Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1158822-The-Wrong-Happy-Ending
by Elowen
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Young Adult · #1158822
What happens when a girl falls in love with a bad boy? Nothing good.
The school year started like always, Sarah dragging herself out of bed, mumbling good morning, and reaching for the coffee. At school everything was new but still as normal as usual. She went to the office for her locker assignment and found her classes. But in last period she found something new. Daniel. To Sarah he was gorgeous with his smoky grey-blue eyes and angel made features. To the other girls Daniel was the all-hail-me to the rest of the boys.He played sports, had almost any girl he wanted but never seemed interested in any of the girls that Sarah hung out with. His friends were the high school jocks and were always the cock-of-the-rock and was the high school king. "I swear the boy is a total hottie, he won't even talk to most of the guys in Greggs group." one of the girls in Sarah's group said one time at lunch. "I don't know, he seems kinda out of it. I mean seriously look at him! Hes the kind that'll love you for a minute and then drop you like stone in the river." she said apprehensively. To her guys were a distraction but Daniel on the other hand was no distraction; he was absolutly the cutest thing in Brighton high.
Two months later in November the attitude between Sarah's friends changed. After the had found that Daniel had asked Sarah to Winter Formal, they had turned into, 'Oh Daniel would love you in this' or 'No, try this one' to Sarah it was just another dance that she had to spend money on a dress for. "Hey, Marjorie," she said one day inthe Brighton Department Store, "Do you think that he really meant to ask me or did he just do it because Chelsea Baxter said no to him?" Marjorie reguarded her friend with a quizzical look. " Why would you think that? He meant it. Micheal was hanging around his locker yesterday and told me that he had heard that Daniel was totally hyped about taking you to Winter Formal." she said. To admit Marjorie was alittle confused as to why Sarah was acting so strange. Daniel was cute, funny, and completely adorable. So what was wrong with Sarah?
The night of Winter Formal arrived and Sarah was nervous. She told herself that this was a one time thing with Daniel and it would be over and done and midnight. Her mother helped her zip the side of her dress just as the doorbell rang.
Her father answered the door."So, you're Daniel. Well young man you had just better watch where you put your hands tonight or else you won't see them again."
he threatened. Sarah came down stairs,"Daddy stop it! Be nice to at least one of my dates." she told her father. Daniel smiled his angelic smile. His beautiful grey-blue eyes seemed to dance in the dim light of the foryer. "Hi S-S Sarah." he stuttered, pulling a pink box from behind his back."I uh, got this for you. I-I uh, hope you like it.They're pink roses." He slipped the corsage onto he slender white wrist and they were out the door.
As Daniel's car pulled into the school parking lot Sarah felt excited. She had never been to the Winter Formal without a date that wasn't a dork. She actually smiled genuinely sa the pair walked into the auditorium. Silever and pale blue sreamers and ribbons sparkled everywhere while people found tables or danced. her raced when Daniel asked her to dance. He hung onto her for dear life. Holding her firmly against his chiseled chest. Her mind whirled as they did. Girls jealous of Sarah, especially Chelsea Baxter, stared in disbelief as he kissed her gently on the cheek.
Daniel felt sick he was so drunk on Sarahs' perfume. He quite liked it. Very floral and yet at points, spicy and peppery. He watched as he spun her around as her long strawberry hair made a crimson circlet around her small frame. His favorite thing about her was that hair. Strawberry red and cascadingly long and wavy. He loved that. the way the wind blew it around her when she walked, the way she tossed it when she talked to her group of friends. Oh, he loved it. She was a great dancer too. Sarahs' slender form moved beautifully as she danced. The silver toned dress she wore made her look like an angel to Daniel. The only thing missing was silken wings. She was beautiful to him anyways. With or without wings.
It had been three months after the Winter Formal that the two started to date. Everything was fine untill one day Daniel got pissed for no reason.
It started normally, Daniel picked up Sarah for school, took her out for lunch and thats when everything went wrong. The waiter behind the counter smiled at Sarah and she smiled back to Daniel this was cheating. As they sat down to their meal Daniel sparked a rude comment a Sarah. "I saw that look you gave him. You don't look at other guys period litte girl." Sarah was taken aback. Her eyes rimmed with tears as he kept insisting that she was cheating. "Why you you even wat him is beyond me. But I swear to God if you ever look at another guy, even when I'm not around, I won't be as lenient as I was just now."
Confuson surrounded Sarah's mind. Hot tears ran down her face on the way back to school. Why was Daniel being so mean all of the sudden? Nothing seemed to make sense as the days went by. They would fight about the littlest things and Daniels anger would elevate to the breaking point and he would apologize. They would make up and fight again and make up again. But as the fight progressed so did Daniels anger control. He would slap her and call the next day saying he was sorry and it would never happen again. After school let out for the summer everything calmed down and Daniel didn't hit her any more. Then one night during a party at a friends house they both ended up drink and things got carried away.
One month after the party Sarah started feeling sick. She was two weeks late on her period and was getting worried. She went to the drug store and bought a pregnancy test. Her results shocked her. A week later she went to the Womans Clinic to get a more reliable test. It too came back positive. She went home and cried. She Daniel and told him to come over that she had something important to tell him. When daniel Arrived she was waiting on the front deck with the test in her hands."So, what was so important you needed me to drop my plans for? I really don't think it's that important." Daniel said as he walked twards her. Hands shaking, she handed him the test. "It's not mine...it can't be..no...NO!"he shouted.He wrung his hands and threw the test at her."You can't have this baby. You're getting an abortion, cause you're whoreing around is'nt going to ruin MY life." "Don't you think I have a say in this too. What, do think I planned this? Because oh, heavan forbid I ruin YOUR life. You know what I'm done with you. You're hurtful and most of all I am mot giong to kill OUR baby you idiot." Sarah said through tears. Daniel raised his hand to slap her but instead grabbed her arm painfully. "Let me go! Daniel you're hurting me! Damn it let GO!" she screamed. He let go and turned to get into his car. "I'll be back later for you tomorrow to go to the clinic. Or else Sarah."
Daniel showed up at eight o'clock the next morning. Sarah's arm was bruised from where Daniel had grabbed her. She stood in the doorway defiantly."I'm not going. I refuse to kill our baby Daniel." she said sternly. Daniel's face turned red in anger and frustration.
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Mrs. O'Bannon next door over heard the shouting from Sarah and Daniel's fight. She watched as Daniel dragged Sarah screaming to the car outside. "Marie, come here please. I want you to do something please." she called worriedly to her daughter. Marie came outside,"What is it Mama? Is something wrong?" she asked. "Could you follow those two I have a bad feeling something is going to go terribly wrong today." she said. Marie nodded and took the keys from her mothers hand. "I'll be back." she called as she climed into her mothers beat up old jeep.
Marie followed them to the edge of the forest reserve. Marie was puzzled at her mothers wish. But it was probably a good idea because of the fight the two were having. Marie stopped the jeep about 30 feet from the car in front of her. As she stepped out of the car, she could hear the yelling from the clearing. She stepped carefully twards the fight.
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Sarah stood in front of Daniel sacared and screaming for him to let her go. "What the hell is the matter with you? If I get out of here I'm charging you with assault and kidnapping you bastard!" she screame dfor the third time. Her vouce was hoarse from yelling at Daniel, but he just stood there ready to hit her again."Look, we can go to the clinic now or you'll never leave this clearing. So what's it gonna be Sarah? The clinic or the lake?" he said cooly. His eyes reflected madness and anger. Sarah was sacared to death. One second he was sstanding there the next he attacked her. Pinning her to the ground he wrapped his hands around her neck and started to choke her. "Daniel-please.....stop!" she choked out. Bringing her hands up she poked him in the eyes. Daniel screamed in pain but released his grip on Sarah's throat. Gasping, she took to her feet and tried to run but she diddn't get too far before he caught up to her. He punched her hard in the temple. Sarah's world started to spin, but the viscous left hook that caught her broke the darkness as fireworks exploded in her head. She felt warm blood trickling down her chin. her jaw felt broken, but she stumbled a little farther away from him."Sarah look, I diddn't want it to come down to this but-"he kicked her in the stomach,"you forced me-" another kick,"to do this. So this is it for you darling." he maniacally.He brought his foot down onto her back and she rolled over. "Well, I'm sorry." he said and brought his heel down into her terrified face.
Marie stifled a scream as the crunch of bone and cartiliage sounded in the otherwise empty forest. Shock overcame her body and she couldn't move. Something was terribly wrong though. Sarah wasn't moving anymore. A puddle of dark blood pooled around her. Sarah's eyes saw no more the blue sky. As Daniel left the clearing he said,"Well, never again will you cheat on me or try to ruin me."

© Copyright 2006 Elowen (delusional at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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