Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1148966-Chapter-1-and-2
by Bunifa
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Teen · #1148966
Hannah accuses Kim of sending her a note and Kim has to make up a poem before English.
If you read the chapters for I Want You Dead I had up before. Well, then, you read em. But I took em down and am starting my story over again. The reason is that I wanted it to get pretty much to the horror death stuff, rather than having it drag on about how my chracters have so much stuff happening to them. Right now, I'm on chap 3, and I'll only probably have about two or three more (probably short) chaps on whats happening to them before the first death starts. so if you like death and stuff, just be a little patient.


Chapter 1
The First Note

"Kim Parole!" Hannah Cold screamed in the Hartfield Middle School hallway. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to stare at either me or Hannah. It annoyed me how they were looking at me, but yelling at them to stop would only make them stare at me more.

My best friend, Ryo Richard, gave a confused look and asked, "Kim, what the hell did you do to Hannah now?" He tugged at a strand of his black waves that come down to his back.

"Nothing!" I cried innocently. Hannah was this bitchy girl in school. The usual popular, rich, pretty, cheerleader with her followers everywhere she goes. I never liked her and she never liked me. But she's always fighting with me. Always trying to make me look like the bad guy, especially in public.

My other best friend, Kerry Fox, gave a yawn before saying, "You know Hannah. Always trying to put the blame on Kim. She never quits,"

Everyone in the hall were standing against the lockers as Hannah walked down the center, her face an angry shade of red, blue eyes blazed with fury. Her red curls seemed to swing with every step she took as she got closer to me.

"What the hell are you trying to prove?" She screamed when she stood right in front of me.

I gripped the messenger bag that hung on my shoulder. I was trying to keep my anger down and not let Hannah get to me, but it's really hard for me not to when it happens. In a calm voice I asked, "What the hell are you talking about? I've been in this hallway with Ryo and Kerry this whole morning. In fact, we just got here a few minutes ago, and you know it. So what could I have possibly do to you this time?" Not bad, I thought, just try and keep your voice calm and she might leave you alone. Yeah. Might being the keyword.

Hannah gritted her pearly white teeth at me before digging in her purse and pulling out a piece of folded white paper. "Who said I'm talking about this morning? I'm talking about yesterday. What? You think I'm some kind of moron like you are, Miss F's?"

I couldn't argue with that. In just about all of my classes I was failing, and Hannah got all A's all the time. Then she would brag about it as if she had just made world peace.

I could hear the people against the lockers whispering and snickering, that is until Hannah spoke again. "I know you put this damn note in my purse at the wedding yesterday. So don't act all innocent."

My dad had gotten married yesterday to some woman named Jasmine. A tall, lean, model looking woman, with silk long hair the color of blood and dark green eyes. She was a "nice" lady, but to me, she was just an annoying woman who would want to spend her time at the mall, salon, and any other place with her new "step daughters". Yesterday I was supposed to be a bridesmaid with my older sisters, and everyone who would be at the wedding knew, including Hannah. But instead, I skipped the wedding to hang out with Ryo and Kerry, and boy, was that a mistake. Dad didn't take it well at all. He screamed and yelled at me so loud, I was expecting our neighbors to hear and ask if everything was all right. But because Jasmine was there when it happened, she told him to calm down and that it wasn't such a big deal. It was at the point, I knew I would be able to get away with things from Jasmine.

"Can't talk can you?" Hannah asked, a smirk crossing her face.

The hallway was now dead quiet, you would think there's no one here rather than fifty people.

Finding my voice I said, "You know I wasn't at the wedding, Hannah," my words seem to echo off the quiet hallway. And what did I even do to you?"

"This," Hannah held the piece of paper out to me.

I took it and opened it up. In black ink the paper said, Hannah's going to die!

Looking up at Hannah with annoyance I asked, "Is that all?"

"What do you mean by that?" Hannah screamed.

Ryo, who was looking over my shoulder at the note, said, "Kim wouldn't pull a prank like this on you Hannah. Besides, why would she send you a note if she knows you'd just blame her for it?"

A small laugh escaped my lips. "You got a point there, Ryo. What would be the fun in that?"

"How can you laugh at this note?" Hannah snatched the note out of my hands. "A note that tells people they're going to die shouldn't be taken like this."

"I think you've seen too many horror movies," I said calmly.

Hannah gritted her teeth at me again. She opened her mouth to say something, but the school bell for homeroom cut her off. Everyone started moving around again. Opening and closing their lockers, running to their homeroom's, hoping they wouldn't be late.

Hannah narrowed her eyes coldly at me and her voice matched as she said, "I'm not going to tell the police or anyone about this Kim, but you better watch your back."

"Oh, I'm shaking," I said sarcastically.

With a flip of her red hair, Hannah angry walked down the hall.


What Hannah did to me stayed in my head throughout the whole school day. I got weird looks walking down the hall-even though I always get weird looks-but these were different. Everyone seemed to be looking at me as if I had actually threatened Hannah right in front of practically the whole school.

Ryo, Kerry, and I all have the last lunch together, so do Hannah and her friends. Lunch was usually the only "class" I could ever enjoy when I went to school. But today I just couldn't enjoy it. Everyone was looking at me and if they weren't then they were whispering. Good thing I wasn't hungry, other wise I wouldn't have eaten anything. However, I did have to write some kind of poem thing for English class that was due today. So it's not like I was gonna eat lunch anyway.

I sat at our usual table, the small rectangular table right by the window, my spiral notebook open on a fresh page, my pen in my hand.

I have to really think, I thought, forget about Hannah and her stupid note. She was just trying to make you the enemy of the school. Not that your not already, but still. Though a note like that didn't seem like a "Hannah Cold" trick.

I slapped my forehead with my free hand. "Who am I kidding?" I said out loud. "That bitch would go the end of the world to make my life a living hell,"

"What bitch?" Kerry asked, picking at the pasta on his tray with his fork. "Hey, why aren't you eating? What, going anorexic on us, Kimberly?"

I gritted my teeth at him. "Don't call me Kimberly. And no, I'm not anorexic, I'm just trying to write that stupid poem for English class,"

"I hear we've got a sub today," Ryo said, before taking a sip of the can of soda he had. "I don't know who it is, but I know it's a woman." He pulled back a strand of long hair that had fallen over his eyes, but it just fell back into place.

I started to bite the tip of my pen. "Maybe you should cut your hair," but I was secretly hoping he wouldn't. I've had a huge crush on Ryo since I could remember. We've known each other our whole lives (literally) and I've never told him. I always knew he wouldn't like me the same way since we're best friends. And when these kind of friendships turn into dating, nothing ever goes right after that. I'll be honest, I didn't know what it was about Ryo that drove me insane about him. Then again, I do have a thing for guys with long hair, and Ryo's hair is down to has back. But I could tell, even though his hair was long, that it wasn't the hair that made me like him. It was his amazing dark blue eyes, either. Or the way he dresses. Then what was it? Maybe it was his personality. Ryo was a nice guy, despite how he may look a little creepy to some people. He was sweet to other people, even the ones he didn't know. Well, unless they weren't nice to him that is. But if someone called him something he'd either take it as a compliment or just not say anything. He didn't like to call people names or fight or anything like that. He's almost always calm, even in the worst situations he even tries to look on the bright side. And he seems fearless. He doesn't seem to be afraid of heights, bugs, or anything. But then the down said on him is that if something happens to someone he cares about he'll blame himself.

"I like my hair this way," Ryo said.

"Speaking of poems," I said randomly. "What are you guys doing for yours?"

"I left mine in my locker, so I gotta go back and get it before English," Kerry answered, eating the last bit of pasta on his plate. He turned to Ryo. "What about you?"

Ryo ripped napkin in half and dropped in onto his empty tray. "I'm asking the teacher if only she can read my poem, I'd rather not say it out loud."

"That personal?" Kerry asked, biting the end of his fork.

"We have to read them out loud?" I cried. "What the hell kind of poem can I write if I'm gonna have to read it out loud anyway?"

"Hello," Kerry's voice had sarcasm. "The teacher even said we were gonna have to read em' out loud. Kim, what the hell do you do during English class?"

"Zone out," I admitted, smiling as if it were something to be proud of. I looked at Ryo and asked, "Are you gonna let me and Kerry read your poem?"

He seemed surprised I had asked that. In a soft voice he said, "Uh. . .don't take this as offense guys, but I'd rather not. I mean, I know your thinking how can I let a teacher read but not my best friends, but I'm hoping the teacher will just skim though it without actually reading it, so at least they know I did the work. You know?" I could tell he felt really bad for not letting us read it, but I couldn't blame him. If it is that personal, I probably wouldn't let Ryo and Kerr read it either.

Sighing, I closed my notebook and said, "Well, I got nothin'. I'm totally screwed."

"The teacher might not even ask you to read your poem, so why worry?" Kerry asked.

The bell for the next class rang. We got up and went to our next class, which was Science.

Chapter 2

When it was finally time for English class, I was so nervous about the poem, I had no idea what to do. I hoped the teacher wouldn't ask me to read mine out loud or anything. Everyone in the room were talking with the friends or throwing things and catching them to each other. The teacher wasn't in the room yet, so I probably still had a few minutes before the teacher came in. I'm sure I could write a poem by then. But who was I kidding? I couldn't write a poem for the twenty minutes of lunch we had, it won't even be possible for me to write a poem in, what, half a minute?

I slumped in my usual back seat. "I'm not even going to pass English this year," I moaned.

Kerry rolled his eyes. "Kay, get a grip. Besides, it's not like this poem is worth even half a grade. The teacher said they just wanted us to write to express ourselves. You really don't pay attention in class." He sat on top of the desk in front of Ryo's with his elbows resting on his knees and his chin in his hands.

"Can you blame her?" Ryo asked, pulling back the same strand of hair out of his eyes. "This class is so boring. Anyone would fall asleep during it."

"Dude, if your hair is always falling in your eyes, why don't you tie it back?" Kerry advised, an odd smile on his face.

What's with that smile? I thought.

"You're one to talk," Ryo said. "My hair may be down to my back, but yours is down to your shoulders."

Kerry ran his hands through his black curls almost proudly. "Yeah, but yours is still longer, and yours also gets in your eyes and-"

He was cut off by two jocks who were standing in the doorway.

One of them-Jim something-screamed out to the whole class, "The sub is coming! And man, is she a babe!" He slapped hands with the other guy next to him. Everyone hurried to their seats, trying to make it seem like they were sitting down and quiet the whole time.

Kerry turned around to face me and Ryo. "Who do you think the sub is?"

Before either one of us could answer, a tall, lean lady, wearing a purple skirt suit walked in. She had. . .long hair the color of blood and. . .dark green eyes. She walked over and stood the behind the teachers desk.

She put a friendly smile on her face and waved a pink nailed hand at the class. "Nice to meet everyone. I'm Jasmine Parole, and I'll be your English teacher for the rest of this year,"

Whispers rang out through out the classroom. "Is that Kimberly's real mother?" "No way, her mom could never be that hot," "Isn't that her step mom?"

No! I screamed in my head. No way this is happening! That little. . .bitch! She's doing this on purpose! She's trying to ruin my life! She knows how much I hate her, and she's trying to get closer to me by being the sub and hearing whatever poem I'm gonna make up.

Her smile got wider as she said, "I'm sure most of you were at the wedding, so I know most of you know me as Kimberly's step mom, but for those of you who don't, well, I guess now you do."

I gritted my teeth so hard I thought they might break. I was getting angrier and angrier by the second. But now that I thought about it, maybe there was a bright side to this. After all, school is almost over, so it's not like Jasmine will be teaching for a whole year. Also, since I'm sure she'd hate to have her step daughter hate her, she wouldn't do anything to make her hate her. Maybe that'll be one class I can pass this year.

"So," Jasmine said, pulling back a strand of hair. "Let's get started. I believe there are poems due today,"

"There are," Hannah spoke up. "And Kimberly said she wanted to go first,"

She is so fucking dead! I thought. I should have figured this from Hannah. Always trying to ruin my life one way or another. But she if she thinks she can make a fool out of me, well I'll prove her wrong.

"What are you gonna do now?" Ryo whispered to me.

"You'll see," I whispered back before standing up and standing in the center of the classroom.

Confidently I said, "Well, my poem isn't written down, but I have it all in my head, so I'm sure if I at least say it it'll still count."

"Just make sure it's on paper tomorrow, then," Jasmine said, sounding more like a serious teacher.

Don't even try to play that act now, I thought. It's not gonna do you any good at a time like this. Everyone knows you won't give them detention or tell a teacher or anything like that, so don't bother.

I took a deep breath before starting my poem. "Hannah Cold is going to die. She's going to be hung high from a tree. And she's going to bleed to death. The End." I stood there in the center of the room, waiting for someone to say something-anything-about my "poem", but no one said a word. It was so dead quiet, I could hear the teacher from the classroom next door talking. I could even hear the sound of cars going by outside, even through the huge closed window. However, I did have to give myself credit. I wasn't expecting myself to say any of that. It all seemed unexpected.

I shouldn't rub it in, I thought. After all, I'd say that hardly counts as a poem.

A blonde girl, Jewel Appot, one of the girls Hannah is best friends with, said, "Is that a threat? Are you threatening Hannah again?"

Knowing she was referring to the note I said, "That poem hardly counted as a threat. And I didn't make that note and you know it,"

Jasmine stood up behind me and said, "Uh, Kimberly, why don't you just go back to your seat," I could tell she didn't know what to do, so sending me back to my seat was probably the only way she could take care of this. When I sat back in my seat, Jasmine seemed to brighten up a little. "Uh, anyone else wanna share their poem?"

© Copyright 2006 Bunifa (yaoixfangirl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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