Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1161815-Prologue
by Ink
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1161815
Well, this is the beginning of a story. If people like what they read I might go on.
It was the grandest room in all the castle. The massive room was painted red with gold trim. Along the walls were large portraits of the past Kings that struck noble poses as they stared aimlessly at the center of the room. In the center of the room was a long table with Lords and Ladies, Advisors and Scholars the countries greatest, wisest and most powerful members of society. At the head of the table was a tall man in his thirties with a golden crown on his head and a golden sword on his belt.

He listened to the others bicker and argue over the future of his country and he sighed. The topic at hand was Octavia, there neighbor to the south. Some wanted to embrace them in friendship and open trade. Others wanted to remain isolated and keep there goods to themselves. The choice would surely change the course of the nation forever and only the king had the final say. Both sides had valid and reasonable arguments that didn’t make his decision any easier. He listened to the debate until he could listen no more and wanted very much to have the squabbling stop. He stood up and with a strong commanding voice ordered the meeting to continue tomorrow. Not another word on the subject was spoken.

Though his peers were disappointed to have the meeting cut short without a resolution they gave him the proper respects and left for there homes and waiting families. Every one of them received a farewell from the King until the massive room was empty. The King left the room and whistled a tune as casually made his way to up the staircase to his chambers. He hadn’t realized how completely empty the halls were as he entered his room and closed the door behind him. It was only behind closed doors that he let himself go. The King looked tired and weak, not the strong and unbreakable King that his people saw. He eased into his chair and heaved a great big sigh. The problem would not get just attention if he made his decision in his state. He was too tired to think anymore anyways. Sleep soon began to sweep over him as his eyes began to get heavy.

“I would have never guessed, not in a million years…”

The King jumped out of his chair and drew his golden sword. The intruder, he discovered was a tall man in a black hooded robe standing in the balcony.

“What is the meaning of this?” The King shouted, “Who are you?!”

“There’s no need to shout. I have many names but my enemies have come to call me Chaos. I have traveled many, many lands in search of a single treasure, a single curse.” He said in an older but boisterous voice, “I have been looking for a long, long time and I have seen many things. But I would have never guessed in a million years that I would find it here.”

“Stop your ramblings, old man!” The King shouted.

“Old man? You’re one to talk.” The man laughed, “What are you, one-hundred? One hundred and fifty? You think that you can just live forever and no one would notice.” The King paled at the man’s words as he gripped his blade.

“But I have to hand it to you. I suspecting that you might have the power of death hiding inside you but how do you do it. Dark and Light, Life and Death. How could you possibly do it?” The man walked into the room but a hood was cast over most of his face. He talked and walked about like he owned the place.

“What do you want?” the King hissed.

“I think it’s pretty clear what I want and I will do anything to get it.” The man pulled out a wicked black knife and let it rest in his hand.

“I see. And what would you do with it?” The King asked.

“Oh I’m so glad you asked.” The man smiled, “I’ve seen what you’ve done with this backward Island Nation. You have really pulled it together and made a respectable country out of it, with its own army and everything. You have been a pillar of order and stability for the whole island. And I must say how absolutely boring of you. So after I’ve ended your life I think it would only be right to undo all that you have done. Its time for your era of peace and tranquility to give way to a new era of confusion and disorder. And with death on my side you had better believe that I can do it. Chaos will sweep across the land as a massive maelstrom of war and violence will erupt. War drums will beat and people will die and I will be in the middle of it all dancing my dance of death. This order and stability is going to shatter and this land is going to go for a ride. Ah, it will be beautiful.” The King just quietly listened until he was finished.

“I won’t let that happen.” The King said.

“What? Oh, I almost forgot you were there. You don’t like my little dance of death? My chaos is nothing compared to the war raging inside of you. Life, Death, Light, Darkness, around and around. You can barely hold yourself together. You should be begging me to end it all.”

“I’m not too far gone, to let a madman like you get the best of me!” The King shouted.

“Me? A madman? Maybe…” He said, “But only a true loony would pick a fight with you under your… condition. Especially when you’ve got henchmen that will do it for you!”

The King steeled himself as several men in black jumped out of the shadows wielding black daggers. They rushed him all at once and though the titan of a king cut one down after another with his golden sword, they engulfed him. Just as the King looked like he was finished a burst of light flashed and the men flew back across the room. The King got to his feet looked about the room for Chaos had disappeared.

“Ahhhh…” The King cried as the wicked black dagger dug its way up his back and into his heart.

“You should really watch your back. You never know who might be lurking in the shadows.”

“Ahhhh…” Blood sprayed across the room as the madman ripped the dagger out of his back. The King turned to face the man. The Kings eyes glowed black as he began to radiate a dark aura around him. He slashed at him several times but the man quickly moved out of his way.

“Still some fight in you I see.” He said, “Men, take care of the good King for me won’t you.” The remaining men rushed after him again but this time he didn’t fare as well. They cut him down and wrenched the golden sword from his hands until he was on his knees with a growing pool of blood growing at his knees.

The man loomed over him with the dagger in his hand. “I hope this doesn’t ruin our friendship.”

“You’re insane!” He said with bloody lips. “The Vesis people will not let you destroy them, even without me…”

“I guess you will never know.” He shoved the dagger deep into his chest and maliciously tore at him until the King was no more. The men circled around him as he limply fell to the floor. After several moments there was a burst of white light and then burst of dark. Two orbs of light emerged from the body and spiraled around each other. Chaos leaned in closely with fascination as he moved his hand in ever so closely.

The orbs began to spark and dance just before creating an enormous burst of light that shook the room and sent them sprawling. Though the others looked about desperately for the orbs of light and the auras they had produced but Chaos got to his feet and dusted himself off like nothing had happened.

“I thought this might happen.” He said, “It looks like my little dance of death will have to wait. We must make haste before we lose sight of it again. Let’s go.” The men jumped off the balcony and into the darkness.
© Copyright 2006 Ink (trogdor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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