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This story is about a girl named Jamie and how her white knight ruinned her completely. |
“Its so cold in here,” Jamie Adriana Jones said through her teeth, shivering. It was February 1, 2005 and she was sleeping in an abandon warehouse. The building used to be a nightclub and a factory that created car parts for Ford Trucks. Now, the building wasn’t anything but a place that looked as if it needed to be torn down. Jamie was sleeping in it for the time being. A cold and harsh wind scraped across her body. Jamie shivered again. She tried to cover herself tighter with the pieces of cloth that was once clothing. She found old sweaters, shirts, and pants that she can cover up with. They were tattered and had holes nearly as big as her. Jamie was becoming infuriated with the cold. “I can’t wait until the cold disappears!” she yelled. She got up and began to pace across the room. Jamie was becoming very frustrated with herself but tried not to pay any mind to it. She walked back to her pile of rags. She sat down hard and began to cry. She felt so powerless and vulnerable. “I don’t know what I’ve done. I’ve been a good person to everyone I’ve come across. If I wasn’t then I made sure I told them sorry. I’ve prayed to my GOD every day and night all my living days and I live in this…” Jamie looked around at her ‘home.’ It was so murky and shadowy in the room that she was surprised that she could see in it. The floor was absolutely filthy and crawling with rats and mice. A while ago she used to be terrified of rodents, insects or anything of the like. Now, she looked at them as an everyday thing. They don’t bother her and she doesn’t bother them. “I need a break from all of this. As time goes on I become so miserable and depressed. I can’t take it anymore.” She began to cry. Jamie cried for hours into the long and silent night. This was all she could do now. Then out of nowhere, a bird swept into one of the many broken windows. It stood in the shadows watching her. Once it came into light, she looked into its black beady eyes. She guessed it was a crow. It was a beautiful bird, one that demanded attention and respect. It was a magnificent sight. “Would you like something?” Jamie asked the crow with curiosity. It just kept staring. “I don’t have anything for you. I barely have anything for myself.” The bird still stared. Jamie sighed. Apparently she wasn’t going to get anywhere. Jamie laid back down to go to sleep. She then heard the crow come closer to her. It was right next to her head. She turned to see the bird face to face. It seemed to be asking for something. “What is it that you want?” Jamie asked almost desperately. The bird looked even deeper into her eyes. Jamie got up and sat with her legs crossed into a pretzel. The bird hopped into her lap. “I wonder what makes you think you can just come up in here and…” Jamie suddenly stopped. The bird was leaning against her chest, breathing lightly. Jamie looked down at the mysterious crow. It was gently pressing against her. The bird’s thoughtfulness touched Jamie. It was putting its trust in her. Jamie softly rubbed the crow’s head. It had a smooth and soothing feel to it. “It seems to me that you need a tender and friendly hand.” Jamie said to the bird. “Since you don’t have a name I know about, I’m going to call you Trent. That’s the same name as my long forgotten lover.” Jamie smiled just thinking about him. He was such a wonderful man. He was handsome and very wealthy. The only imperfection, or I should say imperfections that Trent Long had to face was his addictions. Trent had a lot of money and claimed he didn’t know what to do with it. He bought the material things, cars, clothes, jewels and mansions, but according to him, he wasn’t fulfilled. “Trent so was intelligent and wise but was also venerable to society.” Jamie said to the bird. “He just didn’t know what to do with himself.” Trent looked up at her. It seemed to be asking for something again. “Would you like to hear what happened to Trent and what he was all about?” The bird kept staring. “I guess I can tell you about Trent Long. I have nothing but time on my hands.” Trent, the bird, rested its head back on Jamie’s chest. There were a number of places you could start with Trent Long’s life. According to him, Trent had a wild and interesting lifestyle to some extent. He spent many days as a happy man in a short period of time. Since I can’t describe all the exact points in time that Trent experienced, I’ll start when he met me. It was July 17, 1999 when Trent Nathaniel Long crossed my path. I was sitting on the park bench, crying to myself. It was a bright and sunny day, but my world had just turned dreary. My mother had kicked me out of her home because I accused her husband, Victor Ross, of sexually abusing me for the past 10 years. She didn’t believe me and got tremendously hostile. She pulled a butcher knife on me and was ready to slaughter me like a plump pig. I had to leave, or else it was my head. “If you ever show your lying, nasty behind ‘round here again, I’ll slash you like a turkey on Thanksgiving Eve!” my disorderly mother said to me while I ran. I looked back and saw Victor waving at me with the most hideous and repulsive smile I’ve ever seen. It gives me dreadful chills just thinking about his gruesome face. “It’s your lost mother. I just hope he doesn’t stick his nasty private into places it doesn’t belong again!” Those were the last words I’ve said to my mother. I was 18 years old then. Now I’m 24, close to 25 years. It’s been almost 7 years since I laid eyes on my beautiful but blind mother. I’m not even sure if she’s still with him. Well that is another subject that I don’t intend to confront anytime soon. Now, while I was digesting the fact that my mother chose a man over me, a stranger approached me. I didn’t pay any attention to them because that wasn’t my main concern at the moment. I was trying to figure out what’s going to be my next move and when I was going to do it. “Excuse me miss?” A sultry voice asked close by. He had to be directing the question to me because I was the only one sitting near by. “I don’t mean to disturb you in any kind of way, but I couldn’t help but notice you crying here.” I still didn’t look up. “Can I be of any assistance to you?” I don’t think he was going to leave without an answer. “No.” I said briskly. I had to be can of rude to him because I didn’t want to be bothered by anyone. I know he was only trying to help but, my situation couldn’t be helped by anyone who didn’t know the half of the emotions I were going through. “Well, I’m sure I could probably do something. This might not be an awesome solution, but I could get you a cup of coffee. Maybe that will cheer you up.” I finally looked up. This man was actually trying to flirt with me. “I don’t think a cup of caffeine and a handsome guy like you can solve my problems.” I said with an amused but exaggerated attitude. He also seemed to be amused but knew where I was getting at. “I don’t want you to feel like I’m pushing you into anything. I don’t want to annoy, aggravate, hassle, or bother you in any way.” “Well, you’re doing an awesome job.” I started to walk away. This guy was really starting to bug me. I had to walk away from this Tom Cruise look alike. The guy started to walk after me. I just ignored him and his efforts. “I know I’m probably starting to bug you, but…” “Oh really, you think?” This guy really was a nut case. I begining to worry about him. I begin to pick up my pace. “You don’t have to walk so terribly fast. I just want to see you smile,” the guy yelled to me. I was a pretty good distance from him. I looked back and seen him standing, looking toward me. I just shook my head and turned back around. I had to get away from this area. I waved a taxi down and jumped in. I didn’t have anything except for a couple hundred that I snatch from Victor when he wasn’t looking. I would have to live off of that until then. I was heading toward Milwaukee downtown and there was no place to go and entertain myself until I knew I had to find a place to lay my head. At least there wasn’t anything free. I had to be very open-minded since I was now homeless. “We’re downtown Miss. Where are you off to now?” the cab driver asked very well mannered. I wasn’t sure where I was going to go. “I wasn’t exactly sure where I’m was going. I’m homeless at the moment, so can you think of any places I can go?” The cab driving had a thoughtful look on his face. “I don’t know where you can go. Would you like for me to take you to a shelter or something?” I shook my head hard. “Well, do you like books?” The cab driver asked with concern in his voice. “Yes, I do like books. Why do you ask sir?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “I was thinking you could go to the library. It’s free and they won’t kick you out if you’re homeless.” I thought about the idea for a moment. It was a great idea. I didn’t have any idea why I didn’t think of it before. It was a public place, and I didn’t have anything better to do. “Sounds good?” the driver asked. “Yeah, take me there. I guess a little education wouldn’t hurt at this point in my life.” The cab driver nodded and headed toward Central Milwaukee Public Library. The library wasn’t as packed as it usually is on a Saturday. It probably wasn’t that many people since school was out and everything. I was very glad that I graduated from the twelfth grade this year. I turned 18 years old on January 25th of this year, and now I’m considered legal. It’s July now and well into the summer. I walked into the library with what I left my mother’s house with. I only had a large purse, which contained only one pair of clothes I was able to grab before I left, a tube of burgundy lipstick and lip-gloss, foundation and five hundred dollars that I‘ve been saving. Other than that, I had nothing from my room or even my refrigerator. I was just a homeless nobody. The Milwaukee Central Library was very huge compared to the rest of Milwaukee’s libraries. It had three floors, including a basement. On the first floor, you can find the kid’s section, which is strictly dedicated to them. You’ll also find the adult section, that’s full of mysteries, romances, fictions and dramas. Further down the floor, there are research books. You know the books about wars, countries and stuff. Upstairs, there is the publishing room, where you can make color copies and read newspapers. Also upstairs, there is a section for musicians and historical moments in history. The Milwaukee Central Library isn’t a place of boredom. I decided to go the adult-drama section of the library. I would guess that I’d find something related to the situation I was going through. I went to a book that I seen and read many times before. Waiting to Exhale was on a little black rack with How Stella Got Her Groove Back right next to it. I know me personally needed to exhale, but it wasn’t about a man. I needed a break from all the suffering and trauma that was going on in my life. I needed to rely on the one thing that could possibly get me through this, and that was prayer. I needed to beg GOD for mercy right now. I grabbed Waiting to Exhale and headed toward the largest of the adult section. I went to my right and walked toward a large window. Whenever I came to read something, I would sit at my favorite spot, the second window from the wall. It was comforting to sit at the window and watch the people under me scurry around trying to get where they needed to go. I was at the point where I had nowhere to hurry to. I begin reading my book. It was just as good and exciting as if it were the first time I read it. I turned the pages with eagerness just to read what would happen next (even though I knew). Thirty minutes into my reading, I looked up with curiosity. There was someone near me, a man to be precise. I really didn’t pay him any mind because there were many others close by, but for some reason he grabbed my attention. I just shook off the feeling and kept reading. “I guess you really do like me,” a quiet, familiar voice said. I looked up from my book. I was looking up into the beautiful hazel eyes of the guy I met earlier that day. His was leaning his long, sculpted body against the tall wooden book shelf. I was quite spooked. “You don’t have to be so alarmed by my presence,” the guy said in a even quieter voice. “You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.” “Well, the way you’re popping up, I would guess you have some type of supernatural ability.” The guy smiled. He had a beautiful and friendly grin. “Are you following me?” I asked confused with a hint of anger. The guy suddenly pulled an appalling look on his face. “Well, excuse me miss. For your information, I had seen you come through the door of the library. So if you want to get into following people, how could you possibly know I would be here?” he asked with a challenging tone. “For your information, I didn’t know you would be here. This was the only place I knew I could go to that wouldn’t kick me out if I was homeless.” There was an awkward silence after I said that. I guess the guy was trying to figure out something to say without hurting my feelings. “I’ve noticed that we’ve gotten off to a bad start.” he smiled a very sweet and endearing smile. “The most sensible way to go about this is to give you my name.” I stared at him bewildered. “My name is Trent Long,” he extended his hand. I looked at his large pale hand with disgust. I know he didn’t think I was just going to shake his hand after he accused me of following him. I grew a sudden urge to cut him in two. Exactly who do he think he is? I rolled my eyes at him and turned my body slightly toward the window. I begin to read my book again. “I think you need to get away from me or else.” “Can you please tell me your name?” “Can you give me a pocket knife to gouge your eyes out?” “Can you give me the name of the beautiful girl that’s going to do it?” he said showing a cute boyish smile. “You are so lucky that you have charming qualities, otherwise you would have been cut up in fifty pieces before you hit this floor,” I said pointing at the beautiful marble floor. “I take after my mother.” “And you would have to be in a cell totally undressed with no mattress or cover looking at four walls for three days.” I looked at him with disbelief. “Why are you looking at me that way?” “I just didn’t think you would say something like that. You seem so naïve and inexperienced.” Now Trent was looking at me in disbelief. “I’m so going to act like I didn’t hear that. Now can we cut out all of this foolishness and get to what’s really important.” “And what’s that?” I asked with fake confusion. “The thing I’ve been trying to ask you all this time.” I sat and thought for a moment. I knew what he was speaking of, but I didn‘t tell him that. He wanted to know my name and I wasn’t sure to tell him. “Oh come on, don’t tell me your brain is that shot.” I shrugged. Trent sighed a deep and frustrated sigh. He put his head in his hands. “It could’ve been that important since I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Trent looked up. I looked into his beautiful brown, yellow and bluish eyes. I started to smile. So did he. “Why are you messing with me angel?” I smiled and turned my head away from him to hide my embarrassment. No one ever called me angel. I always wanted for my boyfriend to call me that. “I’m not messing with you. I’m just trying to figure out why are you trying so hard to please me.” I said very innocently while looking out the window. “I just want to see you smile. I’ve been telling you that, but you just haven’t listened.” he said with humorous anger. “I hate to see people miserable. It makes the world go slower, and I don’t want to stay here any longer than I have to.” I laughed quietly. “See I knew you could do it.” Trent just didn’t know how right he was. I couldn’t be mad and depressed all my life. I had things to worry about at this point, but I had to look at the bright side of this. At least I was breathing and able to have a conversation with this guy. “I wish I had an attitude like you. I have to figure out where I’m going to live for the next few days, what I’m going to eat and what I’m going to wear. This is a time where I should be worried,” A thoughtful look crossed Trent’s face. I looked at him with curiosity. “What? You’ve thought of something.” That sweet boyish smile crossed his face. “Well… I was thinking maybe you could possibly stay with me.” My mouth dropped to the floor. This guy really lost it now. “Why do you look so surprised? I mean you aren’t the only person I’ve ever taken in before. I’ve taken in total strangers that had drug problems and mental issues. I’ve had people take an advantage of me and even tried to take everything I have. Whatever you try to pull on me won’t surprise me.” He smiled again. I guess he was satisfied with himself. “I know you just told me that you’ve taken in total strangers and all, but you don’t know me enough to bring me into your home and care for me and whatnot. You don‘t even know my name.” He smiled a sly, almost evil smile. “I would yell at you, but we’re in a library so I’m going to ask you this in the nicest way I possibly can, okay angel? I nodded. “What is your name?” “It starts with a j and ends with an e.” I said in an innocent almost childish manner. He smiled. I guess he decided to play along. “Okay sweetheart, would you like for me to guess?” I nodded. He sounded like he would have been a father catering to his precious daughter. I sometimes wish my father was there to devote himself to me. Maybe I wouldn't be in this mess that I‘m in. “Alright angel. If I guess correctly, can I get you that cup of coffee that I’d offered earlier?” I nodded eagerly. "Okay, is your name, James?" I looked at him in disgust. "Does it look like my damn name is James?" "Okay so maybe I was a little wrong for that, lets try again." He put his large hand on his gorgeous face and begins to think. "Is your name Jimmie?" I shook my head. "Does it happen to be Jamie?" I looked at him bewildered. How could he get it after the third, or should I say second try. He really was magic. "That must be your name because you have a cute astonished look on your face. The princess name is Jamie." I smiled at what he said. He called me a princess. "Now that I know your name, I guess it would be legit to take you into my home? I shrugged. Trent smiled. "All I need is your permission sweetheart." I thought about the offer he was giving me. I don't know this man or anything about him and I knew I should've walked away. It was like talking to a stranger. You know in your heart that he's not right, but the candy he offering is too hard to resist. In this case, it was candy I needed. I looked at my options. I had no house or family to look forward too so it was either a shelter or a permanent spot under the freeway. He was offering a free place to stay, eat and sleep until I got on my feet. It was an one time offer. I wasn't sure which route to take. "So, your final answer." There was a long pause. "I think I'm going to take you up on that offer." Trent smiled. "I'm ready whenever you are." He held out his hand toward me. I placed mine in his. A sensation ran through my body when I touched him. I'm not sure if it was a warning or a connection. It didn't matter, I had a home. After we left the library, I turned and looked at his lovely face. I thought to myself "what's the worse that can happen." I told myself that over and over again to convince myself as we road to his mansion in a Hummer H3. |