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A fireman finds out that getting older is not something to get all fired up about. |
Dan Fletcher walked into the kitchen and eyed the huge cake that his wife Martha had made. She had not done it alone but they were alone in the kitchen at that moment. Dan folded his arms as he watched her reach for the candles. “Don’t you dare put 51 candles on that cake.” Dan muttered. Martha looked up at him. No matter how much he growled at her, she seemed to always have a smile. Today was no exception. She started pulling some of the candles out of the box. “It makes no difference how many candles there are dear.” She pointed out. “Your men know how old you are even without them.” Dan sighed. Martha was right. Still, the thought of 51 candles on that cake upset him. It was one thing to know your own age, quite another to publicly announce it. Or in this case, show it. Dan shook his head miserably. “ No one asked me if I wanted this blasted party and I don’t.” It was true that Dan had no idea of the party his wife had planned. He had come home earlier that evening to have everyone waiting for him at his house. Dinner had been a grand affair with lots of talk and male comradity. Martha and a few wives were at the party of course but they were outnumbered by the men. There was, after all, only one women fire fighter in the crew. And many of the fire fighters of Polter county were unmarried. Either because they were currently divorced or too young to have marriage on the mind. So the evening had gone well until dinner had been finished, dishes cleaned and stomachs settled. Now it was time for the cake and Dan had managed to find Martha alone in the kitchen somehow. But his wife wasn’t really even paying attention to him. He felt insecure watching her start putting candles on the cake. She did not stop at one or two but was up to six at this point. “I think that’s enough candles Martha.” Dan grumbled. Martha glanced at him but continued humming and adding more candles. Not able to get through to her, Dan went to go out into the back yard to get some air. He heard his wife call out after him but she could wait. Right now he needed to distance himself from the situation. Most people would think he was crazy, Dan decided. Whoever could imagine a birthday party making someone feeling sad? But then again, they were not his age. Until they were fifty or older, people could have birthday’s and not dwell much on time gone by. It was only at fifty that the years seemed to catch up with a person. At forty you worried but fifty usually meant that while you were worrying, ten more years had somehow snuck by. Dan sighed and tried to empty his mind. Dan lit a cigarette and took a long inhale. It helped calm his mind and it also helped that Martha was not around the nag him about it. She had been after him to quite smoking for so long he couldn’t remember when it had first come up. But he smoked now and then while he was alone. Martha might suspect it but a man had to have some secrets. He gazed up into the night sky, looking at the darker silhouettes of the mountains in the distance. Dan took one more puff off the small stub of a cigarette he now held before flicking it to the ground and going back inside. “You go back in there so Debbie can lower the lights and I can bring your cake out.” Martha instructed. Dan nodded his head. He felt calmer and seeing that the cake only held about twenty candles made him feel better. He went into the dining room. Chairs and stools were all over the place. His house wasn’t used to this many guests but somehow Martha had managed to get them all to fit. “There you are Dan.” Jeff called out. “Where did you go?” Dan looked over at Jeff. One of the youngest and newest to the fire station but not a rookie anymore. He had seen action with the rest of them but Jeff had made friends of everyone and demonstrated his courage and skill more times then could be counted. He had even run into a burning barn three months ago just to save a calf from burning. Dan respected Jeff and the two were very close friends. Dan took the seat that Jeff was motioning to on his left. “Just needed a smoke break.” Dan replied. “You know the wife. Wont let me smoke indoors anymore. Women seem to get pushier as they get older.” There were a lot of comments attesting to and agreeing with Dan as the lights went off. He knew the birthday cake was on its way off. But it wasn’t the lights of the cake that drew everyone’s attention. It was the light coming from outside the windows. Firelight. Chair squeaked and were turned over as both men and women rushed outside. Sure enough there was a fire. A tree was ablaze against the back ground of the night. Dan winced as he realized the blaze had started from his cigarette. But thankfully his men asked no questions and went to work. Dirt was thrust up around the fire to keep it in check as Charlie ran around to the side of the house and came back with Dan’s garden hose. Had the fire been any worse, the actual fire hose would have been needed but as was, the garden hose was enough to put the small fire out. As the men and women calmed down, others drifted over to Jeff who was crouched down near the ground holding a familiar object. Dan meet Jeff’s eyes sadly. Jeff had found the cigarette. Jeff looked over at the men. At first no one moved then suddenly people started to laugh. The laughter grew contagious until Dan himself was laughing and didn’t know why. Jeff reached him through the crowd and gave him a friendly slap on the back. “You know Dan..” Jeff said. “I thought the candles on your cake might create a fire hazard but never did I think you might start your own bon fire in the back. Is that why we were invited? To make sure you or the cake didn’t burn down the house? Martha’s ulterior motive for having a house full of testosterone?” Dan chuckled softly. “What can I say? I am sorry. I smoke when I get nervous.” Jeff smiled. “Okay, well now that we took care of business, some pleasure is in order. I never did get a piece of that cake.” They headed into the house again and everyone had a piece of cake and some ice cream as the festive mood settled over everyone again. Dan knew better then to take the silence of the eating men for granted. They would forever hound him about his being a fire chief and setting his property blaze on his own birthday. The night ended and eventually everyone went home for the night. Spirits were high and oddly enough, Dan’s remained high even after everyone had left. Martha fell asleep at his side as Dan remained awake for a few moments staring at the dark ceiling over their bed. He realized that being older didn’t change anything. It only meant that he had more stories to tell, and more friends to share them with. Even when he retired, he would never lose those friendships. His life would be simpler and less eventful but it wasn’t something to worry about. Accepting his life and the path it was leading to made Dan relax. He snuggled against his wife and closed his eyes. He was glad she had thrown him the party and he suspected she would throw another one next year. He had until then to somehow lose all the candles but one. Dan still had his dignity after all. The End. |