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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1147154
The evil The Chosen Ones of Dark are supposed to fight appears.
Chapter Two: Frozen

Samara and her friends were once again sitting by the river not far from their houses. They had had their stones for two months now and they had learned how to control them.
Samara lay down in the grass and sighed. The sun warmed her face. She lazily brushed her blood-red bangs out of her eyes. Kasumi brushed some of her long hair behind her. Her hair was silver and had light blue highlights in it. Gaki’s hair was dark blue and had sliver highlights. Michiro’s hair was dark green and he spiked it.
They just stared at the slow moving river; occasionally they spoke to each other but always in Double Talk so that if anyone came by they wouldn’t understand. Suddenly, a black cloud rolled across the sun casting them into shadows.
“What’s going on?” Samara asked as they got to their feet. She had gone back to talking in English.
“You tell us,” Kasumi replied also going back to English. She pointed to where the center of the cloud was.
“That’s where my house is,” Samara said. They ran to her house and burst in through the front door.
“Mom?” she called. The house was cold and everything seemed to be frozen in time.
“Mom!” she cried running over to her mother. Her mother was sitting on the couch reading a book but she wasn’t moving.
“Midge,” Gaki said. “Do you sense that?” Samara turned toward the stairs. She could sense a strong energy coming form the attic. They ran up to the third floor where the attic was.
They walked up the attic steps and saw four nine-year-old girls standing in the middle of the room. They all knew who the younger girls were. They were the Evils. The leader of the group was Samara younger sister Lyric. Lyric and Samara’s other younger sister Trista had formed the group because Samara wouldn’t let them be in hers. Lyric had convinced their friends, Hailey and Katsumi to join as well. Trista was second in command. Hailey was third in command and Katsumi was fourth in command. They were standing in a circle chanting in Latin. Lyric was leading them.
“When did they learn Latin?” Michiro asked. Samara shrugged.
“What are they saying?” she asked. “I didn’t pay much attention in Latin class last year.” Michiro blinked for a minute thinking about what they were saying.
“They’re saying spell,” he said.
“What spell?” Samara asked, afraid of what it would be.
“Something about freezing time so that they can fight us,” he said. “But some of their Latin is off so I can’t be sure.” Samara nodded. She looked over at Trista. Their eyes locked for a second. Trista smirked at Samara and then returned to the chant.
“Stop it!” Samara yelled. The chanting trailed off.
“How dare you intrude on my chant?” Lyric hissed.
“How could you freeze mom?” Samara asked. “You froze mom!”
“I’ll do anything to get rid of you Almighties,” Lyric said putting her hands out in front of her. Black sparks of electricity shot from her palms. Samara screamed in pain as the sparks hit her. She fell to her knees.
“Samara get up!” Kasumi yelled. “Fight her!” Samara struggled to her feet.
“’Kay,” she said through gritted teeth. “Gotcha.” She put her hands in front of her and shot flames at Lyric. Lyric formed a shield around herself. She laughed and turned the sparks to flames.
That’s my power! Samara thought as she absorbed the fire. How did she learn to use my power? Each of the Almighties had a power. Well in Kasumi and Gaki’s cases two. Kasumi’s powers were ice and air. Gaki’s were water and lightning. Samara’s was fire and Michiro’s was earth. Gaki and Kasumi got two powers because they were the first and second in command. They all had healing powers but that didn’t really count because healing wasn’t an element.
“Lyric?” Trista asked stepping forward.
“What?” Lyric asked.
“Can I finish her off?” Trista replied.
“Finish me off?” Samara snapped. “What do you mean?” Trista smiled darkly.
“I’ll show you.” Lyric stopped the fire but Samara hardly noticed, she was concentrating on what Trista was going to do. Trista formed daggers made of ice in her hands. Samara gasped and looked over at Kasumi. She was squinting at Trista.
Suddenly, her eyes widened but not with fear, she understood what Trista was going to do.
“Samara move!” she yelled. “She’s going to…” Trista jumped at Samara. Samara leapt backwards just before one of the daggers stabbed her. Trista tried again but Samara dodged her easily.
Why is she playing with me? she thought angrily. This can’t be what she meant by finishing me off! Trista had a strange look on her face. It was almost like she wanted to warn Samara about something but then it was like she really wanted to hurt her.
“Trista what is it?” she asked as she dodged her again. “What are you trying to tell me?”
“Keep your mouth shut,” Lyric snapped at Trista. “And keep your face strait!” Immediately, Trista’s face went blank. Samara caught the younger girl’s wrist as Trista tried to stab her again.
“Is this what you call finishing me off?” she asked. “This is hardly even a challenge.” Trista smirked and shoved her backwards.
While they had been fighting Hailey and Katsumi had formed a cage of ice. Samara fell into it and Trista sealed it except for a small gap.
“Let me out!” Samara yelled. The younger girls moved in front of her.
“Why should we?” Hailey asked smirking at Samara.
“Midge hold on, we’re coming,” Gaki said.
“No,” Samara replied. “This is my fight.” She tried using her powers to melt the cage but it just bounced back. Then shards of ice rained down from the top of the cage.
“You can’t escape Samara,” Lyric said. “Fire has no effect on the cage.” Samara yelled in frustration and pounded her fists against the side of the cage. Suddenly the ice shot out and trapped her against the back wall.
“Now can we help you?” Gaki asked.
“No!” She yelled as she tried to get free.
“You must really want to lose then,” Katsumi said. Lyric clicked her fingers and the cage disappeared. The girls formed a ball of black energy.
“Midge c’mon let’s just go,” Gaki said edging toward the stairs. Samara nodded and ran toward the stairs. Lyric laughed.
“No so fast big sister,” she said. They threw the energy ball at her. It hit Samara in the back and she flew into the wall on the landing of the steps. She slumped down onto the landing.
“Midge!” Gaki cried. Her friends ran over to her. She sat up gasping for breath. Her vision was becoming blurry.
“Now get out,” Lyric said waving her hand.
They suddenly appeared back at the river.
“We have to beat them,” Samara said hoarsely. Then she blacked out.
© Copyright 2006 Izumi-hime (izumi-hime at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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