Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1150502-Entry-One-A-Vampires-Diary
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1150502
A single entry amung many, of a female vampire.
Dear Diary,

They burned a cross in front of my house. Not the nazi's, but the mortals who knew what i was. They knew that i fed amung thier kind, that i enjoyed killing them for my own fulfillment of their pain and desire. I assume they thought i myself would burn like the cross. Maybe when my eyes met the flames on that large stick of wood. My eyes watched as my body seemed depressed, though i wasn't, it was more of boredom from their antics. This had gone on for weeks now. Trying to drive me out of my home with petty antics that only those who were in fact alive would be deathly afraid.

Last night was what really started the larger event of this mess. I had been wandering down Ventura, when i spotted a young woman strolling down Airen Alley. There was no way i was passing up such a supple meal. I followed her.

She was nearly twenty-four, her looks graceful, yet i sensed an envious attitude towards life as well as herself. One of the things that drew me to her. She walked with a slow and steady pace as if she intentionally stalled to go to her next destination. Perhaps home, maybe to see a friend, or even a lover that she really didn't love. I wanted to know more. I licked my lips as i looked over her flesh, licking them as though there was some sort of sweet candy on them. My fangs had lowered themselves a bit, like they knew i was on the verge of sticking them into warm flesh. As my tongue rolled over tiny canines, a low whisper followed by a seductive growl cast through the air, and then she turned. Her eyes widened at the sight of me, but not because of my look, but because she was startled to see me there. Following her from a short distance. She hadn't seen me, hadn't even noticed me there behind her, even with my near silent footfalls.

I approached her, still walking as she simply stood there wondering who i was. I read her thoughts, feeling as though she felt me doing it. She did not fear me as much as i thought she would, but rather, curiosity settled in. My face remained calm and poise as it always had when i was about to attack my victim. She took a step back when i reached her. She knew i was coming at her with intentions, she just didn't know what they were.

We didn't speak. Not one word. I simply let my right hand drift to her body, placing my palm against her waist before pulling her close to me. Eyes locked. She looked heavily into my eyes, as i did hers, and as my hand found it's place on her body, my right arm wrapped around her and drew her even closer. Her breasts smashing into mine with ease. I could feel her breath on my lips, and her heart beat, i heard it too, heavy against my chest and loud in my ear. It was almost as intense for me as it was for her.

Her lips became closer to mine, and her breath became heavier; steady. My left hand finally lifted and i placed it to the side of her face, pushing back her hair to gain a greater view of her neck. It smelled wonderful, her hair. Like a strawberry field dipped in vanilla. I could see the blue veins pulsate within her flesh, yet i was still gazing into her eyes. My right hand drew over the laces of her dress as i slid my hand over her back, aching to pull them out and let down the top of her dress. For women, i preferred a tasteful bit on the bosom, usually the one near the heart. Tonight was different, my victim was different.

A small sigh escaped her lips as mine drifted from her lips to the side of her face. My cheek passing over hers, and my left hand gripped her hair hard, pulling her head back just a bit. Her veins pulsating more as though they were challenging me. Daring me to bite into them. My canines had peeked out far greater than they were when i followed her, and i was now ready to feed from her.

I sank my fangs deep into her flesh, crashing through her veins and arteries. Blood pouring into my mouth like a rabid waterfall of blood, and i felt myself completely surrounded by nothingness. No noise, no cries from this young woman, nothing. Silence. I pulled her closer, hugging her tightly as though she would fall to the ground from pain and drain, and thats when it happened. Her arms raised and gripped my body as i felt her body drift away. She was near dying, and yet somehow it felt weird. Different.

When i felt her hold on, i knew that something wasn't right. She had wanted this for some time. She had known of our kind, and welcomed us with far more than open arms. Perhaps she knew of me? Perhaps not. But i let her go. I let loose from my grip, fangs to flesh, and threw her back against the stoney brick wall that stood square behind her. Her head fell against it and as she gripped her neck with her right hand she looked up at me in wonder. Wonder of why i stopped, why i let go from the ecstasy of her blood, and the seductive grip i held on her.

Heavily i breathed, and my right hand raised so that my index finger could wipe away the blood from my lips. I looked at her once more as the breathing continued, and then i took off without a sound. Black ashes trailing behind me with a sweep of the wind.

Maybe they know now more so than ever because of her. I was the fool. I let her go without killing her because of my fear of turning a mortal into a vampire. I should have killed her when i had the chance, but now i imagine that there is a greater purpose on why i didn't.

I have a train to catch in an hour so i must end this letter. When i arrive in london for a final time, i shall write another. I know that it has been a while since i have written, but too many things of a strange nature have been passing my way. Until then, i say farewell.

© Copyright 2006 K.M. Smith (kmsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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