Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1148397-Bad-Girl
by Beth
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Death · #1148397
Faith was a normal teenager until one night changed her life forever...
Chapter One

I was never a bad girl, until now.

I never smoked or drank, until now.

I dont know what happened to that girl. It seemed so long ago since I was good. My name is Faith. My life started changing when I was fifteen. I had a hard life up until then and I needed something, someone to turn too. My father was a drug addict. He died of a drug overdose was I was six. That ruined my mother. Soon after his death, she became an alcholic. She started going out to bars, placing me with day-cares, and family members, actually somtimes she would have people watch me that she barly even knew. Some nights she would bring men over to our house. At the time I didnt know what she was doing, I was only seven. I would lay there in my bed in our little two bedroom run-down apartment hoping the morning would come soon enough to fall asleep. This went on for two years before one night she got picked up by a police-man for selling her body for money, drugs, and booze.

She got herself checked into a rehabilitation center and got clean for about six months before she started up again. Soon after I was shipped off to live in a foster home until I was eighteen. When I was fifteen, I had just finished ninth grade. it was great. I finished the year off with straight A's and was even on high honors. I had alot of good friends and to top it all off, a boyfriend. His name was Derek. He played alot of sports for school including, Football, and Baseball. He was also very good looking with green eyes to die for. In the summer of ninth grade, I had just found out that Derek had been cheating on me with one of my "so-called" best friends Holly. We havent spoken since. But as for Derek and I, well he begged me and said we has sorry and of course, me being naive gave in and forgave him.

Chapter Two

So that brings me to where my story begins...I was walking home from having lunch with my two best friends, Myra and Sierra. We went to Taco Hut because It was right up our street and only a few minutes away to We all lived by eachother mrya at one end of the nieghborhood and sierra and the other, and me in the middle. "Our we going back to my house?" I asked staring straight out into the humid air. "Sure" They both said at the same time. Although we didnt live to far away from taco hut it felt like we lived miles away.

Sierra was the most wild out of both of us. She tryed to hang out with all the older people and try to act older than she really is. Myra is quiet and will go along with anything you say. Me on the other hand, I dont care would people think of me. I was tall for my age, and played alot of sports so I agreed I had a pretty nice body. Blond hair, blue eyes. Mom always told me that I got that from my father. I loved softball and Ice-skating I would often go to practices and some competitions at the local sports arena.

We Finally got to my house. It was about two in the after-noon and the sun was still high in the sky. My dog Daisy was sitting on the porch waiting for us when we got home. She is a great dane. I rememeber when I was little I used to ride on her back around the yard. Since I was adopted I didnt have any brothers or sisters that I knew of. But I had three adopted siblings. Eric who was eighteen, was the oldest. Next was me at fifteen, Bret at nine, and Michelle who was three. I had my own room and bathroom. Five bedrooms six bathrooms. When I first came to this house I thought it was heaven. But now its just home. We also had a huge landscaped yard with a pool and hot tub. You could say my adopted mom was pretty wealthy.

I walked inside the house and felt a burst of cold air hit my body. We all ran up to my room before my mother could say anything. My room was right across from Erics. He always had is music blaring loudly. Like now for instance. Some kind of R&B. Sierra had a thing for my brother even before I moved in. They used to play together had go to the park. She knocked on his door. I could hear him walking around, fumbling to open the door. "Hey Sierra, whats up?" he glanced at at her then his gaze turned toward me. I turned around and went into my room. "Oh ya, Faith, Derek called for ya" "Okay whatever." Myra sat down on my bed and got out her cell phone. "Do you wanna call Derek now?" "Sure" I sighed and flopped down on my bed. I punched his number in and pressed send. Myra got up and walked out of the room, assuming that she went to Eric's to hang out with Sierra. "Hello?" "Derek? its Faith." "Oh hey, yeah I called you because I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight, a couple of friends are throwing a party at his cousins on the outskirts of town." I laughed, he always sounded so peppy and never worn down. How could he do it ? "Sure, when?""Ill pick you up now? "Sounds good" I smiled to myself as I pictured him in my head. Sitting there outside on his porch kicked back in his grandmas old rocking chair. "Love you," "I love you too" I turned over and stumbled to get off of my bed as I headed out of the door to go into Erics room. When I walked in Sierra was standing up next to Eric getting way to close for me to stand. " Umm, guys, lets go help me pick out clothes for tonight." I grabbed Sierra by the arm and pulled her out of there with Myra tagging not far behind.
© Copyright 2006 Beth (sftballbabe66 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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