Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1158736-A-new-point-of-view
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #1158736
A story about an average guy who finds himself shrunk by accident and kept on purpose
I had assumed that the chemicals i had been handling for the past week were as safe as all that had come before them. I had assumed it was "just a bug", but by friday I felt so weak and so dizzy that I couldn't go to work. The doctor couldn't see me until next week "Take it easy and get lots of rest and we'll see you on Tuesday."
By friday afternoon I had only two options lie down or fall down. So I chose my bed over the floor. I don't know if I fell asleep or passed out but when I came to there
seemed to be something very wrong with my bedroom. It wasn't until i noticed that i was completely naked that i realized that something was very wrong with ME. I wasn't dizzy anymore, but i was now about eight inches tall. I knew that I couldn't just sit there hoping the "effect" would wear off. I quickly realized that a tiny man has very few means of communication. Even if I could reach the phone or computer using them would be impossible. I need to find someone big enough to use those things for me. The thought of leaving the realitive safety of my apartment made me fearful in ways i had never felt before. There were a few things in my favor, such as the cheap doors the landlord installed weren't even close to fitting properly. The huge gap at the bottom was ready made for a tiny guy like me. There was no one in the hallway. Although there were alot of doors i could easily get under most of them belonged to people i had never met. In the two weeks since i moved in the only person i had any contact with at all was Stacy the girl who lived across the hall from me. A few brief words didn't make us old friends but she was the only one who might recognize me.

Getting in was easy, getting Staceys attention wouldn't be. I was hoping to climb on something that would put me closer to her line of sight. But when Stacey came home i was still on the floor looking. I was small but it turned out that even a small naked man really stands out on dark carpeting. When Stacey saw me she stopped dead. I knew she wouldn't hear me even if i yelled so i got down on my hands and knees as if to pray. I stayed, unmoving in that position until she came over and sat beside me. Well little man wether you are a hallucination or not i've got alot of questions for you so stand up.
She recognized me right away, i told her what happened and asked for her help. Let's get you off the floor and then i'll see what i can do. Her huge hand coming at me was startling and i backed away. Of course there was no place to go, so she scooped me up anyway. Don;t be afraid little one I'm not going to hurt you. I was trapped in the palm of her hand and nothing she said could make it any less traumatic. Standing on the kitchen table naked, in front of a woman as tall as a fifteen story building wasn't much better. Stacey told me she had a friend who might be able to help. She's a nurse and a physics major, i really didn't want to turn myself over to another gigantic woman but then stacy didn't ask me. I don't think it even crossed her mind to ask the tiny man what he wanted.

"Lisa, thank god you're here, you have got to see this" Stacy said. As she carried me into the living room and sat me on the small table in front of the couch. While stacy filled lisa in on the details of what had happened i studied my surroundings. The small table on which i stood seemed as big as a football field and the couch the "giantess's" were sitting on might as well have been a warehouse. It was then that i noticed how beautiful these women were. Neither one of them would have even noticed me in any other situation. It was then i heard lisa say "well let's examine him and see what we have here" Lie down lisa commanded-since it was really my only option i complied.

Lisa examined me from head to toe, it was when she took her fingernail and lifted my cock and balls for a look that i paniced and tried to squirm away. Oh no you don't she said as she scooped me up in her hand. Well Stacy other than being 7 inches tall he seems fine. But he's filthy from crawling around on the floor. I think our little friend here needs a bath. Lisa put me in the kitchen sink and turned the water on. She had me lie down so that she could wash me. It must have been a combination of the warm water and the beautiful woman stroking my body that aroused me. I was not only embarrassed but afraid of where this could lead. "Hey stacy, our little man has a hard on."said lisa a she stroked my throbbing cock with her finger nail. You know he may return to his normal size without any help from us and since we can't do anything tonight what do you say we have some fun with our little guest.

Before Stacy had a chance to answer Lisa picked me up dried me off and headed for the bedroom. She sat me on the bed and started taking off her clothes, everything went on the floor by the bed accept her bra which she dropped ontop of me.
It was like sitting in a big white tent that didn't have a door. By the time i was able to crawl out from under Lisas' bra she was lying on the bed naked. She rolled onto her side to look at me just as Stacy walked in. What are you going to do with him Lisa?"
Whatever I want, i have complete power and control over him, that makes me a Goddess. Come on Stacey be a Goddess with me. Stacy looked down at me, smiled and started talking off her clothes. Ok Lisa you've been playing with him long enough it's my turn. As she laid down Stacy picked me up and sat me on her stomach. Ok little man here is what I want you to do. You will walk up between my breasts and get on you knees to pray to your Goddess.
As i knelt between her heaving breasts Stacy said Good boy, now that you've been to the mountains it's time to see the valley. i couldn't stop Stacy from putting me in her pussy. But at least she stopped when i was in up to my neck. Now my little man you're free to get out any time you please but you'll get no help.

i immediately started trying to climb out but it seemed that the more i moved the tighter i was held. i realized that Stacy's pussy muscles wouldn't relax until she came. So i started moving around slowly exploring my soft warm cage. It wasn't long before Stacy began to moan after that i was covered with a very warm and slippery liquid but still her pussy held me tight. i knew i was close to escape when she began to squirm and message her breasts, i just prayed that she wouldn't close her legs without thinking about who was between them. i kept up my internal massage until finally Stacy's body completely tensed up her pussy relaxed and i was shot out with her cum.
A small victory for a small man. Stacy sat up scooped me up from between her legs and handed me to Lisa "Here you go he's already pre-lubed" Then Stacy rolled over and went to sleep.

Lisa didn;t like the pre lube that stacy was talking about so she took me straight to the kitchen sink. She scrubbed me like a kitchen utensil
Cleaned and dried Lisa carried me to her bedroom. I'll do my best to reverse this condition little man. But this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, sooooooooooooo i will have to invest alot of time and effort searching for cure.
as payment you will be my toy/slave until i find a cure. I'd like to pretend you could decline my offer but we both know that as long as i can pick you up with one hand -your world is at the mercy of Giantess Lisa. But you will refer to me as Goddess Lisa or just Goddess.
I wish i could tell you that i wont treat you like just a sex toy buuuuuut it may happen. Do you realize what an awkward position you are putting me in. Right now you are one of a kind --now i could put you on display and maybe meke some money or the govt would just take you. And i don't think either one of us would be happy with that.'

Lisa said i've thought about it alot, and if i show you to the world they will just take you. And maybe the can cure you, but the way i see it if i keep you as my pet and sex toy by the time the world finds out i wil be able to write a book and make millioms-what woman can resist a true story of complete female domination.

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