Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1150839-Island-Of-The-Lions
Rated: 13+ · Other · Drama · #1150839
A plane crashed and eight school kids get stranded
Samantha watched the blossoming trees pass by her car window. It was early summer and her mom was driving her to the airport. For summer vacation her class was flying to Europe and Samantha was very excited. Her life at home was pretty boring. Ocasionaly she and her friends would go to an amuzment park, toilet paper someone's house or she would go on a date with some guy she wasnt interested in, but other than that, Samantha's life was rather dull.
Samantha (or as her friends called her Sammy and Sam) was 15 years old, just going into tenth grade. She was on the shorter side, barely reaching 5 ft and 2 inches. She had dark brown hair that she had gotten from her dad. It fell to her waist. From her mother's side she got her petite figure with a full chest, light hazel eyes, and plump lips.
"We're here." Sammy said to her mom as the car pulled into the passenger drop off. After the car was parked Samantha and her mother unloaded her bags and they hugged goodbye.
"Have fun hunny."
"I will," She said as she waved goodbye to her mom driving away. Samantha dragged her bags inside the air port and checked them into security which left her with just her baby blue duffle bag. Sam rode up the crowded escalator and went through the second level of security, where they checked her passport and duffle bag.
After she got through that Sam was free to shop until her flight left. But instead she headed toward her gate to meet her class. When she got there she could see that almost everyone was there. As she got closer to the large group of students she heard a cry, "Sammy! Over here!"
She looked to see who was yelling, a tall sixteen year old girl with light brown hair and greyish green eyes came running over to greet her. Her short hair was pulled into a messy bun and her tank top and jean skirt revieled a very athletic and fit body. That was Jasmine, one of her best friends. They hugged, "Finally you're here! I've been here for over an hour! Half of the things in my bag security confinscated and this old man asked for my number. But do you really think i could take over a plane with a metal nail file and a pair of hair scissors? I mean really..."
Jasmine was known for talking alot at a very fast speed, Sammy often got lost when listening to her stories.
Samantha followed Jasmine over to a group of people, all her friends. They both sat down and everyone greeted Sam. She looked across the circle of her friends and saw a girl cuddling and kissing another boy. The girl had blond hair down to her full chest and she had bright blue eyes. She was thin, and reached about 5 feet 6 inches. Her name was Christine, and she was another one of Sammy's best friends. The guy sitting next to her was her boy friend, Mike, he was star and captin of the basket ball team and a total hottie. He had short brown hair and a very fit body. The two had been dating for over a year and a half. Christine claimed she was a virgin, but knowing thier relationship Sammy and Jasmine doughted it.
When she saw Sam she let out a high pitched squeel and jumped out of mark's arms.
"We are going to have the time of our lifes girls, I'm taking total party fun!!" Christine said excitedly.
There was a loud bang that made all the girls jump and they turned to see what had made the noice. A short boy with black hair lay sprawled on the floor. A large group of boys behind him were laughing. That group of boys were all friends and all football jocks. The quarterback, Harry, was the "head" of the group. He had black short hair that was usually spiked with large amounts of gel. He had dark brown eyes and a tall fit but thin body. Beside him stood Sam. He was tall, musculer, tan, and gay which made all the girls very dissapointed. He had dark blonde hair and electric blue eyes. Sitting beside Sam was Jordan, he was shorter than the other two but was more athletic and musculer than both. All three boys were part of a seven person group, all friends, all on the football team and at times, all jackasses. But Jordan and Sam were usually nice. Harry on the other hand wasnt timid to hide how he felt about the other guys in his school, expecially the ones he didnt like.
The short boy Harry had been picking on stood up only to be shoved back down again.
Christine rolled her eyes, "Jerk." She said and looked over at Mike, she put on pouty lips and walked over to him. After a second of talking Mike stood up and helped the short boy who was still on the ground. Harry didn't like this, since he hated Mike and Mike was making him look bad.
"Hey," he pushed Mike, "Quit acting like a hero you pussy."
Mike easily caught his balence and stood tall and looked at Harry.
"Back off him ok? Why don't you try picking on someone your own size for once rather than picking on people smaller than you to make yourself seem tough. When really your not."
"What did you say to me?" Harry stepped foreward, insulted by the way Mike was hurting his profile.
"You heard me, don't act dumb." Mike said bodly, not afraid of getting into a fight with Harry.
Harry threw a punch at Mike but Sam jumped in between them, catching Harry's fist in his hand.
"Chill you guys, not in an airport. " He pushed Harry's fist away and shoed Mike to his friends.
The tensed sighlence was broken by the teachers, who came and grouped everyone together. "Now listen, were going to bored the plane now, it leaves in about twenty minuetes, it's going to be a ten hour flight to Germany so everyone get comfirtable. Grabs your bags and follow me please."
Sammy grabbed her blue bag and linked arms with Jasmine as they walked to their gate. Once inside the plane she and Jasmine walked to the very back of the plane where their seats were. Beside them were Christine and Mike and in front of them were a mix of their friends and some people they didn't know.
The plane was delayed two hours because of mechanical problems but finally the plane took off.
Sammy watched two movies until dinner came, it was noodles and Sam ate it very quickly. After about six hours of flying the cabin lights turned out, showing that it was time to go to bed. It was very difficult to sleep in the upright, stiff chairs but after alittle adjusting, Samantha soon fell into a deep sleep excited to wake up in a new place.
Sam was violently shaken awake by her friend who put a finger her mouth. "Did i sleep in?" Sammy said, starting to panic thinking the plain had already landed. She waited for an answer but none came, so she rubbed her eyes and tried to see what was going on. She was still in the air plane, and it was still very dark. Samantha saw Jasmine sitting beside her, with wide eyes looking at the seat across from them where Mike and Christine were sitting. Sam turned her head and blinked. There was a large group of boys standing over them, looked like Harry and some of his friends. They had seats at the front of the plane so... what were they doing down here?
Then Samantha finaly relized they were up to something. She looked at Jasmine, "What are they doing to Mike and Christine?"
"I don't know..." She whispered back.
Sammy took off her seat belt and jumped to her feet. She grabbed Harry's sholder and pulled him around to face her.
"What are you doing?!" She said, trying to keep her voice low.
"Nothing, don't get involved with my buisness." He said with a slight grin appearing on his face.
"Well it involves my friends so i think it is my buisness," She snapped and stepped foreward to look at what they were doing. But when she walked foreward she was knocked back off her feet.
"Sammy!" She heard Jasmine's voice behind her. There was a huge noise like crushing metal and Sammy felt a huge rush of wind surround her, it made Jasmine's voice sound like a whisper. Suddenly, what felt like people's bodies fell on Sammy, crushing her in the weight. She was so confused, "What the hell is going on?" She cried as she struggled to push the bodies off of her. But they weren't moving, Sammy heard screaming and yelling. There was so much noise in the cabin, and so much movement.
Samantha started to panic, her breathing got heavy and she struggled to lift the bodies off of her so she could see what was going on but they were too heavy. She layed her head on the cabin floor, out of breath. She heard one really loud sound and for a moment her head felt like it was about to split open, like someone struck her in the head with an axe. Then, she passed out.
Samantha slowly came to, confused by what just happened. Without opening her eyes she touched her stomatch and winced in pain, "Oh god." She said to herself as she opened her eyes, her shirt was drenched in blood and a large metal sheet was sticking out of her sholder. Sammy pushed herself up to a sitting position, her hand feeling the sandy earth beneath her. She looked at her surroundings and almost passed out.
She was on a white sandy beach and there were palm trees everywhere, a small mountain was sticking out of the palm trees and behind her was only ocean.
She was stranded, crashed and burned.
"What had happened? Did the plane crash?" She said outloud to herself.
Remembering her friends, Sam tried to push herself to her feet but her arms were too weak, and her body was too fragile. She craned her head as far behind her sholder as she could. There were parts of the plane scattered and destroyed, some in the water some on the beach, and there were some luggages and boxes scattered out around her. There was no sign of her friends, or even bodies at that matter and Samantha got nervous she was the only one that survived the plane crash. Then she heard a voice, it was male.
"Samantha! Your alive?!" She looked foreward and a tallish tan figure emerged from the forest of palm trees. He was bleeding, but not badly and he had acouple of cuts on his head. His cloths were badly ripped and it looked like his colar bone broke from the large amount of swelling around his neck. It was Jordan.
He dropped to his knees beside Samantha, "Are you ok? Ahh, your not looking too good." He gently pressed her forehead with his thumb and a spark of pain made her jump.
"Oh, sorry. You must have gotten hit by something," He said, "And part of it stayed in you." He touched the large piece of metal sticking out of her arm.
"Does it hurt?"
"Alittle," She said, her arm was practically numb.
"This will get badly infected, i need to pull it out before the skin grows around it," He said grabbing it, "Ok?"
Samantha nodded and braced herself for the amount of pain she was about to endure."
"One... Two..."
She held her breath.
Sam blacked out.

© Copyright 2006 Tinkerbell (tinkerbell404 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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