Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1153807-Mason
Rated: E · Novel · Family · #1153807
Who is 3 year old Mason going to live with his step Dad or Grandparents.
Steve stood in the door way of the front door looking from the EMS who were taking his young dead wife away to his step son that he now had to raise alone. He'd known this day was coming since Cindy was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer almost a year ago. But that didn't help. There was still an aching feeling in his heart and in the pit of his stomach. He watched while Mason watched TV and wondered how it was fair that this little innocent boy was going to grow up not knowing his mother or father. He'd been with Cindy since Mason was 6 months old. Her first husband was killed in combat two months after she found out she was pregnant. They had met when she was in the hospital having Mason. He was one of her nurses. He was instantly drawn to her and her warm laugh. He already missed her warm laugh. He loved that boy like his own. In fact Mason called him daddy. But he knew eventually he would have to tell him he wasn't his father.
He decide it was time to make some phone calls. His first was to Cindy's mother. He called the number and waited while it rang.
"Hello" a familiar voice said on the other end of the phone.
"Hello Donna. This is Steve I just called to tell you shes gone" He said in the bravest voice he could.
"I'll be right over."she said with tears in her eyes
" We'll see you in a minute." he said still trying to sound brave.
He put the phone down as tears ran down his cheeks. His heart was broken and mangled. He felt the weight of thousands of bricks sitting on his chest.
He called the funeral home and let him know it was time to pick up her body at the hospital.
About that time his mother-in-law showed up.
"Hey Donna" He said with a half hearted smile.
"Hello Steve. You don't have to be strong I know you are hurting. Does Mason know? She asked
"No he had been in bed and got up while they were taking her out. I haven't told him yet" He said with regret in his eyes.
"I will tell him. You stay here." She said
She left the kitchen and went into the living room. He heard her tell Mason she needed to talk to him. She explained to him that the time had come for his mother to go be with God and his angels. Tears streamed down Steves face as he heard this. It became very quiet for a minute and then he heard Masons tiny voice say "But Meme I don't want her to go. I need her here with me". Those words tore at his heart and caused the tears to be worse. He heard Mason start to cry and couldn't take it anymore. He went into the living room and grab Mason up in his arms and held him close.
" It's okay Mason. I wont leave you. Your Mommy is in heaven looking down at you. She wants me take care of you. I promised her I would take care of you and that is what I intend to do." he whispered in the little boys ear.
* * *
Beep! Beep! Beep! Steves alarm clock yelled. He turned over and turned it off. It was time to get up and to get Mason up. He crawled out of bed and put on his blue cotton robe. He walked to Masons room and opened the door. He stood and watched the little boys cheast rise and fall for a minute. Then he said "Mason its time to get up. You need to get ready to go to the babysitters".
Mason set up and said " Okay Daddy. Where are my clothes?" Steve handed Mason his blue jeans and white tractor shirt.
"I'm going to help you get dressed and then we are going to go down and get some breakfast." Steve said
"Okay! Can we have pancakes?" the little brown haired boy asked
" Sure why not?" Steve said laughing.
He started taking off Masons shirt. First the arms and then the head. He said " Where is Mason?" When he pulled the shirt over Masons head. Mason screamed with laughter and said "Here I am Daddy". Steve helped him put on his tractor shirt and new blue jeans. Then Mason with some assistance from Steve put on his tennis shoes.
Steve went down stairs and turned on the griddle so he could make pan cakes. He had just started to mix up the batter when the door bell rang. He wiped off his hands and went an answered it.
"Hello" he said to the unfamiliar man on his doorstep
"Hello are you Mr. Anderson?" the tall stranger asked
"Yes I am" Steve said
" This is a letter from the lawyer of a Mr. and Mrs. Smith." the man said
" Uhh thank you. What is this for?" Steve asked
"I'm not really sure. Mr. Rite said it was all in here" the stranger said.
With that the tall man got into his black SUV and was gone. Steve went back into the house and opened the letter. He began to read:
Dear Mr. Anderson,
Mr. and Mrs. Smith send there condolences on the loss of your wife. In case you don't know Mr. and Mrs. Smith are the parents of the late Mr. Stanley Smith and the grandparents of Mason Ray Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have decide to pursue gaining full custody of Mason. They as well as I believe the boy should be raised with true blood family. We would like to meet with with you and your lawyer in the next few weeks. My number is in the card I placed in this letter. My office is open from 7:30A.M.-5:00P.M. Monday-Friday. It is of up-most importance that you get in contact with me and Mr. and Mrs. Smith ASAP. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are willing to go to court if necessary.
Thank you,
David Rite

He couldn't believe what he was reading. How could a set of grandparents who have never even seen there grandson all of a sudden decide they want to raise him. He folded up the letter and put it back in the envelope. He needed to make breakfast for Mason.

After they finished breakfast Steve took Mason to the babysitters and went on to the office. The first thing he did when he got there was call the his lawyer. A friend of his he had known since grade school.
"Hello. Donald Jacobs office. This is his secretary speaking how may I help you?" the voice on the other end of the phone said.
"Susie this is Steve Anderson. I need to make an appointment to speak to Donald ASAP. This is serious Susie. It needs to be today." Steve said in a serious voice.
"Okay Steve let me see here. I'll go talk to Donald and see what he says hold on"She said
After what seemed like forever Susie came back on the phone.
"Steve, Donald said he would meet with you in his office at 1:30 this afternoon. Is that okay?" Susie asked
"Yes that would be great. Thank you Susie. Good bye." He said and hung up the phone.

© Copyright 2006 Miss Minda (mindajane at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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