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by maich
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Treatise on Racism and negative ethnicity
"No! Mr. Atwoli you are Wrong"

This past week Mr. Francis Atwoli the custodian and activist of the labour rights fumbled and he fumbled heavily. While commenting on issues that concern our society, he was reported in the electronic media as suggesting that everything bad or evil that happens to us as Africans is as a result of our skin pigmentation.

Francis Atwoli is well versed with the labour laws of this country probably better than anyone else is, and in his interactions with the both sides of the table in his activism in the labour movement; he must have interacted with both the light skinned persons and dark skinned persons. It is this experience, which probably has taught him a thing or two about the role of skin pigmentation in some or one way of thinking and doing things?

The closest he came to almost being seen or perceived as a racist is when he commented on the Kenya Revenue Authority skirmishes with the businessmen who were refusing the Authority's electronic gadgets. When he was heard cajoling the Padamshis Dharamshis, Devjis, Megjis and Kharamjis an euphemism for Kenyan-Asian businessmen to pay their dues as they were the only ones who were involved in the revolt against KRA.

Self-hate is a malady that is premised on poor self-esteem; by those politically socialized in negative self-enslaving propaganda promulgate that. These self-hate thought patterns are the bedrock of all supremacist groups or associations.

That prejudice unfortunately is inherent in all forms of organizations is not the issue here, because there is no need to voice-back retrogressive thought patterns. It is sad to say the least, that unfortunately, all religious literature are filled with the seeds of discrimination and prejudice. This does not mean, that all discrimination is necessarily wrong or right as it were. There is however a place and time for that and in well explained terms.

The Term Gentile, Kafiri, Umusinde (uncircumcised), Ndûriri, Niger, Blanco, White or Black are convoluted concept vehicles of those enslaved by self-hate and those who have a warped sense of importance. The discrimination issue of, them and us is as old as mankind. It deplorably is the same thought pattern that induces discrimination against anyone else who is not you.

It actually is a violation of the Tenth Commandment, "You shall not covet your neighbours . . ."(Exodus 20:17). All forms of discrimination are essentially reversed jealous tendencies and covetousness clothed in a different form.

Unfortunately even one of the greatest country's in the world, the United States of America had slavery condoned years. That those propagating it were using religion to explain and sanitize it is unfortunate. Those propagating it had cleverly curved out of the Living Scripts constructs that served and propagated covetousness in its worst form. Apartheid in South Africa is a case in point, when it comes to explain racism clothed in a religious garb.

They conveniently forgot to read the sections that spoke highly of the Hamitic race, "The sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan . . . Cush was the father of Nimrod, who grew to be a mighty warrior on the earth . . . The first centers of his kingdom were Babylon, Erech, Akkad and Calneh, in Shinar. From that land he went to Assyria where he built Nineveh . . .. (Genesis 10:6-20)

Euro-centric historians for many years did not want to believe that the black race mattered. And that’s why to many of us, the first history lessons we received were told that the first men to discover Nam Lolwe now Lake Victoria, Mt. Kenya, Lake Turkana and many others were basically European.

Off course, this is the rudimentary principle of propaganda and domination by those conquering in order to fully control and enslave the conquered. George Orwell treatise, 'Nineteen Eighty-four' clearly explains the very gist of all power, "Information control and Manipulation." It is here in his treatise we find that history can be revised and falsely authenticated. This is because, whoever controls your history, also controls your future.

Thank God, that there is no book that has passed as many rigorous academic and scholarly criticisms as the Living Scripts – the Bible. These academic and scholarly criticisms aerate plus confirm our faith. The above mentioned verses clearly show that the founders of the Ancient Egypt, referred to here as Mizraim were non other than the sons of the dark skinned Ham. The founder of ancient Kingdoms of Akkadia, Babylon, Nineveh was Nimrod the son of Cush and the grandson of the dark skinned Ham.

Without belaboring the issue further, probably this is one of the reasons as to why the Aswan Dam was constructed, to destroy evidence of the great Hamitic and Negroid civilizations that built the Pyramids. The nascent race skirmishes in the Sudan are a pointer as to the wish to fully destroy any evidence of a great culture by the Negroid race. The great Aramaic-Akkadian writing script which resembles the yet to be deciphered Cushitic or Sudanic scripts is evidence of the relationship between the great civilizations of Africa and Middle East. The names Sudan, Cush mean black or dark skinned, there is biologically nothing wrong with who we are, the issue is what or who do we think we are?

A decade ago there was an Exodus from Ethiopia of the so-called black Jews, the Falashas as they are known, are evidence of the nature of migrations and geo-politics. That they were confirmed being Jews was enough evidence to show that our skin pigmentation apart from being geo-genetic has really nothing to do with being inferior or superior.

The nascent negative ethnic issues that are part of the human race wherever you go will remain for a long time with us. This does not mean that we entertain them, no, but rather that we become conscious of their influence and negative results. We should remain vigilant in fighting them wherever we are.

The habit of demonizing those who differ from us is lost in the mist of time. For it is characteristic of us to term anyone else who is different from us and who is not associated with us as an enemy and his or her god as it were was termed as a demon too.

What we currently refer to as a clash of the cultures is nothing but a clash of the cults. We all are members of one form or the other of a cultus of some sorts. That's the reason we are Christian Protestants, Catholics, Pentecostals, Muslims, Shias Ismailia, Amadhiya, and so on. We all have our preferences but this does not necessarily mean that our preferences are right or wrong. We only need to treat others, as we would have them treat us; this is the golden rule.

Thoughts are the nerve center of our actions, and our actions are the projection of the beliefs nurtured and entertained in our hearts. No wonder the Living Script say, "Guard your heart above all, for there in are the springs of life." (maichk@yahoo.co.uk)
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