Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1152958-Irrefutable-Differences
Rated: 18+ · Draft · Drama · #1152958
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What a way to bring in New Year's Eve, I woke up at noon and quickly scrambled my way into the shower as I'd recovered from the previous nights hang over. This was almost a ritual for me on Saturday mornings. I always had to have a new out fit to out do the kids. I hopped into my Lexus LS430 as I headed down I-88 eastbound as I noticed that I'd left my I-pass in my SUV, which left me no choice other than to join the manual lane to pay cash. Lord knows that patience and I were not the best of friends. As I approached the teller I presented her a hundred dollar bill to pay the eighty-cent toll. The teller then asked if I'd had anything smaller I responded NO MAM!! She then advised me that I'd have to take a pink slip and either mail in the payment or render the eighty cent fee for the toll along with the pink slip the next time I pass through the toll. I responded thank you, as I took the slip from her hand. I sped off to catch up with the ongoing traffic in which surprisingly was moving quite swiftly. I continued down I-88 as I'd listened to the tunes of Jay-Z and Beyonce's single Déjà vu. This was truly a head banger at the clubs, I'd exited the express way heading northbound on Michigan AVE weaving in and out of the traffic as I battled with the snow. I knew that the stores would be closing early as it was New Years Eve, so I needed to utilize this time wisely because I knew I wouldn't find every thing in one store. My phone rang, what's good I answered. What's going on is what I heard in a deep baritone voice. I responded who is this, this G silly. I began to laugh this was my club buddy calling who always had a thousand and one voices in which he always fooled me with. I should have just called him voices. What's going on G' man I'm here downtown walking into Saks Fifth Ave to try and find something to wear to the function tonight. OIC, he responded I need to talk to you as time permits G' said in a very coy voice. Well, I've got time hit me with it. No, Adonis I'll give you the beat (news) later. I told you I've got time and you know that I do not like surprises as I'd walked over to the clothes rack and I'd noticed this guy who stood in at about a good six two and dressed to perfection with a black pair of slacks that fit like a glove along with a blue button down shirt and a pair of Gucci loafers. Oh my, I've just struck gold. I whispered into my phone I'll call you back and before you knew it I'd hung up as G' was still trying to get his last few words in. I didn't want to seem thirsty as the kids would say and I'd prayed that he would notice me without my acknowledgement. Okay, let me collect my self as I thought so I began to diligently look threw the clothes to see if I could find something that would accent my broad shoulders and 34inch waist. As the sales person moved in closer he'd introduced himself and said if I needed any help with anything just let him know. Lord knows what I wanted his assistance with because I was never one to extend my self. I responded thank you but I'm fine for now, I'm just looking but if something catches my eye I'll let you know. The sales person replied my name is Lamont if you need any further assistance with any thing let me know. Thank you Lamont, I replied as I moved in closer to keep an eye on the statuesque young man. I followed him down to the lower level of the store as he walked over to the Fragrance counter I'd drifted a few feet away over at the sunglass counter as I tried on a pair of Cartier shades I saw him behind me in the mirror, when I heard a voice “Those look nice on you guy” I'd hesitated before I'd turned around to acknowledge him, I had to pull my self together I had goose bumps all over my body. As I turned to face him I could smell the scent of his Bvalgari cologne, you think so man. Yea, those shades look really good on you man as he extended his hand to introduce himself my name is Amad. I'm here on business from Ohio. I thought oh boy, as I contemplated what I'd say next Thanks, man nice to meet you my name is Adonis. Maybe I can show you around while you're here in Chicago and we can get to some of the hotspots. I thought to my self well at least I'll have a score at getting this guys number nonetheless. I told the clerk I'll take these, as she went to prepare to clean and wrap the expensive frames that were not in my budget. Amad stated that he was staying right across the street at the Peninsula Chicago; I thought to my self have I hit the jackpot too. I retrieved my blackberry from my belt clip and began to enter his number in my phone I was so nervous because at this time I still wasn't sure of his sexuality and I was just bewildered by his masculinity and chiseled body. He was definitely my type. Sir, what form of tender would you like to use today. I responded American Express as I'd retrieved it from the Louis Vuitton wallet from my back pocket. I signed the receipt and I turned to Amad as I informed him that I'd had a few errands to run and that I'll call him later on in the day so that we could hook up. He responded all right man you know where I'm at so just hit me as we dapped hands I was off to my journey. Still not knowing if he was straight, bi or married with children. Nor, how I'd introduce my sexuality so I had work to do and I was always up for a challenge. I headed up Michigan Ave. in route to Barneys of New York where I found a nice pair of Roberto Cavali jeans, I quickly slipped into the dressing room as I tried on the jeans while the sales person searched for a couple of shirts for me to try out. Once the clerk returned I agreed to the snug fitting shirt by Versace. I shot over to the shoe department and Lord knows I had a fixation for a new pair of shoes. Not that I needed them even though after tonight they would just join the rest of my shoes in the back of my walk in closet. I wasn't too sure about the shoe so I'd eventually went with the Prada boot. As I exited the store I joined the parade of traffic and headed to my car.
© Copyright 2006 ElmoEvisu (yhateondadyme at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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