Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1150031-Edens-Eye
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1150031
The love between a vampire and a were-wolf.

When I was a child my grandpa would tell me this story of vampires and were-wolves. It was a story I came to memorize over the years of his telling.

Even though he has long past, I can still remember the nights he would sit with me and tell of the love between a vampire and a were-wolf as a war spilled over. A war between human hunters and a power shift between all supernaturals.

I never understood why there were laws about supernaturals loving another kind. Grandpa would say it's because they didn't want a mixing of breeds.

I could understand that, but what if you truly loved someone who wasn't of your kind? Would you be forced into a marriage with someone you more likely hate?

I will remember the story for the rest of my life, but little did I know, that some of the story will come true.

"Mia!" My boss shouted from the hall. I quickly made my way to the doorway.
"Yes Alex?" I asked cocking my head around the door frame to get a look at Alex.

Alex is a middle age man who started balding when he was 20. The wrinkles around his eyes tell his past. He was married once but never talks about it.

Alex's faded green eyes blinked up at me.
"Will you take these scripts down to the reading room."
"Yes sir." I said as he placed the ancient documents in my hands.

My name is Mia Von Tesse. I grew up in a little town near Manchester, England. My family came here years ago because we were exiled from France.

I'm a 23 year old vampire and have been working for a coven for a couple of years. I'm an apprentice there because I wanted to learn more about my kind, but to my surprise there are a lot of different kinds that work here.

I reached the familiar door and lightly knocked. I wasn't allowed in the room, only a few others were.
Alex says I haven't learned enough to be in those rooms.

The large, old door opened and an older lady poked her head out.
"Can I help you?" She said, pushing the frame of her glasses up her large nose.
"Alex sent these for you." I said holding out the scripts. The older women smiled and gently took them.

I arrived back to my desk, filled with papers that Alex wants me to file for him. It was going to be a long night.

Time flew by and I wasn't even half way down when Alex came in.
"Mia, be a doll and get us something to eat?" He asked handing me 10 pounds.
"It will give you a break." He said smiling. I nodded taking the money and grabbing my jacket.

I left the building and headed down the cold wet street till I saw Alex's favorite spot to eat. It was a small cafe but it has the best pasta. Being that the time it wasn’t the conventional dinner hour,it was the cafe wasn't busy, so I got our dinners quickly.

I made my way back down the street.While I was approaching the building I noticed a van outside. There were three people pulling a person in chains into the buildings office area.

I kept my distance as I continued to the other door. As I passed them, I recognised one of the men that were pulling his guy into the office.

"Good evening Mia." Ben said politely. I nodded as I passed, but there were a pair of eyes that held my attention, they were beautiful blue eyes, almost animalistic.
I couldn't sense what he was because I hadn't fed in awhile.

I finally reached my desk, sitting down and looking at my pasta. I was hungry for something else that was out of stock. I have to wait till tomorrow.
Alex came in just as I pushed away my dinner.

"I know your hungry but I promise you the blood truck will be here tomorrow morning." He said, taking his dinner and sitting across from me. I nodded and looked back at the huge pile of papers I still needed to file.

"Mia, maybe you should go home and we'll work on this tomorrow." He said, picking at his pasta.
"Thanks Alex." I said, taking my dinner and pulling my jacket on.

When you work at the coven you're allowed to live in the manor across from here, but you have to go by their rules. You aren't allowed to kill anyone unless its self-defense. Being a vampire I have to feed from blood bags. You can heat up the blood because drinking it cold is gross.

I reached the elevator to my apartment building, I was surprised when I saw the man from ealier wasn't chained. I looked towards Ben and frowned.

"Off early Mia?" Ben asked as the light dinged from the 3 floor.
"Yeah, I'm not myself tonight." I said as the second ding rang through my ears.
"Yeah a lot of the guys are having trouble without feeding tonight." The third ding went and the doors opened.
Before I went in I couldn't help but look at the guy with beautiful blue eyes.

"Ben, do you mind me asking?" I asked motioning towards the handsome guy.
"Maybe later but not right now." He said politely.
Just as the doors closed I could smell faint were-wolf and a strong smell of fear.

The one thing I hated about being a vampire is that we feed off fear like a drug. Its horrible to be stuck somewhere and people start to get scared. It happens a lot in movie theaters when a scary movie is playing. The smell of fear is a very sexual to vampires.

The were-wolf looked at me and then back at the guys.
"You boys smell of fear." He said in a smooth French accent that made my knees weak. I looked back at him, his shirt tight over his chest, His muscles tensed as I watched him.
"Nathan hold your tough!" Gray growled.

The doors dinged and opened. I was about to step out when a cloud of blood filled my nose and I could feel my eyes change.
Gray peeked out but quickly pushed the close button.
"Ben we're under attack." Gray shouted. Ben quickly hit the basement button before the doors reopened but he was too late and a clawed hand came at me.
Ben quickly pushed the button again and the doors closed.

Blood poured from my wounded arm and my body was trying to heal itself but since its been awhile since I last fed. My head was feeling dizzy. I could hear the dinging of each floor we past before the doors opened to the basement. I collapsed and everything went black.

Nathan's POV
The guys were freaking out as Mia was trying to stop the bleeding to her arm. I focused more on Mia because she was not looking so good. Her blood covered the floor around her. I wanted to help her but the guys were keeping a close eye on me.

Mia started to wobble as the door dinged and opened. One of the guys were trying to push me out but I refused to move. It was probably a good thing to because just as one of the guys poked me Mia collapsed. I caught her before she hit the floor. Her in my arms felt almost right if it weren't for that annoying voice in my head saying that its against all rules.

Mia smelt of Vanilla and roses. She smelt so good.

"Nathan don't try anything!" Ben warned as they quickly dragged me to a room. Gray took her from me and placed her on a metal table. I watched as they hook her up to an IV and then attached a blood bag.

"I thought you were on a shortage of blood?" I asked looking at the three bags he pulled out.
"We always have a few left just in case things got out of control." He answered grabbing another bag of blood and ripping off the top and pouring it over her wounded arm.

I looked down and you could see the wound start to heal but just enough for it to stop bleeding.
"Will, take Nathan to his cage." Ben asked as he washed his hands. Will nodded and pointed to the cage in the corner. I hung my head and walked to it.

I watched as the guys lock up the room where we were hiding out. You could hear people screaming and shots being fired. It was hell up on the floors but down here all I worried about was Mia.
© Copyright 2006 Valetine (raggamuffin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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