boy. He just worries about her. She lives in the inner city. Same place he grew up. Same house, on the same street. He has urged her to move away. It is a futile attempt. Tommy's mommy calls the ghetto home and that's that.

He wonders why she would want to live in such a indifferent, morbid world. Gang bangers, crack heads , hookers and welfare rats circle her wagon. The inept, self destructive mind set of this place sickens Tommy.

Tommy's mommy explains that she is perfectly safe. If your looking for trouble, you'll find it no matter where you hang your hat. Her neighbors are just a product of their environment. While listening to her ' rhetoric' he wonders what the fuck she is trying to prove. She lives there and doesn't smoke crack , sell her body or depend on hard working citizens taxes, to pay for her health care. Neither does he. Even though he was raised there.

Urban America has many different names and phrases to describe it's social standing. The ghetto, the hood, the block, slum, that place, and Toms personal favorite, the dumpster in back of a Chinese restaurant. It's Tommy's favorite because it judges the Asian , homeless and minority  population all in one fell swoop.

This brings me to Tommy's real concern. Tommy's mommy has to live around a bunch of niggers. Well , he calls them black and sometimes African American, when not around other hard working White's . He also hates the poor white trash , wet backs , and half breeds.

Mom explains to Tom that the poor, minority of this place have many obstacles and barriers. They have two strikes against them at conception. Tommy doesn't concur. He grew up in the ghetto and look at him. He has a home, a job and a beautiful family. A wife and two wonderful children. Skid row didn't hinder his progress. Nope, Tommy  IS , 'The American Dream' . He made no excuses and created a wonderful world for his family. That is, except for his mom, who still lives 'there' .

Tommy found a great daycare for the kids. His wife has a good job with benefits. He even has a maid service so the house is clean when the family gets home at night. Tom sits down and eats dinner with his family . The house is so clean. Sometimes they even have enough time to  watch American Idol. Yep, Tommy's mommy should be proud.

It's Monday, and as usual Tom calls mom. A little bad news this time. Seems Tom left work early . Had to be home to meet the carpet cleaners. Tommy's son Bobby spilled some juice in the family room. Then he explained Bobby and his wife had to go to hospital. That same day! Tommy's mommy heart raced as she asked what happened?! He explained everything was fine, they removed the stain , no problem. Oh and he thinks the wife and kid were in a car accident. Minor car accident he explains. Bobby may have a broken arm and his wife has some minor bruises and cuts on her face. Good thing Tommy's wife has insurance. They are in good hands . Dr. Rajupet explained the situation and reassured Tommy that Bobby and the Mrs will be fine . In fact ,Bobby's fractured wrist seems to have healed perfectly. Still, he would like to draw blood to test for a calcium deficiency. Two breaks in one year, that Bobby is a clumsy boy. Tommy tells mom not to worry he's heading over there right after he tans.

Tom ends his call to mom with some good news. He's planning an addition to the house. A place just for her. A safe place. Far away from the violence and hopelessness of the inner-city.

The end.
© Copyright 2006 Big Sturdy (hucklebuck at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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