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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1157366
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Chapter 3

         Georgia waited patiently on the stoop of Lena’s apartment after ringing the bell. It was past noon so she knew that she would be up soon.

         She’d spent most of the morning driving around. She drove out to the country to the house she grew up in. It wasn’t much anymore, just a century old farmhouse on a hundred acres. It needed paint and the barn a roof. The creek still looked the same. She had taken off her shoes and waded through the shallows letting the soft fine mud squish between her toes like she had when she was a child, and caught crawdads with a stick.

         She rang the bell again. With last call at 2am, clean up, and the time it took to wind down from the shift bartenders usually didn’t get to bed until after 4:00 sometimes later. Finally, she heard stirring and knew she was up. The door opened and Lena stood there in boxer shorts and a wife beater hugging her every curve, blonde hair in every direction and small smudges of black eyeliner under her eyes. “I knew it was you. What the hell are you doing here? It’s Friday shouldn’t you be at work?”

          “I didn’t go in today.” Georgia tilted her head toward her Jetta.

         Lena looked past her catching her cue and her eyes widened, “Finally did it huh?”

          “He was banging the sales manager in Chicago, even as we speak I think.”

          “So it was his fault. I have to say I’m surprised,” she smiled punching Georgia lightly in the arm. “So you gonna live on my porch or you coming in?”

          “I’m just as surprised as you are. You kn-“ Georgia stopped short when she came in to the living room and saw the couch flipped out into a bed and made, with a mint on the pillow. “-ow, you are such a smart-ass,” she finished.

          “I didn’t know if it would be today but I knew it would be soon and you don’t have anywhere else to go.”

          “I don’t want to be a burden to you. I’ll find a place this weekend and be out of your hair.”

          “Don’t rush. God, how long has it been since we were just Peach and Lena?” she asked flopping down on the bed. She was right it had been along time. “I haven’t seen you dressed like that since before Matt.” She reached back and grabbed the mint. “You mind? I haven’t brushed.” Georgia shook her head and sat down next to her. “I have a whole bag if you want one.”

         Georgia giggled. “You kill me.”

         Lena giggled too. “You look good in that old t-shirt. Feels good huh?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “Listen, I stink. I’m gonna jump in the shower and hose myself off. Go ahead and get started with your stuff, I’ll help you when I get out.” She leaned over and kissed Georgia on the cheek.

         Georgia smiled and watched Lena walk out of the room to the bathroom. She’d always envied her friend. She had blind confidence; she was gorgeous, tall, almost six foot with enticing curves, blonde, plump soft lips, light blue almond shaped eyes, and thick lashes yet she never cared about her looks. She never tried to look her best; she just woke up and did. She finally got up and started unloading her car. She laid all of her clothes out on the bed, and put her pictures around the apartment. She brought in her makeup and bathroom supplies and sat on the bed sorting through them when Lena came out of the shower.

          “Well shit, you didn’t bring anything,” she said rubbing her hair with a towel, looking scrubbed and fresh, now dressed in baby t-shirt, that advertised her bar, showing off her pierced navel and cut off jeans.

          “I didn’t have a whole lot. Everything was Matt’s remember?”

          “I was hardly ever around. He didn’t like me remember?”

          “Another good reason to leave huh?” Georgia paused and looked at her friend as she sat down.

         Lena took her hand and held it looking down, “Didn’t give the ring back?”

          “Oh hell. I didn’t even think about it, and he didn’t ask.” Odd how the burden of it seemed so great when it symbolized something, she thought. Now it felt normal.

          “Who cares? It’s huge and I’m sure you can get a ton of money for it.”

          “You think that’s fair?”

          “Of course.”

         Georgia looked at her. “Why?”

         Lena leaned in and rested her forehead against Georgia’s. “Peach, look at the bed. Is this everything you had when you met Matt? If I remember, you had a full apartment of furniture, a truck, and a job that you brought home $400. A night. Cash. You gave up everything you had to fit into that pansy ass little world of his. This ring is certainly more than payback.”

         Georgia nodded carefully trying not to bump heads too hard, and twisted the ring off her finger; there was a pale band where it had been. “Here you hold on to it until I need it. I don’t want it but if you think that I should keep it you hold onto it,” their heads still together

          “You know I will.”

          “Things are going to be different now.”

          “No, the same, the way things are supposed to be. You will get to live the life you loved, and still love with out having someone telling you its wrong.” Lena reached up and smoothed her hands through Georgia’s hair. “Things are going to be just fine,” she said and kissed her gently on the nose.

         She smiled. When was the last time someone had treated her like this. “You’re wonderful.”

          “I know,” she kissed her again. “Let’s get your things put away.”

         They hung up clothes, rearranged the bathroom and closets and slowly Lena’s apartment started to look normal again. It was only a one bedroom but the living space was open big enough for them not to be cramped. There were plenty of windows, the rooms flowed together the only rooms completely separated from the rest of the space the bedroom and bathrooms. The unpacking done and space made Lena walked into the living room, sat down next to Georgia on her green plush couch and handed her a beer.

          “To us.”

          “To us,” they clinked long necks and drank.

          “It’s only two o’clock.” Georgia said.

          “It’s five in England. Drink up.”

         She laughed and took a long drink from her beer and cuddled in to her friend. “I met a guy,” Georgia started.


          “Yeah, last night.”


          “He was really cute,” she took another drink.


          “I was with Matt and felt really guilty.”

          “You liked him huh?” Lena asked taking two swallows.

         Georgia slowly sipped her beer.

          “Huh?” Lena asked again pressing this time.

          “Yes, I liked him.”

          “What’s he like?”

          “Arrogant, confident, a gear head.”

          “So in other words perfect?” she asked throwing her legs over Georgia’s lap.

         Georgia put her bottle on the inside of Lena’s thigh playfully and giggled when Lena jumped. “Not perfect. Intriguing, handsome, brash, funny, different.”

          “Sounds pretty good to me. So does he have a name?”

          “Chance Parker.”

          “Chance Parker,” Lena took another long drink and smiled. “You like him.”

          “I’ve just met him. I don’t know anything about him.”

          “But, you like him.”

          “Matt and I had sex last night before it ended and I was thinking of him the whole time.”

          “So it goes beyond like to lust huh?” Lena finished her beer and set the bottle next to the couch.

          “Who knows what it is. I don’t know what’s going on in my head right now,” Georgia swallowed down the rest of her beer too and set the bottle next to Lena’s.

          “Easy,” Lena cautioned.

          “You working tonight?”

          “Yeah, I go in at 8. Why don’t you come with me and cut loose a little. You can man the bar with me. It’ll be like old times.”

         For some reason that night, Georgia just didn’t feel herself, she was clumsy and unsure and managed to spill two drinks, one down herself and one down a customer. Wearing a white t-shirt didn’t help the matter and her light pink bra showed through slightly until the cotton dried. It wasn’t even packed and Lena told her to take a break.
          “I’m fine.”

          “No you’re not! Where did the Peach go that would throw bottles to me across the room and pour shots behind her back?” Lena uncapped two beers with a church key and set them on the bar for a waitress. “Go sit down and I’ll make you a few drinks until you loosen up.”

         Georgia relented and sat down at the bar in front of Lena.

          “Now, what can I getcha babe? You look like you’re having a rough day, let me get you one on the house.”

         Georgia couldn’t help but laugh. “Get me a scotch on the rocks and make a double,” she teased right back slamming her hand on the bar.

          “Maybe it was too soon to get you behind the bar,” she said pouring her drink. “Who knows, you just need to relax and have fun.”

          “I agree. And that’s what I am going to do for the rest of the night.”

          “You know if you were my bartender I would have fired you.”

          “Yeah, but I’m not, I’m your best friend. I guess I’m lucky your partner isn’t here huh?”

          “Who? George?” Lena dismissed him with a wave of her hand. “George is never here. He’s a silent partner. Hell, I do everything. Run the bar, the books, and the people. He’s the moneyman I guess. It’s kinda nice not having him here. I get away with more. He’s so uptight.”

         Georgia sipped her scotch slowly enjoying its flavor and the way it relaxed her body. Lena was so confident behind the bar; she wished she could find the same with in herself. She didn’t really want to be there. Without having a purpose, she was bored so she resigned herself to people watching. She spied a couple on what she guessed was a first date. They were both very cautious and didn’t show that familiarity established couples radiate. A few seats down were a few young men. She watched as they ogled Lena nearly drooling on the bar. She laughed inwardly. They would never have a chance. Sure, she’d flirt and make them think they did, but it was for the tips. She’d eat a young kid like that for breakfast. Lena lived hard and fast and didn’t have time to deal with puppies, as she called them. “Puppies you have to train. I need a man that knows what he’s supposed to do and is good at it.”

         There was an older gentleman sitting a stool down sipping his own scotch. He was discreetly watching her from the corner of his eye. She almost shrugged him off as a weirdo but there was something about him and in his eyes that made her think twice; instead she granted him with a small grin and went back to her own drink.

          “Takes a fine sense to drink scotch and enjoy it,” he said not looking up from his glass.

          “Not when you’ve had a day like mine. Any other day I would agree with you,” she replied.

         Lena grabbed a few tips from the other side of the bar and came back over to Georgia. “It’s not that bad. So what, you move out? You spill a few drinks? Life is just beginning for you.” She turned her attention to the open door, pointed her finger at the man walking in with that stellar smile of hers and signaled two with her fingers, grabbing longnecks out of the cooler. One of her regulars Georgia thought to herself. She watched them a few minutes; he kissed Lena on the cheek and held her hand briefly as they talked. It was obvious the only reason the man came in the bar was for Lena. He wasn’t a bad looking guy, well built, nice hands, clear blue eyes she could see from across the bar.

          “Lena’s right,” her scotch partner said.

          “Do you even know what’s going on?” she asked irritably.

          “I’m guessing you’re the friend she was telling me about last night.”

          “I should have known she would gab about it with someone.”

          “She was just worried about you.”

          “Well thank you,” Georgia took another sip from her drink resting it briefly in her hand wiping the moisture off the glass, enjoying the cool feel on her hot palm. “Lena worries a lot. She’s all brass sometimes but she has a heart. Just don’t tell her I told you that,” she giggled quietly.

          “Marcus,” he offered with his hand.

          “That’s Peach,” Lena said reappearing before Georgia could introduce herself.

          “It’s nice to meet you Marcus,” she said gripping his hand.

          “You loosening up yet?” Lena asked mixing a drink, flipping bottles and glasses, and just in general showing off as she fixed her another scotch.

          “Yes, I am starting to loosen up, and might start to enjoy myself.”

          “Good because it’s getting on 9 and I might need you.”

          “Who was that guy?” She asked nodding toward blue eyes.

         Lena smiled at her tilting her head slightly, “A friend, or I guess a buddy would be more accurate, but a friend also.”

          “Lucky you, he’s got pretty eyes I can see them from here.”

         She leaned in close to her, “His eyes aren’t why I’m lucky,” she said huskily in her trademark sexpot manner and winked.

         As it turned out Lena didn’t recruit her until after 10, and was starting to get a bit drunk. She was enjoying a casual conversation with Marcus, discussing everything from books to movies and music. He had enjoyed a short-lived career as a musician in the 60’s and had met several icons of the age. He was recalling a bar show he did with the Doors when Lena recruited her.

          “Peach,” Lena called from the far end of the bar, “It’s time babe, and I need another waitress.”

          “I’m on it,” Georgia called back starting to rise from her stool. She stumbled a little and Marcus caught her arm surprisingly firm considering his age.

          “Easy girl. You might want to lay off the scotch for awhile.”

          “I’m just buzzed I’ll be all right. I can still make change that’s all she’s worried about.”

         Georgia navigated her way through people to behind the bar. The Whiskey Well wasn’t your typical bar, it was lit well and didn’t employ a DJ. It gave people the freedom of choice from the jukebox and Lena pretty much turned the TVs over to the customers. It was more of a gathering place than a singles bar, but it packed in its share of people every night.

          “Here,” Lena said handing her a waist apron and an order book. “There’s a five top of handsome men over there that haven’t ordered drinks yet. Go get ‘em girl,” she said close to her ear and gave her a firm smack on the butt.

          “Hey!” Georgia called behind her rubbing the sting from her cheek. She started her way to the table.

          “Boys,” she greeted them sitting down at the table. “What can I get you?” They were all good looking men, anywhere from mid twenties to mid thirties, one blonde in the group of dark haired men.

          “Shots for everyone, a double for him.” The one nearest her in the blue polo said clapping the blond on the back.

          “The rest of you designated drivers?” she asked sarcastically.

          “No,” he replied, “bachelor party. Dave here is getting married. We have a limo outside.”

          “Well,” she said taking a deep breath, “shots of what? Oh, and congratulations Dave.”

          “What do you suggest baby?” asked the one in a blue checked shirt. His eyes glassed over and she bet they’d started early.

          “This your first stop?”


          “Jagermeister,” she said.

          “Jager,” they all called in unison like some primal male calling.

          “Alright boys, I’ll be right back.”

         She weaved her way through the crowd back to the bar, still feeling the light-headedness from her scotch. Lena was taking care of customers at the bar, serving beers, and ringing the register.

          “Six shots of Jager,” she said placing the ticket on the bar and pulling her hair of her neck.


          “Bachelor party, the blonde’s getting married,” unconsciously shooting him a dirty look over her shoulder.

          “Ah,” was all Lena said while she pulled the shot glasses out and a black bottle. She noticed the look Georgia shot at the table and decided to ignore it. She’d still need a few nights, even a few guys before she realized she’d done the right thing. She poured all the shots seamlessly. “Here you go Peach. Go have some fun.”

          “Don’t you think it’s odd it’s the blond getting married? A table of five dark haired guys and it has to be the blond.”

          “Quit being weird, you did the right thing. Besides Matt’s probably banging his little girl friend. Quit thinking about it and have some fun.”

          “You’re right,” she decided aloud stripping the image of Matt’s well-toned body rolling through the sheets with another woman, “that’s what I’m supposed to be doing right?”

          “Right, now come ‘ere,” she said leaning over the bar. Georgia leaned in and they kissed briefly, male shouts of encouragement rising up all around the bar. She couldn’t help it and kissed her again. How fun it was to screw with men.

          “What’s with them?”

          “Girl on girl action. They usually only see it in videos. Right now their hoping I’ll throw you on the bar and strip naked.”

         Georgia laughed and walked toward her table, men smiling and raising their glasses in her direction. She shook her head casting off the drunken feeling and finished her route to the table. The men were all huddled close talking to each other over the noise.

          “Six shots of Jager boys,” she said placing them on the table. “$42.”
          “Here’s $60 keep the change,” the blue checked shirt said laying three twenties on the table.

          “Well thank you.” She said stuffing the money in her apron.

          “Here babe this shots on us,” Dave said pushing the sixth shot her way.

          “No thanks boys,” she said putting out her hand. “I don’t do Jager. Makes me sick.”

          “Well let us buy you a shot of what you like.”

          “No, really, thank you.”

          “Awe, come on. This is Dave’s last night to be able to buy a beautiful girl a drink for the rest of his life,” said blue checked.

          “There are other women in the bar boys.”

          “Not like you,” he said quietly leaning in on her.

         She knew that they were probably all drunk, hell she was too. He smelled like musk and cigars and had familiar golden brown eyes. He was young, didn’t have the faint age lines around his eyes, and still had a small look of innocence. “You remind me of someone I know.”

          “Then let me buy you that shot,” he said in the same tone still close to her.

          “Okay,” she said slowly, nodding, her head still feeling light. Another drink and she’d be drunk; incoherent drunk but there was something that was pushing her toward it. “I think that I should know your name first.”


          “Hi John.”

          “Hi, so what’s your name red?”


         He placed his hand over hers and said, “It’s nice to meet you Georgia.” He put his other hand in the small of her back and guided her toward the bar. Lena was watching them and she knew she had a huge stupid grin on her face.

          “Peach, you didn’t spill a drink on this handsome young man did you?” she asked ringing out an order on the register.

          “No, but he wants to buy me a shot.”

          “Really,” she smiled even bigger than Georgia, “Well Peach, what’s your pleasure?”

          “Let’s do some tequila, Leny.”

          “Coming up,” she said and pulled two glasses, a salt shaker, and a slice of lemon from under the bar. She poured the shots and got her own glass. “Why the hell not huh?” She raised her glass and Georgia followed.

          “What are we toasting?” John asked.

          “New beginnings,” said Lena meeting Georgia’s eyes and winking at John. Subtlety was never Lena’s forte. They clinked glasses and drank.

          “Woooo,” Georgia exclaimed as the tequila burned a path to her stomach.

          “No salt? No lemon?”

          “Sissy,” said Lena. “You gonna drink that?” she said nodding at John. He downed the shot as Lena grabbed for it. “$12” she said after he was done.

         He laid another twenty on the bar, “You girls can split that,” he was struggling to talk, the alcohol still burning his throat. He turned to Georgia; she was dancing discreetly to AC/DC on the jukebox. He put his hand on hers, “Thank you,” he said and met her eyes directly. “Would you like to spend the rest of the night with us?”

         She looked at Lena and back at him, “Can you give me a minute?” He nodded and moved in closer putting an arm around her waist and pulling her close.

          “You are a beautiful woman,” he said softly in her ear. She could feel the heat of his body through her clothes and his breath tickled her ear. “Don’t keep me waiting long.” He let her go and met her eyes before he went back to his table.

         They watched him go. “Nice ass,” Lena finally said.

          “Leny, I’m drunk,” Georgia said in reply slumping against the bar.

          “When was the last time you drank hard liquor? Of course you are, two double scotches and a shot of tequila. You think you’re drunk now wait until it hits. You drank you’re scotch way too fast anyway.”

          “He wants me to leave with them and finish out the night.”

         Lena smiled widely, “I know.”

          “I can’t make a coherent decision right now.” Georgia rested her head against her hand.

          “He’s definitely a hottie.”

          “He looks really familiar. I don’t think I know him I just think he reminds me of someone.” She watched as Lena reached under the bar and came back up.

          “Here,” she said placing something in her hand. “This is my pepper spray, here’s your purse. You go with them have a great time.” She pulled Georgia’s cell phone out of her purse and put it in her hand. “If you have any problems you call me. You’re not that drunk are you? You know how to work one of these right?”

          “Yes, I’m not that much of a lightweight. I think I might not drink for a few hours though.” She giggled a little.

          “Peach.” Lena said holding her hand. “Two years ago we wouldn’t be having this conversation; you would have told me what you were going to do. You need to find yourself again and be able to make up your own mind.” Lena turned at her name called further down the bar. “Go bang the hottie if you want. Call me later and I might meet up with you,” she turned to go and came back. “Oh, don’t forget these,” she said reaching in her pocket and producing condoms, she tucked them into Georgia’s purse.

         Georgia looked at her hands; phone and pepper spray in each one. Lena was right she never would have had a second thought about having fun. That was her, that’s who she was. There was nothing stopping her from doing what she wanted and enjoying every minute of it. She put the items in her purse and turned toward the table. John was watching her; she smiled brightly and beckoned him with a nod of her head. He got up and made his way to her.

          “I can’t walk very well,” she said when he finally reached her. “Rather than embarrass myself by falling down on my way to you, would you help me?”

         He laughed richly and put his arm around her. “It would be my pleasure.”
© Copyright 2006 Molly Jean (mjtruex at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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