Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1158071-War-is-a-Sad-Thing
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Political · #1158071
a Poem about War
War is a horrible thing
I imagine it so vividly
Like a fallen soldiers soul entered me
People always shootin' each others heads' off
People are dying everyday
Soldiers goin' to war and they're the ones who always pay
Another casket goin' six feet deep
Another body goin' through eternal sleep
Another soul wandering through the mists
Another bunch of soldiers on god's lists

Young people who have everything to live for are being sent to war everyday
families watch their sons walk through the door for the last time then they on the battlefield
Hence another body perishes without a shield
Losing a loved one is never easy
So they're relatives resort to drugs to cope immediately
And for those who survive, I salute you
if I only knew what you went through

Sometimes I think survival of the fittest is true
That's why I always stick with my crew
I doubt this war is for the country
I doubt world peace will ever happen
Technology excelled too fast into gunpowder
Thus the screams of agony getting louder
I thank god for every second i stay on this Earth
and I thank my mother for giving birth.

~eMCee SpaDe~
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