Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1147484-The-Dark-Wars
Rated: ASR · Other · Fantasy · #1147484
Feedback on my synopsis please? I made changes today thanks to some advice i recieved.
Kallista Daichu is an antique dealer who is the direct descendant of Morgan Le Fey. Morgan wants to use Kallista and her sister Solara Solomon to open the portal to Avalon so she can claim her full power and awaken her son Mordred. Kallista just wants to live a normal life and sell antiques, but when her powers are awakened, she realizes that she must use her power to fight against the forces that are after her. She also pledges to get revenge and save her friend and mentor, Moira, from her sister Solara, who walks a twisted path of what she perceives as justice.

1000 years ago during the age of Camelot, King Arthur engages Mordred for what would be the final time at the site of Stonehenge. The battle is long and intense as both sides suffer many losses. The battle ends with King Arthur plunging Excalibur into the stomach of Mordred, seemingly ending his life. Letting his guard down King Arthur did not realize that Mordred has enough energy for one last attack.

Mordred used this final bit of strength and plunged his blade, Draconis, into the back of King Arthur, mortally wounding him before falling back to the ground himself. Three women had been watching the battle: Nimue the Lady of the Lake, Guinevere the great king’s wife, and Morgan Le Fey, the mother of Mordred.

The three women decided it was best to take both Mordred and Arthur to Avalon, where both can sleep for eternity. But before they do this, they must seal away the dark power that Mordred possessed. The women seal them away in three stone tablets. Nimue and Guinevere decide that as punishment for her part Morgan must stay in the realm of men and watch over the tablets.

Nimue then proceeds to seal off most of Moira’s power as well and leaves with Guinevere to Avalon. Morgan watches in disdain as the two women leave with her son in tow. Morgan is enraged with this act vows to regain her full strength and get revenge by resurrecting her son to rule over all realms. Centuries pass and Morgan eventually changes her name and becomes Moira O’sheay. She waits until the time beings of sufficient power are born who have the innate strength to unlock the tablets powers, so she can use their power to open the portal to Avalon.

Moira eventually stumbles upon a child of her bloodline named Kallista Daichu and her half sister, who is the descendant of Merlin himself, Solara Solomon. She sees great potential in both of them and uses her vast influence she gained over the centuries to set them on different paths that she hopes will bring them into conflict.

As the years go by, she decides she must choose one of the girls to endear herself to. She chooses Kallista, because of her natural tendency to trust people. Moira earns her trust and becomes a mother figure to young Kallista. Moira then goes to work at the antique shop Kallista owns, knowing the time is now for her powers to manifest. Later that evening Kallista decides to stay behind and close the store. When she heads home, a strange event occurs and an abominable creature chases her into her apartment. It scares her so bad she falls down in her bedroom unconscious.

Meanwhile, a group calling themselves the Knights of the Holy Light has received word that the awakening of Kallista has happened. The leader of their organization, Jason Ravendark, calls upon his second in command Andrei Sergov to get a team together to deal with this situation. He assigns his strongest knight, Valencia Johansson to capture Kallista and bring her back to the Knights headquarters. All was going according to plan until an unknown group interferes. This unknown group is a team assembled by Moira. Acting on her orders, they rescue Kallista and bring her back to Moira’s mansion.

Meanwhile in the city of London, Solara sits in her den awaiting one of her servants who has information on three tablets she needs to complete her goals: open the portal to Avalon and claim the sword Excalibur. She plans to use the power of Excalibur to unite Britain and spare it and the world the rule of the current corrupt men and women who run the world’s governments. Her servant arrives with the news that the last known person having the tablets was an antique collector: Moira O’sheay.

Solara grins excitedly as she calls on her second hand man, Jackson, to grab her belongings and contact her other subordinate, a man who goes only by the name Vincent. She tells Jackson they are going on a trip to America to recover the three tablets.

Back in the states, Kallista begins training in the use of her powers by Moira and her students. The first to help Kallista train is Kari, a highly trained warrior from ancient Japan. The other person to help train Kallista is Dakota, a woman who can summon spirit beings from another realm to aide her in battle. Their job is to make sure she can defend herself from the people after her, namely The Knights of the Holy Light. The knights themselves are not resting on their heels either. After Valencia’s defeat at the hands of Moira’s group Jason tells Andrei to give her the Eye of Odin, a mystical artifact that will make her stronger and more durable.

Valencia reluctantly accepts only to have the Eye implant itself in her body at which point she is kicked out of the Knights of the Holy Light. Stunned and hurt, she leaves and looks for Kallista herself. Valencia uses her numerous contacts and investigative abilities to find Kallista’s location. She is stunned that The Knights of the Holy Light are their as well. Andrei asks her to help them capture the witch Kallista. Valencia turns down his request at first but Andrei quickly reminds Valencia what could happen to her if he so wills it. Angry and surprised she declines at first, but realizes what he can do and reluctantly accepts his offer and helps plan the attack on Moira’s home.

After an intense battle, Andrei and Valencia capture Kallista, Dakota and Kari and take them back to The Knights of the Holy Light headquarters. Kallista and her friends are put in the interrogation room and to Valencia’s surprise so is she.

Meanwhile on the other side of the city Solara has already found two of the tablets and now has the location of the third and final tablet. Her information leads her to the headquarters of the Knights of the Holy light where she proceeds to decimate them. During the carnage, Kallista and her friends escape from the interrogation chambers.

A strange being in all black hands Kallista one of the three tablets that Solara is after and tells her to keep it safe. Kallista agrees and her and her friends continue their escape only to run into Solara. Realizing that Solara wants the tablet Kallista has and is too powerful for them to stop Kari sacrifices herself against this seemingly unstoppable woman to give her friends time to escape.

Kallista escapes with Valencia and Dakota and goes to Kari’s home, where to their surprise Moira is waiting for them. After a few moments of unease Moira, Kallista, and Dakota agree to let Valencia join them on their journey to stop Solara or die trying. Moira tells Kallista that the woman who killed Kari will be heading to Old Sarum first, to get a scroll that will give her the directions to open Stonehenge. The four women rest up for the night before their long journey to Britain.

After easily dealing with Kari Solara walks to Jason’s office and forces him to turn over control of the surviving Knights. He reluctantly obliges and she orders them to prepare to depart for Britain, specifically to Old Sarum. Solara arrives in London and sends Jackson and her newest subordinate, Andrei, to Old Sarum to get the scroll. An intense battle ensues as the knights engage the monks who guard the scroll. This battle resulted in the death of many knights and the monks. Andrei and Jackson return with scroll in tow to Solara, who is waiting at Stonehenge for them.

Kallista and her group arrive in Britain. Moira leads them to Old Sarum, where they plan to get the scroll before Solara. To their astonishment and horror, the temple monks are completely decimated. Moira decides they must go to Stonehenge as soon as possible, so they leave the temple where they come face to face with Solara at Stonehenge. After an amazing display of power by Solara and Kallista, the final tablet that Kallista had leaves her side and falls in place by the other two tablets in Stonehenge.

Due the immense magical energy that was released by both Solara and Kallista the tablets seals are broken and magic flows freely in the world, resulting in the portal to Avalon opening before their eyes. Moira tries to save her students and tells Solara she knows what she seeks and how to retrieve it. Solara takes Moira and goes through the portal to Avalon.

Kallista and her friends follow behind Solara and enter the portal to Avalon. When they arrive, a golden figure with a pristine white light surrounding its body greets them. This figure is Nimue, The Lady of the Lake. She explains to the women what Solara is after and where she is heading. Kallista and her group then head out to stop Solara from accomplishing her goals.

Solara’s team makes their way into The Tomb of Mordred. Inside they make their way to Mordred’s inner chamber. Moira smiles for a brief second before telling Solara that the scroll she seeks is inside of Mordred’s sarcophagus. Solara orders Jason to open the sarcophagus of Mordred. He does and is immediately drawn into it. Moira smiles for a brief second before grabbing the scroll herself. As they are leaving they run directly into Kallista and her group. The resulting battle causes the cave to begin to crumble around them. Solara once again gets the better of Kallista. Solara opens a portal out of the tomb and escapes with Moira in tow.

Valencia and Dakota grab Kallista and barely escape the cave in of the tomb. Kallista is livid; once again, the woman escaped her grasp. She looks off the edge of the mountain and wonders what they are going to do next when suddenly Andrei and Jackson attack her. They defeat her, Valencia, and Dakota and take Kallista to Solara, who is forcing Moira to help her prepare some kind of incantation in a new circle of stones. Solara’s gloating ends as Moira tricks her and binds her to the center of this new stone circle with Kallista. Kallista smirks and tells Moira to release her, but instead of letting her go Moira finally reveals the truth; she is really Morgan Le Fey and the other witch is her sister Solara, whom she thought was dead.

Morgan then goes on to explain how she orchestrated everything that has happened in the women’s lives, from their separation to their confrontation all in an effort to get them to this point, where their magical powers have awakened fully and have blossomed due to them subconsciously competing with each other. An intense battle ensues, with Kallista and her sister Solara joining their powers together for the first time to trap the evil Morgan in an unknown realm.

After the battle, Kallista and her sister part ways, walking their own path. Kallista and her friends then vow to use their powers to fight for good, against the forces of darkness. She realizes that she cannot have a normal life and accepts her new fate, as the protector of our world.

The one thing that none of them knew was Jason’s true fate. He had not died, Morgan chose him to take her son Mordred’s place in the Void of Eternal Sorrow. Mordred thanked Jason and his mother, as Jason’s soul is sucked into the void. Mordred is then reborn in Jason’s now vacant body. He smiles broadly as he teleports himself out of his tomb, to parts unknown. The Dark Wars… have just begun…

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