Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1161641-On-the-Way-to-Gennesaret
Rated: E · Short Story · Religious · #1161641
I imagined me being called...a brief wonderment.
         He bid me to come to Him calling only once. Through the crying wind throwing itself in tantrum, I heard Him clearly. More perfect than my ears could witness. He called out to my soul because it never is mistaken.

My dress grew heavy under the weight of water flowing through it's fabric. The skin under it stung from the beating of water thrashing in every direction. Noise began to fade below my recognition. The panicking, the desperate wails for help, the lumber splitting, natures omen of light tearing through the black expanse, it all went unnoticed. Even in the brine that saturated each lock of hair and dripped my eyes red with irritation, I cared not. In this moment nothing could deter me from His focus.

I grasped the edge of the boat that ran slick while I prepared my mind to follow. The pallets of my fingers whitened as they dug into the wood. Another wave of blue was washing over us. My body tensed and braced itself for the coming of cold. The wave hit, washed, and went. I regained my stance and grasped once again, this time intending to cast myself over. In eagerness I propped myself on the ledge, careful not to slip before ready. Now it was only the water that lie between.

Even so Master, let nothing separate us.

What was I to become? Yes a demonstration but, of faith or defiance?
I pushed away. Gust of salted wind enveloped me until my feet met with the cold dark medium. The impact had such force, that the water casted itself away in a violent release. Certainly one occured. Not just of physical matter, but of every earthly logic that I once knew. This moment defied it all. The surface did not give way. Water had not engulfed me. There I stood in awe of what he lead me to discover for myself. I watched while the water foamed under my sandals and splashed itself about.

I lifted both arms, setting out for Him in the night as a blind man leads in darkness. My feet followed, one pacing after the other, wanting to meet what my eyes took hold of . He was glorious in His act, wind lifting hair and garments striding along the drafts. I continued forward, nearer to He who willed me into impossible. My eyes filled with His image and locked into his gaze. His arms outstretched to recieve me. I took a step forward and oh! what I saw in His eyes. It was a window into everything He destined me to become. I saw myself in Him, fulfilling a purpose not captivated by my present state. Though wearied and nearly shipwrecked, in Him I was strengthened and secured. Despite my uncertainty of who I was and what lie inside, in Him I would become an instrument of God. My present self was weak, timid, sinful, afraid, not well versed, nor well traveled.

"But...How my Lord?". Seized by my doubt I could not move forward.

Surely this could not be me, surely He had been mistaken. Not me Lord.

It grieved my mind and perplexed my soul. I could not bear this, the pressure of His will for me. I winced and looked away. The yoke of my focus broke and I became aware again of the chaos surrounding. The wind was loud and boisterous, clamoring it's warning of death. The waves, once tamed, grew contrary and ready to devour. This earthly vessel could not bear the weight of fear while upon water. I began to sink.

I closed my eyes and with what I thought would be my last words before consumption, I cried out "Ado-Nai !, Save Me From Death!".

Instantly, He reached out His hand and caught me, saving me from the ocean's snare.

Holding me with both his eyes and his arms he said, " You of little faith... why did you doubt?".

Early that morning on our way to Gennesaret, I worshiped Him as He deserved. I worshiped the Son of God.

"He that comes to God must believe, and he that believes in God will come"
-From Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
Here is a great source for Bible readings and references in many translations. Take a look sometime and imagine for yourself, what would it be like if you had been called on the way to Gennesaret.

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