Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1162648-Their-Last-Night
by Simone
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #1162648
It's about four teenagers who go into a haunted house and encounter something unknown.
Ryder and Hayden were born on October 31, 1986 in New Orleans, Louisiana. They had a wonderful life. They had boyfriends who loved them, wonderful parents, and lots of friends. They were in their senior year of high school and their birthday was coming up. Their boyfriends wanted to do something special for their birthday. Something they would never forget. Johnny, Ryder's boyfriend, had remembered that she had been wanting to go to the old mansion a couple miles away because it was rumored to be haunted. Ryder was very intrigued by things like that. So Johnny told Taylor, Hayden's boyfriend, that they should bring them their for their birthday since it was halloween also.
The mansion hadn't been occupied for over a centry. One of the rumors about the place was that there was a family of four living in the house and the father came home one night on a drunken rage and slaughtered the whole family one by one. They say that you can hear them scream at night and the footsteps of the father walking from room to room and slamming the doors.
Hayden didn't like haunted houses. She was always a little skeptical about things like that.
The day before their birthday Johnny and Taylor tell Ryder about the haunted mansion. She was exstatic. She couldn't wait until that next night. Then she thought about Hayden and that she would never go for it.
"That's why you have to talk her into it," Johnny said.
"You know she doesn't like things like that. I'll never be able to talk her into it in time," Ryder replied.
"You don't have to tell her about the house. Just tell her that me and Johnny have a suprise set up for ya'll for your birthday's and just act like you don't know what it is," taylor said.
"Okay, that might work," replied Ryder.
Later that day when they got home from school Ryder told Hayden about what they talked about earlier.
Hayden asked,"What do you think it is?"
"I don't know they wouldn't tell me."

That next day they went to school and Johnny told Ryder to be ready by eight o'clock that night.
At eight the guys arrived. They walked up to the front door and rang the door bell.
Ryder opened the door and said that they were ready. They left in Johnny's car. On the way Hayden asked," Where the hell are we going?"
"It's a suprise remember," replied Taylor.
Ryder looked over at Johnny and smiled.
They pulled up at the mansion at a quarter to nine. Hayden looked horrified.
"This is the suprise!" Hayden screamed, "There is no way i am going in that house!"
"Oh, come on Hayden. It's not that bad. It's probably not even that bad," Ryder said.
"Oh sure, you like things like this that's why you don't care. I don't and i'm not going in there. Thats my final decision!" replied Hayden.
"Come on babe, were just gonna look around then we'll leave." Taylor said.
"Please Hayden. I really want you to come in with us," pleaded Ryder.
"Fine! But only for a few minutes," Hayden replied.
When they opened the door you could smell the dust. The lights didn't work so they used flashlights. You could see the dirt particles floating in the air in the light. The furniture was covered with white sheets. The end tables and mirrors were covered with dust. They walked into the dining room and there was a large table big enough to seat eight.
"Hey babe, why don't we go upstairs and look around," Johnny asked Ryder.
"Okay," Ryder replied.
They started walking up the stairs when Hayden asked," Hey where are y'all going?"
"Upstairs to looks around. Don't worry we'll be back in a couple minutes." replied Ryder.
"I don't like this palce at all Taylor. I wanna go home!" Hayden said.
"Come on baby. It's not that bad. All it is, is a bunch of old furniture covered with dust." replied Taylor.
Then they heard a scream coming from up stairs.
"What was that?" Hayden asked Taylor.
"It sounded like a woman screaming coming from upstairs," replied Taylor.
"Oh my God! Ryder and Johnny are upstairs!," Hayden said.
They run up the stairs and scream their names. Johnny and Ryder come running out of a room and bump into them in the hallway.
"What happened? We heard you scream." Taylor asked Ryder.
"I didn't scream. We thought it was you that screamed," Ryder said looking at Hayden.
"I din't scream. It was coming from up here though." Hayden replied.
"I think it was coming from that back room down the hall," Johnny said pointing the door down the hall. As they walked slowly to the door the floor would creak with every footstep. They reached the door and Johnny tried to open it but it wouldn't open. "It's locked," Johnny said.
Then they heard BANG! and footsteps coming from downstairs.
"What was that?" Hayden asked. "I don't know. Let's go see," Ryder replied.
"Let's not. How about we just go home or go to the pizza place for our birthday. It would be a whole lot better than this place." Hayden said.
Ryder told Hayden, "Oh come on Hayden, Stop being such baby."
She looked at Ryder and rolled her eyes.
They went downstairs to look for what the noise was. They didn't find anything that could explain the noise they heard. Then all of a sudden a door flew open and a large man covered with blood was walking toward them with a big axe. Hayden screamed and ran towards the front door.
"The door won't open! What do I do?" Hayden screamed.
"Let me see. Move!" Taylor screamed at her.
Since the door wouldn't open they all just started bangin on the door and screaming HELP! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP US! But the man kept getting closer and closer. Johnny shone the light on the man's face and their was an evil smile on his face. The man knocked the flashlight out of Johnny's hand and it broke when it hit the floor. The room was pitch black. Then as soon as the light went out they started screaming bloody murder and then everything just went quiet.
Nobody knows what happened to the four teenagers that night. Some say that when they went into the mansion the ghost of the man that killed his family had killed them. Other's say that they all just ran away together. Till this day they say that if you go stand by the front gates on Halloween night you could still hear the screams of the kids as they were being murdered by something unknown and the evil laugh of the man that did it.
© Copyright 2006 Simone (simone at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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