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Please read chapter 1 before this. :D |
Chapter 2: Maya and Taka seated themselves across eachother at a small dining-room table. They kept quiet for what seemed like forever, Taka seemingly distracted, and Maya too curios but afraid to say anything. Finally, he spoke. “You may not believe what I’m about to tell you. But I think that its going to be hard to be disbelieving, expecially after what we’ve seen today.” Maya nodded, holding her breath slightly. Taka was serios, much too serios to be normal Taka, and that worried her to a great extent. “it happened about 50 years ago, when they first appeared. They said that they had lived umong humans for all their lives, and for some reason, that certain year, something inside of them triggered, and they became these…creatures.” “they? Who are ‘they?’ Maya asked, although it seemed rather obvios. “Let me continue, we’ll get to who ‘they’ are in a minute. It all follows along a certain story. I have to ask you to keep your mouth shut. I can only tell this in the way that I was told. It is sort of imprinted in my memory, and I really cant go out of order, or it will confuse me. I’m sorry.” Maya nodded in understanding and shifted in the chair. “No one was entirely sure if they were good or evil, because once they came, these monsters came too – demons, huge, ugly, destructive. They were all very much like the Soldier we saw today – strong, with no second thoughts about destroying the demons. Most of them had special powers – some of fire, others of water, and most of the used it in their titles, like Soldier of Water, or Soldier of Fire, or Soldier of Air. You get the point.” “No one really knew what they were, but most made an assumption. That they are angels.” Maya’s breath caught in her throat. “Angels? As in, the holy things with the halos?” “Well, yes. They have many legendary attributes similar, like wings, which are real and grow out of their backs. Other then that, they all had human skin, human features, a center of gravity. They all had a particular caring for humanity about them, and all of them had the power to heal.” “They were seen more and more often every day, slaying demons. They were widely praised, and were called Angels before they declared themselves as “Soldiers who protect humanity.” Therefore, from then on they were called Soldiers.” “there were thousands of them, all over the world. They spoke many languages, and understood much as well.” “What went wrong?” came out of Maya’s mouth before she could stop herself. She cast an apologetic grin to Taka, but he just brushed it away with a kind smile. “But the government was starting to find them dangerous. The thing was, even when rebellions and insanity’s went against these Soldiers, they could not get killed. Not with bullets. Not with knives, not with a shortage of air, not with fire, not with drowning. They lived easily though it all, and adapted in seconds time. Demons were now starting to short out, and the Soldiers continued to live among the people. But humans were starting to get scared. Fear led to misconceptions, which lead to violence, and the Soldiers were classified as enemies.” “Several were captured, and were tortured with the most evil of the human brutality. The government called it ‘testing’ although it was nothing of the sort. It was just trying to figure out how to kill them. What was found out about them was this – they were not build like normal humans. They did not breathe air, and they did not have blood.” Maya shifted uncomfortably. ‘No wonder everyone was afraid of them, that’s scary shit.’ “They were creatures that, well, absorbed life.” Maya’s eyes widened. “They took into their bodies, through skin, noses, even their feathers the energy that humans emitted, plants, atoms. It was like a food, an air, and all that was required for them to sustain life. In a way, that’s how they gained their powers.” “A Soldier that was around a certain element for a long time would develop the powers of that life. For example, a baby Soldier that was raised along water would have the power to control water, and create it out of nothingness. A Soldier that lived in the wildness would have the power to manipulate the earth, and on certain occasions other could manipulate plants. But they all had one thing in common – and that was an incredible ability with fighting, and killing. They could learn the most difficult fighting techniques with just one look at them, and learn how to master a weapon in mere hours.” “Holy shit…” Maya whispered. Just thinking about it made her cringe. If they only found out what power they had over the humans, then humanity would be erased in a day at most. “Upon finding this out, the government freaked out. They had decided – war must start. And the only way to kill a Soldier would be to overfeed them on energy, to the point where they cant handle it anymore and just, well, explode.” “So the humans started a rebellion against the soldiers, forming large groups to destroy them as fast as they could. It would be called the “War or Life.” But even in attack, the soldiers did not dare kill a human. Hurt them badly, yes. But never has a human being died in the hands of a soldier.” “Therefore, they came upon the decision. They would kill all of the men Soldiers, so they can not breed. The government commenced in doing so, killing even the tiniest baby men Soldiers, because of their own fear and greed. The women were filled with despair, and even though they attempted to fight back, their pain held them back, and so they stayed hidden away, in parts of the world. As time passed, though, the Soldier women interbreed with the humans on earth.” “Fifteen years after the ‘Great Cleansing,’ came another rebellion of teenage Soldiers, who were shocked and disgusted with humanity for killing holy creatures that never even laid a finger on them. The same thing happened – the government managed to capture several men and women, and to their happiness, they found out that these soldiers still had an amazing ability to manipulate the elements, and their talent for learning moves and mastering weapons, but now they needed to breathe air, and lost wings due to the denseness of their bones, and no longer adapted to everything. This pleased the government deeply, and so they commenced in turning the humans against the men of the new rebellion. This time it was much easier to kill the new ones, and this time no lives were spared of the rebellion, women and men were killed alike. The pure-breads died, and the half-breeds intervened with humans again. Another 15 years later, the soldiers of 1/4th in their blood rebelled again, and it happened again, although the civilians had to need to be included in this particular cleansing, since it was much too easy.” “The government continues to watch the descendants of the soldiers, but they happen to be no threat at the moment, so they had left them alone, and now they lead normal human lives.” Maya took a couple of seconds to calm the crazy beating of her heart. “How could no one possibly know about this?” “After the Second Cleansing, all witnesses to the evens, along with everyone in the armies had their memories of Soldiers erased.” “and how do YOU know all of this?” “my grandfather worked for the government during all 3 cleansings, and with a tool that they had developed that no human knew about, embedded it with his DNA so every one of his descendants knows it, because its in their blood. He was killed after he decided to leave, since he couldn’t stand seeing innocents killed anymore.” “How…how could any of them possibly survive?” “Well, thanks to my grandfather, who was monitoring the space program, he let several of them slip through onto outer space. As you know, they live of energy; therefore, they had no problem living in space. Soldiers born on mars were known to be extremely violent and war oriented, with the power of fire, and ones born on Saturn were destructive and had the power of Darkness. Such things, of course, all from the Greek gods that powered over the planers. Of course, they age just like normal humans do, and die. When they die, they disengage into nothingness, probably becoming the energy that they had absorbed over time.” “So…she’s a purebread, eh?” Taka shook his head, his eyes filled with the same distance and confusion that they had when he first saw her. “Its impossible. If she walked around like that, for ATLEAST 15 years, she would have been killed in seconds. I cant figure it out – Soldiers cant disguise themselves. Unless…unless she is actually not a full-breed, but she found a way to take out the entire self during certain moments. I have no idea, but…all I know, is that there will be panic.” “Oh my…Taka, does this mean that the gates of hell are open, so to speak, and demons will be coming out?” Taka cringed slightly. “It might. And that’s not something to take lightly, either.” ((Authors Note: I'm sorry that this chapter is so short, but I needed it to tie the story together, as an explanation to the readers of what I'm getting at. ^_^ The main characters will return in the next chapter)) |