Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1151326-City-Eyes
by Krispy
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1151326
A sci-fi story i had to write for english so please leave tips and comments
City Eyes
Wisdom is power

Eizera a world of tranquillity created by an alchemist and based on the ideals of a young boys mind. All was calm and peaceful there for a long period of time until…… a rebellion inspired by the stars.

Let me start at the beginning, when the world was created through the power of alchemic science. The one who is referred to as god is nothing but an alchemist who found the ultimate power, The ‘Windencia flame’ the ultimate power for the ultimate sacrifice, over ten thousand souls were needed to create it and over twenty five million may be destroyed by it. As if the power of fire and wind weren’t enough it also had to be equip with the power to create destroy and annihilate. It’s just too bad that this ultimate power fell into the hand of a misguided alchemist named ‘Erroneousarron’

People who are said to be gods are only humans with power. Power that isn’t theirs to have. The power of the certain god belongs to the world from which it came and the ideals it was based on, the mind of a thirteen-year-old boy name Marcelaron.

Marcelaron is a young outcast who lives on earth, he walks through the day avoiding the piercing stares from bystanders and the disturbing words that leak from their mouths. The world I speak of now is not the earth we know but a world full of malice and treachery, a world with rulers who care more for their thrones than the people, such a cruel world. It was all because of these very rulers that drove Marcelaron to create a world of his own world where the rulers would be compassionate and kind and would not just massacre their loyal subjects right before their families eyes, such a horrible sight. Marcelaron didn’t know the power his mind held and now he probably never will.

No one knows just how the Erroneousarron found the boys mind and no one knows how he will be stopped from annihilating the human race, that is all except for me. For I am the only one who knows the secret of the alchaic world. The way to stop all alchemy in its place and bring the world to peace the ultimate power is wisdom. I am the founder of alchemy, I am ‘Astutenussoran’ and I am also Erroneousarron’s friend or at least I was.

The rebellion started a few weeks ago but all who remain are those who either over powered them or are one of them. It turns out Erroneousarron is fighting to make sure that Eizera was the only planet in any reality with human inhabitance, to ensure that he was the most powerful of all, its always for power.

Neither the power to dominate or to destroy should have never been made, nor should it be in the hand of a power hungry monster. A monster that would kill over 20000 million people in one fatal blow all for power. No one should have power unless it is being used with good intentions and a pure heart.

The annihilation of the people of earth would take place on Good Friday just as the prophecy foretold. It also said the savoir would rise like a phoenix from the flames to take revenge on those with unjust power and those who didn’t care.

The day before the slaughter the zodiac appeared before the people of Eizera to give a final warning to those who felt sympathy toward the evil planet. It was said as though it was a battle cry ”You are either with me or you are DEAD”.

All headed this warning and those who were kind went into hiding after the henchmen started to appear with truth guns, guns with the power of truth. I also went into hiding but not in Eizera but in the mind of Marcelaron. I search his thoughts for the one command that could stop the chaos, the word of wisdom “heirofirwind”. The prophecy says that the heir of fire and wind will win the enraged fight with this won word. The command was not found in his mind so I ventured towards his heart to find he was the real king of Eizera, the one true ruler, the prodigy. Back in his mind I made communication with Marcelaron and explained what was going on in his world and how he could help, but first he had to let go of all his fear which wasn’t to difficult for a lonely boy.

Marcelaron and I were now sneaking into the royal chambers where the Erroneousarron kept his source of power the “Windencia flame”. To my surprise Marcelaron knew exactly where it was and how to get it without triggering the alarm.

He looked at the lit up pedestal and the flame started to levitate and glide to as. We had taken the ultimate power without being detected and now we were running out to the castle wall to stop the massacre. But we were too late they had already fired the weapon of death. But at that moment Marcelaron disappeared and the fire of death was reflect back onto Eizera but something was different it was no longer just annihilation it was destruction. Just before the fire hit Eizera, all who showed compassion were transported to a earth to try and restore the balanced of power and peace. After that moment the planet was destroyed in the fire, after which a phoenix rose from the flames just as the prophecy said. That was the end of Eizera all because of power.
© Copyright 2006 Krispy (silence67 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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