Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1156227-FOXY
by ricsal
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Mystery · #1156227
The mystery unfolds when a cat revealed the truth...

“You better get rid of that bloody cat! I can't stand him anymore! Making my house as a halfway for him!” My brother raise his voice at me because of my stupid cat.

“You should show him whose the boss in this house. Every night he came and meowing the whole apartment in front of our door! And every time I have to assure all the neighbour that he always liked to run away. It's getting on my nerve and I want you to stop him!” My brother started to yelled even louder because of his anger on my Foxy.

Sitting down on the couch, flipping every page of the fishing magazine that I was reading, I kept my cool to my brother and sighed.

“Come on, Foxy is a male, surely he needs some fun outside with some female” I gave him one of my ever so stupid reasons about cat behavior since every facts about Foxy he doesn't want to listen.

“You and your stupid reasons again! I give you 3 more days to either train him or get rid of him. If you fail, I will throw him out of our 7th storey building” My brother smiled devilishly with his thoughts of revenge on my Foxy.

I put down my magazine and turned on the TV, flicking every channel with my trusty universal remote control. I didn't turned to look at my brother because every time looking at his face making me detest him even more.

“Alright, I will do it. If I fail, I will let you do the necessary evil idea in your empty mind to Foxy” I smirked at the TV comedy channel rather than glaring at my brother.

“Fine then...” He went into his room and locked the doors.

I turned around and glared at his room, “One day you will get what you deserve for being evil to animals...” I shake my head and continued watching TV.

My mind kept whizzing with questions about the strange behavior Foxy has shown me. It doesn't seemed like him to actually get out of the house and ventured out alone. Foxy was a shy cat that only stays beside me whenever he felt afraid or dislike someone especially to the devil that lived in this house. I admit Foxy was a little stubborned in listening or doing toilet training. He failed many times training to relieved himself and ending up our bathroom became his room and our house became his toilet. Ever since little, he's a very quiet cat and never prance or ran around the house to play because maybe I think he was brought up alone by me. His characteristic behavior nearly resembles mine except for the horny attitudes towards my sister and her girlfriends. I didn't teach him that and realized he got his own instinct to differentiate between genders even on humans.

I bring myself up and open the door leaning on a gate looking out at my apartment. I kept wondering where Foxy went and why he always came back looking for me, Kept calling me to follow him. Looking back at the 3 kittens that my brother owned, Foxy is much better than the little devils that I constantly have to teach them to stay put. But like they said, a cat will never be a cat if they listen to people. Maybe because they knew how to think independently with a touch of listening to humans callings. They aren't stupid like dogs whom do anything willingly to their Master demands them to do and even stupidly in front of everyone just for the sake of food.

Cats, they won't do that sort of stupid things. If their paws were hands, I guessed they could have opened the cat food by themselves by now.

As I looked out the gates, I realized there was a faint meow near me.I looked down and saw Foxy looking up on me with his golden eyes. I crouch down and stared at him for a few minutes mesmerizing at his twinkling eyes. He came to me and bring out his paw to touched my finger that holds the gate. His claw came out and gently pulled my finger out as if he was trying to tell me “Follow me...” but I realized how can an animal do that and gave a smile at him.

“You've been a very naughty cat Foxy, I can't do anything now. Brother is very angry and I can sensed that he's trying to find a way to get rid of you even though if you ace your toilet training, which I don't have confidence in you because you've been very stubborned” I smiled at him and rubs his forehead with my finger.

He gave out a meow and sat in front of the gate waiting for me to open it, as I did, he never went in. Yet, he stay put at the place as if waiting for me to come out to him.

I gave a heavy sighed and annoyingly glared at him, “Look, you're going to be dead meat if you stay out here alone. Why don't you like this house? Is it because the 3 little devil bullied you? You shouldn't be bullied Foxy, you're 4 years older than them. Come in and I will serve you a big bowl of Sardines that you never imagined in you whole life” I had to bribed him to make him come to the house and yet he never did.

In a fit of anger, I stormed out of the house and whisked him up. “You're going to come in and stay put. I don't care anymore!” as I turned around to dashed into the house, I heard a haunting voice that whispered out beside me and made me froze.

“You're in danger...follow me now...” The icy voice made every hair on my body stands and in shudders.

I slowly turned to face Foxy who was glaring at me with his haunting golden eyes. My mind starts to diminished the fact the the voice was just one of my stupid imaginary thinking when I was in anger just now.

I gave out a giggled and stare at Foxy, “Stupid me, how can an animal talk...”I sighed and tightly held on Foxy to bring him in.

Just as I was about to take one step into the house, I felt a painful stabbed on my shoulder and realized it was Foxy's claws that went in. “Foxy...?”

At that point, all of my thinking about animal can't talk starts to fade away when Foxy voice out using his thoughts.

“Please...listen to me! I'm trying to save my only master who have been so kind to me. Its going to happen any moment now. Run towards that staircase at the far end and hid there with me” Foxy raise his paw and show me the way.

I was still shocked at that point of time disbelieving every words that I heard from his thoughts. But I knew I had to trust Foxy's words as if he's really keen on saving his only master.

I slipped into my slippers and ran with Foxy to the far end of the staircase and hid there. Watching the house, I turned to Foxy who was glaring at it. I was afraid that my mind was playing tricks on me and yet I just had to asked him why.

“Why did you want to save me? And what is going on...?” I asked him.

He turned to me and responded by using his thoughts, “Your brother can never be save. He's made a big mistake and today is the day he's going to die. You were also in the death list if I never had done this. In any moment, the whole apartment will go blackout and that when it happens” Foxy's view turned back to the house.

What he did said was true, in seconds, the apartment went blackout. At the open window I vividly saw my brother opened the door calling out my name searching for me when I realized there was another dark figure slowly coming towards him.

I was about to dashed out when Foxy held me down with his claws, “I'm sorry, but I had to do this Master. This is not the time. For now, what you can only do is wait. That shadowy figure in the house was a killer that had been hiding inside the apartment for 4 days, The killer intention was to kill your brother but you were always in the way. Today, it was about to do it and if you're in the way, it will kill you too”

I took a deep breath, quickly took out my mobile and phoned 911. After giving them the information, they gave me instruction on how to survive in this such situation.

“Sir, just sit tight and be out of sight from the killer. We will be there shortly”

Just as the phone went off, I heard my brother scream of pain and a sound of gurgling followed after that. I wanted to help him but Foxy kept putting his claws on my shoulder. Because he knew that my fate was to be in there and he tried any way possible for me not be on sight.

But that is my flesh & blood being killed inside that house, why am I standing here like a log waiting for that to happen. I brush-off Foxy claws away from me and was about to bring myself up to help brother when he jumped in front me.

“Is he that precious to be save?” Foxy asked me a funny question that I seems to realized something.

“Thats right...he's not worth to be save. I hate him to the core and so does my other siblings. He was never a good person at all. Evil and demented thats what he is. I pity his girlfriend when she engaged with him” I shook my head thinking of the evil things my brother had done.

“You see, he's not worth to be save. Let him be...this is his fate and if you save him now, it will be over for you too. Because that killer has a hatred to your family” Foxy explained to me.

“But that killer need to be caught. What if its going on a killing spree on my family?” I questioned Foxy.

“It wont if you stayed here...” I can actually saw the confidence in Foxy protecting me.

Something came up on my mind that made me startled. “Thats it. My mobile has a camera phone. I'm going to record this” I took out my mobile and record the incident.

I'm not too sure if my camera phone can catch the action in the dark but I just had to do it. After 10 minutes, the killer went out of the house with me following slowly to catch a glimpsed of who is that person.

But to my surprise, the killer was none other than my brother fiancee. At that moment of confusion, I accidentally stood up and stare at her. She saw me and came slowly to me with smile of killing intent.

“Why are you here? I thought you went out?” She question me with the big axed in her hand.

At that point, I knew if I utter a wrong word, I would face the same fate as brother.

“Erm...I went out looking for Foxy...What happen inside that house?” I tried to get some courage to asked her.

She smiled and show me the axed, “I just finish killing your brother and was about to go home...”

“You what? But why?” I have to act as if I never knew what had happen.

“Why? Because he dumped me and went out with another woman. After using tens of thousand in my bank account and let me owed a lot of money to bank. Is that the way he supposed to pay my kindness? Dumped me? He made a very big mistake and now, he gets what he deserves. And as for you...I think I should shut you up too so that at least no one knew what had happen” She came to me and raise her axed.

I ran backwards trying to block her every swings to me and finally I loose my footing and fell on the floor.

“Please...let me live. I'm not my brother!” I begged her.

“No...you are all the same! You should DIE!” she raise her axed and was about to swing to me when suddenly Foxy ran and jumped on her face, scratching and biting her.

He jumped back and sit on top of my stomach and glared at her.

She wiped the blood that Foxy had made on her and hissed, “You and your stupid cat will die together!”

“I don't think so...you can never kill us” Foxy replied to her that made her froze.

“You...you can talk?” she asked Foxy with a frightening look.

“Yes and this will be the last time you will heard from me. Because you're going to die” Foxy replied to her.

Her shocked gaping face soon turned to laughter of madness, “I'm going crazy...there's no such thing as talking animals!” She raised her axed again and this time it will really hit the target.

I closed my eyes and yelled at Foxy to escape, but he didn't.

Just as she was about to chop us with the axed, “Police! Stop!” and the Police point the gun at her. But the mad witch never responded to the warning raise her axed again.

'BAM!' The bullet went to her head killing her instantly. She fell on top of me with her eyes wide open glaring at Foxy.

The police came and help me up to regain my posture and wipe his forehead.

“Sorry about that, We came a little too late” He sighed.

I just smiled at him even though my legs still shaken by the ordeal.

Soon the rest of the Police came and not forgetting the all ever nosy media people. Asking me question that I hate to answer and putting my face on the front page of the newspaper as the survivor of love murder. But all was good with me, because I've Foxy beside me and I knew the animal secret. We kept chatting rather than the usual meowing to me.

I have been living with my sister for the time being as the old home need to be investigate and cleansed. To us siblings, I found out that our mourned to my evil brother were merely fake to the core.

The next day I went down to the police HQ for some questions. The investigator made me sit in a dark room with a projector positioned neatly on the table where I was sitting. He took out the controller and looked at me.

“We actually had closed the case as murder since we managed to taken care of the murderer and the problems behind it with the help of your video recording on that night. But there is something amiss in your statement and the video you gave me...” The IO stared at me. Searching every wink or blink in my eyes and expression that I was lying to them.

“What happen?” I puzzled.

He pressed the PLAY button in the control and I watched the incident at that night.

“Look here, you were on the floor and your cat sat on top of your chest. You told me that there was only you, your cat & the killer. But why...was there another voice of a man inside it?” He rewind the video and played it again with a high volume.

I soon recognized the sound, it was Foxy's. I kept quiet as I was dumbfounded on how to explained to the IO. Should I say “Thats was my cat's voice” ? Surely he thinks that I'm mad.

So I had to lie...

“I think you're mistaken. There's only me,my cat and that killer. There shouldn't anyone there...” I explained to him with confidence.

The IO took a brief moment staring at me to dig out the lie that was within me. But he failed and tap his finger on the table with his eyes staring back at the video footage.

“Well then, I guessed there is nothing to ask you for now. I take this case as closed. Sorry to bother you” The IO smirked.

I went back to the old home and found Foxy snuggle on the couch and open his eyes when he heard the door creaked open.

“How is the investigation going?” He asked me.

“Fine...case closed” I replied with a sheepish smile.

We sat watching the TV when the three little devil went out of the room purring and meowing to me. I turned to Foxy who was watching the TV, “Foxy, now their old owner has gone, could you be so kind to teach them a lesson or two for being naughty?”

Foxy's eyes became wide in excitement, (Purring) “The pleasure is all mine...” He crawled slowly to the shivering kittens.

At that moment, I smiled with and evil intent watching Foxy giving them a lesson in life of a cat.

“Good ol'Foxy...”

I slowly turned my views back to the TV.

© Copyright 2006 ricsal (sallehsaidali at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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