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Fantasy story, part 2 |
Chapter 11- Who Knew? My eyes were shut tight, trying to hold on to Siyamak, but them when I opened my eyes again, Varen was holding me. "Are you alright Aerana?" I looked around, wondering where Siyamak had gone to. "Where is Siyamak? Is he alright? What happened to him Varen?!" He looked at me a moment before realization seemed to dawn on him. "Aerana, you were dreaming." "But- but the book and pages moved and Siyamak-" I stopped suddenly. "It- was a dream..." I felt my shoulders drop. "It was all a dream..." He kept hold of me. "Why don't I take you to your room so you can get some rest?" "Varen?" "Yes?" "Do you know anything about Siyamak?" He sat me down then sat next to me. "Lord Siyamak was a very well known man for his magic. Many vampires and other creatures of the darkness, including myself, had dreams of being his student. He had retired before I was born though, so I never got a chance to meet him in person, but Lord Remzi did, he was Siyamak's star pupil, that's why he inherited the throne, because Lord Siyamak had never had a child of his own yet still wanted to be sure a worthy ruler took his place." He looked me in the eye. "I'm sorry I don't know the true answer to your question, Lord Siyamak was probably the only one who really knew everything to the story." "Do you think he kidnapped me?" "It's very possible, although I don't know exactly why he would want to kidnap any child without intentions on killing them..." "Why did he retire?" "I believe it is because he wanted to watch over Lord Remzi for a period of time before he died; to be sure he was a fit ruler, although Lord Remzi said that wasn't it. He didn't tell me much more about Lord Siyamak then that. I'm not sure if he knows more, or if he just refuses to say." "How did he know my name? I never told him what it was..." "I do not know my lady." It was then that Lord Remzi came in. "Any luck with the books?" I shook my head and Varen answered. "She fell asleep my lord." He half grinned. "You know you won’t find anything out that way." I nodded letting him know I knew that. "Varen, take her to her room please, she's done far too much tonight and needs rest." He nodded then stood and took my hand and walked in silence with me to my room. "Good night my lady." He bowed low and I flushed. "Good night Varen." * * * I liked Aerana a lot, but if she knew, I wasn't completely sure what she would think. As I watched her go into her room, I thought of how much I'd have liked to follow her there and hold her through the night. I walked back down to the study; maybe I could find her some books that would help her find the answer to her question. When I entered the room, Lord Remzi was still there. "Varen." He said to me. "I have a job for you to complete." "What is it sir?" I hoped it would be a quick, easy job, so that I may get back to the study to look for books. "I want you to kill that girl." I choked up. "Kill who, sir?" "The girl, Aerana." "But- Why?" "Because, she is the one who destroyed Lord Siyamak, and I will not stand for that. Make sure to get his pendant and the ring of hers as well." "Sir, I-" "Do it Varen," His voice became very dangerous. "Or I will personally see to your death as well." Chapter 12- Lord or Love? As I walked out of the study questions ran through my mind. Why did my Lord Remzi wish Aerana dead? Does he know something he isn't telling me? Either way I knew what I must do. I must seek Aerana tonight and get her away from here, so that Lord Remzi may never bother her again. * * * I felt a slight shaking, as I awoke that night to see Varen looking down on me. "Aerana, come, we must leave, now." "What's going on Varen?" "My lady, please, come with me." "Where?" I saw him hesitate, he wasn't telling me something. "Varen, what's going on?" "Lord Remzi, he- he wants us out, now." I stood, knowing he was lieing to me, but I figured it must be important. "We need to get Tarak and Starr first." Varen nodded and together we slipped out of my room and downstairs to where Tarak slept. "Tarak, awaken." As if on command Tarak opened his eyes. It seemed he sensed something going on and immediately rose, ready to go. He followed us silently as we went outside for Starr. We were barely half way out when they came. It was the guards, they knew something must be going on, the three of us together sneaking around and all. I looked at Varen; these were his sort of people to deal with. "Out of my way, that's an order." The guards simply looked at him. "You are not in charge of us anymore." With that they attacked Varen. Tarak acted happy they were tackling him, but I stepped forward and got in on the fight. They were struggling to hold Varen down. He was casting many spells split seconds apart from one another. One of the guards jumped on top of me and held me down, two others struggled with Tarak. Then it happened again. I felt myself lose control of my body, I tensed all my muscles and yelled the words "Cream de crème di coco poof." The guards flew off me, hitting the wall. It was then I realized that all the guards had smashed against the wall and I saw Varen gawking at me. He stood there for a second, then grabbed my arm and started running, Tarak close behind. We reached the outdoors at last. "Where is Starr?" It was Tarak who spoke, we all looked around, then I saw her. I immediately felt the warm salty tears spilling out of my eyes as I fell in a pool of silvery blood next to Starr. "How can he do this? How? Starr!" Tarak knelt next to me putting his arm around me then shot his look up at Varen. "I knew you couldn't be trusted!" "You think I did this?" "Name the other of us who drinks blood!" Varen looked absolutely disgusted. "I am hardly the only on in this palace who drinks blood, Remzi probably wanted the unicorn for himself. Unicorn blood is a delicacy you know." "Stop it! Both of you!" The tears didn't stop. "Starr is dead and all you two can do is fight." * * * Varen knelt next to her, cooing her with his soft voice. It disgusted me. He actually thinks he has a chance with her. Ha, that's a joke. "We'd better get out of here." I heard him say to her, she rose, looked at Starr once more, and then we left, running fast as we could. After a bit we stopped to camp for the night, I decided it was up to me to go for food. "My return will be soon my lady." I bowed as I spoke. * * * It was Varen and I alone then. "Aerana, I- Lord Remzi wanted me to kill you." "What? Why?" "I'm not sure." We were both silent for a minute before I spoke. "Why didn't you?" He looked a bit confused for a second before looking up at me. "We can only take orders for so long before we make our own decisions." I started to yawn; I hadn't realized how tired I was. "Perhaps you should get some sleep." I nodded and laid down with my head in my arms. I felt Varen lay next to me and his arm wrap around mine. I felt at peace and safe laying there with him. Slowly, I shut my eyes and fell asleep. Chapter 13- The Real Man I awoke late to a sound I had been very fearful of. I sat up and turned around to see it. Varen was on top of Tarak both battling with all their might. Varen had his hand around Tarak’s neck but then Tarak smacked Varen in the head, making his grip loose. Tarak took advantage of this opened weakness and threw Varen off him. It was then that Tarak saw me. "My lady..." He bowed low to my feet. "Forgive me for waking you; I was just coming back when he attacked me!" Varen's eyes flushed and he walked to me. "I did no such thing; I woke up to him pulling me away from you." The two of them verbally assaulted each other; I couldn't make heads or tails of what they were saying. Who was I supposed to believe? They both looked at me staring with eager eyes waiting for my decision. Varen came close to me and put his hand on my face, this enraged Tarak. I took his hand and shoved it back at him. "I'll have NO MORE of this nonsense, we are supposed to be working together not against one another." Varen looked at his feet. "I don't care which of you started it but neither of you were man enough to end it and so you are both guilty." "Forgive me Aerana." Varen turned to Tarak and held his hand out to shake it. Tarak looked at it a moment and shook it. "Let me build a fire for you my lady." "Yes, you get the wood, and when you get back I will light it with my magic." With that Tarak left to get the wood and upon his return Varen lit the fire. It seemed for once we were finally at peace. * * * We were all sitting there by the fire when Aerana suggested we tell a bit about ourselves, she was right of course, I knew almost nothing about her, just that I wanted to make her the happiest woman ever. I want to be what she needs most, be something that old man could never be. Maybe one day even become her husband. "Why don't you start Varen?" I nodded, anything the lady wished of me, but getting along with that Tarak that attacked me, I just couldn't do it, even for her. "Well my lady, as you know I am a vampire and I study... or, studied rather with Lord Remzi in the field of dark magic. I was born in a place known as Listor and have 6 brothers of which I am the eldest. My father was a man of honor, he worked as an advisor to Lord Siyamak before his retirement, he always wanted me to do the same. I have studied ancient magic, culture, and other aspects of history mainly of Old Kastle. I am trained to resist sunlight so that I may be in direct sunlight, yet I still thrive in the dark. I don't believe there is much more to me my lady." She looked at me and smiled. "Would your father know anything about Siyamak?" "My father died years ago, before Siyamak ever retired." "But he was a vampire." "Not completely, he made some... deals to keep himself afloat you might say. My father was not a good man Aerana, he was cruel, cold, and cunning, everything Lord Siyamak desired in an advisor." * * * It was then she turned to look at me as if I cared about that filthy scum she called a friend. "What about you Tarak?" "My life was not a pleasant one that I wish to tell stories of." "Come now Tarak, you know about Varen." I stood, enraged by this. "I said I do not wish to talk about it." She fell silent as I realized I had frightened her. I sat down again and no one said anything. I just wished Varen would leave, I didn't like him, and I didn't trust him at all, especially around Aerana. I rose again after several minutes and laid down to fall asleep, I could have never imagined what happened next... Chapter 14- Varen's Confusion Varen stood up and looked around. "My lady, we are on the edge of Listor, I don't think it's wise to stay here any longer." I stood and looked to where Varen's gaze was hooked. In the bushes I saw livid green eyes, much like Varen's, looking back at me. "Show yourself." The eyes kept looking at me as Tarak rose. Varen raised his hand to cast a spell when an arrow hit his back from the opposite side of the small clearing. I turned around to see an elven warrior with a bow and arrow aimed at me. Tarak had taken his rapier and started after the ranger while Varen went into the bush after the man with the green eyes. I stood helplessly in the middle; I had no idea what I was up against. * * * "Aerana!" She had fainted, I had to finish this man off and rescue her, I decided to take on the magic users, a useless swordsman would never stand a chance. I raised my hand to the man. "Voltair!" I watched a string of red lights come from each of my fingers to entangle him. "Visto!" He yelled back, repelling my spell immediately after yelling "Zephyr!" I recognized the spell and immediately countered in with a simple Promer spell. We seemed to both realize the other was a master of the dark arts. He did nothing a moment, I thought perhaps he might surrender, but instead he ran up to me and pushed his elbow in my forehead, I didn't know what hit me. * * * It was up to me, the lady had fainted and the vampire had fallen. Besides, I could handle two men, right? Wrong. At that point in the battle the man had me on my stomach, his bow around my neck and hit his knee into my back. * * * When I woke up I saw Tarak lying unconscious and covered in dry blood. When I looked the other way I saw Varen sitting up, sulking, I don't think he noticed me right off. "What happened Varen?" I tried to move when I noticed the chains around my arms and legs, and looked at Varen and Tarak to see the same. "You fainted, I tried to fight them off but-" He sighed. "You see how well that worked, I'm sorry my lady, I failed you. "What happened to Tarak?" "When I saw him last he was in battle with a ranger, looks like he lost, too." * * * The cell we were in reminded me too much of the cell I had spent so much time in before. The walls were made of stone, the chains were steel. There were dim green torches lighting the room, although they didn't give off much light. I looked around for my staff, though I didn't see it anywhere, they must have taken it. My mind wandered to my childhood, but, I didn't mean to do those things, or... maybe I did. I don't know. All those people, I felt so guilty, yet so exhilarated. Maybe I wanted all that to happen and I just didn't know it. No, that's impossible, I know what I want but- "What's wrong Varen? You look like you're going to be sick..." Now that she mentioned it I didn't feel well. I looked up at her and shook my head. "I'll be fine my lady." I tried to smile for her, but it was no use. I needed blood; that was the only thing that calmed my nerves, it was then I spotted Tarak. How perfect the timing was, there he lay, in a pool of his own blood. How sweet it would taste on my lips, how I longed to drink a long drink. Why couldn't I? He had already lost the blood anyway, and who really cares about him anyway? He's just an old man. Right? I glanced at Aerana. She wouldn't want me to drink his blood at all but it was so- "No, I can't" I said over and over to myself yet I kept gazing at him. His blood was ruby red, the perfect kind. It glistened in the dim light and formed such a perfect pool, so evenly distributed. I hadn't had blood in ages; why not treat myself once in a while? "I'm doing it." I decided to myself, I'm getting my hands on that blood if it was the last thing I'd do. Chapter 15- The Prince of Listor A figure stirred somewhere above me, but where? I felt my eyes changing to silver. No, I'm not! I AM! What is that infernal noise? What kind of anguish are they trying to inflict on me? It won't work; I won’t let it work on me! It's quiet, too quiet. They're plotting against me, I know they are. They want to come to me, petrify me so I will capitulate. Well it won't happen, NEVER! They're touching me. Caressing me with their crude hands. They're taking me by the arms. I kick and punch to no avail. Why? WHY?! Oh Siyamak help me! No, anything but that, don't do it PLEASE! They did! Oh but I'll show them. Stelamino! That taught them, now they're all dead HAHAHAHAHA. I'm free from their treacherous clutches. Now what do I do? I know, I'll run, find Siyamak and rule the world! Run, run, run. I rule the world, everyone bow to me. My servants come to me "Sir, can I get you anything?" "Yes" I say, "Everything" and I rule next to Siyamak... "Ugh... Where am I?" I looked around the room, wondering. There was Aerana... my heart yearned to hear her voice again. But then? "What happened? Where are we Aerana? Where is Siyamak, and the palace?" I noticed then that she was gagged, and others came into view. A man was looming over me. "Vampire, you have been injected with cypozorium. Do not attempt to con me, answer our questions and we may let your friend over there live." My eyes darted to Aerana, but everything was so hazy. I ruled the world, why was this man threatening me with her? "Do you understand?" I felt my head move a little, though it was incoherent. "I order you to cease this nonsense and let me go before I have you executed." The man laughed at me. How dare he? "You have problems; you have no control over me." It suddenly hit me like a pile of rocks... He said I was being treated with cypozorium, that meant... a hallucination? But then how do I know what is real? I looked in Aerana's eyes and knew. "I want to see your leader." He nodded. "Fair enough." I was surprised he complied so easily. I needed to get my mind straight, and quick. I saw the leader walk in, he looked slightly familiar. He spoke to me first. "State your name, vampire." "Varen, and yes, I believe it's very clear that you and I are both-" He cut me off. "Varen?" He paused. "Interesting." "Yeah, my dad was a bit of a freak with names, supposedly I'm named after his father but I never met the dickhead to ask him myself." It registered at that point the cypozorium was talking so I shut up. "A dickhead father? Intriguing. Tell me Varen, what have you accomplished in your life?" "That's a bit personal for a ruler to ask." He gave a look that made me decide to answer. "I am an accomplished dark mage. I studied the dark arts for 17 years and I am currently 23 meaning I started at the age of 6. I served with Lord Remzi when I was 10, first as his apprentice of sorts, then as his personal mage and finally as his master wizard. I recently abandon the whole thing to help Aerana find the answer." His eyes moved to Aerana. "Are you married to her?" "I wish." I spoke before I could stop myself. "I mean, she is a bit young and-" "You are single?" I nodded. "What's it matter?" He looked away from me. "Take out the girls gag, and untie Varen, this is hardly suitable for the prince of Listor." Chapter 16- Inside I watched a man take the gag out of Aerana's mouth and then begin untying me. Who did he think he was anyway? I've got to be dreaming. "Inject him with the antidote to cypozorium; I want him in the right mind." That voice, I remembered it now, it was all as clear as the tears Aerana's eyes as she looked at me. My father had been a King... The king of A**holes if you'd asked me, but a king none-the-less. I felt a bee sting me and by the time I went to swat it, it was gone. Stupid thing anyway. No wait, that was a syringe not a bee. My head began to clear as I opened my eyes once again to see him. I sat up and looked in his eyes. "What do you want with me?" He didn't answer; he just looked back at me. "I asked you a question, answer." "You don't seem to understand this concept; I am the King, not you. I ask the questions and you answer me. Understand?" "I understand perfectly, what I don't understand is how you expect me to not tear you apart for what you did to me." He grinned at me, a small smirk to show his amusement. Some cypozorium must have been in me still because what I did next I knew better than to do, still, I pulled back and punched him as hard as I could. It was rather satisfying at the time. After that all I remember if falling over, I figure he must have put a spell on me. * * * My love who I adore, You make my heart sore, Please awaken and be with me, For without you, I can not be free, Such a beautiful voice, a beautiful song... Without you, I feel the tears fall down, I can't stand, When you're not around. She's an angel, come to take me with her. In your heart, We'll never be apart, Lay here and be with me, For without you, I can not be free. No, it's not an angel, it's Aerana! My eyes were open now and I saw her, she was sitting next to me holding on to my hand and sobbing, she was so beautiful, and yet she looked so sad with those tears falling from those gorgeous eyes. "Aerana." My voice was weak and raspy. "Varen!" She threw herself across my chest and hugged me tight, it felt so wonderful to feel her body against mine, it made me want to- "Varen, you were acting psychotic. I want to know what the hell was going on." "Wha-? Oh, umm, well I'm not sure exactly what's been going on, I haven't been in my right mind since I got here." I looked at her a moment and thought for a second. "Cypozorium is a drug." I knew all about that stuff from when I was a teenager... "Basically what it does is make you dream, except it's so real that when you come back to reality, it seems like a dream. Monarchs sometimes use it on prisoners to make them talk easier; making people's minds believe they are dreaming so the mind lets the subconscious take over like what happens in a regular dream." It also gives you one hell of a trip, but I wasn't going to tell her that. She nodded, showing she understood. "Tell me about what it did to you." "Well, it made me believe that I ruled the world alongside Siyamak, I had servants, and you were there, and everything was so perfect until I woke up and saw him." "What happened between you and him?" I looked away from her. "I don't want to talk about it. That was a long time ago, and it doesn't matter anymore." "Obviously it does, because you punched him." "I what?!" She nodded. "Well... Good, he deserved it." "What did he do?" I rolled onto my stomach and turned my head away from her. I felt her hand on my shoulder and she began running her finger up and down my back. It felt so good. I turned to face her. "I'm sorry." Chapter 17- The Truth I saw a tear appearing in his eyes, it couldn’t be, Varen was… crying? I felt so badly for him, whatever happened between he and his father must have hurt him a lot. He looked at me, knowing I could see his pain. “My father and I-” He swallowed hard. “We don’t get along well.” I waited for him to go on, knowing there was more. “You see, when I was very young I spent a lot of time with my mother.” That was the first time I ever heard Varen speak openly about his parents, he must have trusted me a lot. “She was a short, thin woman barely half my weight. She had these amazing livid green eyes; she always said I inherited them from her.” He shut his eyes as if imagining her. “I often wondered how she ended up with a despicable man like my father, she was so kind, so innocent, even as a vampire she was innocent, and she never killed for blood. She was being chased from a town by humans when she accidentally let her fangs show: and that’s when she met my father. She told me that he saved her from those people, that he killed them all and took her away here to Listor where vampires live among each other and shun the rest of the world. They married and then I came along. My father never wanted much to do with me, it was just as well anyway, we had a mutual hate. However, when I was 4 my father did want something to do with me, he told my mother she was raising a "sissy boy" and he wanted to begin training me to kill; something my mother was against.” He stopped again for a few moments to calm himself. “They got into a big argument, and my father killed her. It was then that I ran away from him, from here, from everything and began training with my master.” I was quiet a while, not knowing what to say. “It’s ok; you don’t need to say anything. That’s all in the past now.” He leaned close to me and I felt his lips touch mine and before I had time to stop myself, we were laying on the bed together and completely unaware of the rest of the world. Chapter 18- What Does He Know? I awoke the next morning, still groggy and found myself wrapped in Varen's arms. I shut my eyes again and then it struck me. "Holy sh*t!" I began pushing away from him, then I remembered everything. I had sex with Varen that night. I looked up to see two green eyes starring at me from the doorway, and a tainted smile lurking beneath them. "What are you doing in here?" His eyes stayed on me as he moved closer to the bed. I hurried to grab the blanket to hide myself. “I had no idea you and Varen were so… intimate.” “Get away from me.” Still he walked closer to me; I tried to wake Varen, but it seemed he slept heavily. Varen’s father sat next to me now, I could feel his eyes tearing through the blanket at me. He moved his hand to touch my face as he looked me in the eye. “You. It can’t be, can it?” “I said get away from me.” I pushed him away, not being able to take him being so close. He grabbed hold of my arms and pulled me out of the bed. I struggled and scrambled but I couldn’t break free from his grip. “Silo Posti! Nono Tipo! Lopus Sor Tolime!” With each spell my voice grew more desperate as none of them worked. What did he want with me? Did he plan to rape me? I could only guess. He took me to a room with a rather large bed and put me on it. “Xemnick.” I heard the doors lock; there was no way for me to get out. I stayed put, not knowing what else to do when he advanced on me. “Aerana Loghast, at last you’ve come. I knew you would, and you even had the cunning to befriend the Prince of Listor.” He starred at me a moment more before speaking. “When I heard of Lord Siyamak’s death, I figured you’d come here looking for answers.” “Tell me what you know you son of a b*tch.” “You should learn to be patient with those who supply you with information Aerana.” “How do you know my name?” He smiled at me and sat beside me, placing his arm around my shoulder. “I don’t give out answers for free. It’ll cost you.” I pushed him away. “I wouldn’t give myself to you if you were the last man on Earth.” He looked deeply offended. “I am no man Aerana; I am a vampire, a full one of a kind vampire. You take me for a pervert, I would never think of taking you, not after my son already has. No, I want something else from you Aerana.” “What could you possibly want from me?” “You were like a daughter to Siyamak, yes?” I nodded, wondering what he was getting at. “Then you of all people must have his pendant.” I decided now was a good time to lie. “No, the killer took it with him.” He looked at me a while longer. “Do not lie to me, I can tell a liar’s face.” I didn’t know what to do; I wished Varen would come save me. Instead, the doors opened and a man stepped in with a beard down to the floor and covered in dried blood. “TARAK!” I had never been happier to see him; he must have known the counter to the spell on the door. Varen’s father grinned as Tarak came to me. “Aerana, give him the pendant, it’s the only way we’ll be able to go free.” “Tarak, what’s wrong?” His eyes were glazed over, what had happened to him? He walked towards me, grabbing my arms. “Tarak, TARAK! Get off me!” What was I supposed to do? It was then that Tarak flew off of me and I saw Varen running to me. “Are you alright?” He held me close to him. I nodded and looked up into his eyes; he was still the same Varen. Tarak came back after us, looking like he was about to murder Varen. He pushed me aside and they both fell to the floor, scrambling to keep the other down. I watched in horror as Tarak hit Varen hard in the head, then Varen rolled on top of him and held him there with his knee. Tarak struggled and struggled, and then he lay still on the floor under Varen’s knee. Chapter 19- The King Falls I heard a shrewd laugh from the doorway, but I was too upset at that moment to bother with it. "YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED IM VAREN!" Varen looked up at me, not able to move any more. "I-I'm sorry Aerana, but h-he attacked you, he w-would have k-killed us both." I felt the tears falling down my face as I ran over to Tarak, wrapping my arms around him. "There just have been a spell on him that's all, we could have reversed it Varen, we could have." But Varen knew all to well the craze that Tarak had experienced. "No Aerana, this was much more then a spell. What happened to Tarak was nothing less then the bite of a vampire, a vampire so cruel, so powerful, that it made Tarak crazy with his own hatred of vampires." He stood up and looked at his father, who was still laughing. "You bit him, knowing he'd either kill me or I'd kill him." "I applaud you." He clapped his hands and showed his bloody fangs. "I never would have thought you would figure that out all on your own, it seems I have no worthless son at all." "You have no son at all Zyzo." He laughed again. "That is where you are wrong Varen, so very wrong." I was furious at this man, almost as furious as Varen was. Then I remembered my ring, it had done me well in the past, perhaps it could do me well now. I raised my hand and let myself become one with the ring. The next thing I knew there was a bright flash, then Zyzo's skin began peeling off of his body and he disintegrated into thin air. I fell on my back, unable to move or think or breathe. Chapter 20- The End. What had she done? He was gone, Zyzo had disappeared. I ran to her, I needed her to be with me, she couldn't have died, not now. I picked her up and held her in my arms. I felt the tears pouring from my eye, dripping from my face to hers. Someone came in the door, though I didn't get a very good look at him at the time. He was roughly 10 years younger then I was, around Aerana's age I supposed. "Step away from the girl." I wiped the tears from my eyes; no way was he taking her without a fight from me. No way. I stood and brought my staff to battle position. He raised a wand, ready to fight me; however it didn't turn out quite as we planned. From the corner of my eye I saw a smaller man, no, a child, taking Lord Siyamak's pendant from Aerana's pocket. I turned and blasted a spell at him, throwing the pendant out of his hand and onto the floor equidistant from the three of us. Just as we went to go for it, the pendant began moving. What was going on? We watched as an image appeared, first a ghostlike creature, then it became a solid. "Lord Siyamak!" We all bowed low to him, the greatest wizard of all time was standing in front of us. He knelt and picked up his pendant, putting it on his neck. "Who summoned me from my eternal slumber?" He looked between the three of us, then his eyes fell on Aerana. "Aerana... No..." He ran to her and knelt by her body. He looked over directly at me. "What happened to her Varen?" I later wonder how he knew me, must have been keeping an eye on Aerana I assumed. "I-You see-My father was angering her and-there was a bright light from her ring and he had disintegrated and she just fell." His eyes got wide as he looked back to Aerana. He was close to her now, his lips near her ear. "Aerana, my love, my life, my only daughter. You can't yet die; I still need you to carry out your purpose." He withdrew from her ear and kissed her forehead. "You summoned me Aerana; I know your soul still lives on." He took off her ring and placed it on his heart. "My blue girl; Mizo blazoo gristil, sito mysporal credivi somo. Tlo woo dayver xou." What was he saying, of all the languages I knew, this made no sense at all. But then I forgot entirely about the language as I saw Aerana's lips moving, in a barely audible voice I heard her speak. "My red father; Mizo rezaid fazoo, sito mysporal credivi somo. Tlo woo dayver xou." "Domo se no." "Gito mele." Her eyes opened. It was a miracle, I couldn't help but smile. "Aerana!" I ran over, uncaring that the Great Lord Siyamak was there. "Varen? Varen!" She hugged me and I watched as Lord Siyamak's eyes widened. She pulled away and turned around to face Lord Siyamak. "Siyamak..." He smiled. "Are you... alive?" His smile faded. "Aerana, the forces of death can not be reversed." She looked down. "They can be tampered with however, and you did it." Aerana looked back up at him. "Aerana, my death was meant to happen; you must understand that I am a man of power. There are mages and wizards in this realm who would give anything for the chance to catch my spit in their face, but sadly, I must go. You realized your powers now and one day will take your place in this world." He tuned around and began walking. "Wait, Siyamak, I must know... What were you going to tell me, that night when you died?" He turned back around and looked Aerana in the eye, she was pleading. He smiled and walked back to her, taking off his pendant and placing it around her neck. Slowly he disappeared once again back to his new home, where he was destined to stay for all eternity. |