Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1147391-My-Small-Family-Kicking-Eraser-Butt
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1147391
This is a story based on James Pattersons Maximum Ride Series. Its not finished.
I was running towards the cliffs, salty blood trickling down my face. I was worried about my sister and my brother but people were chasing me, and I had half the mind to run back and kick their butts.

“You will never escape us, we have factories all around the world and guess what…. We are all looking for you” said a deep gravely voice.

“Go eat tree bark, meat breath” I shouted back furiously.

I unfurled my dark wings and pushed off the ground and suddenly had the familiar feeling of gravity pushing me down. I pushed my wings up and down and got a steady pace going. Hovering in the air, I looked back and saw them shaking their fists at me and doing other things that I probably won’t mention.

I put my three middle fingers up and said “Read between the lines, suckers”.

I beat my wings and flew off into the sunset.


Sleep… isn’t it such a beautiful thing. Well it is until someone wakes you up at 2 in the morning. I opened my eyes and looked around wildly, raising my fists.

“Hey ummm… can I ask you something” asked a voice.

I calmed down and lowered my fists slowly. “Yeah, whatever Mike,” I said, “ask away”. He breathed out in relief.

I wasn’t a big talker and it sometimes took a lot to get me to say something. “Well I just wanted to ask, when are we going to leave this cave,” he asked quietly “and when are we going to find a place to stay”? I nodded my head in a knowing way.

Mike was my brother and well, you see, we are both part human, part avian. This basically means we have wings and other assorted powers both good and bad. But the thing is we were being chased by things called Erasers or Meat Breath’s as me and my brother like to call them. And trust me, we must taste like chicken or something, judging by the way they look at us.

“First of all, I don’t know when we are going to leave but probably when Ella gets back. Second of all, we can never stay anywhere because it’s too dangerous, with Erasers chasing us and everything.” I said really quickly.

He nodded his head and sat back down in his corner. Ella was our sister and was about a year older than me. She was our leader and was a very good one as well. We were all one small family looking for a place, where we were safe from the Erasers and from overall harm. Fluttering noises sounded at the entrance and eventually a loud thump. Mike ran towards the door shouting with joy because Ella was finally back.


I stood up, shrugging my shoulders as she glanced over at me. “Welcome home, Sis” I muttered.

“Yep, It’s good to be home, Sam” she replied.

I went over to her and pulled Mike off her. Ella has brown hair, green eyes, is tall and is about 14. Her wings were white with some blue slashes on them as well as green. She nodded thankfully towards me.

“So Mike, what’s been happening while I was gone,” Ella said kneeling down too Mike’s size.

“Well, Sam as usual hasn’t said much and we practiced fighting and flying sometimes. I pretty much had control.” he said.

Ella laughed and slapped Mike on the back. Mike had black hair, blue eyes, is tall for his age and was 9. His wings were pale yellow with black dots, which made them look a little bit like a cookie. I extended my wings to their full length and fluttered them a bit to loosen them up.

“So, are we leaving now?” I said to Ella.

I have brown hair, grey eyes and I am tall. I am 13 and I have black wings with white slashes on them. She nodded vigorously and started walking with Mike to the back of the cave. I shook my head and sighed. I turned around and followed them. The hairs on the back of my neck rose. I heard something but wasn’t sure what. I turned around slowly and saw a dark shape at the entrance to the cave.

“Did you miss me, Sammyboy?” the person said sharply.

I growled and spat on the ground, raising my fists at the same time.

“I sure as hell didn’t miss you, Kai!” I said viciously.


Kai chuckled and stepped into the cave. Kai was my arch-nemesis as some people might say. He was the one who tortured me at the School. Apparently he specially requested to torture me. He was the one who chased me into the night when I escaped the school.

“Ella, apparently we now have the honor of seeing Kai, the most idiotic one of them all” I shouted to the back of the cave.

Something told me that she had already left with Mike to safety.

“So, it’s just you and me, Sammyboy…. What are you going to do?” he growled.

He was already morphing. Oh, I forgot to tell you…. Kai is an eraser.

“What I’m going to do is kick your butt.” I shouted back.

I leaped towards him with a vicious side kick that caught him in the ribs. He seemed shocked that I actually got him first. He leaped up and slashed at me, but luckily I dodged. I circled around him and punched him in the muzzle. Blood gushed out of his nose. His tongue swished up and he licked all the blood away. Suddenly he leaped at me and caught me in surprise. He slashed at my arm and then again at my body. I was pushed onto the ground. I looked down at my body and saw huge gash marks on both my arm and body. My head started spinning but I still got up. I roared and felt fire run through my veins. My hands felt hot. I looked at them and they were glowing red. My hands were… on fire?


I looked up and saw Kai staring at my hands. I took the chance and punched him in the chest. Something sizzled and Kai yelped. Two huge burn marks were on his chest. He fell onto his knees and then eventually collapsed into unconsciousness. I went over to him and checked if he was alive. He was but his heart was beating slower than usual. I shrugged and left him there because I had more important things to do like finding my sister and brother.


“Mike….. Ella….. It’s safe to come out now” I shouted into the wilderness.

There was no answer. I flew above the pine forest that was below our temporary home, the cave, looking for any movement. I was starting to get worried but I held the worry in. There was nothing to worry about just as yet, they were probably just hiding. It was obviously another of Ella’s smart hiding decisions. Was that just me or did I see something move.

I shrugged to myself and swooped down to check it out. It was an Eraser writhing on the ground in pain. I sighed in disappointment. But at least it was a sign that Ella and Mike had been here. It also meant that Erasers followed them. I pushed myself back into the air and flew in the direction they went.

It came to a clearing, a big round one. It was a bit suspicious, so I stayed up in the swooping this way and that. I decided to land close to the clearing so I could sneak up on it to check it out. Do you know how hard it is to step on leaf litter without making noise…. Very hard. I couldn’t hover either because then I would be too easy a target. Do you see how being hunted changes your way of thinking? Instead of rushing in to a target, you start being careful. I carefully walked forward until I saw I small log house. I crept up to one of its windows and peeked in.

It was absolutely deserted and was a perfect hiding place if you catch my drift. I tried opening the door but it was locked. So I went to the window and pushed it. It was also locked. The only way I could get through this is if I had some tools. I sat down and thought of things to use to get in. A rock, a stick, my fist…. Fire?

I sat up suddenly at the thought of my new power. I hadn’t thought about it lately, but it seemed like it finally had a good use other than fighting. I searched my mind trying to find that little locked up space where my pyro powers were stored. I placed my hand on the glass and willed my hand to turn on fire. It didn’t work. I even sunk so low that I actually said “Flame on”.

I got aggravated and grunted in frustration. That seemed to do the trick because when I looked down my hands were once again on fire and I also felt that familiar burning feeling in my veins. The glass started to melt and it poured all over the ground, burning all the leafs and sticks on the ground. I pulled myself into the window and jumped in to the house.
© Copyright 2006 Nick S. (slashed_for_u at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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